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Discovering the Advantages of Information and Computer Technology in

Entertainment Business

Information and Computer Technology is is one of the most necessary things in this
era,because Information and Computer Technology give massive impact on various aspect of
life.This has become a necessity for everyone, whether they are aware of it or not. Everyone
uses technology to some extent, whether it's setting an alarm clock or driving a computerized
self-driving car. In daily life, technology is used in education, industry, medical procedures,
medical research, banking and business, and more. Instead of sending letters to customers or
other business people and waiting a day to send, technology invented the use of email, fax,
and video calls that are sent instantly. Many entrepreneurs don't attend many meetings these
days and then they use video calls for important conferences to reduces the time and pressure
for these people to travel around the country.For the example in entertainment business, as
we all know, nowadays there are many entertainment businesses that really need and use
information technology and computers especially video streaming services.

Video streaming services is an online provider of entertainment (music, movies, etc.)

that delivers the content via an Internet connection to the subscriber's computer, TV or
mobile device. As we know over the past few years, the existence of this video streaming app
has become more and more popular with the masses. Many of them use this service regularly
every day for entertainment. Quoted from one of the survey results shows that the majority of
respondents, 54%, will use video streaming apps with the same frequency as they do today.
Meanwhile, 43% of them said they would use video streaming app services more often in the
future.When asked about the reason for using a subscription video streaming app, the top
reason is being able to watch anytime with a rate of 84%.The second reason to use a
subscription video streaming app is that it has a wide range of movie options to watch at 77%
and find entertainment at 74%.Some other reasons why respondents signed up for a video
streaming app include offering a wide range of the latest movies, ease of use, no ads and
video streaming services often charge relatively cheap prices, such as Netflix, one of the
popular video streaming services right now and has a 209 million total of users globally.

But behind the success of Netflix, which managed to get millions of users, it turns out
that the Netflix company is making use of AI technology.Quoted from several sources,
Artificial intelligence (AI) is an area of computer science devoted to solving cognitive
problems commonly associated with human intelligence, such as learning, problem solving,
and pattern recognition. Artificial intelligence, often abbreviated as "AI", can refer to robotics
or futuristic setting, artificial intelligence (AI) goes beyond sci-fi robotics, into modern
advanced computing , non-fiction. Professor Pedro Domingos, a leading researcher in the
field, describes "five groups" of machine learning, including symbolism, rooted in logic and
philosophy; Connectors, from neuroscience; evolution, related to evolutionary biology;
Bayesian, related to statistics and probability; and analogies rooted in psychology. Recently,
advances in the efficiency of statistical computing have allowed Bayesian to develop the field
in a number of areas, known as "machine learning". Likewise, advances in networked
computing have led syndicators to expand into a subfield called "deep learning". Machine
learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) are computer science fields rooted in the field of
artificial intelligence.

AI (Artificial intelligence) has a very important role for the Netflix.When users opens
his Netflix from website or application, the movie recommendations displayed will be
different for each user. Each movie recommended to the user is customized to their tastes and
based on previously watched movie genres. This can happen because the artificial
intelligence built into the Netflix system can use content recommendation systems based on
machine learning (ML) algorithms. Additionally, the AI can take into account the selection of
content and movies that the user has seen before, and the types of movie genres that liked by
users.Besides that the machine learning algorithm also plays a role in determining some
content or video recommendations, so that indirectly users also get clear guidance about what
movies or content they should watch. Apart from recommending content for users, AI also
has an important role in the Netflix service to maintain connectivity issues and the quality of
the videos watched by users. So that this is able to minimize buffering when users are busy
watching using the Netflix video streaming service. In this case Netflix also relies on
machine learning algorithms from AI to understand and learn when there is an increase in
viewership and a decrease in viewership. After AI understands the increase in the number of
viewers, AI then runs a system to store global content or film assets into the user's application
or device so that later users can access films or content in a fast time but with high image
quality. Not only that, Netflix also implements an AI system for providing automatically
generated video thumbnails. Because Netflix realizes that titles alone cannot convince users
to watch movies or available content, so Netflix also thinks about providing attractive and
automatic thumbnails. By using machine learning algorithms from AI, the Netflix system is
also able to analyze film choices or content that is suitable for users, as well as understand the
type of thumbnails that users are likely to press.

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