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Energy Policy 82 (2015) 233–248

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China's transportation energy consumption and CO2 emissions from a

global perspective
Xiang Yin a, Wenying Chen a,n, Jiyong Eom b,c, Leon E. Clarke b, Son H. Kim b, Pralit L. Patel b,
Sha Yu b, G. Page Kyle b
Institute of Energy, Environment and Economy, Tsinghua University, China
Joint Global Change Research Institute, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea


 Transport sector in China are analyzed from a global perspective.

 Passenger transport turnover reduction and modal shifts is less sensitive to carbon price.
 Bio-fuel, electricity and H2 will play an important role for carbon mitigation in transport sector.
 The transport sector is more difficult to decarbonize than other sectors.

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Rapidly growing energy demand from China's transportation sector in the last two decades have raised
Received 14 October 2014 concerns over national energy security, local air pollution, and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, and there
Received in revised form is broad consensus that China's transportation sector will continue to grow in the coming decades. This
31 January 2015
paper explores the future development of China's transportation sector in terms of service demands, final
Accepted 21 March 2015
Available online 2 April 2015
energy consumption, and CO2 emissions, and their interactions with global climate policy. This study
develops a detailed China transportation energy model that is nested in an integrated assessment model
Keywords: —Global Change Assessment Model (GCAM)—to evaluate the long-term energy consumption and CO2
Integrated assessment emissions of China's transportation sector from a global perspective. The analysis suggests that, without
Transport sector
major policy intervention, future transportation energy consumption and CO2 emissions will continue to
CO2 mitigation
rapidly increase and the transportation sector will remain heavily reliant on fossil fuels. Although carbon
price policies may significantly reduce the sector's energy consumption and CO2 emissions, the asso-
ciated changes in service demands and modal split will be modest, particularly in the passenger trans-
port sector. The analysis also suggests that it is more difficult to decarbonize the transportation sector
than other sectors of the economy, primarily owing to its heavy reliance on petroleum products.
& 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction approximately 50% by 2030 and by over 80% by 2050 (IEA, 2009).
China's transportation sector has grown rapidly in recent years,
The International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates that the and it is probable that this will continue in the coming decades
transportation sector accounts for approximately 19% of global given the country's current low vehicle ownership level. As of
energy consumption and 23% of energy-related carbon dioxide 2010, the transportation sector accounts for approximately 15.6%
(CO2) emissions (IEA, 2012). The sector's energy consumption and of total final energy use in China with gasoline and diesel con-
CO2 emissions, and their contributions relative to other sectors, are sumed in the secondary and tertiary for transport included (Na-
all projected to grow substantially over the course of the current tional Bureau of Statistics (NBS, 2011; Wang, 2010), considerably
century (Kyle and Kim, 2011). The IEA projects that global trans- below the average figure of 32% for Organization for Economic
portation energy use and CO2 emissions will increase by Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries (IEA, 2012).
A number of studies have provided scenarios for energy con-
Corresponding author. Fax: þ 86 10 62772759. sumption and CO2 emissions in China's transportation sector.
E-mail address: (W. Chen). There are energy consumption and CO2 emissions scenarios for
0301-4215/& 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
234 X. Yin et al. / Energy Policy 82 (2015) 233–248

