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The Literature Review
A literature review is a
comprehensive summary of previous
research on a topic. The literature
review surveys scholarly articles,
books, and other sources relevant to
a particular area of research.
The Literature Review
The review should enumerate, describe,
summarize, objectively evaluate and
clarify this previous research. The
literature review acknowledges the work
of previous researchers, and in so doing,
assures the reader that your work has
been well conceived.
The Literature Review
Moreover, a literature review surveys books,
scholarly articles, and any other sources
relevant to a particular issue, area of research,
or theory, and by so doing, provides a
description, summary, and critical evaluation
of these works in relation to the research
problem being investigated.
The Literature Review

Literature reviews are designed to provide an

overview of sources you have explored while
researching a particular topic and to
demonstrate to your readers how your
research fits within a larger field of study.
The Literature Review

A literature review discusses published

information in a particular subject area, and
sometimes information in a particular
subject area within a certain time period.
The Literature Review

A literature review can be just a simple

summary of the sources, but it usually has an
organizational pattern and combines both
summary and synthesis.
The Literature Review

Ridley (2008) says “It is the opportunity to

engage in a written dialogue with
researchers in your area, understanding and
responding to the relevant body of
knowledge underpinning your research.”
The Literature Review

Ridley (2008) says “It is the opportunity to

engage in a written dialogue with
researchers in your area, understanding and
responding to the relevant body of
knowledge underpinning your research.”
Importance of Writing the
Background of Research:

1. Providing background information serves as

a bridge that links the reader to the topic of
your study.
Importance of Writing the
Background of Research:

2. Providing pertinent background information

can be an effective way to demonstrate that
you have a clear grasp of key issues and
concepts underpinning your overall study.
Importance of Writing the
Background of Research:
3.Background Information gives the focus of
the research paper (e.g. If the paper focuses
on EFFECTS, then the background should
discuss the problem)
Importance of Writing the
Background of Research:
4.They help or guide the researcher in searching for
or selecting a better research problem or topic. By
reviewing related materials, a replication of a similar
problem may be found better than the problem
already chosen. Replication is the study of research
problem already conducted but in another place.
Importance of Writing the
Background of Research:
5.They help the investigator understand his
topic for research better. Reviewing related
literature and studies may clarify vague
points about his problem.
Importance of Writing the
Background of Research:
6.They ensure that there will be no duplication of
other studies. There is duplication if an
investigation already made is conducted again in
the same locale using practically the same
respondents. This is avoided if a survey of related
literature and studies be made first.
Importance of Writing the
Background of Research:
7. They help and guide the researcher in locating
more sources of related information. This is
because the bibliography of a study already
conducted indicate references about similar
Importance of Writing the
Background of Research:
8. They help and guide the researcher in making his
research design especially in:
a. the formulation of specific questions to be researched on
b. the formulation of assumptions and hypotheses if there
should be any;
c. the formulation of conceptual framework. already
conducted indicate references about similar studies.
The purpose of a literature review
is to:

1.Place each work in the context of its contribution to

understanding the research problem being studied.
The purpose of a literature review
is to:

2.Describe the relationship of each work to the others under

The purpose of a literature review
is to:
3.Identify new ways to interpret prior research.

4.Reveal any gaps that exist in the literature.

The purpose of a literature review
is to:
5.Resolve conflicts amongst seemingly contradictory
previous studies.

6.Identify areas of prior scholarship to prevent duplication

of effort.
The purpose of a literature review
is to:

7.Point the way in fulfilling a need for additional research.

8.Locate your own research within the context of existing

literature [very important].
Stages of Literature Review

1. Problem formulation -- which topic or field is being

examined and what are its component issues?

2. Literature search -- finding materials relevant to the

subject being explored.
Stages of Literature Review

3. Data evaluation -- determining which literature makes a

significant contribution to the understanding of the topic.

4. Analysis and interpretation -- discussing the findings and

conclusions of pertinent literature.
Related Studies
The review should enumerate, describe,
summarize, objectively evaluate and clarify
this previous research. The literature review
acknowledges the work of previous
researchers, and in so doing, assures the
reader that your work has been well
Related Studies
Studies, inquiries, or investigations already
conducted to which the present proposed
study is relate or has some bearing or
similarity. They are usually unpublished
materials such as manuscripts, theses, and
Related Studies
They may be classified as: According to
Place of Publication and Inquiry:
1. Local, if the inquiry was conducted or
published in the Philippines; and
2. Foreign, if conducted or published in
foreign lands/
Related Studies
They may be classified as: According to
Place of Publication and Inquiry:
1. Local, if the inquiry was conducted or
published in the Philippines; and
2. Foreign, if conducted or published in
foreign lands/
According to Sources:

1. Primary Source:
Primary sources provide a first-hand account of an event or
time period and are considered to be authoritative. They
represent original thinking, reports on discoveries or
events, or they can share new information. Often these
sources are created at the time the events occurred but
they can also include sources that are created later. They
are usually the first formal appearance of original research.
According to Sources:

2. Secondary sources:
Secondary sources involve analysis, synthesis,
interpretation, or evaluation of primary sources. They often
attempt to describe or explain primary sources. Scholarly
journals, although generally considered to be secondary
sources, often contain articles on very specific subjects and
may be the primary source of information on new
Characteristics of Related
Literature and Studies
1.The surveyed materials must be as recent as
possible. This is important because of the
rapid social, economic, scientific, and
technological change. Findings several years
ago may be of little value today because of the
fast-changing life style of the people.
Characteristics of Related
Literature and Studies
2.Materials reviewed must be objective and
unbiased. Some materials are extremely or
subtly one sided, either political, or religious,
etc. Comparison with these materials cannot
be made logically and validity. Distorted
generalizations may result.
Characteristics of Related
Literature and Studies
3.Materials surveyed must be relevant to the
study. Only materials that have some bearing
or similarity to the research problem at hand
should be reviewed.
Characteristics of Related
Literature and Studies
4. Surveyed materials must have been based
upon genuinely original and true facts or data
to make them valid and reliable.
Characteristics of Related
Literature and Studies
5. Reviewed materials must not be few or too
many. They must only be sufficient enough to
give insight into the research problem or to
indicate the nature of the present
investigation. They may also depend upon the
availability of related materials.
Once the research problem is identified and defined, the
next step is to review the existing research. The researcher
must learn more about the topic under investigation. To do
this, the researcher must review the literature related to the
research problem. This step provides foundational
knowledge about the problem area. The review of literature
also educates the researcher about what studies have been
conducted in the past, how these studies were conducted,
and the conclusions in the problem area

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