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\5-9-202) FEM.32._EvecrRiCaL M Assieunlme. | 220126 | EEE (R) | Bi SECTION PART -A. O Define Porimeabit Te ts defined or the ability ion which the magnetic material ferces the magnetic flix Uecugh a given recur, Te Ts dorsted by a Pobte pp owd Hs unit ts Honsttes pest mabe (H/hn)) Dpefire Moxgrlic Field. i Te Magnetic field is the asia aiourd a regret Ses yee pe tee @wette omy ere application of om Elecbromognet ' gectic meteru, measusiing instsumerila , etc, Tn whith ) vote We expucston for the Atng, power of om aecbiomoynet Ling peur of om elechsemergnet 2 BASH (2) yes @ Bate lon's law - fow's Goa Btater that “the tndiced cusseert will Flew in Buh a dikediew 30 0 tf eppere the Gute that producer it 1 Tn this Cane, the @ure for dhe indued aveent ts -the Thescarin regeekic flor Srattng ail. Therefore the induced decent will | atop reagneke flex Vout opposer “he tncsease wm flux -therougla the ceil,” ad maa > © Ggeore mogyrekte aourit amd elecbte tacit for amy, thse Leet MAGNETIC CIRCUITS ___ Etecratc_cracult |OFdux = mnt | | stellacamce | | | 1 | ® MMF Gmpere Siins,) | Emr (vet)) 0) vi 4 @® Flux > (nebo) Gasset Tom pee) Fue donut B Ca [. Gasort den An) ages Sere) et ee Lara What 1s ee mopar) | 6n seneuing “the ragnetiing fose GW), the wen bed Ts not completa demagnettsed: “Thee value ef flex density Bod } | meouxe the 9etentitily o% Aemamerre. & the matertal | [Tits ts @Med the semamont cer sextdal flux density ov atestduall $f magpedts, ee po | @phiin the tes igri Os bsteply. ai rau be defined, as the Koapsng, ct ragretisetten on induction Flax doroity (®.. behind the magaetctosy foxce a) H etc in the dormetuvo of the machine and , ane) die 4© she Woon Hovewal oP matestals. @ Dew the B-H curve. Crapo FMernving tft Jol oul a is wed 15 find the divection of fore (motton af a Gndudty) jin a De metev. Held the fre Kogeos, middle fioger amd thumb ef eft hand marvel periperdiculasr fo each ether. “TF -the fac Brg | stepuosents she ditecien of magnetic field ; the riddle Figen | sepaereris Yhe — dixedtien ¥ turviont amd Lhe thumb will seprererit | the disieclion ef métien ff @ndicton, | According ‘te Flerning s eft Arad ule , the left past of | the sonductot maves xupucords and the icy tet pact ef the cil reves. deunwasd,. As a serult , dhe coi] moves in Cleckuise | distectien. 7 NAGNET YY ORE yer * FieLD Ze + ~s CURRENT os OG) Atake Fostaday’s fons Sf Ftectsomagnetic Induction. Fast Qu: Wireneyisl the magnetic fix Linking 0 conductor 04 ceil changer Om EMF is Induced in tt: Second Low: The rrogrtade, of the EME amd wort indued in a conductor oY ail is disedly popational te tre sate of Gamge of flux linkage induced emf is have mtn, Zigin ef the Rus Seppererits the Jere’ Jous Tnduced emf (E) 0 Ad dt | oe: -Ndo | at |G) stake Flew Regt hand stule amd exeloin it | Eesonsisngts Right Jramd Rule: | This Faw is wed te find the divection af the induced Emr af Dc gprenater. Hold the fete fieger, middte Fieger and thumd of | the srght Fromd 0 that they acre ot matially perpen diuslos to leach ethor Tf the foce fieger peta in the diceilian of mognetic | fel, thumb in the disection ef motion & dorducto then the middle finger will point the disection ef induced aworeort MAGnierte 4 Moriont FiEWpD < oe Destve om @xpaenion fr the Qf “power of rages lok P- palling, foe in neviton between -two poles amd A= pole asia In m? ‘Tf one CA the poles is pulted apooct agains E this atta fowe Though a distamce of ce metses , thon work done | | | active | | | | | i ple PX & jpule eas. Tap | Fs west goes to provide recy or the additional hates 5 the magnetic feld Ae cxeaterd | Additional yelurre af the magnetic field cacated is Ve Axx me Rate of, Eresgy Hequivement (IN) - a joule /, N ax ¥ Energy 84 wised for the new Volume = Reeling O FO Prelx = 8? Adoi 2 flo p= BA a 2 Ho —— = 4 mn Ade ng + me | : : @dDdesive ami expression for Sronay Alined th a Alotboman fet. FNERGy SREP OX af oe J Sep Wh MAGNETION a I ‘ FIELD [nt ) Lg : S] ase 0 a » 4 esa le Allee Ya p 5 v | let the inducecl emg tna cot! be, es -dE dt “This opposes. & Supply Voltage . 