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High temperature oxidation behaviour of

single crystal superalloys RR3000 and CMSX-4
C. M. Younes, G. C. Allen and J. A. Nicholson
This paper describes the oxidation behaviour of two technologically important nickel based
superalloys, RR3000 and CMSX-4, used extensively in gas turbine blade applications. Oxidation
tests were conducted in air at 1100uC for equal and extended periods of time, up to 100 h to
compare the superalloys characteristic properties. The morphology of oxide growth in the test
samples was investigated using metallography, SEM, EDX, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Cr3z
photoluminescence spectroscopy. The results indicated that irrespective of the duration of
exposure, alloy RR3000 develops a much thicker oxide scale than alloy CMSX-4. Examination of
cross-sections revealed that the scale grown on the alloy RR3000 is porous and has a three
layered structure consisting of an outer layer of (Ni,Co)O; a sublayer of CrTaO4 rich oxide with
different spinels; and an inner layer of a-Al2O3 . By contrast, the scale that forms on alloy CMSX-4
is compact and consists of two layers. The upper layer is primarily composed of spinels
(Ni,Co)Al2O4 and (Ni,Cr)2O4, and the inner layer of a-Al2O3. Residual stress measurements using
luminescence spectroscopy point to a weak adhesion of the oxide scale to the substrate for alloy
RR3000 and a strong adhesion for alloy CMSX-4.
Keywords: Superalloys, Single crystals, Oxidation, Oxide structure, Characterisation

Introduction used to manufacture the blades and vanes of turbines for

aircraft engines, owing to their superior performance.2,5
Gas turbines have benefited from considerable techno- However, the need for greater fuel economy means that
logical advances in the last four decades to become efficiency and, hence, engine temperature must increase.
the most efficient engineering systems available for the These alloys are already working in conditions in excess
power generation and aerospace industries. As the of 80% of their melting temperature, so for higher
turbine engine has evolved, efficiency has increased operating temperatures (.1200uC), and/or increased
through improvements in the engine design, material lifespan, thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) are applied
castings and coating technologies, which allowed the onto the blade external surface. Thermal barrier coat-
temperature of fuel combustion to be raised.1–4 The ings are ceramic coatings often made from zirconia
materials used to manufacture the components of stabilised with 6–8% yttria.4 They can raise the
the turbine engine have evolved alongside, enabling
temperature of operation by up to 150uC relative to
them to function safely at the highest temperatures
that possible without the coating, because their low
possible.2 In particular, nickel based superalloys, which
thermal conductivity, aided by component internal
are used for blades and vanes in the hottest section of
cooling, enable the substrate surface to be kept at a
the engine, have been developed from conventionally
safe operating temperature.
cast superalloys to single crystals to withstand higher
In order to facilitate the adherence of the TBC to the
thermal and mechanical loads as well as to resist harsh
superalloy and to protect this from corrosion and
corrosive and oxidative environments to which they are
oxidation, a bond coat is first applied to the substrate
exposed in service. The development of these superalloys
was a costly process, but very successful since, between surface followed by the TBC. The bond coat chosen is
1940 and 1970 alone, thrust to weight ratios were tripled, preferably an alumina forming material either of the
overhaul times improved from 100 to 12 000 h, and type NiCoCrAlY or (Ni,Pt)Al. At the high temperatures
operating temperatures were increased by y300uC.1,2 needed for combustion, oxygen travels through the
Single crystal nickel based alloys, such as those porous TBC and reaches the underlying bond coat.
belonging to the so called second and third generations Aluminium diffuses readily from the aluminium rich
of superalloys, are currently the materials most widely phase of the coating and reacts with oxygen to form an
aluminium rich oxide at the bond coat surface. Thus a
layer of a-Al2O3, the thermally grown oxide (TGO),
Interface Analysis Centre, University of Bristol, Oldbury House, 121 St forms at the interface between the bond coat and the
Michael’s Hill Bristol, BS2 8BS, UK TBC. While this layer tends to protect the component by
*Corresponding author, email reducing the amount of oxygen reaching the substrate, it

