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Racial Discrimination In Old Story Time

Racial discromination in old story time is a major theme and is constantly

shown all throughout the book from beginning to end. From character to
character.Some who discriminate against others could even be considered as
hypocrites, Mama for example she was black herself and she had something against
black people.Many people who even had the slightest amount of white in them or
anyone who was mixed race was seen as better than a person of colour.Out of all the
scenes and acts in the book there is always one occurance that seems to keep
happening and that is racial discrimination towards black people.
Mama was a black woman who wanted what was best for her child ,Len and
belived that with a little education even if you are a person of colour you might
have a shot at a better life.When Mama found out Len was friends with Pearl a
pretty black girl in the district she was furious and had beat him senseless.She
told len to stop talking to the "dutty black gyal dem" in the district and focus on
his books and when it was time for him to get a girlfirend she had a nice girl
picked out for him and that girl was Miss Margret who was Reverend Greaves'
daughter,she was a brown girl with long hair, the told him that she was
"advancement for him.Mama drilled Miss Margrets name into Len's head.As years went
by Pa Ben had seen Len with a pretty black girl,Lois was her name, Len begged Pa
Ben to not tell anybody about it especially Mama. Pa Ben kept his secret and helped
him see thr girl by arranging meetings for them and even carrying messages. Years
went by and Len passed his exams with flying colours and had recieved a scholarship
to continue his studies abroad.Three or four weeks after Len had left to continue
his studies Lois sent to call Pa Ben and gave him a letter from Len saying thanks
for everything and begged him once again to not tell his mother he had heard from
Miss aggy was also a black woman who was racist.Pa Ben said she wouldnt even
keep a black chicken in her yard.Even near to the end of the story George Lens old
high school bully who was a "pretty dunce" had no focus in school and because he
was of lighter complection he was given a job at the bank because he was seen as
trustworthy. At the bank he embezeled money and had got caught which caused him to
lose his job.After he had lost his job George began running a scam operation.George
called Len names in school like "toto" and "blackie".

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