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Biomechanical analysis of the dimensions of pilot seats in civil aircraft

Article  in  Applied Ergonomics · March 2000

DOI: 10.1016/S0003-6870(99)00028-9 · Source: PubMed


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Richard Goossens
Delft University of Technology


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Applied Ergonomics 31 (2000) 9}14

Biomechanical analysis of the dimensions of pilot seats in civil aircraft

R.H.M. Goossens!,",*, C.J. Snijders!,", T. Fransen"
!Department of Product and Systems Ergonomics, Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, Delft University of Technology,
Jawalaan 9, 2628 BX Delft, The Netherlands
"Department of Biomedical Physics and Technology, Faculty of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Received 22 January 1998; accepted 26 March 1999


The dimensions of pilot seats from "ve di!erent types of civil aircraft were measured and the results compared with existing
standards and biomechanical criteria. It was apparent that these seats failed to meet requirements, particularly in the e!ective depth
and inclination of the seat and in the height of the lumbar support and the armrests. Hence, none of these seats made it possible for the
pilot to establish a comfortable sitting posture. In comparison with aviation standards, the anthropometric dimensions were not
satisfactory, meeting only 4}7 out of 10 requirements. The dimensions based on biomechanics were even less satisfactory, meeting
only between 1 and 3 requirements out of 7. ( 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Ergonomics; Aviation; Biomechanics; Seat

1. Introduction can complaints reported by pilots be ascribed to certain

features of the cockpit seat? To answer this question an
Complaints of discomfort and low-back pain during anthropometric and biomechanical analysis was made of
middle- and long-range #ights were reported among traf- pilot seats in "ve modern middle- and long-range civil
"c pilots (Lusted et al., 1994). These complaints may aircraft.
cause a pilot to lose concentration and can thus a!ect the
safety of a #ight. Pilot seats with a range of adjustment
options were designed to guarantee seating comfort. In 2. Biomechanics: principles of seating
spite of this, complaints continued to be reported (Haw-
kins, 1973; Lusted et al., 1994). To solve these problems Parameters which have a strong in#uence on comfort
engineers tried to improve the cushioning of cockpit seats in sitting derive partly from anthropometric and party
by modifying the shape and the hardness of seat, and by from biomechanical considerations (Wachsler and
covering the seat with sheepskin to improve the circula- Laerner, 1960; Drury and Coury, 1982; Snijders, 1988;
tion of air between pilot and the surface of the seat. These Zhang et al., 1996). The standard used for pilot seats
changes did not eliminate complaints (Lusted et al., (Aerospace Standard AS290B, 1965) is based on anthro-
1994). pometrics. In addition, we discuss important bio-
We addressed earlier studies to seating in "ghter air- mechanical considerations.
craft (Aghina, 1989; Snijders et al., 1991; Hoek van Dijke
et al., 1993), and to seating in cars, in the o$ce, at school 2.1. Seat}backrest angle and seat inclination
and at home (Snijders, 1988, Snijders et al., 1995a,b,c;
Goossens, 1994, Goossens and Snijders, 1995; Goossens A biomechanical model (see Fig. 1) (Snijders, 1988)
et al., 1994). This initiated the present study on pilot seats demonstrates schematically that when a backrest is used,
in civil aircraft. The question our present research asks is: the seat must be inclined backwards at the site of the
ischial tuberosities to eliminate shear forces between skin
and cushion.
Fig. 1A is a free body diagram of the upper part of the
* Corresponding author. Tel.: ##31-1527-86340; fax: ##31- body (including the mass of the arms, head and trunk). It
1527-87179. shows the forces that act on the trunk of the sitting

0003-6870/00/$ - see front matter ( 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 0 3 - 6 8 7 0 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 0 2 8 - 9
10 R.H.M. Goossens et al. / Applied Ergonomics 31 (2000) 9}14

To prevent sliding when sitting with an inclined back-

rest and a horizontal seat, the equilibrium requires
a shear force (F ) between seat and ischial tuberosities.
This shear force acts in combination with pressure
(caused by F ) and aggravates discomfort during pro-
longed sitting. At high enough levels pressure load can
hinder the di!usion of oxygen and metabolites to the
cells. We demonstrated that the addition of shear load
worsens this phenomenon dramatically (Goossens et al.,
In theory, the shear force between seat and ischial
tuberosities can be eliminated completely by opting for
an angle of 90}1003 between seat and backrest (Fig. 2, c).
In that case shear is minimised, because the supporting
force (F ) is oriented perpendicular to the seat surface (see
Fig. 1). With such a seat angle there is no tendency to
Fig. 1. Biomechanical model of the upper body. (A) No shear force on
the skin when the seat is perpendicular to F . (B) More backrest slide. According to Aerospace standard AS290B (1965)
inclination goes with a more oblique orientation of F . F "upper body the backrest angle (Fig. 2, }) during #ight should be
5 '
weight, F "force acting on the back, F "reaction force acting on the
" 5 between 65 and 853, consequently the angle of the pilot
ischial tuberosities, F "vertical component of F , F "horizontal
57 5 5) seat (Fig. 2, a) should be between 5 and 153 (Goossens
component of F , which is a shear force on the buttocks in case of
5 and Snijders, 1995).
a horizontal seat surface (redrawn from Snijders et al., 1995a).

