ESD Assignment

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DATE 17-11-2022

Hardware So ware Co Design


Santosh V Hegde
Assignment: Semester-1
Reg.No : 2022HT01035
Email :
The Lab Session Performed on Date: 17 – 11 – 2022

Time Duration: 02 PM TO 04 PM

SESSION ID: c21668244171470

Folder Name in FTP Folder: 2022HT01035

QA. Write a C program for displaying the voltage difference between the terminals of the potentiometer on the LCD
Display present in the LPC2378 kit. The Potentiometer is connected to AD0.0 pin of LPC2378. This program is to be
done using remote lab and Keil uV4 . Capture the screenshot of the LCD display showing the voltage value.

(* Missed screenshot in Remote Machine due to Disconnec on ☹, has furnished local, But managed to take Setup

With 0.72 V

Date: 17-11-2022 1
QB. What is the smallest change in input voltage that the ADC can detect?

Vref / 210 (10Bit ADC)
 3.3/2^10
= 3.3/1024
= 0.0032V
= 3.2 mv

QC. What is the clock frequency of ADC of LPC2378?

PCLK = Clock Freq / APB Divider
PCLK < 4.5 Mhz,
Eg: If Clock Frequency is => 12Mhz,
AD0CR = 00210201
Then, 12MHz / (0x02+1) = 4MHz

QD. Give the steps to program mer for 2 second delay genera on with calcula on.
Peripheral Frequency = CPU Clock / APB divider
 Count = (12Mhz * Required Delay) - 1
 = (12MHz * 2000ms)-1
 = 2399999
 T0MR0 = 2399999 (Loading match register value)
 T0PR = 9 (Loading Prescalar register value)
 T0PC = T0TC = 0 (Initialize T0PC and T0TC registers)
 T0MCR = (1<<0)|(1<<2) (Select operations using match registers when match is encountered.)
 T0TCR = (1<<0) (Start the Timer by enabling it through T0TCR register)
 while(!(T0IR&(1<<0))) (Wait till the interrupt and then clear the flag by writing T0IR register.)
 T0IR = (1<<0) and then clear the flag by writing T0IR register. Writing a logic one to the
corresponding IR bit will reset the interrupt. Writing a zero has no effect.

Date: 17-11-2022 2

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