transportation and other sectors from 2005 to 2050 with MARKAL 2. Methods
(MARKet ALlocation) models, including MARKAL-MACRO (Chen,
2005), MARKAL-ED (Chen et al., 2007), Western China MARKAL 2.1. Current transportation energy use in China
(Chen et al., 2010), and China TIMES (Chen et al., 2013). These
studies disaggregate the transportation sector into 10 modes (air, Characterizing the current patterns of transportation energy
railway, bus, car and waterway for passenger transport, and air, consumption in China is important because it reveals consumer
railway, truck, waterway and pipeline for freight transport). Zhou preferences for competing modes and technologies and thereby
et al. (2013) provided projections through to 2050 using the Long shapes the extent that fuel substitution and modal shifts can occur
range Energy Alternative Planning (LEAP) system model. This in response to external drivers. There are official energy con-
study calculated freight transportation service demand as a func- sumption statistics (NBS, 2011) for the Chinese transportation
tion of economic activity, and passenger transport on assumed sector. However, the definition and coverage of the statistics differ
average kilometer traveled by individual modes (e.g., bus, train, from other countries (Mao et al., 2009; Wang, 2010). For example,
road transportation energy consumption statistics only covers
and car). Fu (2011) analyzed medium- and long-term energy sav-
business vehicle fuel consumption, while other transportation
ing potentials in different energy efficiency improvement scenar-
energy consumption is assigned to residential and commercial
ios. Other studies analyzed the sector's energy consumption and
sectors (Jia et al., 2010). Thus, an engineering approach estimates
CO2 emissions from a global perspective (Koljonen and Lehtila,
approximately a 75% higher energy demand in the Chinese
2012; Luderer et al., 2012; Pietzcker et al., 2014).
transportation sector than the statistics indicate (Mao et al., 2009).
Based on the historical trend during 2000–2005, Yan and
However, such an approach requires assumptions relating to cur-
Crookes (2009) projected road energy consumption and CO2
rent fuel consumption (measured in liters or MJ of fuel per
emissions from 2005 to 2050 in both business-as-usual and best-
100 km) and vehicle use intensity (measured in kilometers of
case scenarios. In the best case scenario, a series of policy mea- travel per vehicle per year), neither of which are currently fully
sures such as private vehicle controls and fuel tax are assumed. known in China (Huo et al., 2012b).
Huo et al. (2012a) developed the Fuel Economy and Environmental To estimate final transportation energy by fuel, Wang (2010)
Impacts (FEEI) model for road transportation, and projected the applied an oil allocation method. His study suggests that, in ad-
well-to-wheels and tank-to-wheels energy use and greenhouse dition to oil consumed by business vehicles, 95% of the gasoline
gas emissions up to 2050. Specifically, the model presented var- and 35% of the diesel used in the industry and commercial sectors,
ious vehicle types, such as private light-duty passenger vehicles and all the gasoline and 95% of the diesel used in residential and
(LDVs), taxis, business LDVs (owned by the government and agriculture sectors are attributable to the transportation sector.
companies), public buses (for urban and rural transport), intercity Since this simple method can estimate transportation energy use
buses, and light-and heavy-duty trucks. Hao et al. (2011, 2012) also by fuel, it is used in various studies (Qi, 2012).
separated passenger and freight vehicles for their analysis. Several Our study uses an engineering approach to calculate trans-
studies analyzed energy consumption and CO2 emissions of rural portation energy consumption by fuel and mode, all calibrated to
vehicles (Sperling et al., 2005; Yao et al., 2011), and railways (He fuel-level transportation energy consumption estimated by the oil
et al., 2010). These bottom-up studies analyzed passenger and allocation method. This method reveals that total transportation
freight sectors in detail, providing scenario analyses at various energy consumption has increased from 4.165 EJ in 2000 to
scales informed by disaggregated technological and socioeconomic 9.428 EJ in 2010, with an annual average growth rate of 8.5%
representations. (Fig. 1). Oil products were the main energy sources in the trans-
The major limitation of these models is the inability of re- portation sector, accounting for over 92% of total transportation
presenting how various transportation service demands and their energy consumption. Coal consumption decreased in conjunction
modal split may evolve over time and interact with long-term with the phase-out of steam locomotives during this period, being
climate mitigation target to limit warming to about 2 degrees. substituted by oil and electricity. The share of natural gas and
Moreover, some previous studies do not separately represent ur- electricity remained relatively low.
ban, rural and intercity passenger transport despite significant
differences in travel patterns, vehicle speed, and fuel economy, 2.2. Transport policies in China
because of different road infrastructure and traffic conditions
In the transportation sector, there are four key policy me-
(Brand et al., 2012; Girod et al., 2012; Zhang et al., 2007). Trans-
chanisms: fuel economy standards and labeling, vehicle and fuel
portation service is considered to increase with income (Kim et al.,
taxation, public transportation, and subsides for energy-efficient
2006; Zhou et al., 2013), hence urban/rural income inequalities
vehicles, electric and H2 vehicles (Lo, 2014).
may contribute to different development paths for per capita
travel and transportation energy use in these areas.
2.2.1. Fuel economy standards and labelling
This study attempts to address the literature gap by nesting a
Fuel economy standards (FES) are regarded to be the most
highly disaggregated Chinese transportation sector in the Global
important measure to improve automobile energy efficiency. FES
Change Assessment Model (GCAM) and the improved model is regulate fuel consumption or carbon emissions per distance tra-
named as GCAM-China. This paper explores the development of veled of vehicle, and require automakers to design and produce
different transportation services and fuel consumption using re- more efficient vehicles. The phase 1 standards were introduced in
ference and various carbon price scenarios in China with appli- July 2005. They set up maximum allowance fuel consumption
cation of the improved GCAM-China model. Section 2 of this paper limits by weight category rather than fleet average. After the im-
describes the disaggregated China transportation model and the plementation of the phase 1 standards, average fuel economy of
basic assumptions for the reference scenario. Section 3 presents new vehicles had decreased from 9.11 L/100 km to 8.06 L/100 km
the reference scenario results, focusing on the service demands by during 2002 and 2006. The phase 2 standards were introduced in
mode, final energy use and CO2 emissions. Section 4 explores the January 2008, and put forward even higher requirements.
effect of carbon policy on the sector's development. The final Unlike the phase 1 and phase 2 standards, the fleet average
section summarizes the results and concluds with policy system was introduced in the phase 3 standards. Compared to the
implications. phase 2 standards, the phase 3 standards require average energy
X. Yin et al. / Energy Policy 82 (2015) 233–248 235

Fig. 1. Energy consumption in China's transport sector 2000–2010.

