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V139 - Snow Memory Footprint

This update greatly improves the memory footprint of snow physics. In my test
world it went from consuming 946 MB to 227 MB of RAM (pretty high LOD settings were
- Reduced memory footprint of snow physics by 400%
- Fixed menues turning black when selecting something in a list in 1.19.4

V138 - Bugfixes
Quick update to fix the non working mob physics in 1.19.4 and some other small
- Slightly improved ocean rendering performance
- Fixed mob physics not working in 1.19.4
- Fixed ocean physics not working with Complementary Reimagined and labPBR
- UPDATE (a): I broke old Complementary Reimagined versions with the previous
update so this is a fix for it

v137 - Yet another performance boost

Another snow rendering performance improvement + eliminating the cloth thread
from using up the ENTIRE thread (resulting in massive CPU usathat was a really bad
- Increased the snow rendering FPS in big render situations by up to 12%
- Fixed cloth thread using the ENTIRETY of a thread

v136 - Another performance boost

I didn't expect to squeeze out another performance improvement but this increases
the FPS in physics heavy situations by up to 15% (with some dynamic block scenes I
even got an increase of 70%). I also fixed the ocean disappearing bug and
Notimagination created more spanish translations! Thanks again!
- Increased the FPS in physics heavy situations by up to 15%
- Added more debug information (simulated physics objects count)
- Added more spanish translations (big thanks to Notimagination!)
- Fixed ocean disappearing
- Reduced GPU memory consumption of oceans and snow

v135 - Huge performance boost

This update changed a lot of the physics rendering code which in turn increases
your FPS in physics heavy situations by up to 50%! In case you have any rendering
issues please report them on my github page (if they are game breaking switch to
Pro V134 in the meantime). Also a big thanks to Notimagination for creating the
argentinian spanish translation!
- Increased the FPS in physics heavy situations by up to 50%
- Fixed ragdolls not properly working with Optifine
- Fixed ripples causing a blurry screen
- Added argentinian spanish translations (big thanks to Notimagination!)

Physics Mod Pro V134 - Optifine Ragdoll Fix + Ripple Bugfix

Quick update for the weekend which fixes ragdolls when using Optifine and a
blurry screen when water ripples are enabled.
- Fixed ragdolls not properly working with Optifine
- Fixed ripples causing a blurry screen

v133 - Water Ripples

It hasn't been long from a first prototype of the water ripples to today but they
are already finished! All the new additions can be found below. Trailer showcasing
the new features will follow tomorrow. Have fun everyone!
- Added water ripples to moving entities, explosions and physics objects
interacting with the water
- Added splashes for entities, physics objects and underwater explosions
- Fixed a smoke crash

v132 - 1.19.4 Update

This is an update to the latest 1.19.4 version adding sniffer ragdolls and the
cherry wood dynamic blocks! This is only available for Fabric so far since Forge
hasn't released its modloader for 1.19.4 yet (will probably come once 1.19.4 is
officially released). This version works with the latest Iris + Sodium builds
(found in the iris discord).
- 1.19.4: Added Sniffer ragdoll
- 1.19.4: Added cherry wood door, trapdoor and hanging sign to dynamic blocks
(make sure to reset the dynamic block settings if you use an exisiting physics mod
- Fixed invisible body parts when wearing elytra
- Fixed invisible body parts in inventory screen when wearing certain cloth

v131 - Cloth Tutorial/Example Files

If you start Minecraft with V131 or higher installed you will find a new
Cloth.blend and TUTORIAL.txt file which describes how to create custom cloth
pieces. This is not easy and requires basic knowledge of Blender (3D modelling
tool). I am now basically done with the cloth rework. The only thing missing is a
trailer and after that I will move on to the next feature on my list: ripples in
water (through boats, players, mobs, rain, ...). Most of you probably know this
feature from AAA games where you swim through rivers and it generates small waves.
It will be quite similar to that and in combination with the ocean physics it will
add more detail to rivers!
- Added tutorial and example files for cloth
- Fixed jelly cloth not being displayed correctly in cloth selection screen

v130 - Rubber Players

This new update allows to use player skins and mob textures for cloth
customizations. I will soon introduce cloth customizations that will make use of
this (like the rubber head shown in the video)!
- Added possibility to use minecraft textures with cloth simulations (especially
useful for player skins and mob textures based on resource packs)
- Fixed a crash with other player customization mods
- Fixed elytra cloth constantly displaying
- Fixed a rare PhysX related crash

v129 - Bugs & Crash Fixes

Update to fix some bugs & crashes (listed below).

- Fixed ragdoll limit not working and causing a crash
- Fixed other players not displaying in cloth entity selection screen
- Fixed a snow contouring crash (stopped generating snow)
- UPDATE (b): Fixed local cloth not displaying
- UPDATE (c): Fixed headwear not displaying when a helmet is equipped

v128 - Armor

Armor now gets hidden when certain cloth pieces are equipped (hats/hair hide
helmets, coats hide chest armor and so on...) and the cloth settings provide an
option to display the armor instead of the cloth, if desired (useful for PvP to
know which armor the enemy is wearing).
- Added option to hide cloth pieces when certain armor is equipped
- Fixed some cloth synchronization issues

v127 - Coats & Beards

Lots of fixes + some cool coats & beards now available! Go check them out in
physics settings > cloth > customize!
- Fixed ocean shading issue with complementary reimagined r2.0
- Fixed snow rendering issue
- Fixed shading issues in cloth customization menu
- Fixed a crash related to unreleased cloth piece
- Fixed synchronized cloth pieces not equipping when local cloth pieces getting
- Fixed pegleg in disconnecting in ocean (while ocean physics activated)
- Updated french translations (thanks to crazy and parceval)

v126 - Hair, Tails, Coats & More

This update brings some bug fixes and more cloth cosmetics including hair, tails
and some more coat tests (although I am not very pleased with the look of coats).
- Fixed local cloth pieces resetting after restart
- Fixed model parts not hiding for specific cloth pieces

v125 - Cloth Rework Ports

The cloth rework is now available for 1.18.2 and 1.19.x for both Fabric and
Forge! This version also includes some ocean related fixes.
- Fixed ocean not displaying on highest chunks
- Fixed ocean crash
- UPDATE (a): Fixed Mojang cape displaying while having another cape equipped

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