40 upp Voltage “V! Aupp ll everqy to evencome chi. uhiuh abtimnately gps stored! in the magnetie freld, ve-e- - Ebdtjia dt dt dt | 3. wort! Buppbed = VAT“) dE B | at | «Frey aupplied jn dime dt ts, F - Puen x trma- LOT yy dé dt > dex I jour | Ths & energy Auppliect Re chamge, th carsapnt of dT but | ockually, Cuxyert chomges from 410 “ee o, Tntogpating a ctotal energy Stesed fs, | B= WidMkT = LJ dit a } A) Seplain bef about (D cBhutiscallly induxod emf | © doa irdaed_ en Grider tue coils A and 8 dose 1 each other. GI A Is Joined! too batlery, o suitdh and a Veotabe Reststame RK’ Whereas coil B is Connected th a Sercitive Voltmeter, when owed thxeugh A & established by Aan, the Zuitch, ite Toagnetc fata & Aak up which pasdly GARE uytth, ob, Ronda Eston fhe @il B. As the cuvcont 4 Chawnged. oom A % 8, the a Utrked. »uetth B Is abe changed . Hence mutually induced Om f is posduced. jn 8 Fs rragnitude iS given by Fastadaxys feunss ord déaction by tenes Jaw. ; Now! the battery I G@nnected th) & and the Voltmelar ocx A. then the situation is geverved and now a charge gf Tine usil pooduce routually, ‘induced @rn.f in As Hesie thene & ne movement & conductor, the Plax Vositolton bein brought about by Vooticlion, in), cussert . Buh am emf faduced in one cotl by the Infbrence of other coil is Glled Aitelly anally Taduced emyf) oie et ¥e a ¥ a3 Bud CASE >i 4 Hs oon flue Linked uth ib. TE the cyorent Horough She coil is chomged, then the Alive Ynked with ifs Cain thom, will alo homed, whith will produce tn tt is called olf induced emf Heye alse nal vemont f eenductov only, ernf tndarced with the Yeapective input covronk “The dtotectlon £ Tducecl emp) 1 oppose tb inpuk casted which tk Que to preduce. Hence tt tS alte known os the oppestng. oy Counfer omf of Alf inductton, FLU: % WANKAGTE 5 SS ~ Ci) Darorrcally duced emg: Ele YesFi — Gecus ctor tlh coess sectéOn m? Yeyyrtiy | Weatneg B: Fun denity of mognette -fleld Ih [le A> = Disectton # A {} | qt HUT) salen TTF the conductor A movey obo Weis x amale © with the dixection of flue © oO ‘ton the induced emp % © = Bty sme wits - Iv xn he divection of the induced emf ts agen by Pleeieye Rgrt [hamd ove. TE A usts otsoss af ight arefe to fhm, Lis ils Ragth and dx sll be dhe distance movas tr time dt Then the asea @vered ts Bde. Hence Flue cut = Ldx xB webors, 1, Rate 4 clang & Bhd eg dx ~ BYv volts uhere: © = Veit fox Inteages de att dt Tht, is the emf induc tn a coil due to the chovege| | | | | | } ® Destve the force on a avert Aeoviging conductor Lying ina magnetic feld. Th & Bund thst whonever a Luroiertt - corstyiog conductor s ploced in magnetic field, tb epertencer a Poco which ads in 0 distection perpensticul bath th the disedion of the coor ard he field Te figure, 1 Ahowin a conductor xy Lying ob nytt orgs te ce niiform horicortal field of flor deruity Bu Predued by tive Adlencids A amd B. Ip Lt the Longth of the conductor Dyjeg, atin this field. od compare the (werent Guiel by iH, then the rragitude af the fore expentomced by. it ts Fe BIL = Lob HTL newton. Using vedor netabon Fo ILxB amd F= TRB sine where Ois the omate between TxB whish ts qo in the the pacrent Gxe ov F= erlsingo’ = BFL newters ( in qo'=1) “The dixection oP this foxe may be eaxily found by Fleeing Ford ule 3H should noted thot ne foxe is @xesced On ai stonductor uthon tt is Bes porallfel to the magnetic field. wer Maton)

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