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Student Name: Jade Mar P.

Course Code and Title: GE-7- Environmental Technology and society
Class Schedule:M-W-F 3:00pm-4:00pm

Instructions: Read the article on the concept of de-development by Hickel on this link :
countries-de-develop-rich-countries-sdgs . After reading, answer the following questions in two to three
sentences. (20 pts. each)

1. What is the framework of de-development of rich countries all about?

 Its framework is to provide something that people want to change the growth of
our system against poverty. This information assists us in developing and
developing countries will maintain the success of what they are aiming for and just
like what they stated, people should focus on the poor people and the rich people
must take it slow, so that in other words, the living system maintains balance for
people. It encourages all the changes in our system to promote more
sophisticated life growth and to have a better place for the future.

2. How is the de-development framework different from traditional frameworks of development?

 For me, I think that even before they just focus on the growth of rich people. For
many years now, we have been suffering from poverty, and some countries are
still developing. We cannot see their progress. Rich people maintain their wealth
because they have the power and right to do their things, while poor people are
still suffering from their causes. The de-development framework, on the other
hand, is used to ensure poor people's security and give them the right to live
prosperous lives, while rich people will adjust and stay to adjust to the system 

3. According to Hickel, how can rich countries de-develop?

 by reducing overconsumption in rich countries. According to Peter Edward, instead
of pushing poorer countries to "catch up" with rich ones, we should be thinking of
ways to get rich countries to "catch down" to more appropriate levels of
development. So people have time to improve their living systems and push for
changes to eradicate poverty. In that way, we can see people smiling on their

4. Why does Hickel frown upon pundits using term such as de-growth, zeroth growth, or de-
development in describing an alternative framework?

 Because we see our situation before and compared now that we are still the same
people, still suffering from the uncertainty of living. In that regard, it gives us
information on which to give great value, to seek change in our system to promote
inclusivity for individuality. It also provides guidelines to improve the plan to fix the
problem in our country.

5. Some people might think that de-development is about giving things up. How does Hickel explain
that this is not the case?
 For me, it is not about giving up; it is all about changing the system in our
government that we need to develop and fix the problems from the past. Many
people are suffering from poverty and many factors that affect them are still in the
lower class. In this matter, it helps poor people to succeed in life and also reduces
the overconsumption of the richest people.

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