Spirits Chapter V: A Selfless Captain

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Spirits Chapter V: A Selfless Captain

Chapter V: A Selfless Captain

Blinking against the measly sunlight that snuck its way past her blood-red curtains, the young lady in her black silky nightgown sat up straight on her enormous bed. Her nightgown was around six inches above her knees with elegant laces sewed around the hem. Lifting her slim ankles up, she slid herself out of the soft bed sheets and blanket and wrapped her hands around her ankles before she glanced at the mirror by her bed. The young lady licked her red lips at the rather provocative nightgown she wore and adjusted a loose strap back up to her shoulder. Sitting up on her knees, she snapped her fingers as five tall, broad-shouldered males walked into her room with their duties ready. The two males in the middle approached the bed, almost cautiously, and lifted the young lady from her bed and carried her in between them to the washroom. Julie Xieng always had servants by her side, no matter where she went. After dipping herself in a hot bath, the male servants washed her hair and scrubbed her back. Julie closed her eyes as she thought about the events that occurred recently. Playing with a curly strand of her hair unconsciously, Julie thought about her sister Mimi who was probably running around Mizunam in circles. Julie thought about all the effort she must plan ahead of time to rid the palace of Mimi, the youngest of the triplets. Even though Julie knew Mimi was her identical sister by nature, Julie had always detested Mimi because of one reason. Mimi believed in the idea of forever. For as long as Julie could remember, Mimi had always been enthusiastic and optimistic about everything. Mimi believed that everything in this world lived on forever. The day that their father died, Julie remembered standing in the back and watching her two sisters Ada and Mimi in front of his body. Ada became tearful and started crying. With a soft touch on her shoulder, Ada became startled and placed her teary eyes up at her younger triplet. Mimi simply nodded with a soft smile. Father is still with us, Sister, Mimi reassured. Father will always live with us forever. Always. Opening her eyes, Julie felt a shiver down her body at the faint memory. How could their father live with them forever if he was dead? Julie played with the concept in her mind. The food on the dining table never lasted longer than half an hour, especially with Mimis appetite. The flowers in her garden would eventually wilt and die. Soon, the clothes she wore on her body would be unusable and thrown away. Julie could not wrap her mind around such a childish idea. Nothing lasted forever. Heaving her body out of the hot water, Julie felt soft white towels wrapped around her body immediately. Dropping her left foot out of the tub, one of the male servants started his duties of wiping her legs and then the rest of her body of droplets. Soon enough, another man hurried over and adorned her with a new chemise and corset before the whole gown was tied and secured around her hourglass figure. Petting the servant affectionately against his right cheek, Julie slipped her small feet into her associated footwear. Swinging her hair back, Julie adjusted her neck before she grabbed a brush on the way out, ready to brush her hair on her way to her bedroom. The five males obediently followed her to her room.

On her way to her room after taking a satisfying bath, Julie stopped without warning and caused the row of men behind her to almost bump into her. The men followed her gaze to a certain man standing a distant away just inside the palace. Julie never wavered her eyes off him as she hurriedly brushed her hair and tossed the brush back to one of her male servants. Straightening the ruffles on her gown, Julie stood up straight and walked as ladylike as possible toward the man she spotted. The man she spotted was busy paying attention to the two knights guarding the door to the main room of the palace to notice her hurried movements to him. Placing his forefinger on his chin, the raven-haired male thought about something for a few seconds before he blurted various comments to the two knights. The two knights stood, unresponsive to the sounds. The male garbed in loose white clothes continued to talk to the two quiet knights and made various faces before he finally sighed and shrugged, as if he had gave up his plight. You two are more impassive than a couple of obedient servant girls, The man commented, shaking his head. I have to work harder next time then. Julie watched the older man in amusement as she closed the distance between them more and more. Although the man was probably much older than her, Julie did not mind talking to him. Finally, at the close proximity, the man noticed her presence and confronted her with a bright smile. Julie looked up at him innocently. Usually, she would not act so innocent but it was the best way to talk to Uncle Kiao. Hmm Kiao cocked his head to the side, stamping his left foot. Youre Julie right? Princess Julie? Julies eyes widened. Have you finally differentiate me from my sisters? Kiao laughed suddenly, causing Julie to lift both her eyes up in surprise. Kiao cocked his head to the side again. Well, its pretty easy if your two sisters arent home eh? Julies eyes glowed in renew anger. Kiao petted her on the head as he winked. I love it when you show your fury like that. Turning away, Kiao was about to walk when Julie caught his arm unexpectedly. Kiao returned his attention to her. Something not to your liking Princess? Your spouse is not here with you is she? Julie asked unexpectedly. A sign of seriousness was hinted in Kiaos almond-shaped eyes. No, she is not. Is my aunt well? Julie asked, slightly concerned. She is not feeling well, Kiao admitted. But its only natural for her. Natural? Julie asked, confused. My wife is pregnant, Kiao stated clearly. Some color was lost in Julies cheeks. Pregnant? The Light Masters confirm a baby girl, Kiao answered. We are planning to name her Rosemary, after the flower found along with the Goddess Mizunam. Julie bit her ruby lips and said under her breath, Is that so? Kiao noticed the distaste in her tone almost immediately, Julie, you cannot Kiao sighed and indicated at the washroom she left earlier. Can we please speak about this situation somewhere else? Julie looked at Kiao bitterly but she complied, nodding at her men to leave her presence. The five men obeyed her without question and left without another word. The two knights nodded at Julie as well. Without warning, Kiao clasped Julies wrist and

forcibly tugged her toward the washroom. Closing the door behind them, Kiao sighed once more and returned his attention to Julie. Julie you have to stop acting like this Kiao said warningly. Julie glanced away, frustrated. You always treat me like a child. Thats because you are a child, Kiao said sternly. I am not a child, Julie retorted. I am seventeen now. You are still a child, Kiao repeated. You do not have to treat me nicer just because Ada is not here anymore, Julie said irritably. Ada has always been your favorite. She was the only one you pick up and twirl around without a care in the world. You never do that to me. Like I said, Julie, I dont want to discuss this with you, Kiao said, placing both hands on her shoulders. You have to tell yourself that I am a married man. I cannot return your affections. I cannot return anyone elses affections. I do not favor Ada or Mimi more than you. Kiao closed his eyes and inhaled slowly. You have to give up on this cause now. I want you to promise me this. Retreating from his touch, Julie shook her head stubbornly, Never! Julie, you are still a child I am not a child, Julie repeated once more. I have feelings too. I know whom I like and whom I do not like. I cannot control my feelings. Who are you to tell me that I have to ignore my feelings and pretend they do not exist? Kiao growled and slammed a fist against the wall behind him. I never said you do not have feelings. I am saying that you misplace your feelings on a married man! Kiao glanced away, upset. I know you are an intelligent girl, Julie. You are frighteningly intelligent. I just dont understand why you would go through all the trouble to snatch a married man from his wife. Must there be a reason for me to love you so much? Julie asked fiercely. Kiao covered his face with his hand. Its my fault. Its all my fault He muttered under his breath. I should have told you to give up from the very beginning. I should not have allowed you to pursuit me for this long. Kiao shook his head as he faced Julie once more. Not only that if anything was to happen between us Something did happen between us in the past, Julie asserted. I was not conscious, Kiao countered. He returned to his original train of thought. There could never be anything between us because Im your Uncle and youre my niece and a Princess of Mizunam. I am willing to sacrifice my title for you, Julie said quickly. Any woman can make that promise, Kiao answered. Not many will go through with it, and especially not an ambitious girl like you Julie. Julie dropped her head upon his chest. You know I will do anything for you, Kiao. Anything. I will give up everything. I will accomplish the impossible if necessary. Kiao gently removed her head from him and spoke softly, This is merely a childish crush. Nothing more. Julie shook her head stubbornly. I know a childish crush All of us once had a childish, daughterly crush on our father an unconscious wish to marry our father a feeling that our father is the only one we can ever love but we are growing now, Kiao. We know how to differentiate a crush from a stronger feeling of love.