ß 2007 Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining

Published by Maney on behalf of the Institute
Received 6 July 2006; accepted 11 Ocotber 2006
80 Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 2007 VOL 42 NO 1 DOI 10.1179/174327807X159925
Younes et al. High temperature oxidation behaviour of superalloys RR 3 000 and CMSX- 4

is this layer which will eventually become a major cause SZ11 optical microscope. Higher spatial resolution
of TBC system failure.3,6 Upon thermal exposure and investigations were also carried out on metallographic
cycling, stresses develop within the TGO, and it is cross-sections in a JEOL JSM 840A SEM and on
thought that when the stored elastic strain energy microsections produced with an FEI focused ion beam
reaches a critical value, exceeding the TGO fracture (FIB) 201 system. The microsections were milled
toughness, scale failure occurs. In such events, the bond perpendicular to the metal/oxide interface following a
coat and ultimately the base metal will be directly procedure described elsewhere.7
exposed to the hot gas stream where the oxidation An automated X-ray diffractometer, Philips X’Pert,
behaviour of the latter becomes the main influencing was used with Cu Ka radiation at 40 kV and 20 mA to
factor for component integrity and durability. identify the phases present in the oxidised samples. X-
Therefore, data on the oxidation resistance of the coated ray analysis was performed at a scan rate of 2u min21
and uncoated blade materials are needed to help in over a 2h range of 20–100u. Phase identification from the
assessments of the safety and reliability of the turbine XRD spectra was made using the JCPDS-ICDD
engines. database (International Centre for Diffraction Data,
In this study, the high temperature oxidation beha- Newton Square, PA)
viour of two single crystal nickel based superalloys Shortly after each oxidation experiment, the residual
RR3000 and CMSX-4 has been investigated to under- stress in the oxide scale was measured at room
stand and compare their characteristic properties. For temperature using photostimulated Cr3z luminescence
this purpose, isothermal oxidation experiments were piezospectroscopy.6,8 This technique was implemented
performed by exposing these materials to air at the same in a laser Raman microprobe, Renishaw 2000, to
temperature and for equal durations. Post-oxidation determine the residual stress from scale regions identi-
investigations were carried out to characterise the fied in an optical microscope attached to the Raman
microstructures, compositions and residual stresses in system. For each alloy condition, a series of 15 measure-
the oxide scales as well as the development of these with ments were made on randomly selected areas of the
oxidation time at the test temperature. The results of sample surface. All areas were probed using a 633 nm
these investigations are presented first and then dis- He–Ne laser beam 5 mm in diameter. Stress values were
cussed with emphasis placed on the resistance of the derived from the spectral data according to a procedure
alloys studied to oxidation in gas turbine environments. described in Ref. 8 and by using the equation6
Dn(cm{1 )~5:07s(GPa) (1)
where Dn represents the shift in frequency of the
The chemical compositions of the single crystal super- characteristic R2 luminescence line of a-Al2O3 and s
alloys investigated are listed in Table 1. Both materials the biaxial stress.
were supplied by Rolls-Royce plc. Alloy RR3000 was in
the form of 60630650 mm bar and alloy CMSX-4 Results
as a rod y12 mm in diameter. A series of duplicate
test samples, y3 mm thick, were cut from each alloy Initial microstructure of alloys
and then prepared with surfaces perpendicular to Figures 1 and 2 show the microstructures of the alloys
the solidification direction of the single crystal. After studied in the as received condition. The optical and
polishing to a 1 mm finish followed by rinsing in alcohol, electron optical images were taken after etching
they were separately placed in alumina boats inside a mechanically polished samples of each alloy in a
tube furnace and oxidised in air at 1100uC. All oxidation 1 : 1 : 1 vol.-% solution of acetic, nitric and hydrochloric
experiments were conducted in the following way: acids for 10 s. The microstructure of alloy RR3000 was
(i) heat the sample to 1100uC within 30 min similar to that of alloy CMSX-4, though it looked finer.
(ii) hold at this temperature for a fixed length of In each case, the alloy exhibited a dendritic structure
time (Fig. 1) consisting of a mixture of c matrix and c9 phase
(iii) cool to 300uC at a rate of 5 K min21 (Fig. 2). The c9 phase stood out from the c matrix as
(iv) retrieve the sample from the furnace and cool to cube like particles with a mean edge length of y300 nm.
room temperature in ambient air. The periods In addition to these main features, a small amount of
of oxidation at 1100uC are given in Table 2. c/c9 eutectic phase, exhibiting a ‘fan-like’ structure, was
Following the oxidation experiments, the microstruc- found in alloy RR3000.
ture, morphology of surface scales and cross-sections
through the metal/oxide interfaces were examined using
Oxidation behaviour
a Hitachi S-2300 scanning electron microscope equipped Surface scale development
with an energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis system. The development of the surface scale was monitored by
Development of the surface scale with oxidation time taking a series of macrographs of the test samples for
was monitored for each alloy by taking low magnifica- each alloy. Figure 3 shows examples of the macrographs
tion photographs of the test samples on an Olympus recorded after test durations of 3, 30 and 100 h. The
scale formed on alloy RR3000 was initially light green
Table 1 Nominal compositions of alloys CMSX-4 and and contained numerous crater like features randomly
RR3000, wt-%
Table 2 Oxidation times (hours) used for testing alloys
Element Al Co Cr Mo Ti Re Ta W Hf Ni RR3000 and CSMX-4