intensity to decrease to 7 L/100 km by 2015. The phase 3 standards different studies, but they all believe it will increase constantly,
also present the requirement of average fuel economy for vehicle with the growth rate declining over time. IEA (2013) believes the
producers. Considering producers might not able to meet the re- average annual growth rate will 6.6% and 4.8% during 2010–2020
quirement in the short period. The new standards proposed a and 2020–2030 respectively. ERI (2010) and He (2013) are much
progressive goal, and will take full effect in 2015. more optimistic, believing that the average growth rate of GDP in
In 2012, the Chinese government introduced the phase 4 stan- China will reach 8.4% and 5.1% during 2010–2020, 7.5% and 5.0%
dards, which will take full effect in 2020, and achieve the target of during 2020–2050 respectively. Considering the Chinese govern-
5.0 L/100 km in 2020. ment is now shifting its focus from high economic growth to more
sustainable economic development, this study assume the Chinese
2.2.2. Vehicle and fuel taxation economy growing at an average rate of 8% from 2005 to 2020
In China, vehicles are subjected to four taxes: vehicle purchase (considering the average growth rate of 11.2% from 2005 to 2010,
tax, vehicle and vessel tax, consumption tax and a 17% value-ad- economic growth rate is about 6.5% from 2010 to 2020), 4.6% from
ded tax. Vehicle purchase tax was a universal 10% of the vehicle 2020 to 2050, and 2.6% from 2050 to 2095, as shown in Table 1.
value, but for new energy vehicles, including electric vehicles Population and income in urban and rural areas, major drivers
(EVs) and fuel cell vehicles (FCVs), it is reduced to be 0% from of passenger transport demands, are assumed to develop con-
September 1st 2014 to December 31st 2017. The vehicle and vessel sistently with the above national-level development pathways.
tax standards of passenger vehicles are divided into seven levels Following the assumptions made by Chen et al. (2013), the urba-
according to displacement. The annual tax baseline is between 60 nization level in China increases from 43.4% in 2005 to 72.1% in
and 360 Yuan under 1.0 L, and 3600 Yuan to 5400 Yuan over 4.0 L. 2050 and 82.4% in 2095. China's urban-to-rural per capita income
The vehicle consumption rate is also calculated based on engine ratio that had increased from 2.4 in 1997 to 3.1 in 2011 (CEG, 2008;
capacity, from 1% to 40%, but 0% for EVs, FCVs and plug-in hybrid NBS, 2012), starts to decline as the pace of urbanization slows. By
vehicle (PHEV). 2050 and 2095, the per capita income in urban areas will be ap-
proximately 1.9 and 1.5 times that of rural areas, respectively.
2.2.3. Public transportation
Energy savings and CO2 mitigation can also be achieved by
2.4. The China transportation energy model
modal shifts, typically by improving public transportation. China
starts to develop high speed rail (HSR) from 2004, and total op-
2.4.1. Representing transportation services and technologies
erating railway mileage has increased to 15,000 km by 2014, about
Our model divides passenger and freight transportation sectors
50% of global operating railway mileage. Nevertheless, bus rapid
into five passenger services and four freight services. Business LDV
transit (BRT) has also experienced rapid growth over the past few
passenger services owned by government bodies and companies
years, though it has not received as much attention as metro. To-
are differentiated from private passenger services as they do not
day, bus rapid systems are operating in 18 Chinese cities, serving
4.0 million people every day, with total length over 563 km. generally compete. The private passenger transport sector is dis-
aggregated into four distinct inland passenger transport services
2.2.4. Subsides to electric vehicles (EVs) and fuel cell vehicles (FCVs)
Table 1
In order to promote the development of EVs and FCVs, many
Assumptions for population, per capita income and urbanization rate.
policies and regulations have been implemented in China. For
example, the Shanghai municipal government announced a plan 2005 2020 2035 2050 2065 2080 2095
in May 2014 to pay subsides of 40,000 Yuan to each sold battery
electric vehicle (BEV) and 30,000 Chinese Yuan to each PHEV, Population (million)
National 1427 1545 1575 1524 1450 1377 1294
200,000 and 500,000 Chinese Yuan to each sold fuel cell light- Urban 620 865 1034 1099 1115 1107 1067
duty passenger vehicle (LDV) and bus. Rural 807 680 541 425 334 270 227
Urbanization level (%) 43.4 56.0 65.7 72.1 76.9 80.4 82.5
2.3. Socioeconomic development in the future Per capita income (thousand 1990$)
National 1.1 3.3 7.1 13.0 21.8 33.3 48.9
Urban 1.8 4.6 8.8 15.0 24.1 35.8 51.8
China's population will peak around 2035 and then start to Rural 0.6 1.7 4.0 7.9 14.0 23.1 35.2
decline. For economic development, there are large variances from
236 X. Yin et al. / Energy Policy 82 (2015) 233–248

Fig. 2. (a) Representation of passenger transportation services and modes. (b) Representation of freight transportation services and modes.

based on geographical coverage and travel purposes (Fig. 2a): in- and the category-level vehicle populations were from previous
tercity (pass_intercity), urban (pass_urban), rural (pass_rural), and studies (Hao et al., 2012; Huo and Wang, 2012). To characterize
business (government- and company-owned LDVs, pass_business), rail, ship, and air we use transportation service demand—in pas-
and one international passenger service: international aviation senger-kilometer (pkm) or ton-kilometer (tkm)—and its associated
(pass_intl_aviation). The freight transportation sector (Fig. 2b) energy intensity estimates from the survey conducted by Germa-
encompasses two inland freight transportation services: domestic ny's Institute for Energy and Environmental Research (IFEU, 2008)
freight (freight_domestic) and rural freight (freight_rural); and and Mao et al. (2009). Girod et al. (2012) provided data on various
two international freight transportation services: international transportation mode speeds. For figures obtained from surveys
ship (freight_intl_ship) and international aviation (freight_- conducted pre-2010, we extrapolated the figures assuming a
intl_aviation). Multiple subsectors representing available modal continuation of earlier trends through 2010. Table 2 shows the
choices are created within each service type. Passenger transport speeds, vehicle use intensities, fuel consumption rates, and load
includes motorbikes, walking, bicycles, LDV, buses, rail, high speed factors in 2010 assumed in this study. These mode-specific as-
rail and air: freight transportation modes are truck, rail, ship, air sumptions are used to construct transportation service and energy
and rural vehicles (three- and four-wheel). consumption by mode and fuel in 2010, later proportionately ca-
We made detailed assumptions on the characteristics of various librated to the estimates obtained by the oil allocation method
transportation modes based on literature. Huo et al. (2012a) pro- (see Fig. 1).
vided the 2009 average vehicle kilometer values by vehicle type, As freight transportation in China mainly comprises hauling
as well as fuel consumption rates. We used Harvey's (2013) esti- bulk materials such as coal, minerals, and building materials
mates for urban, rural and intercity shares in LDV travel, as well as (Zhou, 2010), it should be noted here that long-distance trucks in
assumptions for urban, rural and intercity fuel consumption rates China are often seriously overloaded (IFEU, 2008; Zhou, 2010). This
and speed (Clarke et al., 2007; Edmonds et al., 2006). The total means that actual transportation energy intensity is lower than
vehicle population was obtained from China statistics (NBS, 2012), designed standards and the global average (Girod et al., 2012,
X. Yin et al. / Energy Policy 82 (2015) 233–248 237