That may be true, Kiao said gently. But you have no right to separate a married man from his wife. This is adultery you are trying to commit. I am willing to sacrifice my reputation, Julie said firmly. I respect you, Julie, Kiao said in respond. And I want you to keep your reputation. I want you to marry someone worthy, not a commoner like me. Kiao Julie started when Kiao removed his eyes from her and moved them to the door. Kiao was about to take a step when Julie wrapped her arms around his midriff without warning. Please Kiao please Its no use, Julie, Kiao said, trying to be as cold as possible now. Even if you find all the Spirits that Im searching for and my real parents, I still cannot love you. Are you sure about that? Julie asked, daring. Even if your wife passes away I gave up my freedom for that woman, Kiao said sternly now. He did not like people mentioning his wife or her curse. Even if she were to pass away, I would never remarry. Never. Julie clutched onto him. I do not need a title Julie, stop, Kiao said, trying to release himself from her grip. There are millions of men out there who are wealthier, more educated, younger, and more sophisticated than I. I am nothing but an orphan who was left behind by his parents in an orphanage. Kiao stopped and looked down. And a married man. Without warning, Kiao threw her off him before he opened the door. I am here to meet your Mother to discuss about the disappearance of your sisters. I am not here to play games with you. I am not a child! Julie blurted, glaring after him. Kiao felt sorry for her. Julie had always been spoiled. Kiao knew he was probably the first thing she wanted that she could not get and that irritated her. Moving his hand slowly on her cheek, Kiao placed a soft kiss on her forehead before he closed the door behind him. Julie slammed her fist against the door he closed behind him and crumbled to the floor with her long hot-pink hair scattered around her. Curling her hands into a fist, Julie felt tears trailing down her cheeks like a light shower of rain. Why is it always Auntie Joan? Julie asked herself. I am much prettier than her. I am younger and more intelligent than her. I am also a Princess and not one of cursed blood like hers. Why does Uncle Kiao not treat me like the woman I am? Her hand reached up to stroke the black pendant around her neck. No matter when Mimi is out of the picture and when Ada is under my control I will show him. Julie licked her ruby lips as she stood up with swollen eyes. She went over to her mirror and started with her black makeup. He will have to pay attention to me when the Spirits are under my control Julie licked her black lips now. Right Amanda? At the question, in the mirror, a tall, slender woman appeared right next to Julie and placed her comforting hands on Julies shoulders. Yes, Julie. I am your Guardian Spirit and I will do everything to win Kiao over for you. Thank you Amanda, Julie said, nodding. Kiao will be mine if its the last thing I do. Julie glanced at her Guardian Spirit. How is the search for Mimi going? Mimi should be eliminated shortly, Amanda said confidently. Unlike Ada, Mimi lacks any skills to defend herself. It should not take long. Excellent, Julie smirked as she applied mascara to her face. I already have everything ready for Ada. Ada is actually harder to deal with than Mimi. I cannot afford

to eliminate Ada like I can with Mimi. Ada is much too valuable for that. She also has a Guardian Spirit with her as well. Julie petted her pendant. Little Ada always Fathers favorite I wonder what she is doing right now Knowing her, Amanda said suddenly. She is getting into trouble. That sounds like stubborn Ada all right, Julie said. Although we are triplets and we like the same things, we are also very different as well. We have the same romantic interests, the same hobbies and favorites, the same habits, but we have different talents and views. Even triplets cannot be completely the same, Amanda stated. Ada where are you now Sister dear? Julie asked with a devious smirk on her face. When will you come out from hiding and greet me? ****************************** The whole crew on board the ship was in total chaos this morning and Ada was left out from all of it. The men were scattered all over the deck and even Sophie was nowhere in sight. Expecting to hear some news from Cal, Ada instead was reassured by almost every other of the crew except Cal. Beau had been especially nice to her and spoke words of comfort, but it did nothing to lessen her curiosity at the events happening outside her door. Leaning up on her tiptoes, Ada tried desperately to watch through the opening on the upper half of her door to watch the events outside. When this failed, Ada grabbed a chair and climbed on to catch glimpses of the men outside. However, the vision was so blurry from one side of the opening to the other, Ada could not make out any member of the crew. Everyone looked like moving blobs of colorful ink. Sighing, Ada climbed down from her chair and thought about what happened last night. As fuzzy as her memory was this morning, she remembered Lucas carrying her back to the ship after she fell asleep in the lingerie shop. Tightening her fists at the memory, Ada sat down on the chair and stamped her feet unconsciously. Lucas dragged her around town to buy her the items she demanded earlier, from chemises to shoes. However, at every one of those shops, Lucas seemed to know the owner and decided to flirt with the woman in charge. The lingerie shop was the last straw (Lucas said as quoted by Ada, Are you sure you dont want to try the lacy or leather underwear? Those really make my heart boil.). After she bought herself a suitable number of lingerie, she became sleepy and fell into his back from exhaustion. Lucas sighed and carried her back to the ship. Something must have happened when he carried her back to her ship because he did not touch her at all for the rest of the night. Suddenly, the door swung open and knock her out of her thoughts and chair. Ada fell headfirst on the ground and groaned. She heard quick footsteps to her as two strong arms lifted her off the ground. Meeting Beaus purple eyes, Ada dragged them away, only to meet Lucass raven eyes. Of course, Lucas failed to knock on her door like always. Ada cringed against Beaus chest as Lucas gave her a stern look. Without warning, Lucas grabbed a hold of right foot in which she immediately returned her attention to him with a murderous look in her eyes. You have no right to touch me, Ada said clearly. Stop that, Lucas growled. Stop what? Ada asked, irked.

Stop shaking that right foot of yours left and right like a moving pendulum, Lucas said, almost angry. Ada gazed at him, shocked. Every time youre nervous or scared, your right foot cannot stop quivering. Its annoying. Stop that habit. Intense fire burned in Adas eyes. I stop my habit if you stop yours, Lucas. Ada blurted out of fury. Unless you stop placing her legs on top of tabletops, you should not criticize my behavior, you pirate scum. Lucas had no time to argue with Ada today. You know what, woman? Sophie is nowhere to be seen. You should be happy I havent murdered you yet. Ada glared at him without fear. Lucas kicked the chair away from himself and broke it into two pieces against a wall. Ada gasped at the sight of the broken furniture. You stay put, you hear me? Beau! Beau quickly straightened his posture at the sound of his name. You make sure she stays in this room. She is not allowed to take a step out or else Ill whip you next. You understand? I hear you loud and clear, Captain, Beau said obediently. Good, take care of this witch for me, Beau, Lucas said before he slammed the door close. Ada stuck her tongue out after him. Thats strange Beau commented as he dropped Ada back on her feet. The Captain is acting quite abnormal today. Abnormal? Ada laughed falsely. That man is as arrogant and egotistic as always! How is anything he said abnormal? No, that part is not abnormal, Beau laughed along with her. Ada watched carefully for that lopsided smile she learned to admire. Its the lack of temper Im worried about hes usually calm You are right, Ada realized, glancing at the door. What exactly is going on? I cannot tell you that, Miss Ada, Beau said with a shaky smile. Im sorry. Ada pouted and laid a hand on Beaus elbow. You can tell me Beau Beau took a step backwards with that shaky smile still on his face. I prefer not to if I want to keep my head on my shoulders Ada smirked as she lunged and grabbed a hold of Beaus belt. Beau dropped his jaw at her attack at his waist. Ada held the belt threatening in her hands. Beau if you do not tell me what is going on this instant Ada flashed him an innocent smile. I may have to drop your pants. You wouldnt dare, Beau shook his head. Are you willing to place the lower half of your body on the line? Ada asked. Beau shook his head further. I will not underestimate you next time, milady. Are you telling me? Ada asked with a smile on her face. You know Beau said, lowering his head to her height. I actually dare you to take off my pants. Ada reddened dramatically. But Beau added suddenly. Lucas will kill me if anything were to happen between us so I prefer to stay on the Captains good side. Beau gripped Adas wrist. Release your hold on me and I will tell you. Gladly, Ada released her grip on his belt. Ada reddened at his touch. Russ is kidnapped, Beau answered at last. Kidnapped? Ada dropped her jaw in surprise. The kidnappers left a note in which only the Captain read. Right now, Cal is in his new room probably crying the poor kid he lost his buddy Beau said sadly. As for the rest of the crew, Flaine is probably going to be whipped.