2.2. Lumbar support

In order to prevent the pelvis from tilting backward

subject. In a state of static equilibrium (sitting still), the during sitting, a support force is needed at level of the
lines of action of the force from the backrest (F ), posterior superior iliac spine (Goossens, 1994). This lum-
the weight force of the upper body (F ) and the force on bar support prevents the generation of a lumbar kypho-
the ischial tuberosities (F ) all three intersect at one point sis, i.e. it provides the support for the lumbar spine to
(S). Consequently, the reaction force on the ischial tuber- adopt a slight lordotic curvature. However, compared to
osities (F ) cannot be vertical, but must have a slight standing, the lumbar spine will still #atten during sitting
inclination when a backrest is used. The "gure on the (Keegan, 1953; Andersson et al., 1974; Zacharkow, 1988).
right (B) shows that when the upper body is tilted back- Few anthropometric data exist on the height of the
ward, the inclination of the support force (F ) increases, posterior superior iliac spine. In a study of 91 sub-
because its line of action must go through S. jects, Diebschlag et al. (1978) found that for 90% of the

Fig. 2. The measured pilot seat dimensions, see Table 1 for description.
R.H.M. Goossens et al. / Applied Ergonomics 31 (2000) 9}14 11

population the height of the posterior superior iliac spine 2.4. Ewective dimensions
was 18}25 cm.
More recently, the preferred setting for the height of From a biomechanical point of view, only those parts
the lumbar support in o$ce chairs was investigated by of the supporting surfaces (seat, backrest, armrest) which
Coleman et al. (1998). They found that the lumbar sup- actually support a part of the body are functional. There-
port should be adjustable from 15 to 25 cm (Fig. 2, g). fore, in the case of seat depth (Fig. 2, b), e!ective seat
This "nding supports the biomechanical consideration depth (Fig. 2, c) is de"ned as that part of the seat which is
on pelvic positioning. actually used for body support. This also applies to seat
In order to obtain lumbar support free space between width. The measurement technique is explained in
seat and backrest (Fig. 2, i) of at least 12 cm (Zacharkow, Section 3.
1988) is also needed.
2.5. Requirements
2.3. Armrests
The anthropometric requirements, as found in Aero-
Armrests placed at a su$cient height for proper arm space standard AS290B (1965), together with the require-
support will considerably reduce loads on the back ments obtained from biomechanical considerations are
(Zacharkow, 1988). Armrests placed too low may cause presented in Table 1 (de"nitions are shown in Fig. 2). The
people to adopt a scoliotic posture, i.e. with the upper two columns in Table 1 are not mutually exclusive. It is
body bent sideways. Then can also cause a kyphotic important that the seat inclination (Fig. 2, a) is de"ned as
shape of the lumbar spine (a C-form of the lower back). the inclination at the ischial tuberosities.
An armrest should give support below the mass centre of
gravity of the upperarm and forearm. It is a biomechani-
3. Methods
cal design mistake to make height adjustment dependent
on tilting the armrest (Fig. 2, d), because then taller
The pilot seats were evaluated by measuring their
people are unable to rest their elbows on the supporting
dimensions and adjustabilities, and comparing them with
surface. For armrest height (Fig. 2, k) the range of
the anthropometric and biomechanical design criteria in
20}32 cm from the Aerospace Standard is used (Table 1).
Table 1. Some of the dimensions were characteristic for
Only small angles of the armrest are allowed (d(53), so
pilot seats: a column cut out in the front of the seat (Fig.
that the entire arm remains in contact with the armrest.
2, f) and an adjustable thigh support (Fig. 2d).
Because discomfort most often occurs during pro-
Table 1 longed sitting, the seats of aircraft operating over middle
Standards of dimensions used for the analysis of cockpit seats.
and long distances were considered:
AS290B"Aerospace Standards and biomechanical requirements
Boeing 747-400, Boeing 747-300, McDonnell Douglas
Description AS290B Biomechanical DC10-30, Airbus A310 and Boeing 737-300.
a Seat height 33 min All linear dimensions were measured by means of
51 max a ruler (division of scale 1 mm). The height of the lumbar
b Seat depth 41 min support is de"ned as the height of the most pronounced
45 max point of the backrest, measured from the seat surface.
d Thigh support length 13 max
The minimum and maximum positions of the adjustable
f Column cut out width 10 max
h Backrest height 65 min lumbar supports were measured. Seat angle, seat height,
j Backrest width 43 min e!ective seat depth and width, and armrest height were
46 max measured, with the seat under a load of 500 N, using
l Armrest width 6.5 standardized wooden buttocks as used in the Dutch
m Armrest length 28 min
Standard for o$ce chairs (NEN 1812, 1990).
o Width between armrests 47 min
b Backrest inclination 65}85 Also apparent from Fig. 2 is the fact that some dimen-
sions are de"ned with respect to the Seat Reference
c Seat depth e!ective 41 min Point, according to the Aerospace Standard AS290B
52 max (1965). The term &Seat Reference Point' is de"ned as the
e Seat width e!ective 43 min
intersection of a line tangent to the surface of the seat
g Lumbar support height 15}25
i Free space pelvis 15 min bottom cushion and a line through the seat back cushion
k Armrest height 20}32 representative of a back tangent line, when in a com-
a Seat Inclination at ischial tuber- 5}15 pressed state under a load of a 50th percentile person.
osities Based on previous measurements (Goossens and Snij-
d Armrest inclination 0 min
ders, 1995), in this study we used 500 N for the P50 load
5 max
on the seat.
12 R.H.M. Goossens et al. / Applied Ergonomics 31 (2000) 9}14