CMSX-4 5.8 9.5 6.5 0.4 1.0 3.0 6.5 6.5 0.1 Bal. RR3000 0.25 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 5.0 20 30 50 100
RR3000 5.7 3.0 2.2 0.4 0.2 6.0 8.5 5.5 0.03 Bal. CSMX-4 0.25 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 5.0 10 30 … 100

Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 2007 VOL 42 NO 1 81

Younes et al. High temperature oxidation behaviour of superalloys RR 3 000 and CMSX- 4

1 Optical macrographs of transverse dendritic structures of alloys RR3000 and CMSX-4

distributed across the sample surface. These features were In contrast to alloy RR3000, a different develop-
of various sizes ranging between 10 and 250 mm in ment of the scale was observed with alloy CMSX-4.
diameter and exhibited, in general, a distinct blue In the early stages of oxidation, 0.25–1 hour, the
coloration. After exposure for 3 h, the surface of the scale appeared to grow preferentially on dendritic
scale darkened significantly and developed a pattern areas of the metal surface. After few hours of expo-
resembling that of the dendrites in the base alloy, though sure, its general appearance evolved into a distinct ‘criss-
at a larger scale. This pattern was visible for up to y30 h cross’ structure comprised of alternated dendritic and
of exposure and then became undiscernable as the interdendritic regions, as shown in Fig. 4. After longer
oxidation progressed. In the early stages of oxidation, exposures, this structure tended to fade slightly but
0.25–5 h, the scale appeared to adhere quite well to the remained visible under a light microscope. All the
substrate. However, spallation of the scale, during cool- test samples were found to exhibit good adhesion of
ing, subsequently occurred. The extent of spallation was the scale to the substrate. Spallation of the scale upon
found to increase gradually over 20 h of oxidation and cooling did not occur on any of these samples other than
then intensified to a point where only small portions of the near the sample edge following the 100 hour test
scale remained adherent to the underlying metal (Fig. 3). (Fig. 3).