Table 2 FPt × FI t + NFPt Wt

Speed, energy intensity and technology improvement assumptions used in this Pt = + ,
LFt St
where FP is the fuel price ($/MJ), FI is the vehicle fuel intensity (MJ/
Sector Mode Speed Energy in- Energy efficiency
(km/h) tensity improvement
VKM), NFP is the non-fuel price ($/VKM), LF is the load factor
(MJ/pkm, (average % change (persons or tons per vehicle), W is the wage rate [$/(person-h)]
MJ/tkm) per year) that is related to economic behavior, and S is the vehicle speed
2010– 2050– (km/h). Fuel prices, including carbon prices, are endogenous and
2050 2095
all other variables are exogenous for different technologies. For
Freight_domestic Truck – 0.58 0.1 0.0 freight transportation modes where hauling time may not incur
Rail – 0.14 0.1 0.1 direct opportunity costs, the time value part is excluded.
Ship – 0.29 1.0 0.5
Air – 1.47 0.1 0.1 2.4.3. Modal split
Freight_intl_aviation Air – 1.47 0.1 0.1
The market share captured by each mode (and transportation
Freight_intl_shipping Ship – 0.09 1.0 0.5
Freight_rural 3W – 2.96 0.1 0.1 technology within the mode) is endogenous and determined using
4W – 2.85 0.1 0.1 a logit formulation. The market share of each transportation mode
Pass_intercity LDV 60 1.25 0.4 0.2 (or technology) is given by
Bus 40 0.45 0.1 0.1
Rail 50 0.28 0.1 0.1 SW iP i, tλ
Air 225 1.07 0.1 0.1 S i, t =
Pass_business LDV 40 1.20 0.4 0.2
∑in SW iP i, tλ
Pass_rural Walk 5 – – –
Cycle 11 – – – where Si,t is market share of each transportation mode (technol-
Motorcycle 21 0.48 0.4 0.2 ogy), SW is the share weight, P is cost of transportation service, λ is
LDV 50 1.23 0.4 0.2 cost distribution parameter, n is the number of transportation
Public bus 20 0.28 0.1 0.1 modes/technologies for each transportation service/mode. The
Pass_urban Walk 4 – – –
Cycle 11 – – –
share weight captures consumer preferences for modal and tech-
Motorcycle 21 0.48 0.4 0.2 nology choice, and rate of technology diffusion that is not ex-
LDV 40 1.33 0.4 0.2 plicitly modeled (Kim et al., 2006). Cost distribution parameter
Public bus 20 0.30 0.1 0.1 regulates the reflection of service price changes on modal shifts.
Metro 22 0.12 0.1 0.1
Then, turnover of each transportation mode and technology is
Pass_intl_aviation Air 340 0.99 0.1 0.1
given by the following equation:
D i, t = D t × S i, t
2013). Importantly, Chinese bus load factors are considerably
higher than developed countries. Such overloading problems are where Di,t is the turnover of transportation mode/technology, Si,t is
likely to be alleviated in the future, hence the energy intensity of its share, Dt is the turnover of transportation service/mode.
buses and trucks are assumed to decrease more slowly than LDVs
in this study (Table 2). 2.5. Global change assessment model (GCAM)

2.4.2. Demands for transportation services The GCAM is a dynamic-recursive model with the representa-
In our model, the demand for transportation services is de- tion of numerous energy technologies and agriculture and land
termined by income, population, and the weighted average service use decisions. The emissions and concentrations of 16 greenhouse
cost of various transportation modes and technologies (Kim et al., gases and short-lived species are tracked in the model (Brenkert
2006). Passenger transport services (passenger kilometers) in et al., 2003; Edmonds et al., 1997; Kim et al., 2006). The current
period t is given by version of GCAM runs in a 5-year time step from 2005 to 2095 for
energy and land use systems for 14 regions including China. GCAM
D t = kItα Ptβ N t.
allows for enhanced detail where needed, while ensuring feedback
where k represents a calibration coefficient; I is per capita income and interaction between all model components. Therefore, it has
or regional income (for urban and rural transport); P is the been widely used to develop energy consumption and CO2 emis-
weighted-average service price; N is total population or regional sion scenarios for individual regions, sectors and technologies,
populations (for urban and rural transport); α and β are income such as the development of concentrated solar power (Smith et al.,
and price elasticities, respectively. Note that urban and rural pas- 2010) and biomass (Luckow et al., 2010), and building energy
sengers have separate socioeconomic drivers: rural passenger consumption in the United States (Kyle et al., 2007), China (Eom
transport service is driven by rural population and rural per capita et al., 2012a) and India (Chaturvedi et al., 2013).
income, while urban passenger service is driven by urban popu- The most recent representation of the transportation sector in
lation and urban per capita income. Freight transportation service GCAM is featured by three disaggregated services for global re-
demands, which rely on the aggregate level of economic activity, gions—passenger, freight and international shipping services—
are similarly formulated but are scaled by total income, Y, rather with multiple modal choices and vehicle technologies (Kim et al.,
than per capita income and population. Freight transportation 2006). However, the transportation model still requires major
service in period t is given as follows: improvements particularly for developing regions including China,
in terms of the representation of sectoral structure, technology
D t = kYtα Ptβ.
efficiencies, non-energy costs, load factors and transit speeds.
The transportation service price as expressed by the cost per Because of the lack of local authority information, the GCAM
unit of service demand is the weighted average of technology- transportation model has not been customized for developing
specific service prices that includes the technology's capital and regions including China (Wise et al., 2010).
fuel costs and the time value of using it. The service price (Kyle and In this paper, GCAM is customized for China by nesting the
Kim, 2011) of using a transportation mode in period t is given by China Transportation Energy Model in it. The improved model
238 X. Yin et al. / Energy Policy 82 (2015) 233–248

