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A. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, or d!
1. Sarah……a diligent student.
a. Am
b. Is
c. Are
d. Be
2. ……….I a zookeeper?
a. Am
b. Is
c. Are
d. Been
3. Wiwik…….the classroom floor on Mondays.
a. Sweeping
b. Sweep
c. Swept
d. Sweeps
4. Amira …….(cook) in the kitchen now.
a. Cooks
b. Cooked
c. Are cooking
d. Is cooking
5. Abdullah ……(not play) chess right now.
a. Is playing
b. Is not playing
c. Are playing
d. Is cooking
6. Rio: which more interesting. The safari park or ragunan zoo?
Daud: I think Ragunan Zoo is…….as the Safari Park. Both of them have many
good things to see
a. More interesting
b. Less interesting
c. The most interesting
d. As interesting
7. Ani: do you prefer travelling by train or by plane?
Ita: I prefer travelling by train
Ani: Why?
Ita: Buying the train ticket needs………money than the plane ticket.
a. Fewer
b. Few
c. Less
d. Little
8. Look at the data below.
Name: Mrs. Laila

Age: 35

Job: doctor

Children: 1 son, 3 daughters

Name: Mr. Umar

Age: 34

Job: teacher

Children: 2 sons, 1 daughter

Mr. Umar is…….than Mrs. Laila.

a. As old
b. As young
c. Older
d. Younger
9. Tom thinks that his car is…… than my car.
a. Expensiver
b. More expensiver
c. Most expensive
d. More expensive
10. Look at the following points
(1) Better
(2) Further
(3) Worst
(4) Tall
The adjectives use in comparative degree are shown by number
a. (1) and (2)
b. (1) and (4)
c. (2) and (3)
d. (3) and (4)
The following text is for questions numbers 11 to 16
Mr heru usually gets up at about five o’clock in the morning. He usually
has juice and a cup of coffee.Then he waits a couple of hours and he has the
rest of his breakfast, which is usually an egg and toast, or a Oatmeal, cereal,
something like that. He doesn’t eat a lot of lunch. He has dinner in the evening
around seven O’clock. He usually teaches in the mornings, but two night a
week he teaches from four to seven in the afternoon . He does not teach on
Saturdays anymore. So Saturdays and Sundays are pretty free. And Sunday
morning, he likesTo sit and read the newspaper. The that’s what he does on a
Sunday. He catches up because during the week the does not read the
newspaper. So he reads the newspaper on Sunday And catches up on what’s
been happening in the world.
11. What time does MR.Heru frequently get dinner in
The evening?
a. Around six o’clock
b. Around seven o’clock
c. Around eight o’clock
d. Around nine o’clock
12. What does MR. Heru commonly do on Sunday morning?
a. Take a jogging
b. Take a travelling
c. Reading a newspaper
d. Listening to the music
13. What day MR. Heru does not teach?
a. Tuesday and Saturday
b. Friday and Saturday
c. Saturday and Sunday
d. Monday and Friday
14. When does MR. Heru usually get up every morning?
a. Five
b. Seven
c. Eight
d. Nine
15. ’He usually has juice and cup of coffee.’’The underlined word
Has similar meaning with……
a. Never
b. Realy
c. Ordinarily
d. Infrequently
16. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to
The text?
a. MR. Heru’s breakfast is usually an egg and toast, or oatmeal
b. MR. Heru commonly teaches in the morning
c. MR.Heru doesn’t teach on Thursday
d. MR.Heru always gets up at about seven o’clock
In the morning
The following text is for question number 17 to 19.

My family and I am spending holiday

My family and I spend our holiday in the garden. We are not

preparing the party but we are gardening. My mother is holding a pair
of grass a shears. She is cutting the leaves. My brother is holding a
watering can. He is watering the flowers and plants. While my father is
holding a shovel. He is digging the ground to plant some seeds. While
heis digging, there are worms wiggling on the ground. There are also
beautiful butterflies. They are drinking nectar from the flowers.
17. Where do the writer and his family spend their holiday?
a. In the Zoo
b. In the garden
c. In the supermarket
d. In the village
18. What is the writer’s mother holding?
a. a pair of cans
b. a pair of grass shears
c. a shovel
d. a plant
19. pay attention to the following statements.
(1) The writer and his family are gardening at the moment
(2) The writer and his family like to prepare the party
(3) The writer’s mother is cutting the leaves
(4) The writer brother is holding a shovel to dig the ground
(5) The writer’s brother is planting the seeds
The correct statements are shown by number
a. (1) and (2)
b. (1) and (3)
c. (2) and (3)
d. (3) and (4)
20. We are……a better job at present
a. Look for
b. Looking for
c. Looked for
d. To look for
B. Match the following definitions in column A with appropriate words in column
No A B
1. A person who is studying at a school, a. Headmaster
university or college b. Schoolyard
2. A public place or religious occasion that c. Student
includes a series of formal or traditional d. Vice headmaster
actions. e. Ceremony
3. A male a teacher who is in charge of a f. school
school, especially private school
4. An outdoor area of a school for children to
play in.
5. A place where children go to be educated

C. Essay
1. Make two present continuous tense sentences below!

2. (+)

No Name Age Height

1. Galih 15 years 179 cm
2. Fahmi 13 years 168 cm
3. Luluk 12 years 164 cm
4. Kevin 13 years 170 cm
5. Gandi 16 years 168 cm

3. Who is the oldest person?

Who is the shortest person?
Who have the same age?
Read the following text and answer the question!
Daily activity of Anita and her sister
My sister and I get up early every day. We make the beds and clean the house. We
also help mother to prepare breakfast for the family. But before that we never forget to
do some exercise.
4. What is the title of the short text above?
5. Who get up early morning?

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