Tower August 2011

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T ow er

A U G U ST 2 0 1 1

Pastors Note
WHAT KEEPS US GOING Craig Whitcher, Pastor

Barbara, our daughter, Jenny, and I were canoeing in the Rangeley Lakes of Maine when Jenny was not even two years of age. We put in at the largest lake, Mooselookmeguntic and headed down its length to a carry for Upper Richardson Lake, a trip I had made a few times before with youth groups and other canoeing buddies. The idea was to give Barbara a taste of this kind of outdoor adventure with the hope that we might do this as a family in the years to come while Jenny was still young. It was a blue sky day and the waters were calm. Some puffy, scattered clouds hovered over the mountains to the north, but the sky was clear over the lake. I was aware that Mooselookmeguntic, similar to the lake in Galilee of Gospel fame, is located in such a way that the winds from the north ahead of a storm would funnel through the mountains and whip up white capped waves on the lake in an instant. Not good for canoeists. The forecast called for sunshine with scattered showers in the evening and by then we would have made our take-out and camp. Almost two thirds of the way down the lake I turned to look back at the mountains and saw several of dark clouds bonding together. A strong breeze quickened to a gale. Within minutes, the waters were roiling. As hard as I could paddle I made for a sprit of land that juts out into the lake from the shoreline, that once rounded puts you in sight of the take-out at the lower end of the lake. The wind was ferocious. We would not make the take-out. I turned in toward this reef of land running into the lake. There in the dense brush we bush-wacked. I set up a tarp lean-two because there was no place to pitch the tent, built a latrine, secured our supplies under the canoe which would serve as our table and awaited the rain. The rains came in torrents. Unable to see any of the shores of the lake I knew we were in for a long stay. Little did I know it would turn into two nights and a day before we could venture back up the lake and head for home.

To be headed in a direction serves people well in life. A distinctive mark of a mature person, or a church, is having clear goals and the ability to anticipate, adjust and overcome obstacles and sudden storms. Guided by goals (a mission), an individual or institution is less likely to be distracted or detoured by contraventions in the environment: unexpected change or the reactivity to change from others. Someone else's behavior does not determine ours. Based on core values and beliefs, an individual or a church knows their direction and is prepared for unintended consequences along the way. Without a destination a canoeist on a lake just meanders and drifts. However, he or she has few options in adjusting for weather changes and must take advantage of the shoreline for a landing place and safety. If this is true on water what about in life? Is orientation possible without destination? As we begin our search for an ordained Associate or lay Director for Childrens and Family Education the committee has met with a consultant who asked: "Does this congregation have a clear sense of its mission?" The team will interview several small focus groups and include this question. I pray we wont give the tired answers: "spread the word," "support the church," "love everyone," and "preach the Bible." No one is likely to say, "Our mission is to turn the world upside-down," or "to join God's ongoing promise to recreate the world," or "to let the world know that the resurrection means the world has not seen the last of Jesus Christ." I do wonder, however, if there is among us a sense of our mission not simply because we have it printed on our Sunday worship bulletin, but because it is seated in our identity as the First Church of Christ in Saybrook. To limp along without a focus is called mission drift. It is what happens when people come together to support an objective but forget what the objective is and fail to do much about it. People can lose their reason for being a church, even though they go through the motions. Many things contribute to the sidetracking, such as compromising ideals by succumbing to a pressure group; searching for instant solutions to staffing changes; fooling ourselves that we are vital or viable simply because we have been here a long time; or preoccupying ourselves with nonessentials, exchanging our core beliefs for more marketable ideas, rather than attending to what God is calling us to do in our little corner of the world. Mission, our eye on the Gospel, is the expression of the church's deep, abiding belief that as a people of God we have a role to play in Gods purpose for creation. A Churchs mission provides the major standard against which all activities, services, and decisions are evaluated. Mission is the preserver of congregational integrity and identity. It is about God's love for the world, not about what I like or don't like about my church. A major function of our congregation's leadership is to be the creators and guardians of the mission. I pray this will become evident in the development of trained and commissioned Deacons who will be engaged in all aspects of our churchs ministry in the years to come, depending on their spiritual gifts and graces. Biblically and theologically they will be among those who are better equipped to help defend the mission against resistant forces that threaten to destroy it. They will be able as lay ministers to assist in overseeing the mission's implementation. They will join in keeping the churchs purpose alive. Oh, by the way, that experience on Mooselookmeguntic ended the dream of family canoeing and camping. It was a mission too risky for all to enjoy. Faithfully,


