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Definition of Religious Examples of religious
tolerance and intolerance tolerance and intolerance

The history of The importance of

Religious tolerance religious tolerance
Religious tolerance includes the notion that the
practice of different religions should be permitted
and that different religious beliefs should be
accepted and understood. Religious intolerance,
on the other hand, refers to the opposite.

16th century 18th century Today

Reformation The Enlightenment Recognised as a human right

17th century 19th - 20th century

Colony of Rhode Island Development of secularism
16th century
Protestants and Catholics‘s relationship began
in the 16th century with the beginning of the
reformation and thereby Protestantism

These disputes led to a schism whereby

Protestants chose to split from the Roman
Catholic Church and resulted in the Council of
Trent (1545–1563)

The idea of religious tolerance

emerged as a response to this conflict
John Locke advocated for the
separation of church and state
and the freedom of religion

John Locke
17th century

Roger Williams, defender of religious

liberty and founder of Rhode Island.

A radical Puritan who argued for the

complete separation of church and state,
Williams would within five years suffer
banishment under Massachusetts law
because of his drastic views
In 1644 Williams obtained a patent for
the colony of Providence Plantation,
later Rhode Island

King Charles II’s 1663 charter for the colony

of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations
explicitly established religious toleration for
all inhabitants.
18th century

John Locke Voltaire

Promoting religious tolerance and

Criticizing religious intolerance
19 Y

Religious tolerance is recognized as a

fundamental human right

Secularism and the growth of

human rights movements
played a key role in promoting
religious tolerance.

Some examples of religious tolerance and intolerance

Mindanao island groups.

Shi’a parade
held to commemorate various

religious occasions and events

In terms of religious tolerance,

these parades are an

opportunity for people of

Overall, while Shi'a religious

different faiths and

parades are primarily a way for

Shi'a Muslims to express their

backgrounds to come together

religious identity and

and learn about different

commemorate important
religious traditions and

events, they also have the

potential to promote religious

tolerance and understanding

among different religious


The Witches’ Sabbath Sixteenth

Century Jewish
emerged in Europe during the 16th

century, particularly during the

The legacy of the witch hunts and the

witch hunts of the time

belief in the witches' sabbath serves as a

reminder of the dangers of intolerance and

persecution based on religious beliefs or


By recognizing the errors of the

The belief in the witches' sabbath

past and promoting tolerance and

was fueled by superstition and fear,

respect for individual freedom and

and was often used as a justification

rights, we can create a more

for the persecution of people

tolerant and inclusive society that

accused of witchcraft. values diversity and pluralism.

the core teachings of Islam

emphasize the importance of

respect for diversity and

peaceful coexistence, and

many Muslims today continue

The verse emphasizes the

The core beliefs of Islam

to work towards promoting
importance of recognizing and

include the belief in the

these values. respecting the diversity of

oneness of God, the belief in

human cultures and traditions,

the prophets and messengers

as well as the importance of

of God, the belief in the Day of

promoting goodness and

Judgment, and the belief in

righteousness in all people,

predestination. regardless of their religious


The Merchant of Venice

The play explores themes of anti-

Semitism, justice, mercy, and the

the play can be seen as a plea for religious

tolerance and acceptance, and a critique

power of money. of bigotry and prejudice

"The Merchant of Venice" is a

While the play has been criticized for

complex play with various

its portrayal of Shylock, particularly by

interpretations, but one of the

modern audiences, it has also been

themes that has been widely

praised for its portrayal of the complex

explored in relation to the play is

dynamics of power, money, and

religious tolerance. religion in society.

The Merchant of Venice

The importance of
religious tolerance

Political stability Cultural exchange

Ancient societies were often diverse, with people from

Ancient societies were often divided along religious lines.

different backgrounds and religions living together.
Tolerance helped to maintain political stability by reducing
Religious tolerance allowed for cultural exchange and the

the risk of conflicts and civil unrest between different

sharing of ideas, which could lead to greater innovation and

religious groups. progress.

Trade and commerce Social cohesion Human rights

Religious tolerance was essential for

Ancient societies were often tightly

Religious tolerance was important

trade and commerce, as it allowed

knit communities, and religious

for protecting the rights of minorities

merchants to travel freely and

tolerance helped to promote social

in ancient societies. It allowed

conduct business with people of

cohesion by allowing people of

people to freely practice their

different religions. different religions to live and work

religion without fear of persecution

or discrimination

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