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Bruxism and Dental Implants:

A Meta-Analysis
Bruno Ramos Chrcanovic, DDS, MSc,* Tomas Albrektsson, MD, PhD,† and Ann Wennerberg, DDS, PhD‡

cclusal parafunction includes Purpose: To test the null hypoth- possible. A risk ratio of 2.93 was

O bruxism (clenching, grinding),

lip biting, thumb sucking, and
abnormal posturing of the jaw. In con-
esis of no difference in the implant
failure rates, postoperative infection,
and marginal bone loss after the
found (95% confidence interval,
1.48–5.81; P ¼ 0.002).
Conclusions: These results can-
trast to functional behaviors such as insertion of dental implants in not suggest that the insertion of
mastication, deglutition, or speaking,
bruxers compared with the insertion dental implants in bruxers affects
activities classified as “parafunctions”
seem to have no functional purpose.1 in non-bruxers against the alterna- the implant failure rates due to
Concerning the overloading related to tive hypothesis of a difference. a limited number of published stud-
parafunction, it can cause various Methods: An electronic search ies, all characterized by a low level
complications, such as occlusal sur- was undertaken in June 2014. Eligi- of specificity, and most of them deal
face wear, fracture, loosened screws, bility criteria included clinical stud- with a limited number of cases
or abutment and implant fracture.2 As ies, either randomized or not. without a control group. Therefore,
the frequency of parafunction is very Results: Ten publications were the real effect of bruxing habits on
common,1 the usage of implants in pa- included with a total of 760 implants the osseointegration and survival of
tients with parafunctional habits is inserted in bruxers (49 failures; endosteal dental implants is still not
unavoidable. Moreover, a significantly 6.45%) and 2989 in non-bruxers well established. (Implant Dent
high percentage of newly gained par- (109 failures; 3.65%). Due to lack 2015;24:505–516)
afunction was reported in patients with
of information, meta-analyses for the Key Words: dental implants, brux-
implant-supported superstructures.3
Some authors have suggested that outcomes “postoperative infection” ism, implant failure rate, meta-
overloading of implants or abnormal and “marginal bone loss” were not analysis
occlusal stress, as seen in patients with
bruxism habits, may contribute to fail-
ure.4 As the possible occurrence of sidered a contraindication for implant inserted in bruxers and non-bruxers
parafunctional habits is evident in treatment although the evidence for patients.
any stage of dental treatment, the risks
for implant therapy must be consid-
this is usually based on clinical expe- MATERIALS AND METHODS
rience only.5
ered.2 Therefore, bruxism is often con- The ability to anticipate outcomes This study followed the PRISMA
is an essential part of risk management Statement guidelines.7 A review proto-
*PhD Student, Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of in an implant practice. Recognizing col does not exist.
Odontology, Malmö University, Malmö, Sweden.
†Retired Professor and Former Head, Department of conditions that place the patient at Objective
Biomaterials, Göteborg University, Göteborg, Sweden; Guest
Professor, Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of a higher risk of failure will allow the The purpose of this review was to
Odontology, Malmö University, Malmö, Sweden.
‡Professor and Head, Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of surgeon to make informed decisions test the null hypothesis of no difference
Odontology, Malmö University, Malmö, Sweden.
and refine the treatment plan to opti- in the implant failure rates, postopera-
Reprint requests and correspondence to: Bruno Ramos mize the outcomes.6 The use of implant tive infection, and marginal bone loss
Chrcanovic, DDS, MSc, Department of Prosthodontics, therapy in special populations requires after the insertion of dental implants in
Faculty of Odontology, Malmö University, Carl Gustafs
väg 34, SE-205 06, Malmö, Sweden, Phone: +46 725 consideration of potential benefits to be patients being diagnosed as presenting
541 545, Fax: +46 40 6658503, E-mail: bruno. gained from the therapy. To better bruxing habits compared with the inser-
appreciate this potential, we conducted tion in non-bruxers against the alterna-
ISSN 1056-6163/15/02405-505 a systematic review and meta-analysis tive hypothesis of a difference. The
Implant Dentistry
Volume 24  Number 5 to compare the survival rate of dental following focused question was raised:
Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights
reserved. implants, postoperative infection, and In patients being rehabilitated with
DOI: 10.1097/ID.0000000000000298 marginal bone loss of dental implants dental implants, what is the effect of

Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

bruxism on the implant failure rates, subject were also scanned for possible searches were read independently by
postoperative infection, and marginal additional studies. Moreover, online the 3 authors. For studies appearing to
bone loss? databases providing information meet the inclusion criteria or for which
about clinical trials in progress were there were insufficient data in the title
Search Strategies checked (; www. and abstract to make a clear decision,
An electronic search without time or; www. the full report was obtained. Disagree-
language restrictions was undertaken in ments were resolved by discussion
June 2014 in the following databases: between the authors.
PubMed, Web of Science, and the Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
Cochrane Oral Health Group Trials Eligibility criteria included clinical Quality Assessment
Register. The following terms were used human studies, either randomized or Quality assessment of the studies
in the search strategy on PubMed: not, comparing implant failure rates in was executed according to the New-
(dental implant OR oral implant [topic]) bruxers compared with non-bruxers. castle-Ottawa scale (NOS).8 The NOS
AND (bruxism OR bruxers OR paraf- For this review, implant failure repre- calculates the study quality on the basis
unctional OR clench [topic]) (dental sents the complete loss of the implant. of 3 major components: selection, com-
implant OR oral implant [topic]) AND Exclusion criteria were case reports, parability, and outcome for cohort stud-
(excessive occlusal load OR overload technical reports, animal studies, ies. It assigns a maximum of 4 stars for
[topic]) in vitro studies, and reviews articles. selection, a maximum of 2 stars for
The following terms were used in comparability, and a maximum of 3
the search strategy on Web of Science, Study Selection stars for outcome. According to that
in all databases: (dental implant OR oral The titles and abstracts of all re- quality scale, a maximum of 9 stars/
implant [topic]) AND (bruxism OR ports identified through the electronic points can be given to a study, and this
bruxers OR parafunctional OR clench
[topic]) (dental implant OR oral implant
[topic]) AND (excessive occlusal load
OR overload [topic])
The following terms were used in
the search strategy on the Cochrane
Oral Health Group Trials Register:
(dental implant OR oral implant AND
[bruxism OR bruxers OR parafunction-
al OR clench])
A manual search of dental implants-
related journals, including British Journal
of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related
Research, Clinical Oral Implants
Research, European Journal of Oral
Implantology, Implant Dentistry, Interna-
tional Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial
Implants, International Journal of Oral
and Maxillofacial Surgery, International
Journal of Periodontics and Restorative
Dentistry, International Journal of Pros-
thodontics, Journal of Clinical Periodon-
tology, Journal of Dental Research,
Journal of Dentistry, Journal of Oral Im-
plantology, Journal of Craniofacial Sur-
gery, Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial
Surgery, Journal of Maxillofacial and
Oral Surgery, Journal of Oral and Max-
illofacial Surgery, Journal of Oral Reha-
bilitation, Journal of Periodontology, and
Oral Surgery Oral Medicine Oral Pathol-
ogy Oral Radiology and Endodontology,
was also performed. Fig. 1. Study screening process. The search strategy resulted in 840 articles, of which 10
The reference list of the identified were included in the study.
studies and the relevant reviews on the

Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 1. Detailed Data Extracted From the 10 Studies Included in the Final Analysis: Part 1
Patients’ Age Antibiotics/ Healing P (for Marginal Bone
Study Design Range Follow-up Visits Mouth Period/ Failed/Placed Implant Failure Failure Loss (Mean 6
Study (Center) Patients (n) (Average) (y) (or Range) Rinse (d) Loading Implants (n) Rate (%) Rate) SD) (mm)
Naert RA (unicenter) 91 (35♂, 56♀) 15–88 (53.7) 6 y 10 mo NM 6–8 mo 7/23 (G1) 30.43 (G1) NM Reported for
et al10 (maxilla) patients with
1 or 2
per patient
but not
distinction for
3–5 mo 23/566 (G2) 4.06 (G2)
Glauser PNCS (NM) 41 (19♂, 22♀) 19–72 (52) 12 mo after 5/14 Immediate 9/22 (G1) 40.91 (G1) NM NM
et al11 loading (71%),
within 11
d (29%)
13/105 (G2) 12.38 (G2)
Engstrand PNCS 95 (5, G1; 90, 45–89 (68.5) Mean 2.5 y NM Immediate 2/15 (G1) 13.33 (G1) NM Values for all
et al12 (unicenter) G2; 53♂, (range 1–5) (73.7%), implants; no
42♀) within 40 distinction for