Whipped? Ada gasped as she placed a shaking hand on her cheek. Flaine? Why? Why is he going to be whipped? Because Russ was kidnapped under his leadership, Beau answered. This is absurd! Ada cried loudly. This is the usual punishment, Miss Ada, Beau said coolly. Russs kidnap is not Flaines fault! I am to blame! Ada said in shock. Ada pushed Beau aside as she ran toward the door, only to be stopped midway there by Beau. Let me go this instant! Ada commanded. You heard the captain, Beau said. He said you are not to leave this room. Is he afraid I will stop this injustice? Ada asked incredulously. I am under orders, Miss Ada. I am sorry. Beau said. You listen here, Mister Beau Livingston! Ada addressed to him by his whole name as she stabbed a finger hard into his chest on her tiptoes. If anything happens to Flaine, I am not going to forgive you or the Captain! You should not worry about this, Miss Ada, Beau said, holding onto her wrist. Flaine is Lucass best friend. Are you sure about that? Ada asked, angry. The Captain is losing his mind! He is losing his temper faster than me! Ada shook her head. He is not thinking clearly. You know how many murders have occurred because the victimizer is not thinking clearly? Because they lack control over their emotions and temper? Ada stepped on Beaus foot without warning. Beau backed off slightly as he held his foot in his hands. Like I am right now! I am ready to murder you if you do not remove yourself from my sight! Flaine might be dead right now! All right, Beau gave up at last. Beau opened the door for Ada. Im too soft sometimes especially to women. Go already, Miss. Thank you Beau! Ada winked at him before she ran out. Oh that girl Beau shook his head. She talks like an aristocrat but she is starting to act like the Queen of the Pirates already. With that, Beau glanced over at the broken chair and laughed. Flaine is not going to be too happy to see that Outside, Ada spotted the group of boys standing with pale faces and wide eyes at the scene before them. Ada rushed over and passed by Lott who had a whip ready in his hand, searching for Flaine desperately. Arriving next to Kei, Sherman quickly grabbed a hold of Adas hand to stop her from continuing. Kei shook his head at Sherman as the two boys allowed Ada to continue father. Kei knew Ada had to see this sometime. Finally, Ada arrived in front of the group and caught sight of the cook half-naked on the ground in front of Lucas. His blue hair fell into his blue eyes as they glinted of obvious sadness. Lucas had no emotions on his face. Flaine! Ada cried out and bolted out from the group of boys. Lucas tried to grab a hold of her but Ada was too quick and laid her head on top of Flaines back. If you want to whip Flaine, whip me too! Move out of there, Missy, Sherman called. Ya aint supposed to be here! Kei added. Be quiet you two, Niels said, obviously irked. Move! Lucas commanded. I will not move! Ada retorted. Flaines face reddened dramatically at the touch of Adas warm body on top of his naked back. You will release Flaine this instant!

Its really okay, milady, Flaine said gently. Ill be all right. It is my fault anyway. How is it your fault? Ada asked in disbelief. Ada removed herself from on top of him to allow him to breath. Flaine explained, It was under my leadership that Russ was kidnapped so I must be punished. That is not fair, Ada said stubbornly as she tossed Lucas a dark look. Your Captain disappeared for days! He is the person who should be punished here! The other boys gasped at such a thought. Dan Light looked like he was going to faint any second when Alvin placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. Lucas merely laughed at Adas suggestion and waved off the idea with his hand. You think I will punish myself? Lucas asked mockingly. Lucas returned his attention to Flaine. Tell me Flaine. How many strikes do you want on your back? Ada gasped but Dan Light and Alvin hurriedly moved forward and dragged her away from Flaines back. Flaine, who was still on the ground, looked up at Lucas with affectionate eyes and a soft smile. Ada did not understand how these boys, especially Flaine, could love such a leader like Lucas this much. She had never seen this type of loyalty, or devotion back home in her palace. Twenty, Flaine said at last. Then, he changed his mind and shook his head. No! Thirty! Thirty whips! Lott moved forward now with the whip at hand. Flaines smile brightened dramatically. Hit me hard and painful Lott! Hit me until my back bleeds! Flaine! Ada cried, stretching her hand out to him. Like I said, its going to be okay milady, Flaine said gently. I will accept all responsibility for Russ. I will accept my rightful punishment. If you cannot watch, Dirge said solemnly next to Ada. Go back to your room. I Ada felt her body tremble. I cannot. If you cannot, please do not make a sound, Dirge said. Ada bit her lip and turned her head around just in time to see the first strike on Flaines back. The red mark on Flaines back was nothing Ada had ever seen before. Shrieking, Ada wrapped her arms around Dirge, the closest person to her, and felt tears dripping from the corners of her eyes. Again, she heard Flaine cry out in pain after a third, a fourth, and even a fifth strike. I told you not watch, Dirge whispered. Ada held her wet face against Dirges clothes. I cannot leave Flaine at this crucial moment Ada whispered back. I have to endure. More! Flaine cried loud and clear. Dont chicken out now, Lott! Twenty-five more! Ada felt tears flowing down her cheeks at his words. I will endure! After that, Lott hesitated no longer as he continued to strike Flaines back. Kei and Sherman stood and watched, emotionless and motionless. Dan Light had already fainted against Alvin. Scythe watched with a curled lip. Dirge held onto Ada but kept his eyes on Flaine and Lott. Niels glanced back when Beau finally immerged to watch as well. Lucas watched every blow with hard eyes. Finally, after twenty whips, Flaine finally fainted. The minute Ada heard no more whipping, Ada whirled around with swollen eyes, only to see a bloody back Flaine possessed. Ada felt dizziness at the sight. Dirge noticed and gripped onto her shoulder, preventing her from falling backwards.

Should I splash him with cold water? Lott asked Lucas. Aye, Lucas answered. Have you no mercy? Ada asked, blinking back tears. Lucas did not answer as he watched a bucket of cold water splashed upon Flaine, waking him up. You cannot even endure thirty whips? Lucas asked coldly. I will Lucas Flaine gasped. Bring ten more now He has enough, Lucas decided at last, turning away from Flaine. Ada hurried over and helped Flaine up to his feet by balancing him against her shoulder. Lott, put away the whip. Dirge, you are in charge. Everyone else, back to your positions. Lucas noticed Dan Light at last. Alvin, wake him up for me. Alvin nodded and dragged Dan Light away. As for Cal, let him be. With that last comment, Lucas grabbed a brown jacket nearby and wrapped it around his body before he went down a ladder. Flaine speak to me Ada pleaded. He did not do it, Flaine said, shaking his head. He did not give me ten more. You should not be saying these things, Ada scolded. You are bleeding. Flaine managed a weak smile at Ada, surprising the girl greatly. I may be bleeding, milady Flaine started when tears started to fill his blue eyes. But it is nothing compared to what I feel on the inside. Ada felt her heart beat faster and opened her lips to say something but decided otherwise and instead, helped Flaine to the Lucass room where a washroom was available. Ada dropped Flaine into a nearby chair in the washroom before she started wiping the blood off his back in a careful manner. Flaine clenched his teeth as he felt the pain from every wound she wiped the blood off. Flaine I admire you so much Ada said in a shaky voice. You are so brave so honest so wonderful To tell you the truth, milady, Flaine said, rolling his neck. I am the most cowardly one of them all. Compared to the other boys, I received the easy way out. How can you call these wounds an easy way out? Ada asked in disbelief. Flaine placed his strong fingers against his chest where his heart was. This is where my real pain is. This is where all the boys pain are. Flaine moved that same hand to a scar on his shoulder. This is where my pain has went and therefore, it has lessen the pain I feel inside. The more pain I feel on the outside, the less pain I feel on the inside. Lucas is being kind to me, milady. Dont you see that? Ada shook her head stubbornly. All I know is that you are hurt. This is nothing compared to what Lucas must be feeling right now Flaine said, shaking his head. Ada gave him a curious look. Its understandable, milady. You dont know the Captain as well as we. We lived together. We grew up together. We are closer than real brothers. Dirge and I would die for Lucas. Kei would die for Sherman. Scythe would die for Lott. We are that close. Flaine had a bright smile on his face. But Lucas is truly the one who would die for any one of us. You are exaggerating, Flaine, Ada said. You are not thinking clearly. I am not exaggerating one bit, milady, Flaine countered. I know fully in my heart if the time comes, I cannot die for Russ. Russ isnt my best friend. But Lucas Lucas will die for Russ. Lucas will die for me. Lucas will die for any of us. Therefore, when we found out Russ was kidnapped, no one would feel more pain than Lucas. Lucas

