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1. What's your favorite country so far?

2. What can't you travel without?
3. Do you prefer solo travel or with someone else?
4. What home comfort do you miss the most?
5. What has been the most interesting item of food you've tasted?
6. What food from your home country do you miss the most?
7. Which country makes the best coffee or tea?
8. Who is the most interesting person you've met so far?
9. What's been your scariest moment?
10. What was your most embarrassing moment?
11. How many foreign words have you learnt so far?
12. What's the longest you've been away from home?
13. What's your dream job?
14. Train or bus?
15. If you won the lottery, what would you spend the money on?
16. Beer or wine?
17. What's been the best street food you've had?
18. What destination have you found to be overrated?
19. City or countryside?
20. Do you prefer to walk, take public transport, or take private transport?

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