Law Chart

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Tyler D’Hondt EDU 312

Title Date Summary People Affected

Brown v. Board of 1954 The case removed the “separate but equal” clause in regards to facilities Students in minority
Education of Topeka for students of different races. Raised the question from parents of groups
children with disabilities why the principle of equal access to education
should not apply to their children.

Elementary & 1965, every The law states that funds are authorized for professional development, All children, especially
Secondary Education five years instructional materials, resources to support educational programs, and those from low-income
Act following the promotion of parental involvement. Incentivised college readiness families.
to date standards through offering extra funding if certain criteria were met by
those receiving the funds.

Hobson v. Hansen 1967 The court’s ruling helped to fix segregation and ability grouping in Poor and minority students

Architectural Barriers 1968 All buildings that receive federal funding for construction must be All people who have
Act accessible to every person. hindrances concerning
their movement

Diana v. Board of 1970 The case determined that all students have the right to be tested using Students whose first
Education their native languages. language is not English

PARC v. 1972 The court ruled that all children with intellectual disabilities were entitled All students considered to
Commonwealth of to a free appropriate public education and emphasized that placements in have an “intellectual
Pennsylvania regular classrooms were preferable to segregated settings. disability”

Rehabilitation Act / 1973 This law, similar to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, expanded opportunities All people with disabilities
Section 504 to children and adults with disabilities in education, employment, and
other settings.
Education for All 1975 The law determined that all facilities that receive federal funds must All students with
Handicapped Children provide access to free education and one meal per day to all students with disabilities
Act (AKA PL 94-142) disabilities.

Armstrong v. Kline 1979 In this case, the court ordered that schools provide extended school Students with severe
year services for students with severe disabilities if necessary for disabilities
them to receive a Free and Appropriate Public Education.

Americans with 1990 The law requires employers to make reasonable accommodations People in the general
Disabilities Act for people with disabilities and prohibits discrimination of persons population who have any
with disabilities in all aspects of employment. of the 13 government
recognized disabilities

Individuals with 1990 It states that children with disabilities are entitled to a Free and Students (PK-age 21) who
Disabilities Education Appropriate Public Education, and that each child’s education will be have a disability(ies) in the
Act planned and monitored with an Individualized Education Plan or an 13 government categories
Individualized Family Service Plan

No Child Left Behind/ 2001, 2002, It increased the federal role in holding schools responsible for the Impoverished students,
Elementary and 2007, academic progress of all students, putting a focus on ensuring that schools English Second Language,
Secondary Education 2010-13, boost the performance of groups of students, such as English-language and minority populations,
Act 2015 learners, students in special education, and poor and minority children, students who underperform
whose achievements are trailing.

Individuals with 2004 The revival of the IDEA laws and gives further support for children with Children with disabilities
Disabilities Education disabilities. and their parents/guardians
Improvement Act of

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