felt the most responsible for Russs kidnapping, even though he did lash out most of his anger on me and you instead. I am starting to understand now, Ada said, wiping another bloody scar. I never thought in my entire life that I would find a group of people who would die for each other. I know there are soldiers who would die for the Queen but there are also soldiers who would betray the Queen without hesitation. I had never seen this kind of trust before. I had never looked at life like this before. I feel so much better now, Flaine said happily. I feel so much easier on the inside. I might be sore for a week but it is worth it. But if Lucas also feels awful why did he not choose the same course you did Flaine, to relieve himself? Ada asked curiously. Because the Captain cannot, Flaine said simply. And even if he could, the boys would never allow it. We owe him too much. Why? Ada asked, urging Flaine on. I guess its about time I tell you this story Flaine said slowly and solemnly. A long time ago, when Lucas caught a terrible virus, I planned out a scheme to steal some expensive medicine for Lucas. Everyone was in on it. However, in the end, every one of us were caught and trial in court. Flaine looked up at the ceiling. I will never forget that day. None of us would. When the judge asked us who was responsible for leading this scheme, I was a coward and could not admit it was I. It was then that Lucas came into the courtroom, still recovering from the medicine we gave him, and told the judge, I was the one who was sick and I was the one who told all of them to steal the medicine for me so I should be the only one punished for this. Lucas was not even part of the scheme but in a few seconds, Lucas was thrown on the floor and sentenced to thirty whips on his back. Not only was Lucas sick and thin, Lucas also had asthma. Lucas almost died that day so Flaine dropped his head. We all vowed never to let that happen again. Ada was speechless. She could not say anything. Little by little, she was beginning to understand why such a group of boys would obey another boy at their age without hesitation. Ada dropped the cloth on the ground when the door to the washroom swung open to reveal a flushed Cal in worn out clothes. What is it, Cal? Ada asked softly. The Captain left! Cal cried. Hes going to rescue Russ by himself. Not again! Its happening all over again! Flaine cried and almost fell over. Ada caught his arm and helped him back up on the chair. The Captain is going to risk his life without telling us! That selfless fool! Ada shouted, angry at Lucas and her inability to help. Lets go, milady, Flaine said, standing up now. You stay behind, Cal, Ada addressed to the youngest boy. No! Cal cried. Ive been crying and allowing everyone to feel sorry for me. I will rescue Russ myself! Good, Cal, Flaine ruffled the boys hair before he grabbed a hold of one of Lucass shirt lying around and wore it, stretching it a little. Lets go then! Flaine flung the door open, emerging from Lucass room as he faced the rest of the boys. Boys lets move out!

All the boys nodded and followed Flaine out. Beau smiled at Ada reassuringly before he walked along with Dan Light behind Flaine. Scythe hurriedly gave Flaine his purse before all the boys went down the ladder. Cal helped Ada down the ladder before he also smiled at her and said, You understand the Captain better, milady? Aye, Ada tried a different dialect, smiling. ******************************** The round, brown-eyed boy held by two men twice his size in height and weight finally lifted his dirty face away from the ground and toward the horizon where he spotted Lucas, in his usual black clothes, walking toward them. Russ moved his quick eyes and noticed the solemn expression Lucass face. Even though Russ did not know what was happening back at the ship, he could make some educated guesses regarding the Captains dark mood. This did not surprise Russ however; instead, the lack of anyone with his Captain was what shocked him the most. So you came alone, Lucas Yeung, A brown-haired man with a mustache said, gazing intently at Lucas who sat down in a carefree manner on the grass before them. No hellos for your good friend? The one you stole that ship from? Lucas chuckled. Hello Webster, Lucas tried in a mocking voice. How are you after I stole your beautiful ship? Websters eyes glinted dangerously. Do not mess with me, Lucas. Do not mess with my boys, Webster, Lucas indicated at the captured Russ. I never knew you could be so sneaky capturing one of my men when he was all by himself what a shame. We are pirates after all, Webster reminded. We dont play by the rules. And neither do I, Lucas said, elevating a hand. How about we call it fair game? I stole your ship, and you stole Russ. Were even. So you are finally listening to reason and returning our ship then? Webster asked, surprise at Lucass friendliness. Let me think about it Ship or no ship Lucas pretended to weigh the possibilities in two hands. I go with ship. Lucas nodded, not fearing Webster at all. One of these days, you will lose that arrogant head of yours, Webster growled. That may be so but not because of you. Lucas said calmly. We have one of your boys right here, Webster reminded, pulling Russ toward him now. If you dare make a move I am armless, Lucas waved empty hands in the air. And I am crewless. Lucas turned around at the empty field behind him. I came with no other purpose than to take Russ back to the ship. You think you are all high and mighty? Webster asked incredulously. You think you can just come walking around here and telling me what to do in front of my crew? I didnt think so, Lucas admitted. Unless you want me to. That tongue of yours still irk me so, Webster stated clearly. I want to cut it. Cut it, Lucas dared. Its yours. Give Russ back. You really want Russ back that badly? Webster asked, smirking now. Lucas closed his eyes and took in a deep breath before he opened them and pulled a sword from behind him. The other men gasped at the sight of Lucas and his sword, even Webster. However, Lucas threw it down the cliff to the right without any hesitation.

Next, Lucas proceeded in taking multiple daggers out from various parts of his body and threw them down the cliff as well. The rest of the opposing men watched without a sound. Finally, Lucas used his right hand, moved it up to his hair, and released his darkcolored hair. His black straight hair fell into his eyes and around his shoulder. In a few seconds, Lucas dropped down to his knee with his eyes hidden underneath his long strands of black hair. I beg of you, Lucas whispered, looking down. Russ means more to me than my life. All of my boys mean more to me than my life. Spare them. I am the one who humiliated you, whipped you, made you walk naked on the plank, and stole your ship. Russs round eyes were as large as dishes now. Let Russ go! I will in a minute Webster smirked, enjoying the sight before him. This was the first time he ever saw Lucas submit to anyone, without a single weapon on him. The only way I can have my revenge is if I humiliate you, whip you, and make you walk naked on that cliff and steal your cargo of course. Webster glanced back at the cargo he stole along with Russ. You humiliated me, Lucas mumbled. With one swift motion, Lucas tore off his shirt and threw it aside. Russs eyes followed Lucass every movement. Where is your whip? If whipping me is your desire, try whipping me thirty times then! Lucas picked up his head, removing the loose strands of hair from his eyes as he grinned triumphantly with a devious glint in his eyes. Lets see how weak your girly arms are! How dare you, Lucas! Webster shouted. He snapped his fingers as a boy brought him a black whip ready. If you insist, Lucas my friend, I will give you no mercy. Give me mercy and Ill laugh in your face! Lucas declared. You think youre smart? Webster approached the fallen Lucas with his whip ready. You think youre handsome? Youre intelligent? Youre perfect? Webster whipped Lucass back hard, scraping Lucass tanned skin. But you are nothing but an immature brat who cannot protect his crew correctly. With that, Webster landed another whip on Lucass back. Lucas! Russ cried, trembling. Youre right, Lucas admitted with a clenched fist on the ground. I am an immature brat who cannot protect his crew correctly but Lucas laughed and threw his head back. At least Im not an old geezer who cannot hold onto his pants or his ship! With that outburst, Lucas received five consecutive whips. Is that the best you can do? Lucas taunted with blood dripping down his lips. I thought you were stronger than that, Webster. Is your old bones failing you now? Webster screamed as he smacked Lucas again. You want to die dont you? Lucas coughed out more blood, feeling a tight sensation in the chest. His asthma was kicking in but Lucas knew he could not show this to Webster. He had his pride to think about too. Coughing again, Lucas felt some difficulty breathing. Lucas bit his lip and continued to endure another whip on his back. Blood dripped down his back. Lucas! A familiar sound called from a distance away. Lucas had no strength to look around to see who but he recognized that voice almost immediately. Even if everything were to fail him, he would always recognize Flaines voice. Captain! Oh dear! Lucas perked his ear up and adjusted to Adas shaking voice. Lucas shook his head. He had become adapted to her voice as well.

