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I. Introduction
Powerful evidence that Earth is warming comes from the melting of continental and polar ice. In the
last 22 years, the Denman Glacier, in East Antarctica, has retreated almost three miles. If it fully thaws,
sea levels would rise almost 5 feet (CNN). Human-caused climate change is an established
phenomenon. The biggest culprit in climate change is an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide, which is
generated primarily through the burning of fossil fuels. In this module, the challenges of global
atmospheric changes: climate change, ozone depletion, and acid deposition are tackled.
II. Objectives of the Lesson

At the end of the module, the learner should be able to:

1. Distinguish between weather and climate.
2. Explain what determines the Earth’s climate.
3. List the main greenhouse gases.
4. Describe the enhanced greenhouse effect.
5. Discuss the potential effects of global warming.
6. Give examples of strategies to mitigate or adapt to global climate change.
7. Describe the importance of the ozone layer.

III. Lesson Proper

Weather vs. Climate

Weather refers to the conditions in the atmosphere at a given place and time; it includes
temperature, atmospheric pressure, precipitation, cloudiness, humidity and wind. Weather changes from
one hours to the next and from one day to the next. Earth’s overall climate is determined by several
factors: the sun’s intensity, Earth’s distance from the sun, tilt of the Earth relative to its rotational axis,
distribution of water and landmasses across Earth’s surface and composition of gases in the atmosphere.
Across Earth, the two most important factors that define an area’s overall climate are temperature and
precipitation. Latitude, elevation, distance from the ocean, and geographic location all influence climate.
Other climate factors include weather conditions such as wind, humidity, fog, cloud cover, and, in some
areas, lightning.
Global Climate Change
Solar energy, the biogeochemical cycles and gravity are the three key factors that sustain life on
Earth. Sunlight provides the energy for photosynthesis which produces food for humans and animals.
Biological, geological and chemical processes allow the cycling of matter to continue. Gravity holds most
matter in the troposphere.
Solar energy comes from the sun. The absorption and emission of energy from the Earth’s
surface is important to keep the heat balance. The greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere, absorb
some the infrared (IR) light, the form of energy emitted by the earth’s surface back to the atmosphere.
Major Greenhouse Gases
1. water vapor
2. carbon dioxide
3. methane
4. nitrous oxide
5. ozone
6. CFCs and other halocarbons
In the atmosphere, more GHGs cause a condition called the enhanced greenhouse effect
better known as global warming, wherein there is an increase of the Earth’s average surface
temperature. The drastic increase of greenhouse gases is attributed to anthropogenic activities. The
possible factors include:
 Lessening of carbon sinks due to deforestation and agriculture
 Excessive combustion of fossil fuels

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 Generation of halocarbons in the atmosphere
 Excessive demand for products by growing human population.
Effects of Climate Change

 Health effects
 Loss of natural resources
 Indirect threats to life and property
 Changes in natural habitats and food supply
 Changing ocean chemistry/acidification
Adaptation and Mitigation Responses to Climate Change
The basic ways to manage global climate change are mitigation and adaptation. Mitigation is the
moderation or postponement of global climate change through measures that reduce greenhouse gas
emissions. Adaptation is a planned response to changes caused by global climate change. The extent
and severity of climate change will depend on the amount of additional greenhouse gas emissions we
add to the atmosphere. The rate of increase of atmospheric GHGs from fossil fuels depends on such
factors as economic conditions, policy choices, population growth and technology changes.

Mitigation of Climate Change

 Reducing energy use, for example, driving less
 Increasing efficiency, for example, by switching to hybrid cars
 Policies such as energy-pricing strategies (carbon taxes) and elimination of energy subsidies
 Planting and maintaining forests
 Carbon management – ways to separate and capture the CO2 produced during the combustion of
fossil fuels and then sequester (store) it.
 Use of technological innovations that efficiently trap CO2 from smokestacks
 Increasing efficiency of coal-fired power plants
 Replacing coal-fired power plants with renewable energy sources
 Insulating buildings to reduce the need for heating in the winter and cooling in the summer
 Improving management of agricultural soils.
Adaptation of Climate Change

 to protect coastal land from the rising sea level

o Construction of massive sea walls
o People living in coastal areas could move inland
o Rivers and canals could be channeled to prevent salt water intrusion
 Adapt to shifting agricultural zones
Ozone Layer Depletion
The ozone layer is a thin, protective layer of ozone gas (O3) in the atmosphere, encircling at 13-
20km above the Earth. The ozone layer screens out 99% of the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation.
The fragile shield is created as ozone molecules form and break down in the atmosphere. Thinning of the
ozone layer will substantially increase the amount of UV radiation received by Earth.
The depletion of the ozone layer is caused by chemicals, mainly by chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
and other halogenated ozone-depleting substances (ODS) like hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs). These
chemicals do not destroy ozone directly, rather, they persist in the atmosphere where they eventually
undergo photolysis, splitting to form hydrogen chloride (HCl) or chlorine nitrate (ClNO 3). These secondary
molecules slowly decompose into free chlorine (Cl) or chlorine monoxide (ClO) molecules that serve as
catalysts for the breaking up of the O3 molecules. Free bromine is about 10 to 100 times more destructive
than free chlorine. Another downside is that these catalysts are not consumed and therefore they can
persist in the atmosphere for a long time and can destroy hundred and thousands of O 3.
The destruction of ozone molecules leads to thinning of ozone layer, and mass depletion of it
results in the formation of an ozone hole. In the early 1980’s, an ozone hole has been discovered over the

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Antarctic area by Joe Farman, a British Antarctic survey scientist while a similar hole, but not as
damaging has been seen over the Arctic region. The Antarctic hole has been getting larger over time.
Within three months, the ozone hole usually breaks down and air with normal levels of ozone molecules
fills it in. As air sweeps in, the ozone-depleted air from the hole drifts over to Australia. This exposure to
UV-B radiation because of the ozone hole has led to Australia having the highest incidence rates for skin
cancer. The United Nations Environment Program predicts a rate of 10% ozone loss per year over
several decades.
At the global level, the alarming rate of ozone depletion has prompted governments of developed
and less-developed countries to draw up an agreement, known as the Montreal Protocol that binds
signatory countries to take immediate and stringent steps towards the phasing out of ozone depleting

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