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MA 213C (Advanced Curriculum Construction and Development)

Output No.5

Psychology is the study of human behavior and mind. It is an essential study since it

deals with how man thinks and acts from the start of an early age to the old one. It serves as a

way to understand the persons we have encountered.

Now, why is psychology included in curriculum?

The clients that an educational system handled are the learners. Learners as we all

know differ from each other. In other words, there is diversity among the learners that a

curriculum maker and curriculum implementer cope with. With this in mind, curriculum is

founded based on the psychological studies and theories of human.

To create a means for the curriculum implementer to think and establish strategy and

techniques that would manage individual differences, the curriculum is designed with the

concepts of learner’s diversity. As a matter of fact, during In- service Training for Teachers,

individual differences among learners is always taken up. Thus, differentiated instruction is

also studied and applied.

As a teacher in Grade One, I viewed the role of psychology in curriculum as truly

helping because I can understand my pupils at their stage, thereby giving me the opportunity

to provide them with the appropriate activities. The study of psychology also succors me in

the creation of alternative methods for those who are behind among my pupils.

Teachers are not merely teachers who teach. Teachers are also psychologists. With

this perception, teachers should develop vision of acceptance, deep understanding and

effective techniques for their learners basing on human development and uniqueness.

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