~ WORSHIP IN AUGUST and SEPTEMBER ~ The Season of Pentecost

Sunday, August 7 9:00 am Worship Lay Preacher: Leigh Gesick, Diaconate, Bell Choir Director, Treasurer

Sunday, August 14 9:00 am

Worship Holy Communion Dr Whitcher preaching

Sunday, August 21 9:00 am

Worship Lay Preacher: Carolyn Lyle, now living and working in Virginia

Sunday, August 28 9:00 am

Worship Dr Whitcher preaching

Sunday, September 4 10:00 am Worship Holy Communion Dr Whitcher preaching Sunday, September 11 10:00 am Worship Dr. Whitcher preaching Youth Mission Team Church School Begins Sunday, September 18 10:00 am Worship Dr. Whitcher preaching 11:30 All Church Business Meeting


Sunday, September 25 HOMECOMING Celebration Ross Tuckers Hot Cats Jazz Band Gospel Music Barbeque and Pot Luck under the tent Sermon: Signs, Signs, Everywhere Signs, Do This Dont Do That... Cant You Read The Signs! Dr. Whitcher Sunday October 30 Reformation/All Saints Sunday THULA SISWE from South Africa. A ten member song and dance team will lead our worship.


2 COURSES BY THE PASTOR: Sundays & Mid-week (dates & times TBA)

1) Theology: The Study of God (5 Sessions) a) The Being of God: Nature & Character b) The Trinity: Definition & The Trinity of the Bible

2) ABBA: A Bible Basics for Adults: Part 1 In The Beginning a) Creation (The Mesopotamian Creation Stories & The Bible) b) Human Sin & Judgment (Noah, the flood & the peopling of the earth) c) Biblical Events: The History of Israel to Building of the Temple

Annual Church Meeting Sunday, September 18, 11:30

Congregational Meeting, September 18, 11:30 following Worship*To see if the Church will make permanent the new Team Ministry structure inaugurated last Fall 2009; and appoint a committee to change the By-laws to reflect this change in governance. *To Elect Church Officers and Trustees *To hear a report of The Associate Search Committee


ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers. I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better. ~Ephesians 1:15-17 Thank you to everyone who participated in our farewell celebration, gifts, and worship. You will forever be First in our hearts and memories. Our prayers are with you always. With gratitude, love and all blessings, Rae and Mark



BELL, BELLS, BELLS (and why not??) Our Handbell Choir is always on the lookout for new members. The more ringers on board the more latitude we have in our choice of music. We have a lovely mix of individuals, ranging in age from 16 to "whatever". Entry requirements are v stringentone must be able to: 1. Count to four 2. Distinguish one color from another 3. Play well with others We practice most Tuesday evenings, and perform when the Maestro believes we're in good shape. So...if you'd like to try something new, and would enjoy contributing to our worship services, then contact Leigh Gesick at 395 0181. We'll look forward to seeing you. From the Bell Choir


Women pause for a photo on the porch of the Captain Stannard Country Inn while attending a day's retreat on "Sacred Listening" which was led by the Women's Ministry Team.


12, 2011

Childrens Ed Team

SUMMER CHURCH SCHOOL AND NURSERY CARE It is the responsibility and privilege of adults in the congregation to help lead summer church school and provide nursery care during the summer months. Grab a friend and sign up in the Connector for a Sunday you will be glad you did! Teens can help out as needed; older students have great fun helping the younger ones.