The rest of the boys came toward Webster and the rest of his men. Flaine stood in front with Ada by his side. Cal took a step forward and pointed straight at Webster, Release the Captain and Russ this instant! Webster smirked, stepped on Lucass back, and whipped Lucas again, causing the boys to gasp. Flaine looked like he was going to cry any second now. Your captain is right under me. What do you think you can do? Big mistake Lucas grumbled under Websters foot. In one swift motion, Lucas pulled Websters pants down. Ada shrieked and looked away, unable to face to see the lower half of a man even with his undergarments on. Webster tried to adjust his pants when Lucas rolled on the ground toward Russ. Lucas took out his harmonica and with one high note, the man who held Russ captive loosened his grip. Lucas picked Russ by the waist and looked around, finding an exit. In one direction, Websters men were ready for him. In the other direction, Webster was recovering and coming toward him. Flaine and the rest of the men prepared for an attack. Russ, Lucas said through dripping blood between his lips. You want to take this one risk with your Captain? Aye sir, Russ nodded. Anything. Good man, Russ, Lucas said before he leapt off the cliff with Russ over his shoulder. You will never catch me alive! Lucas cried out loud and clear. The men stopped before the cliff, staring down at what looked like a bottomless pit. While they were distracted, Flaine nodded at the boys behind him as they attacked at once with their butcher knives, arrows, lances, blades, and other types of weapons. Ada borrowed one of Lucass swords and swung her swordplay effectively alongside Dirge and Beau. In a few minutes, a lot of the crew had fainted or died as Webster and a couple of other men ran with their lives. Approaching the cliff, Flaine landed on his knees at the bottomless pit before him. Lucas is down there somewhere Flaine said shakily. We must find him And Russ too! Cal reminded. And Russ too, Flaine nodded weakly. Ada elevated a shaking hand to her cheek. What an awful sight Ada felt dizzy once more at the sight of bloody bodies around her. This time, Beau caught her and held her to him. I feel nauseated Ada admitted. She tried to stand up once more as Beau handled her carefully. But Lucas and Russ they are down there somewhere I must Ada fell back into Beaus chest. Beau and Dirge, you two take her to somewhere safe, Flaine ordered. Alvin, you go and buy some medicine for the return of the Captain and the milady. The rest of us will search the entire day if we must for the Captain and Russ. Why cant we take the milady? Sherman asked hopefully. Kei nodded along Sherman. Aye, we aint gonna do nothing! You two are the last members of this crew I will ever ask to take the milady alone anywhere Flaine said with a shake of his head. Kei and Sherman exchanged glances before they shrugged and stuck their tongues out at Flaine. Flaine ignored them and turned his attention to Ada. Are you sure youre well milady? I am fine! Ada insisted. I will search too! Ada took another step and fell back to Beau. Beau merely shook his head and lifted her by the neck and legs. Ada shook her

head stubbornly. Lucas is down there somewhere Ada felt soft tears bubbling to surface. I must look for him too. She is stubborn, Beau said with a nod. Why cant we take her too? Beau Flaine shook his head. We cant afford to have any burdens. Ada was about to open her mouth to reply when Beau said in her place, I beg to differ, Flaine. Miss Ada is no burden. Miss Ada here was a tremendous help with the fighting back there. And it is only natural a delicate woman such as herself would feel dizzy at the sight of blood. She is unaccustomed to it like us. I feel that she is capable enough to be able to search down a hillside. Isnt that right Miss Ada? Ada nodded quickly. Yes, I am fine as long as I do not see blood What do you think Dirge? Flaine asked, glancing at the other male. Should we bring her along? I have to agree with Beau, Dirge said. Beau gave Dirge a lopsided smile before Dirge raised his hand to show him that he was continuing his explanation. I feel that our mistake last time was leaving Russ by himself on the boat. It would be careless of us if we repeat the same mistake. It is better if we move together. That is true, Flaine nodded. I guess it is only Alvin then. Alvin? Ada moved her attention to the directed male. At the sound of his name, Alvin gazed straight at Ada with blinking green eye eyes. This was the first time Ada noticed such smooth-skinned male before. Although a part of this gang of boys, Alvin refused to wear loose clothes like the rest of them. Instead, Alvin wore a flannel pink shirt, a thin loose black coat over it, a metal belt, a pair of snakeskin pants, two black gloves, and high black boots made of fine material. Even though Alvin was muddy and dirty from the fighting from top to bottom, Ada recognized his almost childlike skin, very smooth and soft. Over his body, he had multiple black rings. He had a black ring around his neck, on both of his wrists, and on the middle finger of his right gloved hand. To add to his black rings, he wore a single black earring on his left ear and one that fit his forehead. As for his hair, he had clean-cut dark purple hair (almost black) that was slightly below his ear length. His body structure was not as mature and lean as Beau, but it reminded her greatly of Lucass body structure. Playing with a pink marble in his hand, Alvin also observed Ada closely. Are you sure you are a pirate? Ada asked, confused. Alvin may not look like a pirate, Flaine assured her. But there is no doubt Alvin is a pirate. I can assure you this. So he is the opposite of you? Ada asked carelessly. Flaine flushed slightly. I know, milady. I dont act like a pirate much. I just look like a pirate. Alvin is a pirate at heart but he cannot look like a pirate no matter how much he tries. How come? Ada asked curiously. Beau noticed her recovery and dropped her off on the ground. Thanks Beau. Ada said quickly, blushing. Beau nodded without a word. Ada returned to Flaine. Is there a reason why Alvin cannot look like pirate? Before Flaine could answer, Ada gasped as Alvin used a firm gloved hand to lift her chin up at him as he said in a soft tone, You should know better than anyone, milady. If we were to dress you like a pirate, would you look like one? Ada thought about it as she scanned Alvin skeptically one last time. I see now. Ada said at last, nodding. Flaine and Beau exchanged confused looks. I understand