(GCAM-China) can reflect the interactions of the transportation than the per capita service demands because of a gradual shift
sector with other sectors in China and other global regions. from low speed modes (e.g., walking and cycling) to high speed
modes (e.g., LDVs and airplanes) (Fig. 4).
From a modal split perspective, LDVs and buses account for an
3. Results increasingly greater share of urban and rural passenger transport,
eroding the previously dominant walking, bicycles and motorbikes
3.1. Results without climate policy (Fig. 4). Non-motorized modes, notably walking and cycling, that
dominated urban and rural passenger transport in China (Yan and
3.1.1. Service output and modal split Crookes, 2010) are already waning because of increasing LDV
In the reference scenario, both passenger and freight trans- ownership and increasing travel demand; this trend is expected to
portation service demands continue to expand over this century continue. The combined share of LDVs and buses in the urban
(Fig. 3). Passenger transportation service saturates around 2085 as passenger transport sector increases from 44% to 79% during the
a result of rapidly decreasing population and continued increase in century, while the combined share of motorbikes, bicycles and
travel costs, although it still increases over 3-fold by the century walking decreases from 52% to 17%. The modal shift is more dra-
end. Meanwhile, per capita motorized travel increases approxi- matic in the rural passenger transport sector: the combined share
mately 5 times from 4.9 thousand pkm to 24.1 thousand pkm. As a of LDVs and buses is 62% of total rural passenger transport by 2095
comparison, the estimated U.S. per capita travel in 2008 was (up from 5% in 2010) and rapidly displaces the conventional pas-
25.8 thousand pkm (International Transport Forum, 2012). The per senger transport modes of motorbikes, bicycles and walking.
capita inland freight service grows nearly 4 times from The intercity passenger transport sector exhibits a different
6.3 thousand tkm to 22.9 thousand tkm, which is comparable to modal shift (Fig. 4). The most pronounced change is the dominant
Australia, the U.S. and Canada in 2007 (Eom et al., 2012b; Inter- role of buses being replaced by LDVs, airplanes and high speed rail.
national Transport Forum, 2012). The share of buses, including heavy- and light-duty buses, de-
Intercity transport and urban transport continue to account for creases gradually from 57% in 2010 to 16% over the century, while
a majority of passenger travel in China (Fig. 4). In 2010, these two the combined share of LDVs and airplanes increase from 21% to
services accounted for approximately 40% of total passenger 61%. The relatively high population density in China means that
transport, followed by rural (17%), business (3%) and international rail travel accounted for approximately 20% of intercity passenger
aviation (1%) services. Intercity travel increases faster than urban transport in 2010, much higher than many other countries; its
travel, with intercity travel accounting for the largest share (54%) share remains stable in the future. Taking all passenger transport
in total passenger transport activity by the century end. Interna- services together: walking, bicycles, motorbikes and buses play an
tional passenger service experiences the fastest increase albeit increasingly less important role with a pronounced expansion
from a smaller base: its share in total passenger transport in- expected in LDVs and air transport. Their travel share increases
creases from 0.9% to 3.1% over the century. By contrast, rural from 19% and 4% to 42% and 21%, respectively, during the century.
passenger transport continues to decline after 2025 because of However, the fraction of LDV in annual travel is still lower than
rapid urbanization and the resulting decrease in rural population. that in developed countries (Harvey, 2013), which is about 49.5%
Domestic freight transportation continues to account for the lar- of Pacific Asia OECD, 78.5% of North America and 63.5% of Western
gest proportion of freight transportation with its share decreasing Europe in 2005. Considering vehicle-use intensity and load factors,
from 66% to 61%. The slight decrease is because of the increasing the stock of private LDVs in China will increase from 49.19 million
roles played by international freight shipping and to a lesser ex- in 2010 to 571.20 million in 2095, and car ownership in China will
tent international freight aviation, although the share of interna- increase from 33.5 to 441.6 per 1000 people, reaching current le-
tional freight aviation remains tiny with no more than 0.2% by the vels of European (450–600) and Japan (440), but lower than the U.
century end. S. level of 800 per 1000 people.
The increase of passenger travel service demand can also be The relative contributions of various modes to freight trans-
manifested by people spending more time on traveling; the portation service vary over time, but at a modest rate (Fig. 5). Rail
average daily travel time increases from 1.1 h in 2010 to 1.8 h in share steadily increases from 30% to 41%, with a corresponding
2095. Walking and cycling time decreases in the future, leading to decrease in road and domestic shipping shares. The currently
a rapid increase in motorized travel time from 0.3 to 1.2 h per day; negligible air freight will expand, reaching 1% by the century end.
this is comparable to the assumed 1.1 h by 2100 in the global Taking domestic and international freight together, shipping con-
multi-regional EDAF-TIMES model (Muehlich and Hamacher, tinues to account for approximately half of the freight transpor-
2009). The average time spent on traveling grows at a slower rate tation service in China.

Fig. 3. Total passenger and freight transportation service demands.

X. Yin et al. / Energy Policy 82 (2015) 233–248 239

Fig. 4. Passenger transport service demand by mode.

3.1.2. Energy consumption and CO2 emissions those in energy consumption as the fuel mix does not vary sig-
Our model shows that both transportation energy use and CO2 nificantly across different transportation services. Particularly,
emissions in China will increase 5-fold during the current century passenger transport and freight transport continue to account for
(Fig. 6). This growth is faster than the anticipated increase in approximately half each in terms of energy use and CO2 emissions,
transportation service (Fig. 3). The difference is mainly owed to the with intercity plus urban travel and domestic freight being the
rapid switch toward more energy intensive LDVs and air transport predominant sources for each sector: the proportion of other
away from less energy intensive modes such as walking and cy- services is no more than 4%. Note that international shipping,
cling that more than offset the general effect of energy efficiency which is responsible for approximately 35% of total freight service,
improvements. In addition, the proportions of individual trans- now accounts for no more than 10% because of its very low freight
portation services in CO2 emissions remain largely the same as energy intensity level (MJ/tkm).

Fig. 5. Freight transport service demand by mode.

240 X. Yin et al. / Energy Policy 82 (2015) 233–248

Fig. 6. Transportation final energy use and direct CO2 emissions by service.

