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Name: _____________________________________________ Score: __________

I. Calculate the following and choose the letter of the correct answer.
For Numbers1-2 Daniel can type 840 words in in 20 minutes. Calculate his typing speed in
______1. In words
a. 16, 800 words per minute c. 42 words per minute
b. 420 words per minute d. 168 words per minute
______2. In hour we have 60 minutes, how many word per hour,
a. 2520 words per hour c. 10080 words per hour
b. 25200 per hour d. 100800 words per hour
______3. The bus travels 450 km in 9 hours. What is the speed of the bus?
a. 50 km/hr b. 60 km/hr c.. 70 km/hr d. 80 km/hr
_____ 4.Dennis drove his car at an average speed of 80km per hour for a total distance of 440km. How
long did he travel to cover this distance?
a. 0.18 hr b. 0.5 hr c. 5.5 hour d. 10 hr
______5.The distance of the school from your house is 240 meters. It takes 80 minutes by walking to reach
the school. What is your average speed?
a. 2 m/min b. 3 m/min c 4 m/min d. 6 m/min
______6. Marvin took a 5 – hour bicycle trip. In all, he traveled 120 kilometers. What was his average rate
of speed?
a. 600 km/hr b. 24 km/hr c. 9.6 km/hr d. 8km/hr
______7. If a car travels 200kilometers in 8 hours. What is the average speed
a. 40 km/h b. 25 km/hr c. 92 km/hr d. 1600km/hr
Solve the following problems.
8. If you drive at 120 km/hr for 5 hours, how far will you go?
D= _______________ T = _______________
S= _______________
9. Sarah can backstroke at an average speed of 7.6 meters per second. How long will it take her in minutes to
compare a race of 15km?
D= ________________ T = _______________
S= ________________
10. You arrive in my class 45 sec after leaving math which is 90 meters away. What is your speed?
D= _______________ S = ________________ T = _______________

Solve the following. Write your solution.

11-14 Find the area of the paper (Formula A=L x W)

a. 12 cm x 10 cm

b. 6 cm x 4 cm

15-18 Find the area of the triangle (Formula A = ½ bh)

a. base = 6cm height= 5cm
b. base = 10m height = 18m

19-20 Find the area of a square ( Formula A= S2 )



Table of Specification
Learning Competencies Days Taught Number of Items Item Placement

Gives the translation of real-life

verbal expressions and equations 5 15 1-15
into letters or
symbols and vice versa. MELC 40
Defines a variable in an algebraic
expression and equation MELC 41
Represents quantities in real-life
situations using algebraic 5 5 16-20
expressions and equations. MELC
Solves routine and non-routine
problems involving different types
of numerical expressions and
equations such as 7+ 9 =___ + 6

1. C
2. A
3. A
4. C
5. B
6. B
7. B
8. D= 600km T = 5hrs S= 120 km/hr
9. D= 15km T = 32.89 min S= 7.6m/sec
10. D= 90.0 m T = 45sec S= 2 m/sec

(2 points with solution)

11-12. 120cm2
13-14 24cm2
15- 16. 15 cm2
17-18. 90m2
19-20. 25cm2

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