now. Ada said again. Dirge lifted a brow. Kei and Sherman shrugged. At what age, Alvin, did your parents leave you? Ada asked solemnly. Alvin glanced away for a second before he returned his green eyes back at Ada. At an age that I cannot remember their faces, Alvin answered. Do you remember anything at all? Ada asked seriously. I remember a brother singing to me in my sleep, Alvin answered honestly. I remember a brother carrying me down the street. That is all. I see, Ada said with a frown. Is it just me or are you two keeping us out of this conversation? Sherman interrupted, annoyed. It aint polite ya know, Kei added. It is nothing, Alvin said slowly. You guys will never understand. When the right time comes, I will tell you all. Alvin turned around, almost as slowly as his words. Flaine, Alvin called. I will pick up the blue syrup like you requested. Is that okay? Yes, go on ahead Alvin, Flaine answered, a bit puzzled still. Alvin passed by Ada but stopped and glanced back at her, I am glad I met someone who understands my situation. I told Lucas and Beau about it but they are not even close to imagining what it must be like. We are the same. Nice to meet you Alvin lowered his voice considerably so only Ada could hear. Princess Ada. Ada took an intake of breath before Dirge and Flaine stirred her and helped her down the side of the cliff down a less steeper end. Ada glanced back at the dark purplehaired male who walked away with his black coat flowing with the wind. Ada noticed a serene expression on his clean, smooth face before he turned a corner and left her sight completely. Before she could do anything, Beau went up to Flaine and said quickly, Ill be right back. I forgot to tell Alvin something. Flaine nodded in approval. Thanks! Beau winked at Ada before he chased after Alvin. Alvin Ada repeated. I am glad I met you today. I found the Captains weapons! Niels cried, kneeling a distance away from the group. As the group came up to him, Niels waved the sword and daggers in the air. Arent these the weapons, Flaine? Shiny! Dan Light cried, clasping the weapons to him. Those are definitely Lucass all right Flaine said, touching the handle of the sword where a ruby shone up from the dirt and mud. How clever of the Captain to throw his weapons at a place where we can find them for him. You are giving Lucas too much credit, Flaine, Ada said, unconvinced. Dirge picked up a black wire on the ground where the weapons were. Its the Captains signal all right he said that we should head back to the ship instead. Ada dropped her jaw. How in the world Experience, milady, Niels answered. The Captain does all kind of signals to tell us what he wants when hes not here to tell us himself. The sword was cleverly thrown at an area where he knew I would look at them and left a black wire, the same one he used to tie his hair, to tell us that he would be fine and we should take the cargo back to the ship instead. Niels was the last of the thirteen boys that Ada met but never fully observed closely. As a younger member of the thirteen at the age of fifteen, Niels had an intelligent

face in comparison to the cheerful Cal. Out of the thirteen boys, Niels had the darkest tan along with short curly straw-colored hair and hazel-colored eyes. Niels had quite a straight nose and high cheekbones as well. Only slightly taller than Cal, Niels wore simple clothes with a sleeveless shirt and ripped baggy pants along with a sash that down from his right shoulder to his waist. Around his waist, he had a large belt with multiple pockets. He wore abnormally large shoes in comparison to his height. Lastly, Niels had a bundle over most of his hair as if keeping his head out of the sunlight. Explain it to me again, Ada said, staring at Niels. How did Lucas know that you would search in that area? I specialize in a lot of things, milady, from fixing ship parts to researching about various artifacts we stole throughout the years, Niels answer. He picked up some rocks from the ground. He knows I am interested in minerals. This type of mineral is rare. You can only find them near volcanic areas. Adas eyes widened dramatically. Niels threw his head back and laughed, placing a hand on the back of his neck. Her expression was priceless. Most continents, like Mizunam, was formed above sea level by underwater volcanoes. I can assure you there are no volcanoes around here. Niels rubbed his chin with his left hand, thinking. Lucas probably thought this type of mineral was interesting to look at and might catch my attention so he took a chance. Like you said before, milady, Flaine might be giving Lucas too much credit. The black wire is definitely Lucass, though, Dirge interrupted. And beside that, Flaine indicated at the rest of the cliff. The rest of this area is almost impossible to reach. If he had to throw his special equipment somewhere, he might as well throw it at a place where one of us can retrieve it without much trouble. That is a more logical answer, Ada said, nodding. Niels laughed. I was getting ahead of myself. Sorry. Were used to it, Niels, Dan Light said, beaming at his friend. Im hungry. Can we get something to eat? The Captain said we could go right? I am still worried Ada said slowly, looking down. It is all my fault. It is not your fault, Dirge said sternly. It is my fault. I am the one who ran off, causing you and Flaine to follow me. No, it is my fault! Cal wailed. I am the one who should have stayed in the storage with Russ! Cal started to cry in which Flaine comforted him. It is not anyones fault! Dan Light blurted, shaking his head. Are we going to argue all day or are we going to obey the Captain and return the cargo? Im sick of all this, Sherman said. Aye, Kei nodded. I aint gonna stay in some bottomless hole. The Captain will be fine, Niels reassured Ada. You probably need to get some reason. Its been hard on you to endure all this. She has to get used to it sometime, Dirge said carelessly. Not now, Dirge, Flaine warned. No, Dirge is right, Ada said, waving the words off. I am fine. Passing by the boys without warning, Ada kept her eyes distant as she led the way down the cliff instead of the ship. You guys can go back, give him a day or so, and if he does not come back Ada glanced at the boys. We might have to declare him dead or lost. The words caused the boys to drop their heads at the sudden realization of this situation. As

for me, Ada picked up the hems of her skirt as she continued to scale the cliff. I am not taking any chances, whether that black wire means anything or not. We are cowards, Flaine shook his head. The Captain did so much for us and yet, we were about to walk away. We took every opportunity to try to retreat. I feel ashamed of myself. I am sorry. Its okay, Flaine! Dan Light said enthusiastically. Lunch can wait! Dan Light skipped after Ada. I want to see how far I can skip before I fall! That Aurora Sherman started when Kei started down as well. Hey! Race ya! Kei called back. Lott and Scythe who decided to stay quiet all this time nodded to each other before Scythe climbed on top of Lotts back and looked around at the sight around him. Scythe had the best eyes of them all while Lott was the strongest of them all. One by one, the boys followed Adas lead, even the reluctant Dirge. Flaine was the last to follow with emotional Cal by his side. Flaine glanced back at the top of the cliff, wondering when Beau will come back. Knowing the relationship between Beau and Alvin, it might take them a long time to finish their conversation. *************************** Catching up to Alvin, Beau hastily grabbed a hold of Alvins arm and spun him around to face him. Beaus worried purple eyes gazed deeply into Alvins tired green eyes. Gripping on Alvins shoulder, Beau took a deep breath before he tossed his head back, sending his dark rosy curls back. The younger boy simply watched Beau with a curious look in his eyes. Does Miss Ada know? Beau asked quickly. Alvin leaned up to Beaus height, fixed the shades on Beaus face, and landed back down on his feet before he answered, Yes. Aye? Beau shook his head. How is it you aristocrats can communicate so well? Is it your blood that draw you to each other? Alvin suddenly gave a soft smile. In contrast to Beaus lopsided grins, Alvin gave a gentle, soft smile and made sure never to stretch it too much. Patting Beau on the shoulder, Alvin asked smoothly, Are you jealous Beau? Jealous? Beau repeated. Beau laughed. Aye, I am. I like to talk to you, Beau, Alvin said in a friendly manner. You and I understand each other. You want to be an aristocrat while I do not. Yet the Goddesses play on us and give us reverse roles. Alvin nodded amusingly, playing with the marble. I want to hide it so badly. I want to act and look like a pirate, but no matter how hard I try, I can never look like a pirate. The nobility will take one look at me and think you guys kidnap one of their kind on board your ship. Alvin looked at the bright horizon as a soft wind blew through his hair. Ada confirmed my suspicion all these years. She looked at me closely and then, as if an insight hit her, she knew I was of her kind. Beau laughed and dropped an arm on Alvins shoulder. That is because you have such the word aristocrat written all around you. That is why I like to be a pirate, Alvin said. You guys are all common people and when you look at me, you do not see that sign. I am not labeled. I am simply Alvin, your friend and helmsman. Alvin smiled and rolled the marble from the palm of his hand to his fingers. Still, it might be interesting to interact someone of my own birth to ask about the world I was thrown out of

