Chemical Modification of Cellulose in Order To Increase The Wettability and Adhesion in Composites

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Chemical modification of cellulose in order to increase the wettability and

adhesion in composites

Article  in  Afinidad -Barcelona- · September 2004


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5 authors, including:

Farners Corrales F. Vilaseca

Universitat de Girona Universitat de Girona


Miquel F. Llop Pere Mutjé

Universitat de Girona Universitat de Girona


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Chemical Modification of Cellulose in Order

to Increase the Wettability and Adhesion
in Composites
M. Gou , F. Corrales , F. Vilaseca *, M.F. Llop , P. Mutjé .
1 1 1,2 1 1

LEPAMAP Group, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Girona, Girona 17071 (Spain).
Department of Materials, Queen Mary University of London, London E1 4NS (UK).

Modificación química de celulosa a fin de mejorar la mojabilidad y la adhesión en materiales compuestos.

Modificació química de cel·lulosa a fi de millorar la mullabilitat i l’adhesió en materials compòsits.

Recibido: 3-IX-2004

Afinidad (2004), 61 (513), 393-395

Chemical Modification of Cellulose in Order
to Increase the Wettability and Adhesion
in Composites
M. Gou , F. Corrales , F. Vilaseca *, M.F. Llop , P. Mutjé .
1 1 1,2 1 1

LEPAMAP Group, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Girona, Girona 17071 (Spain).
Department of Materials, Queen Mary University of London, London E1 4NS (UK).

Modificación química de celulosa a fin de mejorar la mojabilidad y la adhesión en materiales compuestos.

Modificació química de cel·lulosa a fi de millorar la mullabilitat i l’adhesió en materials compòsits.

Recibido: 3-IX-2004

Se ha propuesto un proceso en dos etapas que trans- S’ha proposat un procés en dues etapes que transforma
forma el carácter hidrofílico de la superficie de substra- el caràcter hidrofílic de la superfície dels substrats
tos celulósicos en hidrofóbico. En una primera etapa se cel·lulòsics en hidrofòbic. En una primera etapa es va
modificó químicamente la celulosa con anhídrido meta- modificar químicament la cel·lulosa amb anhídrid meta-
crílico y posteriormente se recubrió con poliestireno crílic i posteriorment es va recobrir amb poliestirè mit-
mediante un proceso de co-polimerización. Aunque ya jançant un procés de co-polimerització. Tot i que ja en
en la primera etapa se obtuvo una celulosa modificada la primera etapa es va obtenir una cel·lulosa modificada
con carácter superficial hidrofóbico, el proceso de poli- amb caràcter superficial hidrofòbic, el procés de poli-
merización incremento el comportamiento hidrofóbico. merització va incrementar el comportament hidrofòbic.
Palabras clave: Substrato celulósico. Agente de acopla- Mots clau: Substrat cel·lulòsic. Agent d’acoblament.
miento. Recubrimiento con poliestireno. Modificación Recobriment amb poliestirè. Modificació superficial.
superficial. Mojabilidad. Mullabilitat.

A two steps process has been proposed to turn the
hydrophilic character of surface cellulosic substrates for
hydrophobic. Initially pure cellulose has been chemically
modified with methacrylic anhydride and subsequently
coated with polysterene by co-polymerisation process.
Although the first step yielded modified cellulose with
hydrophobic surface character, the polymerisation pro- * To whom correspondence should be addressed at
cess increased that hydrophobic behaviour., Department of Materials,
Key words: Cellulosic substrate. Coupling agent. Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Road
Polystyrene coating. Surface modification. Wettability. E1 4NS, London

In the last decades, polymers have replaced many of the Different cellulosic substrates were used such as microcrys-
conventional metals/materials in many applications talline cellulose (Avicel®‚ pH 101 powder) supplied by Fluka
because of their advantages in ease processing, in bet- (Barcelona, Spain), tracing sheets of vegetal paper from
ter productivity, and possible cost reduction. Moreover, Guarro Casas SA (Campdevànol, Spain), and Whatman®‚
properties of polymers may be modified using fillers and filter paper supplied by Touron S.A. (Girona, Spain).
fibres to suit high strength / high modulus requirements . Methacrylic anhydride (AMA) from Aldrich Chemical Co.
Composites reinforced with glass and carbon fibres have with high-purity commercial product was used as coupling
found applications in many fields, but their non-recy- agent. Pyridine from Panreac SA was used as reaction
clability becomes a significant disadvantage at the end media. The solvent was thoroughly dried over activated
(2, 3, 4)
of their lifetime . Unlike the traditional engineering 0.4 nm sieves for a week. Styrene (PS) from Aldrich
fibres, natural fibres derived from annual plants show Chemical Co. was used as monomer in the polymerisation
several advantages like recyclability, availability, com- reaction whereas α,α'-azoisobutironitrile (AIBN) from Fluka
parative cost lower, lightweight and acceptable strength SA was applied as initiator.
values. Nevertheless, the hydrophilic nature of natural The vegetal paper and the filter paper were cut in order to
fibres adversely affects the adhesion to hydrophobic obtain specimens of one per three centimetres. All cellu-
polymeric matrices and it may cause lose of strength in losic materials were vacuum dried at 90 ºC for 24 hours
the final composite. To improve the compatibility bet- before being placed in the flask for chemical modification.
ween biofibres and polymeric matrices, many surface Then, the cellulosic substrates were suspended in the dry
modifications such as dewaxing, delignification, blea- solvent while 2.8 ml of the coupling agent per gram of subs-
ching, acetylating, or chemical grafting have been pro- trate was slowly added under magnetic stirring in a dry
(1, 2, 3, 5)
posed . Furthermore, coupling agents such as sila- nitrogen atmosphere. The solvent/substrate ratio tested
nes, titanates, zirconates, triazine compounds or alkyl were 40 ml per gram of cellulosic substrate. The reaction
(6, 7)
halide reagents have been used to modify the surfa- was maintained for 24 hours at boiling conditions. Then,
ce properties and to enhance performance. The aim of the liquid phase was drained through a sintered glass fil-
this work is to study the surface modification of cellulo- ter and the solid was washed several times with the dry
sic substrates with a bi-functional reagent able to react solvent, to remove residual reagent. The modified cellulo-
with hydroxyl groups of cellulose and with an olefinic sic substrate were dried under vacuum at 90 ºC for 24 hours,
monomer as well. In a first step, chemical modification and kept for the ensuing characterisation and for the poly-
of the substrate with the coupling agent, which should merisation reaction. The styrene monomer was pre-trea-
turn the surface cellulose partially hydrophobic, has been ted with 1M caustic soda to extract 4-ter-butyl catecol used
done. In a second step, covalent linkages between the as stabiliser. The extracted styrene was dried over CaH2
modified cellulose and the olefinic monomer (co-poly- for 24 hours and then kept over activated 0.4 nm sieves.
merisation) were looked for the cellulose surface as coa- Thus, one gram of the modified cellulose substrate was
ting . Then, it was expected to obtain modified cellulo- covered with styrene (30 ml) and AIBN (2% by weight of
se with poor water affinity and better wettability for the styrene) for the polymerisation reaction. The polymerisa-
matrix . Several methods confirmed a decrease in the tion was carried out at 70 °C for 24 hours. In order to eli-
hydrophilic nature of surface cellulose after this method. minate the ungrafted species, the modified cellulosic subs-
Even if the co-polymerisation of polystyrene onto the trates were submitted to 2-days soxhlet extractions in
modified cellulose were not very extensive, it neverthe- CH2Cl2. The residual solids were also dried in vacuum at
less contributed to increase the hydrophobic behaviour 90 ºC for 24 hours and stored thereafter under nitrogen
of cellulosic materials. before characterisation.

