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the turnaround in China's sixth most populous province as a result of broader desperation on the

part of the national government.

the one-child policy was implemented in the mid-twentieth century, women had many children to
combat the mortality rates at that time, according to the former leader of China Mao Zedong
mentioned that the more labor available the economic growth would be higher for what the
country would be more development, an event of great importance was "The Great Leap
Forward", which took place between 1958 and 1962, was an attempt by the Chinese government
to quickly transform the country from an agricultural economy to an industrialized economy. The
policy resulted in severe famine and the deaths of millions of people. After the Great Leap
Forward, China went through the Cultural Revolution, which was a period of political and social
upheaval that lasted from the mid-1960s to the mid-1970s.

The one-child policy was created after these events as a measure to control population growth
and reduce pressure on the country's natural resources and economy.

context of implementation of the one-child policy

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