Hey, Alvin, Beau interrupted, giving him an innocent look. If your parents or brother ever go looking for you and plan to take you back, can I take your place? Ambitious, arent we Beau? Alvin asked, amused. I like to change my hair around all the time, Beau said. I can pretend to be you and take your rightful place back in the nobility. If the time comes, please do. I would beg you to do so. Alvin answered. That is why you are my best friend, Alvin, Beau said, smiling. And to you as well, Alvin answered. Although Dirge found it dangerous for Ada and I to be alone without the rest of the group, he always allowed you to go off by yourself, Beau observed. That is because Alvin shrugged. No one can look at me and think Im a pirate. I just dont have that pirate look to me like Flaine does. Its useful, Beau added hurriedly, thinking he had offended Alvin. Im quite used to it, to tell you the truth, Beau, Alvin said. I better hurry or else Flaine will be angry with me. He wont, Beau said, lifting his arm off Alvin. You want me to come with? Its quite all right, Alvin said quickly. I dont want to bother you. Stop saying that, Beau said with a firm wink. I am afraid that if you come with me to town, you might start courting women and asking me to keep it a secret from Flaine and Lucas again, Alvin pointed it out. Beau laughed. I hate to do that to you all the time Alvin. It is best if I go alone, Alvin insisted. I enjoy walks by myself. You know that. Aye, I do, Beau nodded. And the Captain probably needs you more than ever, Alvin added. You are one of the stronger ones of the group. I am nothing to you though, Beau smirked. I would trade buying medicine for searching for the Captain any day, Alvin started. But Flaine know as well as you that I am highly allergic to pollen. Thats why he told me to go buy medicine instead, to keep me away from those flowers at the bottom of the cliff. Flaine is very thoughtful. You mean raiding a shop and taking the medicine right? Beau asked. Alvin gave Beau another smile. I wouldnt dare do such a thing by myself. But if you could, you would right? Beau asked before he started going the other direction, toward Flaine and the others. If I could, I would raid a shop, steal every expensive item there is, trash the place, and take the female owner for myself, Alvin answered amusingly. Because on the inside, I am no chivalric aristocrat. I will not hesitate to finish Lucass job for him, unlike you who look more like a pirate than I but has yet to rape a woman. I see no interest in it, Beau said. Because I, unlike you, is an aristocrat at heart. I try to be gentleman-like and polite. I just wasnt fortunate enough to be born with that blood and appearance. One day, our dreams will come true, Beau, Alvin said firmly. Aye, one day, Beau nodded. For now, I have some medicine to buy, Alvin started walking when he saw an unsuspecting man passing by. With someone elses gold coins.

********************** Russ Lucas finally woke up into consciousness as he looked around the area around him. It appeared they were at the foot of the cliff, but somehow managed to survive. Lucas remembered grabbing onto a branch along the fall and holding onto Russ and the branch as long as he could. The branch could not endure the weight and broke. Lucas inhaled in and out in large gulps of air. He did not know how he recovered from his asthma but for now, he found breathing a lot easier. Trying hard to sit up, Lucas found himself unable to due to his numb body. Captain Russ finally called back. Lucas looked over at his fallen friend next to him. You okay, Russ? Nothing is broken at least, Russ answered. That is good news, Lucas said. And you Captain? Russ asked in respond. Oh a bloody back and a numb body nothing life threatening Lucas would have laughed if he had any strength left. Russ moved over to Lucas with a blushed face. Your back is still bleeding. It will have to stop sometime, Lucas said. Allow me to help you, sir, Russ said, moving around Lucas and pushing Lucas up to a sitting position. Russ took off his hat and started to wipe Lucass wounds when Lucas grunted. This will sting, sir. I know, Lucas nodded. I can endure. This will have to do for now, Russ said at last after he finished. Thank you, Russ, Lucas said, smiling and placing an arm over Russs shoulder. This is the least I can do, sir, Russ said quickly, blushing. You did risk a lot for me back there. I appreciate it. Aye, Lucas nodded. I have to. You are my boys. Aye, sir, Russ agreed. Speaking of boys Lucas roughly pushed Russ over on his back and placed his own body hovering over Russ. Russ was so shocked he dropped the hat on the ground. How long did you wish to hide this from me? Lucas asked coldly, yet calmly. Hide w-what from you, s-sir? Russ stuttered. Lucas looked down at Russ with hard eyes. Do I have to answer that question for you? Answer me. I order you to answer me. Russ looked up at Lucas with sorry eyes. I didnt mean to, sir, Russ said quickly. Its just that if I had told you, you would have hated me. I might have, Lucas admitted. But you have no right to hide from me for this long! Did you wish to hold this secret until your deathbed? Aye, sir, Russ answered honestly. I had my suspicions, Lucas said slowly. However I never had solid evidence. How did you find out sir? Russ asked shakily. I became suspicious ever since the milady called you special, Lucas said, shaking his head. Then, Cal wanted to share a room with you but you hastily rejected him without a single valid reason. Last night, I had a talk with the milady about how corsets must cover the whole body and it finally clicked. Lucas looked at Russ like he had never looked at Russ before. Lastly, a few minutes ago, when I handled and carried

you, my suspicions were confirmed Lucas grabbed Russs collar and tore it away from him along with the rest of Lucass oversized shirt to reveal a white corset under the outer garment. You are not who you claim you are. You are not a boy. Russ shivered and wrapped her arms around her cold, vulnerable body. Because Russ had lived with Lucas throughout most of her life, she did not react the same way Ada did at this state. Russ might have blushing cheeks but she did not retreat from Lucass stare the way Ada did. Lucas moved his hand to Russs cheek as he wiped a tear that dripped down the corner of her eye. Using the shirt in his hand, Lucas wiped the dirt off Russs face to reveal a lighter skin around those round brown eyes. Next, Lucas used his fingers to comb Russs messy hair into straight brown. Russ it doesnt matter what gender you are Lucas said kindly as he wrapped his arms around her bare body and held her close to him, giving her his warmth. Because to me, you will always be logical Russ and I will never hate you.
Minnies Notes: In all my years, I have various opinions on different characters. Some people really love Locke while others do not. Some people really love Duke while others do not. Some people really love Selena while others do not. It is the same with most main characters. However, with Lucas, some may love him while others like him at varying levels but I have never met a single person who has disliked or hated him for long. I mean there are times when Lucas is very unlikable or very annoying but no one, as of yet, has disliked him as a character overall. I want to see if I will ever find a reader who dislikes Lucas and tells me a legitimate reason why. ^^;; By chapter five, I have described every one of the thirteen boys. And like always, there are various opinions about all of them but as long as you guys can differentiate every one of them from each other, Im a very happy writer. ^^ I know it can be quite a difficult task at first but I will work toward it. ^_~ (And for those of you who have memory problems, I made a list below XD) Now, I have to work on drawing group pictures so I can draw all thirteen of them, along with Sophie and Ada, together. Now that is something I have to try hard to master. XD (Because I cant draw boys :P) In Spirits (I), the story revolves around Ada Xieng, the protagonist, but the majority of the story is told through Lucass perspective. Julie is the antagonist even though her actions are not always directly written. Although every one of the boys are important, Flaine should be the major pirate along with Sherman, Kei, Cal, and Russ (the first ones to be introduced). Lucas Yeung Captain: Lucas is the leader of the gang of orphan boys. Although Lucas is daring, reckless, and calculating, Lucas has a soft spot for every one of his boys even if he does punish them very often. Lucas says he hates to debate but loves to boast. Despite him saying that, he finds immense satisfaction in winning heated disputes with Ada. His personality contradicts him being a leader but the boys obey him without protest. Minnies Opinion: Lucas has been one of Minnies favorite male characters for a long time. Because Lucas has stayed with me for a long time, Lucas will always be remembered. Lucas might not be husband material but he is definitely leader material in my opinion. Ada Zhou (Ada Xieng) Milady, Queen of the Pirates: Ada is the middle princess between the Mizunamian Triplets who was once her fathers favorite. Ada dislikes being treated different because she might become Queen one day and prefers to live like a commoner. Ada is stubborn,