CHURCH SCHOOL Church School will begin Sunday, September 11. If you are feeling the call to become part of our Childrens Ministry teaching team, please let us know. There is always room for more! Nursery care is provided by Nancy Winger, our staff care provider and one adult volunteer each week. Please sign up outside the Nursery for a date this year and share some time with the youngest among us. A Registration form is needed for each child and must be submitted prior to the first day of Church School and will be available in the office.
Lori Tomko Kris Beezer Co-Directors, Childrens Ministries



(Because everyones had those what-name-goes-with-this-face moments) A picture directory helps everyone get better acquainted and better connected, and a new directory is way overdue. The Member Care Group checked out various options in respect to quality, cost and operations, and presented our proposal to the Steering Committee, which gave the okay to invite LifeTouch to produce our directory. Neither the church nor her members will incur any cost to get this done. In addition to the print version, LifeTouch will also provide a password-secure on-line directory which we can update as new members join. LifeTouch will give each participating family a directory and an 8x 10 portrait. Feel free to include members of your extended family in the photo (even pets!). Also, you can order additional prints in various sizes if you wish. What we as individuals must do is make an appointment* to have our picture taken, and we as a congregation must form an ad hoc team to accomplish various tasks. Among these are arranging appointments, manning the reception area during shoots, taking some candid photos to reflect our everyday life together as a church, and designing the directory itself. As with so many aspects of church operations, its a simple matter of many hands make light work, so please consider helping out. Contact Rick or Karen with any questions or to volunteer. *Make an appointment after church in the Connector, or go on-line Monday-thru-Friday to

Photography will be Tuesday and Wednesday, August 30 and 31, and Friday, September 9 from 2:30 to 8:50, and Saturday, September 10 from 10 to 4:50. Individual sessions are about 45 minutes. Rick Allen & Karen Vradenburgh Member Care Group

Greeters Team
GREETERSWELL, WHY NOT? As you know, our team extends a warm welcome to worshippers entering from the parking lot. Which is fine, but wed also love to offer a greeting to those who come through the front door. So, why not join our band of merry greeters and enable us to become a two-door team. All you need do is sign up for a date on the Member Care board, arrive at church around 9:30, and let people know were glad theyve come to worship with us.

Hospitality Team

Bakers and servers are needed for Coffee Hour for the month of August. Please call Katie Gesick 860.395.0181 or email Katie Gesick

Associate Minister Task Group Search Committee The Search Committee will meet each Thursday evening at 7:00 pm. Kristin DeCapua will serve as Convener, Lynn Pandiani as Secretary, and Kathy Sugland as Chaplain. The committee also includes Katie Gesick, Sherrie Monaco, and Susan Townsley with Laura Colebank as an alternate. The committee will have the coaching of the Associate Conference Minister of Christian Education, UCC, Karen Ziel, who worked with the Task Group.


Youth Ministry Team

Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. Matthew 25:40 The youth of First Church have returned from another successful mission trip and I feel quite blessed to be able to have experienced this physical and spiritual journey with them. I would like to thank the entire congregation for your unwavering financial and moral support of this sizeable endeavor. It is critical as a church that we support missions and outreach to spread the Love of Christ and minister to our brothers and sisters who are in need, and that is especially true for our youth who know little outside our affluent lifestyle here in Old Saybrook. The trip was a long one, fourteen hours of driving to reach the Blue Mountains of western North Carolina. The journey was possibly made longer by my complaints that at first I did not see mountains that were blue, and my persistent identification of which animals we were going to eat for dinner, cows and pigs included, with a few unfortunate squirrels, goats, and one particularly cute beagle. Fortunately for the area fauna (including a super tall pig I threatened to saddle and ride dubbed pony pig) our meals were skillfully prepared by the youth each night and relatively livestock free.

Amy & Sarah

Amy with Skylar

Jeremiah 31-3

Kids Club Play

Group Leaders

Crazy Moose Song

As a part of the Mission trip experience the youth of First Church were able to contribute to serving a community in great need. Taylorsville North Carolina is a rural farming community that has supported itself mainly on lumber and furniture building. Unfortunately, as a result of outsourcing furniture production to

other nations, the residents of Taylorsville lost what little financial security they had and were forced to support themselves predominantly on family farms. The result is a proud, kind, hardworking people (97% of whom are professed Christians!) whose majority live at or below the poverty line. As a part of our opportunity to serve the community and our brothers and sisters in the body of Christ, the youth were tasked with the chance to go to individuals houses and farms to assist in general labor and service. Many of the residents were elderly and infirmed and greatly appreciated the cleaning, handiwork, and fresh coats of paint the youth provided. They were kind and ever so grateful for our service and eager to share a story, prayer, handshake, or hug, all the while trying to pay us with what little they had for our service.