2 Images (SEM) of c/c9 microstructure in alloys RR3000 and CMSX-4

82 Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 2007 VOL 42 NO 1

Younes et al. High temperature oxidation behaviour of superalloys RR 3 000 and CMSX- 4

4 Image (SEM) of surface of alloy CMSX-4 after 3 h of

oxidation at 1100uC

solution (Fig. 5a and b). The middle layer also contained

a RR3000 for 3 h; b CMSX-4 for 3 h; c RR3000 for 30 h; considerable fine porosity, particularly in the zone
d CMSX-4 for 30 h; e RR3000 for 100 h; f CMSX-4 for beside the innermost layer (Fig. 5a). Energy dispersion
100 h X-ray analysis showed that the middle layer contained
3 Optical macrographs of representative samples of oxygen, chromium, tantalum, tungsten and aluminium
alloys RR3000 and CMSX-4 following oxidation for dif- together with small amounts of nickel, cobalt and
ferent periods titanium. X-ray elemental mapping revealed a high
concentration of Al throughout this layer. High levels of
Scale morphology and composition Cr and Ta were also detected in a zone situated beneath
Alloy RR3000 the NiO top layer (Fig. 5b). The bottom layer in contact
The structure and composition of the scale formed on with the alloy appeared relatively compact and was
this alloy during air exposure at the test temperature of composed of aluminium and oxygen with traces of
1100uC were investigated using SEM/EDX and XRD. nickel. The major constituent of this layer, as suggested
X-ray diffraction data obtained for the alloy samples by the XRD data, was Al2O3 with a small amount of a
oxidised for 3, 30 and 50 h are listed in Table 3. They nickel–aluminium spinel phase, probably NiAl2O4. The
show identical oxidation products for the three samples. cross-section obtained after 5 h of oxidation showed
However, the proportions of individual oxide phases that the NiO top layer was ,4 mm thick and the
present changed with oxidation time, owing to solid intermediate layer ,7 mm thick. The lower Al2O3 rich
phase reaction, intermixing between the various oxides layer was very thin, less than 0.2 mm, irregular and
and possible loss by evaporation of some oxides, when pegged in at some places on the alloy surface. After 30 h,
formed, such as CrO3 and WO3. It was noteworthy that the inner layer became ,1.2 mm in thickness though
no rhenium containing oxide(s) was apparent in the pegging of the oxide (localised thickening) seemed to
XRD spectra, despite the fact that this element is highly persist. At this stage of oxidation, it appeared that the
concentrated in the base metal (Table 1). innermost layer had failed to protect the base metal,
Scanning electron microscopy examination of the since the top and intermediate layers were found to be
oxidised samples revealed a scale structure consisting of increasingly thickened, reaching on average a thickness
three distinct layers. This structure was seen after few of 12 and 15 mm respectively. The samples oxidised for
hours of oxidation and was basically retained in the 50 and 100 h, were observed to develop coarse and
alloy throughout its oxidation life. Cross-sections convoluted NiO scales (Fig. 6a). In the spalled areas on
showed that the top layer of the scale was porous and these samples, rutting of the exposed metal surface was
composed mainly of NiO with a small amount of CoO in apparent (Fig. 6b). Moreover, porosity, oxide particles

Table 3 Oxide phases detected by XRD on test samples of alloy RR3000

Sample oxidised 3 h Sample oxidised 30 h Sample oxidised 50 h

NiO (S) NiO (S) NiO (S)

NiCoTa2O6 (VW) NiCoTa2O6 (W) NiCoTa2O6 (W)
CrTaO4 (W) CrTaO4 (S) CrTaO4 (S)
AlTaO4 (W) AlTaO4 (M) AlTaO4 (M)
NiCoAl2O4 (VW) NiCoAl2O4 (W) NiCoAl2O4 (M)
Cr2O3 (W) Not detected Not detected
W20O58 (VW) Not detected Not detected
NiCr2O4 (VW) NiCr2O4 (W) NiCr2O4 (W)
Al2O3 (VW) Al2O3 (W) Al2O3 (W)
NiAl2O4 (VW) NiAl2O4 (W) NiAl2O4 (M)
S – strong; M – medium; W – weak; VW – very weak.

