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BY: Megan Shyn Cabote

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God" refers to
the fact that the Word has always been, is currently, and always will be God—not only the Son
of God. Jesus is more than just a historical figure, a wise philosopher, a prophet who revealed
tremendous truths, or even a miracle performer. This film serves as a reminder that Jesus is
actually God.
When the son of Mary and joseph was born there was a shining star in the heaven and they
named the baby, Jesus. The people believe that Jesus is the promised king of his people and
bow in the front of baby Jesus.
Jesus met peter he ask peter to join him, to change the world and peter followed him, the other
people also join Jesus.
Jesus taught his follower how to pray ”our father who is in heaven hollowed be your name, your
kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven, give us this day our daily bread and
forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.” It means to pray
”hollowed be your name.” means to ask god to let his name be worshipped, exalted, honored
and adore on earth as it is in heaven, it is to ask god to so move and act in the world, that
people will worship and treasure him above all else.
Jesus said to his followers that don’t worry about their daily needs, because god will provide,
put god first and everything else will follow. They considered Jesus as their messiah (their
leader/savior) but Jesus didn’t want that.
In their way to the other shore to meet Jesus, they encounter a strong rain, Thomas said that it
is dangerous to cross the sea, but peter protest and said the Jesus want them to cross the sea.
On their way, they notice god that is walking in the water, Thomas thought it was a ghost. Jesus
called peter to walk in the water, and have faith in Jesus.
Lazarus died in a war and many people also die, Jesus went to see lazarus and said that he is the
resurrection and the life, anyone who believes in him, even if he dies he will still have life. And
by that Lazarus came back to life.
Jesus said to peter that he will deny him three times and that scene came true, when they
capture Jesus, Pontius pilate tortured Jesus in front of everyone who is believing in him, they
see how they torture Jesus.
Jesus carry the cross on his back while traveling up to the top, where Jesus will be crucified.
Then there is the scenario where Peter returns to the disciples after fleeing away to save
himself after three instances of denying Jesus. When questioned why he had gone out and
abandoned Jesus, Peter becomes downcast and simply confesses, "I failed Him." How true this
is for each one of us. How frequently do we let Jesus down via our decisions, actions, words,
and even thoughts? We let him down.
Our faith in him fails. Yet regardless of how many times we fail, we must always keep in mind
that Jesus forgives us whenever we come back to Him. We only need to acknowledge our
failures and make amends to him.
The resurrection scene follows, in which Mary Magdalene and the disciples come back after
learning that Jesus really has risen from the dead. They are obviously overjoyed at this
wonderful and historic occasion, but Peter suddenly gets an idea and requests some bread and
wine. Then he repeats the exact phrases that Jesus Christ used during the Last Supper.
Just as Jesus did at the Last Supper, they participate in Mass together.
The film establishes an immediate connection between the Mass and Christ to give us the
impression that it is a divine supper founded by Christ rather than a plain ritual produced over
time by a hierarchical religion.
God the Son died to save us from our sins. Salvation is the action of being delivered from sins,
like danger and suffering. Jesus Christ endured prosecution, execution and torture willingly for
our salvation. Jesus Christ came to earth to reveal His Father to us.
For us to be connected to God, we are required to be free of sins. Jesus Christ sacrificed
Himself for our salvation, connecting us to God. Faith in Christ is essential
Son of God is more than merely the biography of Jesus. It tells the tale of God taking on human
form and residing among us, and how everything was irrevocably altered as a result.

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