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Anomie – a state of confusion that arises when an individual is faced with a conflict of choices
in a society that provides no clear guidelines

Bourgeoisie – owners of the means of production

Conformity – the tendency of people to behave when society’s norms

Crime funnel – a depiction of how an increasing amount of crime goes unresolved the farther
one progresses through the justice system

Decriminalization – removing an act from coverage by the criminal code

Defensible space – areas that actively discourage criminal activity

Deviant act – I single behaviour that is contrary to societies norms

Deviant career – a lifestyle based on involvement in a deviant activity

Differential association – theory that any person can be trained to adapt and follow a pattern of
deviant or criminal behaviour

Dissociation – a feeling of in the numbness

Fantasy – imagination unrestrained by reality

Incidence – the number of new cases of a disorder that arise in a given year

Lumpenprotletariat – people who live outside the economic system imposed by the bourgeoise.

Malsocialization – Poor integration of a culture norms and values

Neutralization – the process of excusing deviant behaviour on the grounds of mitigating


Non-participant observation – a research method in which the researcher observes the

activities of the group being studied as an outsider

Participant observation – research method in which the researcher places an active role in the
group of being studied

Prevalence – the total number of cases of a disorder that exist

Primary deviation – deviant behaviour that occurs prior to the society’s knowledge of the
individual and behaviour

Proletariat – workers for the bourgeoise

Recidivism – the probability that I released offender will repeat his or her gray

Sanctions – negative and coercive techniques to ensure conformity

Secondary deviation – deviant behaviour that occurs in part because of an individual’s socially
awkward self-image of deviance

Social control – the forces that encourage individuals to abide by society rules and that invokes
actions against them if they break the rules

Stigma – widespread and very strong disapproval of a behaviour or an individual

Vested interest – benefits that people receive from the society in exchange of us feeling the
obligations that society

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