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Younes et al. High temperature oxidation behaviour of superalloys RR 3 000 and CMSX- 4

5 a cross-sectional view of oxide scale formed on alloy RR3000 after oxidation for 30 h and b corresponding X-ray

6 a close up view of NiO top layer and b spalled area of surface oxide on alloy RR3000 after 50 h of oxidation

and remnants of the inner layers of the scale were

commonly found in the exposed areas. Cross-sectioning
through the unspalled parts of the scale formed on the
100 h sample, revealed that the thickness of the inner
layer was on average y2.7 mm, that of the middle layer
,19 mm and that of the NiO top layer ,15 mm. This
moderate increase in thickness of the scale, when
compared with that found after the first 30 h of
exposure, indicates that the inner layer was somewhat
protective. However, the extent of scale spallation
witnessed in the sample treated for 100 h (Fig. 3),
indicated poor adhesion of the scale to the base metal.
Further examination of the cross-sections after
chemical etching revealed the development of a c9
denuded zone near the alloy/scale interface (Fig. 7).
The width of this zone, measured after 30 and 100 h of 7 Cross-sectional view of oxidised sample of alloy
oxidation, was about 6 and 9 mm respectively. At greater RR3000 chemically etched to reveal subsurface c9
depths in the alloy matrix, it was evident that the size of denuded zone
c9 precipitates had increased following exposure to the
test temperature. After 100 h, the size of these pre- the other oxides increased as the oxidation time
cipitates averaged 1.3 mm. increased. Small amounts of TiO2 and CrTaO4 were
also detected. The amount of TiO2 correlated with the
Alloy CMSX-4 concentration of Ti in the alloy while that of Ta in the
After oxidation for 3, 30 and 100 h, XRD analysis of oxide was less than that might have been expected.
this alloy showed that the scale comprised mainly NiO, Energy dispersion X-ray analysis revealed that the
NiCoAl2O4, Al2O3 and NiCoCr2O4 (Table 4). The oxide formed initially on the dendritic areas (Fig. 4)
amount of NiO was found to decrease while those of contained mainly Ni, Cr and Co with small amounts of

84 Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 2007 VOL 42 NO 1

Younes et al. High temperature oxidation behaviour of superalloys RR 3 000 and CMSX- 4

