It Was Just Before Sunrise 1

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u se
j i

a s r
It w sun
f o r e

My first name is

My last name is

My school is

My address is


farmer cow

sheep donkey



First Grade
It was just before sunrise, all the animals were still sleeping when the
rooster began to crow.

Up jumped the horses and woke up the cows. The cows then ran into the
sheep who were grumpy from their lack of sleep.

First Grade
As the sun rose above the beautiful snowy peaks, the animals could see
the donkey running down the mountain. The llama went to greet the
donkey and asked:

What's wrong?

There has been an avalanche and we need to move…NOW!

You're lying, I can't see anything.

First Grade
The donkey ran past the llama and disappeared. The other animals
noticed that the donkey had said something to the llama and asked him:
Tell us, what did he say?

He said that there's been an avalanche. I think he's lying.

All the animals laughed at the donkey and no one believed him. Suddenly,
they heard a loud rumble and the ground began to shake! The animals
ran wildly in all directions and bumped into each other, and luckily none
of them were hurt.
The avalanche covered their home in thick snow, so then there was no
food to eat!

What are we going to do? There's no food to eat!

The donkey was right.

We should have believed him, and now it's too late.

First Grade
The donkey had watched the other animals run from the avalanche.
He watched the thick snow cover the valley.

He knew his friends would need food, so he ran to a farmer's house and
asked him to help his friends.

First Grade
All the animals were looking very sad by the time the donkey
arrived with the farmer.

We have brought food for everyone, and you can stay at the farm
until the snow melts.
We're sorry we didn't believe you, donkey. You're a good friend!

First Grade
The animals stayed at the farm for a month until all the snow had melted.
The rooster crowed every morning to let the farmer know that it was time
to wake up. The sheep gave him wool which he made into sweaters.

The cows gave the farmer some milk. They also helped him plow his
fields, and the llama, donkey and horses helped him carry things to the

First Grade
One morning, the rooster didn't crow and the animals went to find him.

I don't feel well, can you ask the farmer to help me?

Of course, let's ask him now.

The animals went to find the farmer who bought medicine for the rooster.
The medicine worked, but it took a day before they heard him crow
again at sunrise.

First Grade
Once the snow melted, the animals returned to live in the valley, except
for the donkey. He stayed at the farm to help the farmer and they became
good friends.

Sometimes the donkey would visit his friends, but the farm was his home
now and he was very happy living there.

First Grade
1. Match.
a. horse

b. cow

c. llama

d. donkey

e. rooster

f. farmer

g. sheep

h. pig

2. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box to complete the

food farm llama

lying rooster month

a. The donkey told the about the avalanche.

b. The llama thought that Donkey was .

c. The woke up everyone at sunrise.

d. The farmer gave the animals to eat.

e. The animals returned to the valley after one .

f. The donkey decided to live on the .

3. Write T for True or F for False.

a. The donkey told the cows about the avalanche.

b. The llama didn't believe the donkey when he told him about the


c. The animals didn't have any food to eat because of all the snow.

d. The donkey asked the farmer to help all the animals.

e. The animals helped the farmer while they stayed on the farm.

f. The animals stayed on the farm for one week.

First Grade
4. Number.
It was just before sunrise, all the animals were
still sleeping when the rooster began to crow.
Up jumped the horses and woke up the cows.
The cows then ran into the sheep who were
grumpy from their lack of sleep.

b 2
The donkey had watched the other animals
run from the avalanche.
He watched the thick snow cover the valley.
He knew his friends would need food so he
ran to a farmer's house and asked him to help
his friends.

Once the snow melted, the animals returned
to live in the valley, except for the donkey. He
stayed at the farm to help the farmer and they
became good friends.

d 4
The animals stayed at the farm for a month
until all the snow had melted. The rooster
crowed every morning to let the farmer know
that it was time to wake up. The sheep gave
him wool which he made into sweaters.
The cows gave the farmer some milk. They
also helped him plow his fields, and the
llama, donkey and horses helped him carry
things to the market.

5. Put the sentences in the correct order. Write 1-6.
a. The animals stayed at the farm for a month until all the snow had
b. Sometimes the donkey would visit his friends, but the farm was his
home now and he was very happy living there.
c. Up jumped the horses and woke up the cows. The cows then ran
into the sheep who were grumpy from their lack of sleep.
d. There has been an avalanche and we need to move…NOW!

e. All the animals were looking very sad by the time the donkey
arrived with the farmer.
f. We're sorry we didn't believe you, donkey. You're a good friend!

6. Who said this? Write the name of the character.

a. I don't feel well, can you ask the farmer to help me?
b. There has been an avalanche and we need to move…NOW!

c. What are we going to do? There's no food to eat!

d. He said that there's been an avalanche. I think he's lying.

e. The donkey was right.

f. We're sorry we didn't believe you, donkey. You're a good friend!

First Grade
It w a s j i s e
before sunr

This story encourages

student to exercise
their creativity and
imagination by acting
out the story. They will
also learn to believe
their friends when they
give them warnings.

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