With no policy intervention, liquids will remain the pre- study and Hu (2012) but not in other studies. Thus, this study
dominant source of transportation energy in China throughout the presents the highest base year passenger transport service level of
century (Fig. 7). The currently small use of coal will phase out over all the studies, at approximately 10 trillion pkm, followed by
the coming decades, whereas electricity, gas, and molecular hy- 6.5 trillion pkm in Hu (2012) and 5.2 trillion pkm in ERI (2010). For
drogen gas (H2) use continues to expand, although their combined energy consumption, the IEA (2012), which uses NBS data (NBS,
share of final energy use remains less than 10%. However, fuel 2011), reports the transportation energy consumption of 5.4 EJ in
substitution is relatively pronounced at the liquid production level. 2010. Other studies (Chen et al., 2013; Hu, 2012) that use the oil
Although crude oil remains the major source of transportation li- allocation method—including this study—report the base year
quids, coal-to-liquid (CTL), biofuel, and to a less extent gas-to-li- transportation energy consumption of 9.4 EJ. To remove the effects
quid (GTL) enter the system in sizeable proportions, as crude oil of coverage and estimation differences, this section will compare
prices increase faster than the price of other domestic fuels with modeling results relative to 2010, focusing on their future trends
synthetic fuel technologies becoming increasingly viable. By 2095, in the baseline scenario. Additionally, as most current studies on
CTL and biofuel account for 17 and 7% of total transportation liquid China's transportation sector focus on 2010–2050, this sector will
use respectively, indicating a higher carbon intensity of transpor- only compare modeling results for that period.
tation liquids. The H2 production processes and the electricity used All of the discussed studies show upward trends in passenger
for transportation also release CO2. When these indirect CO2 and freight transportation service demands (Fig. 8). Passenger
emissions are incorporated, total CO2 emissions will grow by over service demands in this study and Hu (2012) that account for in-
6 times from 2010 to 2095, and the share of indirect CO2 emissions come and price responsiveness tend to increase less dramatically
will increase from 13% to 33%. than those in Fu (2011), ERI (2010) and Chen et al. (2013) that are
all based on mode-specific bottom-up methods. For freight
3.1.3. Comparison with previous studies transportation service demand, ERI (2010) and Chen et al. (2013)
A detailed comparison of transportation service and energy exhibit a faster increase than other studies. However, all studies
consumption with previous studies poses major challenges as they show similar results for the final transportation energy con-
employ different data sources and sectoral coverage. For instance, sumption, projecting it to increase by 130–240% by 2030, and 210–
while domestic and international freight shipping are treated se- 320% by 2050).
parately in this study, those undertaken by China's Energy Re-
search Institute (ERI) (ERI, 2010) and Chen et al. (2013) consider 3.2. Impact of carbon policy
them together, and Fu (2011) covers only domestic shipping. In the
passenger transport sector, this study considers both motorized 3.2.1. Carbon policy scenarios
and non-motorized travel, with other studies considering motor- The GCAM-China is capable of analyzing the impacts of differ-
ized travel only. In addition, motorbikes are represented in this ent carbon polices, such as carbon tax and constrained emissions

Fig. 7. Transportation final energy use by fuel and final liquids production by technology.
X. Yin et al. / Energy Policy 82 (2015) 233–248 241

Fig. 8. Results comparison for service demand and total final energy use.

scenarios. This study analyzed three constrained emissions sce- Wan, 1996). An annual growth rate of 5% is assumed for this
narios that are consistent with Representative Concentration purpose, so that the price reaches approximately 40 times the
Pathways RCP6.0, RCP4.5 and RCP2.6 that achieve the end-of-the- price in 2020 by the end of the century. In the most ambitious
century radiative forcing levels of 6.0, 4.5 and 2.6 Wm  2 with scenario RCP2.6, carbon tax is about 17 1990 $/tC in 2020, nearly
approximate CO2 equivalent concentration levels being 850, 650 17 times of that in RCP6.0, suggesting greater mitigation effort at
and 450 ppm, respectively. With the emissions constraints in the global level. Consequently, global CO2 emissions will start to
place, shadow prices as expressed by a schedule of carbon tax that decline in 2070, 2050 and 2030 in RCP6.0, RCP4.5 and RCP2.6
starts from 2020 are derived with the assumption that carbon tax scenarios, respectively. By 2095, mitigation scenarios RCP6.0,
rises over time at the rate of interest plus the removal rate of CO2 RCP4.5 and RCP2.6 will reduce emissions by 40%, 90% and 120%,
from the atmosphere: a Hotelling–Peck–Wan pathway (Peck and respectively (Fig. 9).

Fig. 9. Carbon price and global CO2 emissions.

