Test Unit 3-1

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Julieta Caprio – 4th test unit 3

Page 1

1- 1-couldn’t 2-will be able to 3-can 4-can 5- can’t

2- 1-can scientists clone 2-can animals help 3-will be able to doctors transplant 4-will be able
to computers think 5-can smoke damage 6-could nanobots fight

3- 1-james could be athlete older 2-you must tired after journey 3-you can’t be serious. I dont
believe you 4-the doctor may try a new treatment

4- 1-they must have been on holiday 2-joana can’t have got married yet 3-he might have cut
down on chocolate 4-they could have arrived early

5- 1-have to 2-don’t have to 3-mustn’t 4-shouldn’t 5-should

Page 2

1- 1-you can’t be hungry. you just ate 2-you should stop your car when the lights are red
3-scientists can clone animals 4-I might going swimming, but i’m not sure yet 5-we must have
to go the school on Sunday

2- 1-because the school demands that they have to use for a matter of status 2-Yes, I was good
at volleyball but I could have been better 3-because you took my pen without permission but I
shouldn't be mad 4-they can't, they have to finish all pending work 5-he might have lung
cancer, but we have to do studies to determine it 6-doctors will be able to do brain transplants

3- 1-can’t 2-don’t have to 3-must 4-you have to go 5-won’t be able to 6-mustn’t 7-have to
8-don’t have to 9-can’t 10- might 11-will

4- 1-countries could have fought and created wars for more land 2-doctors couldn't have able
to treat most illnesses 3-people living in different parts of a country can't speak different

5- 1-i might live in italy or korea being an architect 2-I hope I’ll be able to get married and have
a ferret 3-I may not be a millionaire but I have enough money for myself

Page 3

Task 1

1-b 2-a 3-c 4-a 5-a

Task 2

1-In the noth of wales 2-smole insides 3-inside the castle 4-land lood traditional


Hello, I am Julieta, a citizen from San Justo. I have read in the local newspaper that they are
going to do a motorway near my city. I think it is a wonderful idea since it would make it easier
for citizens to mobilize, also as it is a small city there will be no problems with traffic and there
will be more employment for the unemployed people. I am satisfied with the idea and totally

Yours faithfully
Julieta Caprio – 4th test unit 3

Page 4

1- 1-prevention 2-sufferig 3-development 4-traetment 5-discover 6-prevention 7-transplant

2- 1-discoveries 2-cures 3-transplant 4-cause 5-developing 6-cloned 7-cure 8-suffer

3- 1-get over 2-work out 3-cut down on 4-take out 5-take up 6-turn off 7-call on

4- 1-call on 2-ive up 3-take up 4-cut down on 5-work out 6-go without

Page 5

Task 1

1- it was made of with glass and Steel giant 2-very comfortable impresión 3- 4-compare
other channeks 5-to five-minute walk

Task 2

1-b 2-a 3-c 4-a 5-c

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