Phy205 hwp7 2022

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PHY 205- Physics with Calculus I

Prof. Simon Schuler

Homework Practice Set 7

HWQ6: Monday, Oct 31

Below are the homework problems for the chapter listed. Remember, one of these problems will be chosen for
the associated Homework Quiz (HWQ). Make sure and solve each problem using the method used in class, in
particular you should always include Given, Find, picture, equations used, solutions with variables, and fnal
numerical answer, where appropriate. For problems that have multiple parts, please do each part in the order
presented in the question as this will be expected on the HWQs and Exams. Note the answers to the problems
are included here for your convenience. Solutions to the problems will be posted to Blackboard after the HWQ.

Ch. 8: Multi-Particle Dynamics

1. A uniform square of mass 4 kg and sides 2 m and negligible thickness is centered at the origin. Determine the
center of mass of this square using symmetry arguments. Suppose then that the 1 m × 1 m section in the
fourth quadrant is removed. Where is the center of mass of this new object? Do this calculation by treating
the mass of each remaining 1 m × 1 m section as residing at its center of mass and then fnding the centers of
mass of these “masses”.
[Answers: (0, 0) and (− 61 , 61 )]
2. While standing on a frozen lake (µf = 0) you throw a rock with a mass of 2.25 kg at vb = 12.0 m/s. The
distance between you and the rock when it lands is 15.2 m. If your mass is 32.5 kg and you take the initial
height of the rock to be zero, at what angle did you throw the rock? Also, what is your velocity after
throwing the rock? [Answers: θ = 37.6◦ , #»
v = −0.66 m/s ı̂]

3. A 2.0-kg block of wood is attached to a horizontal spring that is at its equilibrium length (not stretched or
compressed) and that has a spring constant of 1000 N/m. A bullet with a mass of 10 g is shot into the block
with a speed of 450 m/s. The bullet remains lodged in the block of wood, which slides along a frictionless
horizontal surface. By how much is the spring compressed by the block plus bullet system?
[Answer: ∆x = 0.10 m]

4. A particle with mass m is shot with a speed v toward another particle with mass 2m that is initially at rest.
The frst particle collides elastically with the second and is scattered at an angle of 90◦ relative to its original
path. At what angle does the second particle move after the collision? [Answer: θ = 30◦ ]
5. Bobbo, who has a mass m1 , is standing at the edge of a clif of height H and plans on swinging down on a
rope, picking up an object of mass m2 of the ground, and then just barely landing on another clif of height
h, as shown. Find an expression for H in terms of m1 , m2 , and h. [Answer: H = m1m+m 1

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