242 X. Yin et al. / Energy Policy 82 (2015) 233–248

3.2.2. Service output and modal share with carbon policy require a more drastic change in modal shares in the freight
Freight transportation service is more responsive to carbon transport sector. Delsalle (2002) studied the effect of the change in
price than passenger transport service, although the magnitude of fuel price on the transport sector in nine European countries and
the response differs by the type of services delivered (Fig. 10). The reported similar findings: when fuel price increases by 86%, the
greater price responsiveness in freight service is because energy share of trucks will decrease by 0.9% while that of LDVs will only
costs (including carbon costs) generally constitute a larger portion decrease by 0.4%. Our results point out that the dominant position
of total service costs in freight transportation than in passenger of shipping, which possesses limited technology options for low
transport,where travel time cost, independent of carbon tax, plays cost mitigation, is eroded largely by the rapid expansion of rail.
a major role in service cost accounting (Kyle and Kim, 2011).Em-
pirical analysis (Litman, 2006) and the TREMOVE model (Delsalle, 3.2.3. Final energy consumption and CO2 emissions with carbon
2002) also find similar differences: freight transportation exhibits policy
greater responsiveness than passenger transport. Carbon policy does reduce final energy consumption in the
Our results indicate that carbon policy does not have a pro- Chinese transportation sector (Fig. 13). The sector's final energy
nounced effect on energy service demand reductions in the pas- consumption decreases by approximately half by 2095 when car-
senger transport sector (Fig. 11). For example, total passenger bon policy achieving RCP2.6 is implemented. Because of larger
transport turnover will only decrease by 10.8% and intercity pas- service demand reductions (Fig. 10), energy consumption de-
senger transport turnover decrease by 14.4% by 2095 in the RCP2.6 creases faster in the freight transportation sector than in the
scenario. Nevertheless, an ambitious carbon policy, such as the RCP passenger transport sector as the carbon price increases. In the
2.6 scenario, results in a smaller share of air and slightly greater RCP2.6 scenario, passenger and freight energy consumption will
shares of railway and bus than the other cases. Among various decline by 41% and 56%, respectively, from the reference scenario
passenger services—that is, intercity, urban, and rural services— by 2095, with the share of passenger transport energy consump-
intercity passenger transport exhibits the greatest modal shifts, tion continually increasing. The domestic freight share change is
mainly because (i) it has the highest average travel speed, (ii) re- the largest, from 40% in the reference scenario to 34% in the RCP2.6
latively low capital cost [$/(pkm/y)], and (iii) the energy intensity scenario. However, there is little change in the RCP6.0 and RCP4.5
of airplanes is much higher than other modes, all of which in- scenarios where the share of domestic freight will only decrease
crease the extent to which the change in energy cost can influence by 0.6% and 2.1%, respectively, by 2095.
total service cost. Importantly, carbon policy causes non-motor- At the fuel level, the reduction involves a rapid shift toward
ized travel (i.e., walking and cycling) to persist in a greater pro- biofuel, electricity, and hydrogen away from the conventional oil
portion as these modes remain unaffected by the change in energy liquids that currently account for the largest proportion of trans-
cost. Taken together, however, carbon policy and its associated portation fuel demand in China (Fig. 14). Particularly, transporta-
modal shift contribute limit roles to CO2 mitigation in the pas- tion liquids experience a major transformation. Biofuel, one of the
senger transport sector. This finding is consistent with Girod et al. most promising mitigation options, is increasingly used: with the
(2012) and Kim et al. (2006), both of whom suggest that carbon most ambitious climate policy (RCP2.6) it accounts for over half of
policy will not have major effects on total passenger service de- total liquid used and approximately 35% of the century's trans-
mand or its modal splits. Girod et al. (2013) compared five dif- portation energy demand. By contrast, the share of synthetic li-
ferent global transport models with harmonized input assump- quids from coal and gas decreases with the introduction of carbon
tions on income and population, and found the contribution of policy as these processes are carbon intensive.
modal shift to emission reduction is estimated to be minor com- With carbon policy in place, both passenger and freight trans-
pared to be monior compared to other changes in the transport portation sectors continue to be reliant on liquids over the course
system. Kim et al. (2006) used ObjECTS-MiniCAM model, and of the century (Fig. 15). However, various transportation services
found, total transport services provided by automobile and light exercise different mitigation options to achieve the stabilization
trucks do not vary much across scenarios, and the quantity and target. For urban and rural passenger transport services, because
type of fuel consumed does depend on the composition of vehicles there are more LDVs and buses, H2 and electricity will account for
and the rate of advanced vehicle penetration. approximately 30% and 15%, respectively, by the century end. The
Freight transportation, however, exhibits greater sensitivity of role of H2 is relatively modest in intercity passenger transporta-
modal share to carbon policy than passenger transport (Fig. 12), as tion, although the sector becomes increasingly reliant on elec-
energy cost accounts for a greater share of total service cost in tricity owing to the expansion of the electric rail system. Electricity
freight transportation. A more ambitious stabilization target would will become the major mitigation option in the freight

Fig. 10. Passenger and freight service demand reductions in the carbon policy scenarios.
X. Yin et al. / Energy Policy 82 (2015) 233–248 243

Fig. 11. Comparison of passenger transport service by mode in different scenarios.

transportation sector, as H2 is not considered as a fuel for freight generated to deliver transportation fuels, including hydrogen,
transportation. electricity, synthetic liquids and gases. Direct CO2 emissions with a
The decreased final energy consumption, combined with the carbon policy either level out (RCP6.0) or exhibit peak-and-decline
rapid switch toward low-carbon fuels, results in substantial CO2 trajectories (RCP4.5 or RCP2.6) because of the reductions in
emission reductions in response to carbon policy (Fig. 16). The transportation final energy consumption and the overall carbon
abatement of transportation CO2 emissions can be attributed to: intensity of fuels. Because of the deployment of non-fossil energy
(i) reductions in tail-pipe emissions from the direct combustion of and carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies in the up-
fossil fuels and (ii) reductions in indirect upstream emissions stream sectors (e.g., electricity, refinery, and hydrogen), indirect

Fig. 12. Comparison of freight transportation service by mode in different scenarios.