d (26.3%) bruxers
16/270 (G2) 5.93 (G2)
Nedir CCT* 236 (91♂, 18–89 (NM) 7y NM TPS (mean 2/72 (G1) 2.78 (G1) NM NM
et al13 (unicenter) 145♀) mo): 4.5
maxilla, 3.9
SLA (mean 1/456 (G2) 0.22 (G2)
mo): 2.5
maxilla, 2.3
Ibañez PNCS 41 (11♂, 30♀) 38–82 (62.1) 12–74 mo 4–5/15 Immediate 0/207 (G1) 0 (G1) NM (no NM
et al14 (multicenter) failures)
0/136 (G2) 0 (G2)

(continued on next page)

Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 1. (Continued)
Patients’ Age Antibiotics/ Healing P (for Marginal Bone
Study Design Range Follow-up Visits Mouth Period/ Failed/Placed Implant Failure Failure Loss (Mean 6

Study (Center) Patients (n) (Average) (y) (or Range) Rinse (d) Loading Implants (n) Rate (%) Rate) SD) (mm)
Bischof RA (unicenter) 212 (91♂, 22–88 (49.9) 5y 5–6/NM Mean 3.7 mo 2/56 (G1) 3.57 (G1) NM 0.71 6 0.62
et al15 121♀) (mesial)

3/207 (G2) 1.45 (G2) 0.60 6 0.64

Values for all
implants with
RXs; no
distinction for
Siebers CCT† 76 (24, G1; 52, 22–85 (52 6 Mean of 38 mo NM 6–8 mo 1/54 (G1) 1.85 (G1) 0.82 (log- NM
et al16 (unicenter) G2; 34♂, 13) rank

42♀)‡ test)‡

4/168 (G2)‡ 2.38 (G2)
Maló RA (unicenter) 221 (53, G1; 34–84 (56.8) 5y 6/NM Immediate 7/236 (G1) 2.97 (G1) NM Excessive
et al17 168, G2; (.2.8 mm) in
97♂, 124♀)‡ 37 patients;
no distinction

for bruxers
34/759 (G2)‡ 4.48 (G2)
Ji et al18 RA (unicenter) 45 (18♂, 27♀) 25–88 (61.5) Mean 42.1 mo NM Immediate 17/58 (G1) 29.31 (G1) NM Informed, but
(range no distinction
1–125.5) for bruxers
11/239 (G2) 4.60 (G2)
Schneider RA (unicenter) 70 (17, G1; 53, 19.8–76.6 Mean 6.2 y NM Mean 12 mo 2/17 (G1) 11.76 (G1) NM Informed, but
et al19 G2; 27♂, (50.7) (range (range 10 no distinction
43♀) 4.73–11.7) d–36 mo) for bruxers
4/83 (G2)‡ 4.82 (G2)
*Study controlled for implant surface treatment (TPS vs SLA).
†Study controlled for occlusal loading (immediate vs delayed).
‡Unpublished information was obtained by personal communication with one of the authors.
♀ indicates female patients; ♂, male patients; CCT, controlled clinical trial; G1, group bruxers; G2, group non-bruxers; NM, not mentioned; NP, not performed; PNCS, prospective noncontrolled study; RA, retrospective analysis; SLA, sandblasted and acid-etched;
TPS, titanium plasma-sprayed.

Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Table 2. Detailed Data Extracted From the 10 Studies Included in the Final Analysis: Part 2
Implant Surface Rehabilitation/Opposing
Study Bruxism Definitions Modification (Brand) Dentition Observations
Naert et al10 NM Turned (Brånemark; Maxilla, mandible/fixed full- Only completely
Nobelpharma AB, arch prostheses (n ¼ 9), edentulous patients
Göteborg, Sweden) overdentures (n ¼ 2)/
opposing dentition: fixed
full-arch implant-
supported prostheses
(15.7% maxilla; 28.5%
mandible), natural
dentition (21.2%, maxilla;
59.3%, mandible),
complete removable
denture (63.1%, maxilla),
overdenture (19.2%,
Glauser et al11 NM Turned (Brånemark; Maxilla, mandible/single Guided bone
Nobel Biocare AB) crowns (n ¼ 28), fixed regeneration in 84
partial prostheses (n ¼ implant sites
22), fixed full arches (n ¼
3), overdentures (n ¼ 5)/
opposing dentition: NM
Engstrand et al12 NM Turned (Brånemark; Mandible/fixed full-arch 23 smokers
Nobel Biocare AB) prostheses (Brånemark
Novum Concept)/
opposing dentition:
complete removable
denture (58.9%), natural
teeth/crowns, and bridges
(31.6%), implant-
supported prostheses
Nedir et al13 NM TPS, and sandblasted, Maxilla, mandible/single Smokers (106 implants),
and acid etched (TPS, crowns (32.4%), fixed insertion in fresh
n ¼ 264; SLA, n ¼ partial prostheses extraction sockets (12
264; ITI; Straumann, (38.6%), fixed full arches implants)
Waldenburg, (1.1%), overdentures
Switzerland) (27.5%). Bruxers received
1 implant per rehabilitated
unit without, however, any
further extra-attention like
night guards/opposing
dentition: NM
Ibañez et al14 Patients were considered Acid etched (Osseotire; Maxilla, mandible/fixed full- Flapless approach in 10
bruxers when they 3i Innovations, Palm arch prostheses/opposing patients, 62 implants
presented with teeth Beach Gardens, FL) dentition: natural teeth and in smokers
grinding or/and clenching, fixed prostheses (n ¼ 19),
in combination with other complete removable
symptoms like a sore or denture (n ¼ 14), fixed full-
painful jaw, headache, arch implant-supported
earache, anxiety, stress prostheses (n ¼ 16)
and tension, and eating

(continued on next page)

Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Table 2. (Continued)
Implant Surface Rehabilitation/Opposing
Study Bruxism Definitions Modification (Brand) Dentition Observations
Bischof et al NM Sandblasted and acid Maxilla, mandible/single Only in the posterior
etched (SLA, ITI; crowns (n ¼ 157), fixed region, simultaneous
Straumann) partial prostheses (n ¼ bone augmentation
80). In bruxing patients, (37 implants), sinus
metallic occlusal surfaces grafting (3 implants),
were proposed but not insertion in fresh
always accepted. Special extraction sockets (3
care was taken to implants), smokers (53
reinforce the metallic implants). Bruxers
framework and to flatten received 1 implant per
the occlusal surfaces/ rehabilitated unit; in
opposing dentition: NM case of multiple
implant rehabilitation,
these patients were
encouraged to wear
night guards to avoid
Siebers et al16 NM Sandblasted and acid Maxilla, mandible/single No grafted patients, 46
etched (Camlog crowns, fixed partial implants placed in
Rootline and Screw prostheses/opposing fresh extraction
Line; Camlog dentition: NM sockets, 15 smokers
Basel, Switzerland),
acid etched
(Osseotite; Biomet 3i),
blasted with HA and
calcium phosphate
(Restore RBM;
Lifecore Biomedical,
Chaska, MN)
Maló et al17 Classified in absent or Sandblasted and acid Maxilla/fixed full-arch Insertion in fresh
present, and diagnosed etched (MkII, MkIII, prostheses/opposing extraction sockets (31
by evaluating the degree MkIV, Nobelspeedy; dentition: implant- patients, 45 implants).
of tooth wear vs the Nobel Biocare AB) supported prostheses There were patients
patient’s age or the (104 patients), natural who were smokers,
degree of prosthesis wear teeth (56 patients), but the exact number
vs the prosthesis time in a combination of both (55 was not informed
function and by asking patients) and removable
the patient prostheses (6 patients)
Ji et al18 NM Sandblasted and acid Maxilla, mandible/fixed full- 8 smokers, 1 diabetic
etched (Xive; Dentsply arch prostheses/opposing patient
Friadent, Mannhein, dentition: NM
Germany; n ¼ 10),
oxidized (TiUnite;
Nobel Biocare AB; n ¼
233), HA coated
(Steri-Oss Hex-Loc;
Nobel Biocare AB;
Tapered Screw-Vent;
Zimmer Dental,
Carlsbad, CA; n ¼ 54)