Lowes Lookout, NC

SkylarAmazing Grace

St. Johns Crew

Taylorsville Mission trip


In addition to these work projects the youth were able to visit convalescence homes as well as assist in daycare for young children ages 4-12 at a local church school. The convalescence homes were difficult at times, the conditions were not always the best and many of the occupants were mentally ill. Our youth responded admirably, striking up conversations, playing board games, and throwing around a beach ball. At the schools our youth shined showing compassion and care as they entertained and nurtured, playing games, making crafts, and putting on shows, all to the delight of the little children. The theme throughout the week was to Be Different to reflect the love of Christ to the world and not be a product of society. Every morning there were quiet devotional times for study and contemplation and every evening there were faith activities as well as praise and worship followed by group discussion time. The whole experienced was capped off by a foot washing ceremony the final evening where the staff washed the feet of the adult leaders and the adult leaders in turn washed the feet of any youth who felt comfortable participating. It was quite a beautiful ceremony and being given the opportunity to share a private prayer with each of the youth of First Church was very moving.



Youthworks Staff

Sound of Music?

Sunrise Last Day

We as a spiritual community at First Church still have a ways to go to prepare our youth to enter adulthood as spiritually grounded people with a strong faith and a foundation in Christ and the youth ministry of First Church needs to lead that charge supported by the congregation. The youth are ready, they are eager to hear the gospel, and they hunger for spiritual nourishment. For many this experience pushed them outside of their comfort zone, prompting difficult questions and forcing them to think. For others it gave them a wonderful foundation on which to build their budding faith, and for still others it presented new and different experiences to help them grow in their existing walk. In the end the youth of First Church truly were the hands and feet of Christ, as they ministered in His name to the needy, learning that whatever service they offered, whatever comfort they gave, they gave as if giving to Jesus. Jay Downes Director of Youth Ministry


OSHS Scholarship Team

As mentioned last month, the Scholarship committee read, interviewed, and scored 8 applications from graduating seniors of Old Saybrook High School as possible recipients for a scholarship from First Church. The committee decided on two students, based on their financial need, academic achievement and community involvement. Their interviews revealed a strong motivation to work toward their goals, maturity in making sound decisions, and a serious approach to life through education - and, delightfully, an engaging sense of humor! We are pleased to announce that Myles Gibbs, a member of this church, and Alexandra Interlandi received their awards at Senior Awards Night on June 9, 2011. Ann Kloter, a member of First Church, made the presentation. The First Church mission charges us to share Gods love through education and deed and show His love through action. The pledges by members and friends have helped make these scholarships possible; an anonymous donation made it possible to give a second scholarship; and the committee donated their time, effort, and considerable thought and dedication to carrying out the mission statement of the church. Scholarship Committee: Ann Kloter, Heather Hajnal, Sue Jones, Ron Pelletier, Frank Vradenburg, Natalie DeVan.

Family of the Month Team August

Our Family of the Month for August is a household of an elderly grandparent, two daughters, and three young grandchildren, both daughters are seeking employment which we are helping them with, one has a small unemployment check currently and the grandparent has only less than $800 a month in social security. The grandparent and family was being allowed to stay in the house rent free but the house has changed ownership and they can no longer stay. They are all looking for housing and likely will need to separate as the elderly grandparent is in need of assistance and has medical issues and we are looking into elderly housing. They need to move by September 30. We are looking to help all the family members to find suitable housing and all members are on state assistance for food and medical and can use your help to not become homeless. Please call Susan Consoli, the Social Services Coordinator, at 860-395-3188 if you have any questions. Donations may be left in the Church Office with any checks made payable to Youth and Family Services. We very much appreciate your continued support. Thank you.