a dendritic area; b interdendritic area

8 Morphology of surface scale formed on alloy CMSX-4 after 3 h of oxidation

Al, Ti, W and Ta. By contrast, the oxide that developed

on the interdendritic areas was found to contain a large
amount of Al with traces of Ni, Cr, Co, Ti and Ta.
Figure 8 shows the morphology of the scale in these
areas after oxidation for 3 h. It can be seen that even
after such a short exposure period, the scale was
compact and exhibited smaller grain sizes in the
interdendritic areas than in the dendritic areas. This
scale morphology was observed to change gradually as
the oxidation progressed. After 30 h, there was no
significant difference in the appearance of the oxide in
these areas. The EDX spectra obtained from several
locations on the scale surface of the samples treated for
30 and 100 h were practically identical, showing a
particularly high signal for Al.
Cross-sectioning of these samples, revealed a scale 9 Cross-section, produced using focused ion beam (FIB)
consisting of two layers (Fig. 9). These showed little technique, of oxide scale formed on alloy CSMX-4 after
porosity and adhered well to each other and to the 30 h of oxidation
alloy–substrate. Elemental mapping with EDX revealed
that the top layer of the scale contained high level of Al. alloy RR3000, exposure of CMSX-4 to the test
Other elements including Ni, Co and Cr were also temperature led to the creation in the base metal of a
detected but at lower concentrations (Fig. 10). This, c9 denuded zone and to coarsening of the c9 particles.
together with the XRD results, suggested that the The width of the denuded zone and the size of the c9
outermost layer of the scale was composed mainly of particles measured after 100 h of exposure, were on
NiCoAl2O4, Al2O3 and probably (Ni,Cr)Al2O4 oxide average 6 and 1.3 mm respectively.
phases. The X-ray maps for Ti and Ta, displayed in
Fig. 10, indicated that these elements are mostly Stress measurements
concentrated in isolated oxide patches within the top Figure 11 shows the change of residual stress in the
layer, probably forming TaCrO4 and TiO2. The X-ray scales of the alloys studied as a function of oxidation
image for Al, when compared for example with that of time at 1100uC. Each data point in this figure represents
Ni, clearly showed that Al was the major constituent of the average stress value derived from 15 luminescence
the innermost oxide layer, which is presumably Al2O3. measurements made on a single sample. The standard
Initially, this layer was regular and y0.4 mm in deviation associated with the data points is of the order
thickness after 5 h of exposure. After 30 h, its thickness of ¡1 GPa for the samples oxidised for ,10 h and
increased to y1 mm. After 100 h, the thickness of the ¡0.4 GPa for the samples oxidised for longer times. It
inner and outer layer nearly doubled. As in the case of mainly derives from the variation from location to
location in the stress level in the scale across the probed
Table 4 Oxide phases detected by XRD in test samples
of alloy CMSX-4
areas on the sample. All the luminescence measurements
were made on the surface of intact/unspalled scales away
Sample oxidised Sample oxidised Sample oxidised from the sample edge(s). Interestingly, the Cr3z
3h 30 h 100 h luminescence of the a-Al2O3 was detectable in alloy
RR3000, despite the fact that this oxide was buried
NiO (S) NiO (W) NiO (VW)
Al2O3 (W) Al2O3 (S) Al2O3 (VS) beneath continuous thick layers of NiO and mixed
NiCoAl2O4 (VW) NiCoAl2O4 (M) NiCoAl2O4 (M) oxides.
NiCoCr2O4 (VW) NiCr2O4 (W) NiCr2O4 (M) The results obtained for alloy CMSX-4 show that the
TaCrO4 (VW) TaCrO4 (VW) TaCrO4 (W) residual stress measured was relatively independent of
TiO2 (VW) TiO2 (VW) TiO2 (VW) the oxidation time after an initial transient period lasting
S – strong; VS – very strong; M – medium; W – weak; VW – very y2 h. This time coincided with the completion of the
weak. transformation of the metastable alumina phases to

Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 2007 VOL 42 NO 1 85

Younes et al. High temperature oxidation behaviour of superalloys RR 3 000 and CMSX- 4

10 a cross-sectional view of oxide scale formed on alloy CMSX-4 after 100 h of oxidation and b corresponding EDX

a-alumina at 1100uC, as reported in the literature.9,10 It appeared, at first, to relax a little and then increase again
can be observed from the results shown in Fig. 11 that to reach a peak at ,4 GPa. The most likely reason for
over this transient period, the stress in the scale stress relaxation was believed to be microcracking in the
increased rapidly reaching a peak value of ,4 GPa alumina layer. Subsequently the cracking seemed to heal
after oxidation for only 1.5 h. The stress dropped from leading to a rapid increase in stress for exposures
its peak value after 2 h exposure rising again following between 5 and 20 h. After this time, the stress started to
the next exposure. This sudden change in the stress level decrease significantly attaining after 100 h a level well
over a short period of time was also seen with alloy below that measured after the first exposure. The onset
RR3000. It is believed to be due to the tensile stresses of the sharp decrease in stress coincided with that of the
developed in the scales by the large shrinkage in volume acceleration in scale spallation observed in the samples
(,9%) accompanying the transformation of alumina oxidised for periods between 30 and 100 h. The low
from the metastable h phase to the stable a phase. In stress levels associated with these samples were indica-
fact, both of these phases could be identified in the tive of the presence of large cracks in the scale, which
luminescence spectra from samples oxidised for short ultimately led to buckling and spallation of large
durations between 0.25 and 2 h. The spectra obtained portions of the oxide (Fig. 3).
from samples oxidised for longer periods, indicated that
only the a phase was present in the scale. After
completion of the alumina phase transformation, the
compressive residual stress in the scale of CMSX-4 Studies of the oxidation behaviour of Ni–Cr–Al alloys
increased progressively until the last exposure (Fig. 11b). (often considered as the ternary equivalents of nickel
Such a steady increase was indicative of good adhesion based superalloys),11 have clearly identified a transient
of the scale to the substrate. phase at the commencement of oxidation followed by a
The development of residual stress in the scale of alloy steady state period.12,13 During the transient period,
RR3000 after the transient period differed markedly oxidation of the various alloy constituents takes place,
from that observed for alloy CMSX-4 (Fig. 11a). For leading to the nucleation of NiO, complex spinels, Cr2O3
periods of oxidation over 3–20 h, the residual stress and Al2O3. During the steady state period, different

