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Friday, February 24th 2023

Lesson goals
 To Talk about sports
 To use present continuous for right now actions
 To discriminate present continuous vs present simple

B Write the sports in A next to the clues. Some clues have more than one answer.

1. You do these sports on a mountain: ______________________________

2. You can do this sport in a pool: ______________________________
3. You play this sport with a ball: ______________________________
4. This sport is like running: ______________________________
5. You do these sports in the winter: ______________________________

D Complete the messages with the present continuous.

Hana: Hi! What (1) ___________ (you / do)?
Pedro: I’m with Ben. We (2) ___________ (play) tennis. Are you at the gym?
Hana: No, I (3) ___________ (not / go) to the gym today.
Pedro: Why not?
Hana: I have a test tomorrow, so I (4) ___________ (study) at home.
Pedro: OK. Good luck!

E Practice the conversation in D in pairs.

F Make a new conversation using other sports and activities.
G Work in groups. One student acts out a sport or activity. The other students guess the answer.
Use the present continuous.
GOAL CHECK Describe Activities Happening Now
Answer the questions in pairs.
1. What are you and your brother doing now?
2. What is your teacher doing now?
3. What is your family doing now?

B (tr.24) Listen to three phone calls. Match each call to two photos. Write the number on the
C (tr.24) Listen again. In pairs, fill in the information below. Each of you fill in one section. Then
tell your partner your answers.
Student A: What do these people usually do? When?
1. Alan and Karen usually _________ on _________.
2. Khaled usually _________ in _________.
3. Liam usually _________ on _________.

Student B: What are these people doing now?

1. Alan and Karen ________________.
2. Khaled ________________.
3. Liam ________________.

D Compare these sentences from the phone calls and answer the questions.
a. I’m ice skating with Alan. b. You usually go to the movies on Fridays.
1. Which sentence uses the simple present? ______
2. Which sentence uses the present continuous? ______
3. Which sentence is about an action happening now (or around the time of speaking)? ______
4. Which sentence is about a habit or routine? ______

E Underline the correct verb form in these sentences.

1. I play / ’m playing tennis now. Can I call you back?
2. We usually swim / are swimming on Tuesdays and Fridays.
3. They don’t meet / aren’t meeting us. They’re too busy today.
4. My sister doesn’t get / isn’t getting much exercise at the moment. She has her final exams.

F (tr.25) Read the information. Then listen to the full and reduced forms of the question What are
you doing?

G (tr.26) Listen and check (✓) the form you hear. Then, listen again and repeat.
Full Form Reduced Form
1. What are you doing?
2. What are you studying?
3. What are you playing?
4. What are you writing?


H Match the questions to the answers.

1. What are you doing? ____ a. I’m a doctor.

2. What do you do? ____ b. Yes, I am. I have final exams in two weeks.
3. Where do you go for exercise? ____ c. No, not often. It’s expensive and I like cooking
4. Do you go skiing in the winter? ____ d. I’m studying math
5. Are you studying a lot at the moment? ____ e. Sometimes, but I usually go snowboarding
6. Do you often eat out? ____ f. To a local gym. And I go running in the park.

I In pairs, take turns asking the questions in H and giving your own answers.

GOAL CHECK Compare Everyday and Present-Time Activities

1. Write three questions about everyday activities using the simple present, and three questions
about present-time activities using the present continuous.
2. In pairs, ask and answer your questions.

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