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MIE 23

Made In Egypt
What is MIE ?

Made In Egypt or MIE is a University-Industry linkage program founded and organized by IEEE Egypt YP affinity

group, aiming to bridge the gap between the academic and industrial communities. Our contribution lies mainly

in creating suitable models of cooperation between both communities that enrich the national industry and

production and lift the academic standards to make a better impact on the industrial and economic development

in Egypt.
MIE Description
Since 2006, we have realized what is the true link between academic study and the labor market. It's Graduation
projects where the education stage ends and the professional career begins.

So that's why Made In Egypt hits again in its 16th round for not only helping seniors over this critical stage but
also delivering them perfectly to the Egyptian & international market, by providing them with the necessary
guidance technically & professionally with HQ experts in the industry fields through a program made of
workshops & seminars that provide advice and resources on how to develop their projects effectively.

And Then it ends with a panel of experts from various fields to judge the projects & provide feedback on ways
they can be improved and be the winner of the financial award.
MIE Phases

01 02 03

Mentoring Judging
Registration & &
Workshops Awards
Benefits for Community partners
Your received benefits will be according to our guidelines and criteria.

Your Benefits:-

You'll be
❑ Online marketing provided
including with:
announcement posts and using your logo.

❑ Offline Marketing including participation in closing ceremony.

❑ Percentage of registration fees:

10% Cash Back of first ten teams registered through you

20% of all teams registered through you if the teams number exceeded 10 teams

❑ 10% Discount for the teams registered through you.

❑ Special free registration for a definite number of your members in MIE online workshops even if they aren't

participating in the competition itself.

Benefits for Community partners

You’ll be responsible for:-

❑ Announcing the MIE registration posts in your community

❑ Posting Posts for MIE on your Page with MIE design templates
Posts are selected by MIE team

❑ Marketing for the special benefits for the teams registered through you

❑ Sharing MIE posts and updates on your social media platforms

Posts are selected by MIE team
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