11 Development of residual stress in oxide scale formed on a alloy RR3300 and b alloy CMSX-4 as function of oxida-
tion time

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Younes et al. High temperature oxidation behaviour of superalloys RR 3 000 and CMSX- 4

oxide scales may form and can be divided into three seen in alloy RR3000. The rapid establishment of a
distinct types, depending on the concentrations of Cr continuous a-Al2O3 inner layer immediately after the
and Al in the metal substrate. Type I is an external scale transient stage retarded the oxidation of alloy CMSX-4.
of NiO and a subscale of chromium and/or aluminium Because of the slow diffusion of reactive species in a-
oxides. Type II is an external layer of Cr2O3 and a Al2O3, the growth of CrTaO4 and other oxides was
sublayer of Al2O3. Type III is solely an external layer inhibited. This beneficial effect of the a-Al2O3 layer was
of Al2O3. According to the free energy of formation not evident in alloy RR3000 and was substantiated by
values, for the oxidation of Ni–Cr–Al alloys, a the fact that the overall thickness of the scale formed on
continuous Al2O3 scale should form if the Al content the latter was greater than that formed on alloy CMSX-
exceeds 4 wt-%, provided the Cr/Al concentration ratio 4. The results and observations of the present study are
is less than or equal to 4 (Ref. 12). Hence the alloys in agreement with those of a recent investigation aimed
investigated here, which contain nearly equal amounts at elucidating the effect of rhenium on the oxidation
of Al (,5.8 wt-%) with 2.2 and 6.5 wt-%Cr respectively resistance of Ni based alloys.18 For such a purpose, the
(Table 1), would be expected to form an Al2O3 outer Re content was varied in two series of Ni–8Cr–2Ti–
layer during oxidation. However, owing to the addition 10Al–Re and Ni–8Cr–2Ti–15Al–Re model alloys (the
of other elements, such as Co, Ti, Ta, W and Re, both of concentrations expressed in at.-%) and it was found that
the alloys under investigation exhibited a more complex the alloys with a Re/Al ratio >0.1 exhibited a much
behaviour than simple Ni–Cr–Al alloys. larger mass change than those with Re/Al ratio (0.1, as
The results of the XRD and SEM/EDX analyses a result of cyclic oxidation at 1100uC. This observation
presented in the previous section indicated that upon led to the suggestion that the Re/Al ratio is a good
exposure to air at 1100uC, a mixed oxide scale was indicator of the resistance to oxidation. Furthermore,
formed on the surface of the single crystal superalloys. examination of cross-sections showed that the a-Al2O3
During the initial stage of oxidation, simple oxides of layers that formed on the alloys with Re/Al ratio >0.1
the alloy elements, such as NiO, CoO, Al2O3, Ta2O5 and are highly porous owing to increased Re content and
Cr2O3 (although some of them were not detected), formation of more volatile Re2O7 oxide. Since the alloys
formed simultaneously (Table 3). At 1100uC, the much investigated in the present study have similar Al
higher growth rate of NiO as compared with that of the contents but different Re/Al ratios, it is possible that
other oxides resulted in the overgrowth of NiO crystals. the high Re content and the associated high vapour
This was more apparent in the case of alloy RR3000 pressure of its oxide renders the a-Al2O3 layer formed on
than in CMSX-4. Meanwhile, solid phase reactions alloy RR3000 porous and less protective.
among the initial simple oxides led to the formation of It is obvious from the results obtained from the test