Blood Drive Team

The Red Cross will be holding an additional blood drive in the fellowship hall on Monday, September 19th from 1-6pm. This drive will be staffed [and food provided] by the Red Cross team. However, if anyone is interested in helping with snacks or working at the drive, you can contact the representative from the Red Cross, Brian Young at For blood donations, call 1-800-red-cross. Even though First Church isn't in charge and staffing this drive, please show your support by donating blood! Call Kathy Price with any questions, 227-8810 or 388-9985. Kathy Price

PASTOR ELECTED in 2011 Elected as member and Chaplain to Old Saybrook Fire Dept in January Elected to Board of Directors HOPE PARTNERSHIP in May


The Board of Trustees wishes you and your family a healthy, happy and safe summer. Be careful during these hot and sticky days. The Board of Trustees is working to prepare for the Annual Church Meeting in September. This session will be busy with topics to hopefully include a fiscal policy for management of investment and endowed funds, capital expenditure projects, and new Board of Trustee members. The 2011 2012 church budget is produced. Team leaders, facilitators, chair persons, etc, should make an effort to obtain a copy and understand what their team budgets are for this upcoming year, and who is going to have spending authority. A little planning now saves a lot of heart ache later. Scott Masse Chairman, Board of Trustees


____________________________________ Grateful thanks to Suzanne Otto, Terry Shuttleworth, and Barbara Downie for preparing the Tower for mailing. Articles for the September TOWER must be submitted to the Church Office no later than August 26. Thank you.
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Church Staff
The Rev. Dr. Craig M. Whitcher, Senior Pastor Jay Downes, Director of Youth Ministry Lolly Bassett, Choir Director and Organist Lane Bolton, Church Administrative Assistant Lori Tomko and Kris Beezer, Co-Directors Childrens Ministries Leigh Gesick, Treasurer and Director of Handbell Choirs Ken Hartley, Financial Assistant Bill Gifford, Sexton Nancy Winger, Nursery Care Provider Lori Tomko, Christian Education Music Director








August 2011
1 2 1:00 SSKP 3:00 Food Pantry 5:30 Weight Watchers 7:00 & 8:00 Alanon 7:30 Narcotic 9 3:00 Food Pantry 5:30 Weight Watchers 7:00 & 8:00 Alanon 7:30 Narcotics 3 12:15 Alanon Lunch 4 Weight Watchers: 9:30 , 11:00, 6:00 6:00 Breast Cancer 7:30 Narcotics 8:00 Alanon 5 6 8:00 Weight Watchers 9:30 Weight Watchers 7 9:00 Worship 8 7:00 Trustees 10 12:15 Alanon Lunch 11 Weight Watchers: 9:30 , 11:00, 6:00 7:30 Narcotics 8:00 Alanon 12 8:00 Dental Clinic 13 8:00 Weight Watchers 9:30 Weight Watchers

14 9:00 Worship

15 7:00 Diaconate

16 3:00 Food Pantry 5:30 Weight Watchers 7:00 & 8:00 Alanon 7:30 Narcotics 23 3:00 Food Pantry 5:30 Weight Watchers 7:00 & 8:00 Alanon 7:30 Narcotics 30 2:30 Church Director Photo Session 3:00 Food Pantry 5:30 Weight Watchers 7:00 & 8:00 Alanon 7:30 Narcotics

17 12:15 Alanon Lunch l

18 Weight Watchers: 9:30 , 11:00, 6:00 6:00 Breast Cancer 7:30 Narcotics 8:00 Alanon


20 8:00 Weight Watchers 9:30 Weight Watchers

21 9:00 Worship


24 12:15 Alanon Lunch

25 Weight Watchers: 9:30 , 11:00, 6:00 7:30 Narcotics 8:00 Alanon

26 8:00 Dental Clinic

27 8:00 Weight Watchers 9:30 Weight Watchers

7:00 Blair Team

28 9:00 Worship

29 9:30 Clean Up Comm.

31 First Day of SchoolOS 12:15 Alanon Lunch 2:30 Directory Photo Session

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