The seat angle a, backrest angle b and armrest inclina- No "gures are given for the adjustability of the mea-
tion d were measured by means of an inclinometer (Seca, sured armrests, because they could only rotate about an
1 degree per division of scale). Five di!erent seats from axis in the backrest. Rotation results in the rise of the
four manufacturers were evaluated. armrest at the level of the wrist, but with tall pilots this
leaves empty space below the elbow.

4. Results
5. Discussion
In Table 2 all the dimensions which were measured are
listed, as well as the requirements from Table 1. Not Some studies use questionnaires, "lled in by users, in
meeting the dimensions in Table 1 leads to asterisks in order to evaluate the comfort of seats. Lusted et al. (1994)
Table 2. The cells have asterisks, if the measured para- evaluated the seating of Qantas #ying crew by using this
meters fall outside the minimum and maximum limits, method. They found that there are certain areas of dis-
and if the measured range does not completely cover the comfort, but the reason for the discomfort could not be
required range (see armrest height in Table 1). explained.
No cells have asterisks for the armrest inclination (Fig. In a recent study it was shown that some of the causa-
2, d) because all chairs could have an armrest inclination tive factors of discomfort can be related to biomechanical
of 03. aspects (Zhang et al., 1996).
The last two rows in Table 2 show the number of We, therefore, used a checklist based on anthropomet-
requirements which were met for the anthropometric and ric and biomechanical dimensions. The results of the
the biomechanical criteria, respectively. study on the pilot seats presented here, and the results of
It can be seen that the majority of the parameters the questionnaires of the Qantas study (Lusted et al.,
measured were not in accordance with the criteria. 1994) do not exclude each other. These authors mention

Table 2
Types of aircraft, pilot seats and dimensions measured in situ. Comparison with the standards mentioned in Table 1. An asterisk (*) means that the
considered dimension does not meet the requirements. Length in cm, angle in degrees

Description AS290B Biomechanical 747-300 747-400 DC10 A310 737


a Seat height 33 min 38}51 34}47 34}50 36}51 38}51

51 max
b Seat depth 41 min 41 45 45 42 40}45
45 max
d Thigh support length 13 max 16* 17* 15* 12 16*
f Column cut out width 10 max 12* 10 11* 10 11*
h Backrest height 65 min 59* 54}63* 63* 67 55}63*
j Backrest width 43 min 37}40* 39}41* 52* 41* 39*
46 max
l Armrest width 6.5 5* 5.5* 6.5 4* 6*
m Armrest length 28 min 45 36 45 48.5 35
o Width between armrests 47 min 44.5* 44.5* 46* 47.5 49.5
b Backrest inclination 65}85 40}85 65}90 50}75* 60}75* 62}85

c Seat depth e!ective 41 min 38* 42 40 42 33}38*

52 max
e Seat width e!ective 43 min 46 39* 42* 45 42*
g Lumbar support height 15}25 13* 10}19* 13* 9}15* 14}23*
i Free space pelvis 15 min 6* 4}13* 0* 4* 0}9*
k Armrest height 20}32 19.5* 19.5* 17* 18* 22*
a Seat Inclination at ischial 5}15 0* 0* 0* 0* 0*
d Armrest inclination 0 min !5-#5 !25-#25 !25#10 !28-0 !24-#4
5 max