more complex oxides, including NiCr2O4, CrTaO4, samples (Fig. 3) that spallation of the scale is the major
AlTaO4 and NiCoAl2O4. As a result, after 3 h of process impairing the resistance of alloy RR3000 to
oxidation the predominant oxide was identified to be oxidation at high temperatures. Under cyclic loading
(Ni,Co)O in the scale of alloy RR3000 and (Ni,Co)O, conditions, such as in gas turbines, alloy CMSX-4 would
(Ni,Co)Al2O4 and a-Al2O3 in that of alloy CMSX-4. be expected to be more resilient to oxidation owing to
The formation of CrTaO4 and AlTaO4 on the single the good adherence of its scale and resistance to spalling
crystal superalloys Rene N6 and CMSX-10 upon upon cooling. This is confirmed by the results of residual
isothermal and cyclic oxidation at temperatures in the stress measurements shown in Fig. 11, which indicated a
range 1000–1200uC was reported by other research- strong bonding of the scale with the substrate in the case
ers.14,15 In the present work, the XRD results indicated of alloy CMSX-4 and a weak bonding in the case of
the formation of Cr2O3 and W20O58 during the initial alloy RR3000. However, the oxidation of these alloys
stage of oxidation and their disappearance from the leads to the creation of a c9 denuded zone beneath the
scale on longer exposure (Table 3). This could be the scale and coarsening of the c9 precipitates (Fig. 7). The
result of the continued oxidation of Cr2O3 (s) to CrO3(g) reduction in the volume fraction of c9 precipitates in the
and W20O58 (s) to WO3 (g) at temperatures .1000uC.16 denuded zone may lead to a local decrease in strength.
Moreover, the XRD data and X-ray images did not This weakening effect may be extensive as the c9 volume
reveal the presence of a Re rich oxide or a Re enriched fraction is closely related to the stress to give a
layer in the scales formed on the superalloys studied. specified creep rate.19 The formation of a weak subsur-
This was believed to be due to the loss by vaporisation face zone could make the alloy susceptible to cracking
of the Re oxide, Re2O7, which has a high vapour under combined mechanical and thermal loading con-
pressure at high temperatures.17 ditions, of the type encountered in gas turbines. To
After the formation of a mixed oxide scale, the alleviate or better suppress the above mentioned
activity of oxygen at the metal/oxide interface may damaging effects owing to oxidation, it still appears
decrease, facilitating the selective oxidation of alumi- necessary to provide the superalloys studied with a
nium. With increasing oxidation time, the inner a-Al2O3 protective coating.
crystals grew laterally and eventually converged to form
a compact inner layer. The formation of this layer on
both alloys was ascertained by cross-sectioning some
samples which appeared to have readily reached steady The following conclusions can be drawn based on the
state conditions (Figs. 5 and 10). However, comparison present isothermal oxidation study of the single crystal
of samples oxidised for equal durations, particularly superalloys RR3000 and CMSX-4.
those exposed for short times, showed that the a-Al2O3 1. On exposure to air at 1100uC, alloy RR3000
layer had formed earlier on alloy CMSX-4, because this develops an oxide scale which is much thicker than that
layer proved to be thicker and more uniform than that which forms on alloy CMSX-4.

Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 2007 VOL 42 NO 1 87

Younes et al. High temperature oxidation behaviour of superalloys RR 3 000 and CMSX- 4

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