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8TH GRADE–English worksheet

Name ____________________________________ No. ___ Class ___ Date [Atraia a atenção do seu leitor colocando
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Mark _________________________ Teacher ______________ E.E. _________________________


A. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the affirmative, negative or interrogative
with the future will.
1. I will send (send) you the information about the holidays when I get it.
2. There will not be (not be) any snow. It’s too warm.
3. Nice to meet you. Perhaps we will meet(meet) again some day.
4. Will the children not make (not make) noise on the plane?
5. Goodbye, mum and dad! I will phone (phone) you when I arrive to the hotel.

B. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the affirmative, negative or interrogative
with the future be going to.
1. I’m going to not make (not make) a reservation for next year. The hotel is awful.
2. Look at the motorbike. It’s going to crash (crash) into the taxi.
3. Are you going to meet (meet) Peter at the park this afternoon?
4. James is going to spend (spend) his vacation in Hawaii.
5. Who are you going to invite (invite) to your party?

1- I’ll talk
2- Will listen
3- I’ll go
4- Will cal
5- Will scorn
6- I’ll be

Professora Anabela Gabriel abril/maio – ano letivo 2019/2020

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