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The Holocaust

The holocaust was a significant event that occurred throughout 1941-1945,

and because of this tragic historic period, many lives were put in jeopardy all
for either the entertainment of the Nazis or their beliefs. Although the Nazis of
Germany were to blame there were a few who didn’t want this to happen but
had no choice because they were ordered to do so. Not only did the horrific
events affect the Jews, Gays and Disabled people, but it also affected Germans
who had nothing to do with the Holocaust or war, some citizens and civilians
had absolutely nothing to do with the events but they were also blamed. Most
of the civilians couldn’t do anything or they would be prosecuted even if they
were of German descent because Hitler and the Nazis were ruthless to anyone
who had different views and opinions to them.

During the progression of the events in the 1940s, slowly over time the Nazis
overcame the Jews, Gays and Disabled people by slowly isolating them from
other German civilians. This also lead to the other civilians thinking it was okay
to discriminate against them as well because that’s how they were taught to
treat them. Throughout the holocaust, the death toll for Jewish people was
about 6 million. This is a very high number which would have affected the
whole race as there were so many casualties. Most deaths were a product of
the gas chambers held at the concentration and extermination camps where
they gassed Jews as it was an easier way to kill them, or exterminate them.
Even though Homosexuals and physically challenged people were also
discriminated against, majority of the casualties and deaths were that of
Jewish people or descendants of Jews.

A specific Jew that I have done research on, is Pieter Kohnstam, a survivor of
the holocaust who has lived to tell the tale. He was born on the 18 of June
1936, meaning he was about 5 years old when the holocaust began. Pieter is
still alive today at the age of 85 and has since retired. Near the beginning of
the holocaust, the Kohnstam family knew Anne Frank and her family quite well.
Before Anne went into hiding, she used to come by every day to play with the
six year old, Pieter, during 1942. Two nights after the Frank family went into
hiding, the Nazis conducted a Razzia of the neighbourhood, meaning they were
taking everyone to the concentration camps. After the Nazis barged in, they
marked all belongings and furniture in the house with a special ‘SS’ stickers,
meaning everything in the house was no longer theirs and ownership was
granted to the Nazi officials. “We would be committing a crime if we removed
so much as a toothpick from our apartment.” – a quote taken from a speech by
Pieter Kohnstam located on the United States holocaust memorial museum’s
website. This can be interpreted that they may be beaten or even killed for
taking anything with them. This is the story of Pieter Kohnstam, a survivor of
the holocaust.

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Because of the holocaust, many people were affected when the Germans
attacked Poland. Many Jews, Homosexuals and Disabled people were taken by
the Nazis and put into concentration camps where most of them died, some
being babies and children, whilst others were older and had children of their
own. No matter the age, gender, or sexual orientation, a Jew in the eyes of
Nazis is still a Jew and not like them. This means they will all be treated the
same regardless of their qualities or qualifications. This relates to Jews because
they are the main victims of the violence and discrimination during the

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