firm, and sensitive, something Lucas loves to pick on. Ada plans to overthrow Lucas as captain behind his back, hoping to lower his pride and arrogance. Minnies Opinion: Minnies favorite heroines are those that develop over time and Ada definitely undergo major development. Its harder to write Ada this time around since I am no longer writing in her perspective but Ada still shines through over many female characters. Julie Xieng Jewels: Not only is Julie the most intelligent, cunning, and mature of the Mizunamian Triplets, Julie is also unyielding and lacks a sense of humor. Julie represents the popular belief that all women enslave men without giving them natural rights. Even though Julie keeps and uses a group of boy toys in secret, Julie is willing to give up on everything to be with a married man, her uncle-in-law Kiao, and will do anything to accomplish this. Minnies Opinion: Julie is definitely not your typical villain. Some time ago, I explained this to my friend about Julie: A womans jealousy should not be left alone. In this case, since it is, Julie will do a lot of unthinkable things to own something she cannot. Kiao Yeung: Kiao is the former leader of the gang of orphan boys as well as Lucass older brother. Kiao, as described from Dirge and Flaine, is an incredible person who can beat anyone at anything. Much to the boys perfect memories of Kiao, Kiao has major flaws and is far from perfect. Kiaos hungry thirst for excitement and adventure led him to pursue and flirt with the Mizunamian Princesses, ensuring the biggest mistake of his life. Minnies Opinion: Even though Kiao is not a major character, he is quite important to the storyline. Without him, we will not have Julie as our villain. So, I thank Kiao for moving the storyline along with his mistakes in flirting with Julie in the past. Sophie OHaggins: Sophie is an officer who serves a number of years under the Mizunamian government and family. Sophie is a strict constructionist who obeys every Mizunamian rule very seriously and literally. In the military and government, Sophie has many enemies because she is a Limeon by blood but chooses to serve under Mizunam, which cause suspicions. Minnies Opinion: Not much of Sophie yet eh? Despite how it looks now, Sophie is an important turning point character who survives through more than one book (she plays her role in Spirits II). And yes, Sophie will be tangled in relationships shortly. Mimi Xieng: Mimi is an optimistic and enthusiastic individual who believes that everything lasts forever. In the Mizunamian Triplets, Mimi fits the role for Queen better than the other two in regards to knowledge and attitude. However, when compared to either sisters, Ada is the better fighter, and Julie is the better planner. Mimis neutrality shines through though. Minnies Opinion: Mimi has not appeared yet but I can assure you that she has her part in this story, being Adas sister and everything. And like Sophie, she will survive through more than one book. I like Mimi. I really do. However, its hard to prefer her over Ada or Julie. Flaine: Flaine is Lucass best friend and the ships cook. According to Lucas, Flaine is the only one allowed to be neat and tidy because Flaine cannot live in a chaotic environment without going hysteric. Flaine is the leader when Lucas is gone. Some say that Flaine is better suited to be the leader, in which he will protest by saying he lacks some key elements in being a leader.

Minnies Opinion: Flaine, at least to me and a couple of readers, has always been a memorable character. He is so unlike the others and a polar opposite to Lucas in many ways. Flaines role is to balance out with Lucass character, which he is doing quite well. Sherman: Sherman is Keis best friend and rival. Between the two, Sherman is the gullible one. Sherman and Kei are both troublemakers in the crew but Sherman is caught more often than Kei. Regardless of popular belief, Sherman is not as dependent on Kei as the latter to the former. Sherman likes to flirt with girls but show no other interest besides that. Kei: Kei is Shermans best friend and rival. Between the two, Kei is the sharper and devious one. Kei knows how to sneak his way out of punishment and isnt caught half as much as Sherman. Regardless of popular belief, Kei is the one more dependent on Sherman. Kei also likes to flirt with girls but only because he wants to fight over the same girl with Sherman. Minnies Opinion: In almost all aspects, Sherman pales in comparison to Kei. If Sherman isnt around Kei as much, I am sure he will be more memorable as an individual character. However, my intention isnt to make either Kei or Sherman memorable by themselves, but as a pair. The relationship between these two is a significant part of this story later on. Cal (Calfriar Bartholomew Jimmy Orson): Cal is the youngest and almost the shortest. Cal is an emotional person who is more likely than anyone else to be very happy at wonderful news or to be very sad at grieving news. Cal is sensitive about his girly shoulders, which the other boys good-naturedly pick on. Cal is a follower, obeying Lucas and Flaine without complaint. Minnies Opinion: I always like the young one. Cal is someone I love to have as a younger brother- creative, emotional, and cheerful. Cals character is to contrast Russs character. Cal does not belong anywhere but at the same time, he belongs everywhere as well. Russ Ruff, Rust: Russ, according to Lucas, is the most logical one of the group. Russ rarely talks but when she does, she criticizes the situation harshly. Russ is always greasy, muddy, and dirty from top to bottom, which causes the other boys to stay away from with the exception of Cal. Much to everyones confusion except Lucas, Russ is Adas special out of all the crew. Minnies Opinion: I try to make Russ unlike any other character in my story in almost every way. Russ, in Autumns words would be the one who pwns, because she is very logical. Russ is my black sheep and has many surprises in store for everyone, even more so. Scythe: Scythe craves excitement, which explains his gambling problems. Scythe makes sure that the group has always something to worry about. Scythe is thin and long with eagle eyes, making him an ideal archer. Scythe also likes to talk in long, elaborated sentences. Lott: Lott prefers peace and quiet, which explains why he rarely speaks while he loads the cargo. Lott loves working and detests doing nothing. Lott is slightly overweight and large with small eyes, making him a strong axe fighter. Lott also likes to talk in short, simple sentences. Minnies Opinion: I made neither Scythe or Lott attractive because I find them to be ideal rough-looking pirates and prefer to keep them as unattractive as possible. Scythe and Lott play the major role of moving the idea of piracy along. As with Kei and Sherman, I try to prevent from making Scythe or Lott memorable by themselves but instead, as a pair.

Dan Light Aurora, Light, North, Spectrum, Sunny, Rainbow, Danny Dan, etc: Dan Light does not know his real name so he keeps the name Dan Light, a name given to him by the caregiver because of his bright aura. Dan Light is given multiple nicknames by the rest of his crew because no one takes him seriously. Even Dan Light does not take himself seriously. Minnies Opinion: I cannot get enough of Dan Light. He is fun to write and fun to read about. Dan Light is the so-call white person. My purpose for Dan Light is to have a character who contrasts with the gloomy settings and dark plotline because he lightens the mood. Dirge: Dirge is very loyal and attached to Lucas because Lucas is the only one who deserves his respect. Dirge seems to be very ill toward the rest of the crew with the rare exception of Flaine now and again. Dirge is an organized male who is in charge of the cargo. Minnies Opinion: I find that Dirge is the hardest character to write. His voice is hard to capture. His appearance is unattractive, yet you will never notice it if I dont write it down. His personality clashes with the others many times. Dirge is my ideal beauty of the beast. Beau Livingston: Beau is a creative and sophisticated male who seems to mature faster than the rest of the boys at the age of seventeen. Beau has a deep, manly voice and attracts females wherever he goes. Unlike Kei and Sherman, Beau doesnt try to flirt on purpose. Minnies Opinion: I will be very straightforward about this. Beau plays the ideal boyfriend material, including mine. Beaus purpose is to play a role where every other boy in the group cannot (at first)- feel for a woman. Beau is the knight in shining armor in every womans dreams, riding through the storyline and contradicting Lucass ideals. Alvin: Alvin is a male who looks like he belongs to a higher social status than he actually is. No matter how hard Alvin tries to become a pirate, nobles like Ada can immediately recognize Alvins worth. Alvin is of the same body structure and mindset as Lucas. Alvin rarely smiles. Minnies Opinion: Alvin is quite a package isnt he? Alvin speaks more eloquently, so it is quite a challenge to write overall. Not only does Alvin play the sophisticated, aristocratic boy of the group, Alvin contradicts his appearance many times with his actions so like Lucas. Niels: Niels is a specialist in anything he studies like architecture and engineering. Because Niels is highly intelligent, Niels assumes everyone else is also like that, thinking ahead of time and solving problems logically. Niels is second to Cal in having a lot of energy. Minnies Opinion: Even though I like Niels a lot, I feel that in all the characters, he is the weakest in overall development and characterization. Niels was created as an afterthought you see, but I will try to make his character shine through like the others.

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