(continued on next page)

Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Table 2. (Continued)
Implant Surface Rehabilitation/Opposing
Study Bruxism Definitions Modification (Brand) Dentition Observations
Schneider et al NM Sandblasted and acid Maxilla, mandible/single Only in the posterior
etched (Brånemark; crowns/opposing region, 31 smokers,
Nobel Biocare AB; n ¼ dentition: natural dentition 14 patients with
76; SLA, ITI; or tooth-supported fixed a history of
Straumann; n ¼ 24) prostheses (54 patients), periodontitis, GBR (46
implant-supported fixed implants), sinus lifting
prostheses (9 patients), (12 implants)
removable denture (4
patients), not evaluated (3
GBR indicates guided bone regeneration; HA, hydroxyapatite; NM, not mentioned; TPS, titanium plasma-sprayed.

score represents the highest quality, Where statistically significant (P , Center, The Cochrane Collaboration,
where 6 or more points were considered 0.10) heterogeneity is detected, a ran- Copenhagen, Denmark, 2014).
high quality. dom-effects model was used to assess
the significance of treatment effects. RESULTS
Data Extraction and Meta-Analysis Where no statistically significant het-
From the studies included in the erogeneity is found, analysis was per- Literature Search
final analysis, the following data were formed using a fixed-effects model.9 The study selection process is sum-
extracted (when available): year of The estimates of relative effect for marized in Figure 1. The search strategy
publication, study design, unicenter or dichotomous outcomes were ex- resulted in 840 articles. The combina-
multicenter study, number of patients, pressed in risk ratio (RR) and in mean tions of terms used in the literature
patients’ age, follow-up, days of antibi- difference in millimeters for continu- search of different databases resulted
otic prophylaxis, mouth rinse, implant ous outcomes both with a 95% confi- in a number of 292 duplicates. The 3
healing period, failed and placed im- dence interval (CI). Only if there were reviewers independently screened the
plants, postoperative infection, mar- studies with similar comparisons re- abstracts for those articles related to
ginal bone loss, bruxism definitions, porting the same outcome measures, the focus question. The initial screening
implant surface modification, jaws meta-analysis was to be attempted. In of titles and abstracts resulted in 548
receiving implants (maxilla and/or the case where no events (or all events) full-text articles; 491 were excluded
mandible), type of prosthetic rehabilita- are observed in both groups, the study for not being related to the topic. Addi-
tion, and opposing dentition. Contact provides no information about relative tional hand-searching of the reference
with authors for providing missing data probability of the event and is automat- lists of studies not excluded so far
was performed. ically omitted from the meta-analysis. yielded 7 additional articles. The full-
Implant failure and postoperative In this (these) case(s), the term “not text reports of the remaining 64 articles
infection were the dichotomous out- estimable” is shown under the column led to the exclusion of 54 because they
comes measures evaluated. Weighted of RR of the forest plot table. The soft- did not meet the inclusion criteria (18
mean differences were used to con- ware used here automatically checks reviews, 16 did not inform of the num-
struct forest plots of marginal bone for problematic zero counts, and adds ber of implants inserted and/or lost per
loss, a continuous outcome. The sta- a fixed value of 0.5 to all cells of study group, 7 case reports, 6 not evaluating
tistical unit for “implant failure” and results tables where the problems implant failures, 5 animal studies, and 2
“marginal bone loss” was the implant occur. evaluating failed implants only). Thus,
and for “postoperative infection” was A funnel plot (plot of effect size vs a total of 10 publications were included
the patient. Whenever outcomes of SE) was planned to be drawn. Asym- in the review.
interest were not clearly stated, the data metry of the funnel plot may indicate
were not used for analysis. The I2 sta- publication bias and other biases Description of the Studies
tistic was used to express the percent- related to sample size although the Detailed data of the 10 included
age of the total variation across studies asymmetry may also represent a true studies are listed in Tables 1 and 2. Two
due to heterogeneity with 25% corre- relationship between trial size and controlled clinical trials (CCT),13,16 3
sponding to low heterogeneity, 50% to effect size. prospective noncontrolled studies,11,12,14
moderate, and 75% to high. The The data were analyzed using the and 5 retrospective analyses10,15,17–19
inverse variance method was used for statistical software Review Manager were included in the meta-analysis.
random-effects or fixed-effects model. (version 5.3.3; The Nordic Cochrane The 2 CCTs here included were not

Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

controlled for the condition bruxism but

The NOS calculates the study quality on the basis of 3 major components: selection, comparability, and outcome for cohort studies. A maximum of 9 stars/points can be given to a study, and this score represents the highest quality, where 6 or more points are
Total (9/9)
for the implant surface treatment13 and


for the occlusal loading.16
One study11 had a follow-up of on-
ly 12 months after loading. All studies

Adequacy of
had available data of the patients’ age,

and only one10 included non-adult pa-


tients. Some patients in 8 studies12–19
were smokers. In 4 studies,13,15–17 some
implants were inserted in fresh extrac-
tion sockets. In 4 studies,12,14,17,18



the patients were rehabilitated with


fixed full-arch prostheses only, and in


another one,19 single crowns only.
Patients were submitted to grafting pro-
of Outcome

cedures at the implant site in 3 stud-

ies.11,15,19 One study10 included only



edentulous patients, and other 215,19 in-
serted implants only in the posterior seg-
ments. Some implants were submitted to
immediate loading in 2 studies11,12 and
Outcome of Comparability of Cohorts


exclusively in 3 studies.14,17,18 In the



other 5 studies,10,13,15,16,19 the implant

healing time before loading ranged from
2.3 to 12 months. Implants were inserted
exclusively in maxillae in one study17

and in mandibles in another one.12 Five




studies10,12,14,17,19 provided information

about the dentition opposed to the im-
plants being evaluated.
Interest Not
Ascertainment Present at
the Start

Eight studies10–13,15,16,18,19 did not

report the adopted criteria to classify

a patient as having bruxing habits. Only
one study15 informed that the patients
with bruxing habits were encouraged
of Exposure

to wear night guards. None of the 10

studies provided information about

*Five years of follow-up was chosen to be enough for the outcome “implant failure” to occur.

postoperative infection. Six stud-

ies10,12,15,17–19 provided information
Table 3. Quality Assessment of the Studies by the NOS

about marginal bone loss, but in none


Selection of

of them, there was a distinction between


bruxers and non-bruxers.

The 10 included studies reported

a total of 760 dental implants inserted
in bruxers (49 failures; 6.45%) and
Representativeness of
the Exposed Cohort

2989 implants in non-bruxers (109

failures; 3.65%). Implants from the
Nobel Biocare AB (Göteborg, Sweden)

were the most commonly used in



6 studies10–12,17–19 but not exclusively

in 2 studies.18,19 One study16 informed
whether there was a statistically
significant difference or not in the
considered high quality.
Glauser et al11

Bischof et al15
Siebers et al16
Ibañez et al14

implant failure rates. There were no

Naert et al10

Nedir et al13

Maló et al17


implant failures in one study.14 Four

et al12

et al19
Ji et al18

studies11,14,15,17 provided information


about the use of prophylactic antibiotics.