Number of measured features that meet the 10 4 5 4 7 5

anthropometric requirements
Number of measured features that meet the 7 2 2 1 3 1
biomechanical requirements
R.H.M. Goossens et al. / Applied Ergonomics 31 (2000) 9}14 13

that their study involved Ipeco chairs. The results of our from the thighs to allow proper pedal pressure to be
study show that the main areas of discomfort, namely the applied in emergency situations. However, the #exion of
buttocks and low back as found in the Qantas study, can the thigh support (Fig. 2, h) to 303 with respect to the seat
be ascribed to a failure to meet the biomechanical re- has no function according to biomechanics. The surface
quirements in that region. of a seat must be #at in an anterior}posterior direction
Although the dynamics of #ying will in#uence the forces (Snijders, 1988). Therefore, the pro"le in the sagittal
acting on the pilot, we decided to use a biomechanical plane must be straight, since curbs and raised brims do
model in a static seating posture, since civil #ight is, for not match with human anatomy and will diminish the
most of the time, without extreme accelerations. seat depth, and may a!ect lumbar curvature. When
The biomechanical model we presented is only valid a backrest is used, an inclination must to be applied to
for the static situation, and is restricted to the sagittal the entire seat, to give proper support to the ischial
plane only, and thus does not study the in#uence of tuberosities in all positions.
postural changes. Hobson (1992) studied the in#uence The impression gained from the results of this study is
of postural changes on the shear force acting on the tissue that the seats which were evaluated are not able to
of the buttock in the plane of the seat. When the trunk provide comfortable sitting positions.
was bent laterally 153 to left and right, he found in the In summary, the following improvements can be sug-
healthy population only little changes in the shear force gested:
(5 N) compared to the symmetric position. He found that f Increase the e!ective seat depth by making the seat #at
in healthy people, when the trunk was bent laterally 153 in anterior}posterior direction.
to left or right, only small changes in the shear force (5 N) f Raise the lumbar support.
occurred, as compared with those occurring in a symmet- f Make the armrests adjustable in height by translation
ric position. instead of rotation.
According to Hawkins (1973) complaints of discomfort f Tilt the entire seat to an angle at the ischial tuberosi-
in the cockpit are related to stress, and to the inappropri- ties up to 7}103.
ate cushioning of pilot seats. Because of the numerous
These recommendations for improvement will in no
adjustment options the comfort of cockpit seats is pre-
way a!ect the operation of controls or the space available
sumed to be excellent. Some seat dimensions are related
in the cockpit.
to the anthropometry of small and tall pilots, for example
seat height, armrest length and width between the ar-
mrests. These dimensions did not compare favourably
6. Conclusions
with aviation standards, meeting only 4}7 requirements
out of 10. Furthermore, the dimensions based on bio-
f The dimensions of none of the "ve considered pilot
mechanics, which may be related to discomfort, were
seats from middle- and long-range aircraft met basic
even less satisfactory, meeting only 1}3 requirements out
biomechanical design criteria.
of 7. These were the e!ective seat depth, the lumbar
f The majority of the dimensions did not meet aviation
support height, height and position of the armrests and
seat inclination at the contact area of the ischial tuberosi-
f The inbuilt adjustment options are insu$cient, in par-
ties. Despite the many adjustment possibilities, impor-
ticular, for taller pilots.
tant dimensions, as given in reference literature, could
f Identi"ed as most problematic were the horizontal
not be achieved (Coleman et al., 1998; Drury and Coury,
seat at the ischial tuberosities, insu$cient e!ective seat
1982; Goossens et al., 1994,1995; Snijders, 1988, Snijders
depth, insu$cient height of lumbar support and the
et al., 1991; Wachsler and Laerner, 1960; Zacharkow,
absence of height adjustability for armrests.
For example, in all the seats the maximal e!ective seat
depth was still too small for the majority of pilots. This
also applied to the height of the armrests and the lumbar
support. It is curious that the designers claim that the
The authors wish to thank N. Anderson, K.J. Bruce,
height of an armrest can be adjusted by rotating the
C.H. Draijer, S.V.W. Erftemeyer, H. de Ree and J.
armrest around an axis in the backrest. The above "nd-
Steketee for their valuable contributions.
ings indicate that the adaptation of the armrest height to
individual heights is insu$cient.
A typical characteristic of pilot seats is the adjust-
able thigh support, which rests on a spring. We could
not determine the exact purpose of this feature. It seems Aerospace Standard, AS290B, 1965. Seats for #ight deck crewmentrans-
that it evolved from an ancient chair design, in which the port aircraft. Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA,
front part of the seat had to spring down under pressure USA.
14 R.H.M. Goossens et al. / Applied Ergonomics 31 (2000) 9}14

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