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JMJ Marist Brothers


College of Arts and Sciences
Alunan Ave., City of Koronadal, South Cotabato 9506

Rex Bryann C. Zambra PHSC 103 Seminar on Contemporary Philosophy

Intimate Strangeness of Being
A Reaction Paper

William Desmond is well-known for his work on metaphysics, ethics, and

aesthetics. The concept of "intimate strangeness," which refers to the idea that we can

never fully know or comprehend another person, even those who are closest to us, is

one of his works' recurring themes.

Desmond argues that our attempts to comprehend others always fail because

people are inherently mysterious and complex. This is due to the fact that language,

culture, and personal experience constantly influence our understanding of other people

and can sway or restrict how we perceive them. Desmond, on the other hand, maintains

that the inherent mystery of human relationships is what makes them so fascinating and

satisfying. We are drawn to someone and continue to be surprised and challenged by

them precisely due to the fact that we can never fully know or possess them. The nature

of love, the role of empathy in moral decision-making, and the meaning of art are just a

few of the ethical and aesthetic issues that Desmond's philosophy of intimate

strangeness has implications for. In the end, it suggests that we should treat others with

respect and humility, realizing that their inner lives are intricate and infinitely diverse and

that we will never fully comprehend or control them. Desmond argues that the capacity

for self-reflection and fundamental inquiry into the nature of reality that distinguishes
JMJ Marist Brothers
College of Arts and Sciences
Alunan Ave., City of Koronadal, South Cotabato 9506

humans from other species is unmatched. However, he also suggests that having this

ability comes at a price, namely being aware of our own mortality and the limitations of

our knowledge. Desmond says that the strangeness of being is something to be

embraced and celebrated rather than something to be feared or avoided. He believes

that our efforts to comprehend the world and ourselves can result in profound insights

and transformative experiences, and that the mystery and wonder of existence can be a

source of inspiration and creativity. The philosophy of Desmond encourages us to

cultivate awe and wonder in the face of existence's mystery and to acknowledge that

our quest for knowledge and understanding is a never-ending journey of discovery.

Human beings are unique in their capacity for self-reflection and fundamental

inquiry into the nature of reality. But he also says that our efforts to understand

ourselves and the world are never finished or final; rather, they are always provisional

and subject to change. Desmond is of the opinion that the never-ending process of

discovering who we are is a source of creativity and inspiration, and that our search for

knowledge and comprehension has the potential to result in profound insights and life-

altering experiences. He argues that we ought to approach both the world and

ourselves with an openness and humility that acknowledges our limited and tentative

comprehension of reality. Desmond, on the other hand, acknowledges that the never-

ending discovery of being can be difficult and upsetting, particularly when it forces us to

confront our own limitations and mortality. However, he suggests that as we strive to
JMJ Marist Brothers
College of Arts and Sciences
Alunan Ave., City of Koronadal, South Cotabato 9506

broaden our horizons and deepen our understanding of the world and ourselves, this

sense of unease can also be a source of motivation and growth.

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