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Students Name: Orangella Noriega, Paula Silgado , Mariana Makarewicz

Midterm activity.

1. Each one of the members will answer the questions. After answering the entire group will
discuss each one of the members’ answers and answer the following questions.


a. Where are you planning to get the most accurate information about the countries you
previously selected? At least 4 official and legitimatized sources (NOT WIKIPEDIA)

b. What major tension/conflict do you find in these countries?

This year, with the growing tensions of the Ukraine-Russia war, there has been lots of tension in
Europe. This is because there is a lot of uncertainty surrounding what the results may be and
whether more countries should get involved. For this reason, the situation in France has been very

Also, France has had many protests like.....

In Peru.....

c. How did these countries perform in the last ranking of the Human Development Index and
Freedom House? Did it have the position that you were expecting? Why yes/no?

In the Freedom House Index Peru has a total score of and its status is ‘free’. However, this score is
divided into two political rights and civil liberties. In political rights the score is 30 and in civil liberties
the score is 42. We were not expecting Peru to have such a high total score as there have been many
protests there recently. France has a total score of 89 and its status is ‘free’. In political rights it
scores 38 and in civil liberties it scores 51. Similarly, we thought its total score was a bit high as
France is popular for constantly having protests, however, we do believe the score was reasonable
as France has a high importance for human rights.

In the Human Development Index, the Peru is in the 52 nd position, it is in a high range with a HDI of
0.762. We were a bit surprised by the score as the standard of living is not great for everyone, much
like many other Latin American countries. France has a better HDI as it is in the 28 th position, it is also
in the high range with a HDI of 0,762. We were expecting France to have a high HDI as the standard
of living is known for being good.

d. What’s another index do you think it is important to consider, to analyze your elected

We believe that another index that is important to consider is the Index of Economic Freedom this is

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