Figure 1. (a) FTIR spectrum of pure methacrylic anhydri- Figure 2. (a) FTIR spectrum of polystyrene (PS). (b) FTIR
de (AMA). (b) FTIR spectrum of pure cellulose (AV) and spectrum of modified cellulose with methacrylic anhydri-
modified cellulose with methacrylic anhydride (AVAMA). de (AVAM) and modified-polymerised cellulose (AVAMPS).

Chemical modifications were followed by Fourier trans- angle of 50 ± 2º, which increased to 83 ± 4º and 113 ± 3º
form infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) obtained from KBr pellets for modified and modified-polymerised substrates res-
by means of a Galaxy series FTIR 5000 from Matson. The pectively.
spectrometer was used in the transmission mode with a Finally, enzymatic degradation of pure and modified-poly-
–1 –1
resolution of 2 cm in the range of 4000 – 400 cm . In addi- merised substrates was measured to evaluate the easy
tion, inverse gas chromatography (IGC), contact angle and access of cellulose fibres after modification process. Once
enzymatic degradation were also applied to evaluate the the enzymatic reaction was realised, the weight reduc-
surface energy and the acid/base ratio, the hydrophobic tion of cellulose was over 95 % for pure cellulosic subs-
surface behaviour, and the accessibility of cellulose fibre, trates while it was lower than 15 % for the modified-poly-
respectively. For the enzymatic assay, samples were intro- merised one, indicating the effectiveness of the applied
duced in a buffer solution (pH = 4.8) of 2.14 g/l of coating, which extremely decreased the accessibility of
Trichoderma deesei at 50 °C for 25 days and the weight modified and polymerised cellulosic surface for the micro-
reduction of the cellulosic part was measured. organisms.


The reaction of pure cellulose (Avicel ® ) with anhydride met- A good hydrophobizing process has been proposed to
hacrylic yielded the expected surface modified cellulose improve the wettability of cellulosic reinforcements with
shown in Figure 1. The characteristic ester group was polymeric matrices. The coupling agent used methacrylic
detected in modified cellulose spectrum at 1723 cm indi- anhydride, has condensed with hydroxyl groups of cellu-
cating the occurrence of the condensation reaction. In the losic substrates and has copolymerised with styrene mono-
second reaction, the mass polymerisation over modified mer, which has coated the surface of modified cellulosic
cellulose, FTIR spectra of Figure 2, were obtained. In spi- material. The characterisation methods applied has pro-
te of there being no relevant differences between modi- ved the increasing in hydrophobic properties of treated
fied cellulose spectra after and before polymerisation, a surfaces of cellulosic material, which may contribute to
short moving of ester absorption peak to 1736 cm was better compatibility and adhesion between biofibres and
noticed, due to the conjugated double bond disappearing polymeric matrices.
during polymerisation. Moreover, the small absorption
bands at 754 and 702 cm were characteristic of the pre-
sence of hydrogen aromatic moiety in the modified-poly-
merised cellulose.
In order to evaluate the surface properties of the modified
The authors acknowledge the financial support by the
and modified-polymerised cellulose, other complementary
University of Girona in the program "Research Plan 1999".
techniques were applied. Values of the surface energy and
The authors are grateful to Prof. A. Gandini from E.F.P.
acid/base ratios were obtained by inverse gas chromato-
(Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble), France for
graphy. The surface energy of pure cellulose was found to
the contribution to results and discussion.
be γ s = 41.6 mJ/m2, close to the theoretical value (γ s = 40
d d

mJ/m ) for pure cellulose, while the surface energy of modi-
fied-polymerised cellulose was 29.5 mJ/m , very similar to
d 2
the polystyrene theoretical value (γ s = 29 mJ/m ), sugges- BIBLIOGRAPHY
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