Two studies11,14 provided information

Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Bruxism has been suggested to
cause excessive occlusal load of dental
implants and their suprastructures, ulti-
mately resulting in bone loss around the
implants or even in implant failure,5
although some of the articles here
included did not provide clear conclu-
sions on the issue13,14,18 or did not sup-
port bruxism as a causative effect of
dental implant failures.16 The present
Fig. 2. Forest plot for the event “implant failure.” The insertion of dental implants in patients meta-analysis found a statistically sig-
being diagnosed as bruxers affected the implant failure rates. nificant difference when comparing
dental implant failures in bruxers and
non-bruxers. However, the included
studies have some limitations, thus
about the use of chlorhexidine mouth Fig. 2) with a RR of 2.93 (95% CI, being not possible to suggest that
rinse by the patients. 1.48–5.81). Thus, the relative risk the insertion of dental implants in
reduction (RRR) was −193%. Being bruxers affects the implant failure rates.
Quality Assessment RRR negative, the insertion of implants Although this cause-effect relationship
Two studies were of high quality, 6 in bruxers increases the risk of implant still needs to be confirmed with appro-
of moderate quality, and 2 of low quality. failure by 193% in comparison with priately designed studies, it worth re-
The scores are summarized in Table 3. non-bruxers. Due to lack of informa- minding that a high and unpredictable
tion, meta-analyses for the outcomes or uncontrolled loading of the implant
Meta-Analysis “postoperative infection” and “mar- could lead to micromotions above the
In this study, a random-effects ginal bone loss” were not possible. critical limit, resulting in fibrous encap-
model was used to evaluate the outcome sulation of the implant instead of os-
“implant failure” because statistically Publication Bias seointegration.20 It is also important to
significant heterogeneity was found The funnel plot (Fig. 3) showed stress that the periodontal ligament of
(P ¼ 0.0007; I2 ¼ 70%). The insertion asymmetry when the studies reporting natural teeth provides the central nerve
of dental implants in patients being the outcome “implant failure” were system with feedback for sensory per-
diagnosed as bruxers affected the analyzed, indicating the possible pres- ception and motor control.21 Proprio-
implant failure rates (P ¼ 0.002; ence of publication bias. ception around dental implants is
limited because of the absence of a peri-
odontal ligament, causing lower tactile
sensitivity. Consequently, the proprio-
ceptive feedback mechanisms to the
jaw-closing muscles are limited as well.
In addition, the perception of forces is
limited in implant patients.22 It is, there-
fore, not unlikely that forces that are
applied to implants during bruxism are
even larger than those exerted during
mastication,5 making them more prone
to occlusal overload and possible sub-
sequent failure.21 Chewing is supposed
to be a physiological load for dental im-
plants; bruxism, an overload.5
Although there was no information
regarding marginal bone loss compar-
ing bruxers and non-bruxers to perform
a meta-analysis, some comments on the
subject will be made. Contrary to early
failures, late biological failures are
Fig. 3. Funnel plot for the studies reporting the outcome event “implant failure” (RR, risk ratio). characterized by pathological bone loss
There is asymmetry, indicating the possible presence of publication bias. after full osseointegration was obtained
at an earlier stage. Late biological

Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

implant failures are, among other rea- bruxism include complaint of jaw mus- reducing stresses at the bone-implant
sons, associated with overload.5 Occlu- cle discomfort, fatigue, stiffness, and/or interface.33 In only 1 study,15 the pa-
sal overloading has been suggested to occasional headaches, the presence of tients with bruxing habits were encour-
cause periimplant marginal bone loss tooth wear, tooth sensitivity, muscle aged to wear night guards. A hard
and constitutes a high risk for early hypertrophy, temporomandibular joint stabilization splint for nightly use (night
implant failure.23 Natural teeth have clicking or jaw lock, and tongue inden- guard) contributes to optimally distrib-
a lower detection threshold of minimal tation. The clinical diagnosis of brux- uting, and vertically redirecting, the
pressure compared with implants, but ism is based on orofacial examination forces that go with nocturnal teeth
stresses are distributed evenly around and is usually supported by patient his- grinding and clenching.2 Moreover, it
them, whereas stresses around implants tory, self-reports, or parental/partner re- is known that the surface properties of
tend to concentrate at the crestal bone ports. Considering that many sleep dental implants such as topography and
region instead of distributing them- bruxism patients are not aware of grind- chemistry are relevant for the osseoin-
selves evenly.24 In case of overload, ing if they slept alone or with a partner tegration process influencing ionic
equilibrium between bone resorption who sleeps deeply30 and that the overall interaction, protein adsorption, and cel-
and deposition is being disturbed, prevalence of daytime clenching aware- lular activity at the surface.34 The stud-
thereby causing fatigue-related micro- ness has been reported by approxi- ies here included made use of implants
fractures at, and around, the bone- mately 20% of the adult population,31 with different brands and surface treat-
implant interface.25 this may misguide the clinician to the ments. Titanium with different surface
In a clinical human study, Lind- correct clinical diagnosis.30 Polysom- modifications shows a wide range of
quist et al26 showed that parafunctional nographic analysis has been proposed chemical, physical properties, and sur-
activity, such as bruxism reported as for a more accurate diagnosis,2 face topographies or morphologies, de-
tooth clenching and occlusal wear on although the process of diagnosing pending on how they are prepared and
the prosthesis, led to increased bone sleep bruxism by means of polysom- handled,35–37 and it is not clear whether,
loss around Brånemark implants. Ani- nography is considered to be compli- in general, one surface modification is
mal studies also evaluated the relation- cated by some authors.32 Thus, there better than another.34 It is also important
ship between implant occlusal overload seems to be a need to establish more to comment that when overload occurs,
and marginal bone loss. Miyata et al27 accurate and objective methodology the level of stress concentration at the
investigated the relationship between for detecting bruxism.2 Most of the implant-bone interface depends on sev-
occlusal overload and periimplant tis- studies10–13,15,16,18,19 here included did eral factors related to load transfer, such
sue and suggested that there is a possi- not even report the adopted criteria to as the direction of the functional loads,
bility of bone resorption around the classify a patient as having bruxing hab- the resiliency properties of the implant
implants caused by excess occlusal its, that is, the mode of bruxism deter- and alveolar bone, the implant macro-
trauma, even when there is no inflam- mination is not given at all. Without geometry and microgeometry, and the
mation in the periimplant tissue. Duyck a definitive diagnosis of bruxism hav- quality of the bone support,38 and it was
et al28 showed that dynamic overload ing been established, it is acknowl- impossible to control these variables in
generated by the grinding of teeth re- edged that some of the outcomes the included studies.
sulted in severe angular bone loss. In illustrated in some of the clinical cases The results of this study have to be
a recent review,29 the authors pointed may be due to such load-increasing or interpreted with caution because of its
out that animal experimental studies material-related factors, rather than to limitations. First of all, all confounding
indeed suggested the potential detri- bruxism per se.32 Therefore, the possi- factors may have affected the long-term
mental effect of excessive mechanical ble cause-effect relationship between outcomes and not just the fact that
load on periimplant bone although ran- bruxism and implant failure do not yield implants were placed in patients who
domized or CCTs of treatment interven- consistent and specific outcomes. This were diagnosed with bruxism or not,
tions of oral implants designed to study is partly because of the large variation in and the impact of these variables on the
overload are lacking. The authors also the literature in terms of both the tech- implant survival rate, postoperative
observed that the level of evidence nical aspects and the biological aspects infection, and marginal bone loss is
of the studies on bone response to of the study material.5 difficult to estimate if these factors are
implant loading is weak and does not The use of grafting procedures in not identified separately between the 2
indicate that overload can lead to peri- some studies11,15 is a confounding fac- different procedures to perform a meta-
implant bone loss, except in case of tor as well as the presence of smokers regression analysis. The lack of control
inflammation. Thus, the subject is still among the patients,12–19 the insertion of of the confounding factors limited the
controversial. some implants in fresh extraction sock- potential to draw robust conclusions.
It is important to say that there is ets,13,15–17 the insertion of implants in Second, most of the included studies
still a lack of agreement about the different locations, different healing pe- had a retrospective design, and the
definition of bruxism, which makes it riods, and different prosthetic configu- nature of a retrospective study inher-
sometimes difficult to unequivocally rations, including splinting of the ently results in flaws. These problems
interpret the available evidence.5 The implants, which allows a more even dis- were manifested by the gaps in infor-
clinical features for diagnosis of tribution of the occlusal forces, thereby mation and incomplete records.

Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Furthermore, all data rely on the accu- a low level of specificity, and most of 6. Chrcanovic BR, Albrektsson T,
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not recorded in the medical chart.39–41 the osseointegration and survival of Preferred reporting items for systematic re-
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