244 X. Yin et al. / Energy Policy 82 (2015) 233–248

Fig. 13. Total final energy and final energy use by service.

and 20%), the transportation sector requires 25–30 years longer

than non-transportation sectors. In terms of CO2 mitigation levels
(10% and 30%), the transportation sector takes even longer (40–45
Differences in the responsiveness to carbon policy of final en-
ergy consumption and CO2 emissions between the transportation
sector and the non-transportation sectors can be to some extent
explained by very different shares of ‘fossil fuels’ in final energy
consumption as seen in Fig. 18 (the fossil fuels here refer to liquids
including bio-liquids fuel, coal and gas that are CO2 emitters in
final sectors). In the reference scenario, fossil fuels remain as the
dominant source with the shares nearly unchanged in both sec-
tors. When carbon price is imposed, however, the fossil fuels share
starts to decrease, quickly in the case of the non-transportation
sectors and followed later by the transportation sector. Although
Fig. 14. Total final energy and energy use by fuel.
the transportation sector substantially decreases its reliance on
fossil fuels by the century end, in the RCP2.6 scenario it remains
CO2 emissions exhibit even greater sensitivities to carbon policy above 60% as compared with 20% for the non-transportation
than direct CO2 emissions: the RCP6.0 scenario is large enough to sector.
reduce indirect CO2 emissions by over 50%, and the RCP2.6 sce-
nario gives nearly zero indirect CO2 emissions by the century end.
That is, carbon policy effects are greater from decarbonizing up- 4. Discussions
stream sectors than from direct responses from end-use demand
and technologies. The rapid decarbonization of transformation This study explores the potential impacts of different carbon
sectors is a well-established dynamic in previous mitigation stu- price policies on transportation services, energy consumption and
dies (Clarke et al., 2007; Edmonds et al., 2006). CO2 emissions. The assessment was conducted by incorporating a
detailed representation of the transportation sector into the
3.2.4. Comparison of the transportation sector with other end-use GCAM. This study improves our understanding of the develop-
sectors in China ment of China's transportation sector, and allows us to gain rich
As the transportation sector develops, its share in total final insights into the transition of the transportation energy system
energy consumption will also increase rapidly from 13.1% in 2010 with and without carbon prices.
to 20.7% in 2050 and 24.6% in 2095; similar trends are observed in In the reference scenario, all services except rural passengers
CO2 emissions. When carbon policy is implemented, both energy will increase rapidly in the future, and gradually saturate by the
consumption and CO2 emissions decrease significantly at the na- end of this century. Because of the continuous urbanization in
tional level. To analyze differences between the transportation and China, the transportation services of the rural population will ra-
other end-use (industry and buildings) sectors, Fig. 17 shows the pidly peak, and then start to decline. As a result of modal shifts
percentage reductions of final energy use and CO2emissionsin towards more energy intensive modes (such as private LDVs and
three carbon tax scenarios. aviation), energy consumption and CO2 emissions will grow faster
Fig. 17 demonstrates that the non-transportation sectors gen- than transportation services.
erally show larger energy consumption reduction and CO2 miti- Both passenger and freight transportation energy consumption
gation potential than the transportation sector at least in the near- increase rapidly in the future and are dominated by liquids
or mid-term but as carbon price continues to rise, final transpor- throughout the century. The rapid increase in liquids use will
tation energy consumption decreases at an augmented rate. As a undoubtedly place tremendous pressure on China's energy se-
consequence, to achieve a certain level of energy reduction (10% curity. CTL and biomass-to-liquids (BTL) will be of great
X. Yin et al. / Energy Policy 82 (2015) 233–248 245

Fig. 15. Final transportation energy use by fuel in scenario RCP 2.6.

Fig. 16. Direct and Indirect CO2 emissions in transport sector.

246 X. Yin et al. / Energy Policy 82 (2015) 233–248

Fig. 17. Final energy use reduction and CO2 mitigation in transportation and other end-use sectors.

significance in the future energy system. However, CTL is carbon- to achieve aggressive stabilization targets (e.g., RCP2.6). In the
intensive and requires considerable water resources so there is RCP2.6 scenario, the transportation sector shows larger energy
uncertainty on its policy in China. reduction potential than the non-transportation sectors post-2075.
Passenger transport service demands and modal shifts are not There are some research limitations. First, we do not dis-
particularly sensitive to carbon prices. Previous studies suggest aggregate China into different regions, and this paper provides
service reductions and modal shifts could contribute significantly average numbers only. Since there are large differences in the
to energy saving and CO2 mitigations in the transportation sector economic development, industry structure and population dis-
(Cuenot et al., 2012; IEA, 2009; Ong et al., 2011). However, since tribution among different provinces in China, a disaggregated
time value is considered in energy service cost, our model results model can help to better understand the development of trans-
indicate that a carbon price would lead to only a small reduction in portation services and modal shifts. Second, we do not consider
service demand and slight modal shifts, and contribute little to the uncertainties of future global carbon budgets and carbon
CO2 mitigation unless a very high carbon price (RCP2.6) is im- permit allocation mechanisms; both are highly uncertain and will
posed. The freight transportation sector is much more sensitive to significantly impact future energy consumption and CO2
CO2 prices than the passenger transport sector. This is because emissions.
time value is not considered, and fuel cost (including carbon price)
contributes to a larger share in the service costs. With a high level
of carbon tax in the RCP2.6 scenario, we can see significant 5. Conclusions and policy implications
changes in service demand and modal shifts.
It is difficult to make the transportation sector liquid-free, and This study suggests, due to lower load factors, and rapid modal
the share of liquid fuels will be over 60% even in the RCP2.6 sce- shifts from less energy intensive walking and cycling towards
nario. As a result, the transportation sector is more difficult to more energy intensive modes such as LDVs and air transport,
decarbonize in carbon policy scenarios than other end-use sectors transportation energy consumption and CO2 emissions will con-
(industry and building). Energy consumption reduction and CO2 tinue to increase over the century, even faster than the increase in
mitigations in the transportation sector are not only less than transportation services. However, alternative carbon policies could
those for the non-transportation sectors but also start later, find- help reduce the sector's energy consumption and CO2 emissions.
ings consistent with Pietzcker et al. (2014). Although this study Chinese transportation CO2 emissions will reach the peak at 2080,
suggests that the transportation sector is difficult to decarbonize, 2065 and 2060, and will decrease by 23%, 44% and 73% in 2095,
it still needs to be a major part of mitigation portfolios, particularly when compared with the reference scenario with the climate

Fig. 18. The share of fossil energy in final energy use in transportation and other end-use sectors.
X. Yin et al. / Energy Policy 82 (2015) 233–248 247

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