Report On The Job Training

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Composed by:

Name : Septyara Arinada Jasmine B.A

Class/NIS : XII AKL 3 / 23267

Competence Program: Accounting and Financial Institutions


Jl. Dr. Cipto 121A Semarang Kode Pos 50124 Telp./Fax. (024) 8455757

Praise be to the presence of Allah SWT who has bestowed His grace and guidance so

that the writer can complete the On the Job Training activities at the PT Anametri Metrology

Indonesia and can complete the On the Job Training report properly and smoothly. The

existence of this report was prepared based on the results that the author obtained during 6

(six) months of carrying out On the Job Training at the PT Anametri Metrology Indonesia.

The process of compiling this report would not have been possible without assistance,

input, direction and guidance from various parties. Therefore, on this occasion the author

would like to thank:

1. Mr. Sri Suwarno, S.Pd., M.Pd. as Head of SMK Negeri 2 Semarang.

2. Mrs. Ema Chaolina, S.E., M.Ak., Gr., CAAT, CAP as Chair of the Competency Expertise

in the Department of Financial and Institutional Accounting (AKL).

3. Mr. Agus Ariyanto A., Md. As Director of PT Anametri Metrology Indonesia.

4. Mr. Muchamad Maskhur, S.Kom., and Mr. Aris Sugiayanto as supervising teacher from

the industry PT Anametri Metrology Indonesia.

5. Mr. Aditya Chrisna Mahendar as Training Coordinator from Hotel Horison Nindya


6. All employees of PT Anametri Metrology Indonesia

7. Both parents who always motivate, pray for, and give constructive advice to the author in

preparing this report.

That's what the author can say. Hopefully this street vendor report can provide

benefits in the form of inspiration and motivation for readers. The author realized in the

process of making the report there are still many errors. Hence the criticism and suggestions

are highly expected for the improvement of the author’s next report.

Semarang, January 2023


TITLE......................................................................................................................... 1

PREFACE.................................................................................................................. 2

TABLE OF CONTENT............................................................................................. 4

INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................... 5

BACKGROUND........................................................................................................ 7

FINDINGS................................................................................................................. 8

CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION...................................................................... 12

RECOMMENDATIONS........................................................................................... 13

REFERENCES........................................................................................................... 14

APPENDIXES........................................................................................................... 15

PT Anametri Metrology Indonesia is a company engaged in the service sector,

namely calibration services, calibration training, maintenance and repair of measuring

instruments, as well as procurement of laboratory and industrial measuring instruments.

PT Anametri Metrology Indonesia was founded on September 9, 2016 by Mr. Agus

Ariyanto, A.Md in Semarang. The meaning of the word 'Anametri' itself is an acronym

for Metrological Analysis which means analysis of a measurement, so that PT

Anametri Metrology Indonesia is committed to being consistent in maintaining

measurement traceability and implementing quality standards according to ISO/IEC

17025: 2017. PT Anametri Metrology Indonesia is here as a solution for the industry in

order to maintain the accuracy of the size in the production process so that quality is


PT Anametri Metrology Indonesia is located at Jl. Durian Raya No. 49A, RT. 08 /

RW. 01, Srondol Wetan, Kec. Banyumanik, Semarang City, Central Java 50263. PT

Anametri Metrology Indonesia operates every Monday - Friday, during working hours

08.00 - 17.00 WIB.

PT Anametri Metrology Indonesia as a calibration laboratory has consistently

implemented SNI ISO/IEC 17025: 2017. PT Anametri Metrology Indonesia has

received accreditation recognition from KAN (National Accreditation Committee) on

21 February 2018 with the accreditation number LK-251-IDN as well as international

recognition at the Asia Pacific level by the ILAC-MRA (International Laboratory

Accreditation Cooperation-Mutual Recognition Arrangement).


PKL is an education, training and learning activity for SMK (Vocational High

School) students carried out in the business world or the industrial world related to

student competence according to the field they are in. In this program, students are

provided with basic knowledge in order to minimize obstacles when implementing

work. This program is implemented so that students are better prepared to work in the

field and can also practice the theory they have learned at school.

On the Job Training (OJT) is also part of the SMK curriculum that must be carried

out by students of SMK Negeri 2 Semarang. SMK Negeri 2 Semarang adopted a policy

to carry out street vendors from January to December which were divided into two

groups in the 2022/2023 academic year.

One of the competencies at SMK Negeri 2 Semarang is the Competency of

Accounting and Institutional Finance Expertise. According to Paul Gradi, who is a

trusted accounting expert from America, the notion of accounting is "As an

organizational function in a systematic, reliable and original way in classifying,

recording, processing, analyzing, and interpreting all transactions and events as well as

the financial character that occurs in operational activities. company as accountability

for the performance of the organization.” (2017).

From this explanation we know that, according to Paul Gradi, accounting is not

only used to make an economic decision, but can also be used to assist an organization

or company in being accountable for its performance.


The implementation of street vendors at PT Anametri Metrology Indonesia is

carried out for 6 (six) from 01 July to 30 December 2022. Working days are from

Monday to Friday. Working hours start at 08.00 – 17.00 WIB.

While carrying out street vendors at PT Anametri Metrology Indonesia, the

activities that the author carried out were in accordance with the work assigned by the

employees, with prior explanations and directions regarding what work would be

carried out. The following is a description of the activities the author did during the

street vendors, including:

1. Input PO (Purchase Order) and Record it

In the first month, namely July, the author learned to adapt to the company

environment where the author conducted street vendors. Adapting to employees,

getting to know the parts of the room in the company to adapt to the tasks given by

supervisors in the company. This month, the author is guided on how to input the

progress of the offer, and recap it.

First, there is a PO (offer) from the marketing staff, then we input it into the

Calibration Progress excel. Then, record the order number and company code that are

already available in the company list. At this stage, you must be thorough and careful

because if something goes wrong, then the process in the future will be more

complicated. After inputting the calibration progress, recap the PO (bid) in the excel

file "Calibration Progress Recap."

2. Create Sales of Invoice and Arrange Tool Work Schedules.

After recap, make sales of invoice. Customize company name address, telephone

number with data already available in the “Register Company". Don't forget to write

down the order number and company code accordingly with what has been recorded in
the PO (offer) sheet. Then, the supervisor of the company will arrange a schedule for

bidding if there is a tool that must be done in the customer's company (on site). Once

the schedule is in order, the company supervisor will be confirm soon the technician,

whether it can or not. After being approved by the technician, the service secretariat

will contact the customer Regarding the PO (offer) schedule on site, it is assisted by the

staff section marketing. In making a schedule like this, everything must be neat and

orderly. If there is an error, either in communication or other technical errors then other

work schedules can also fall apart.

3. New Unboxing and Input Tool Coming to Get into Laboratory

If a package (tool) arrives, then immediately unboxing it by recording video so that

if something happens it can serve as proof of accountability. After doing the unboxing,

enter or data the tools to enter to the Lab so that it is immediately calibrated. The way

to input the tool into the lab is by filling in the blue card (Card calibration) and put a

sticker on the tools. However, before this is done, the secretariat together with one or

several technical personnel checks the tools received from customers (subscribers)


a. Visual check

b. Tool kit

c. Checking the function of the tool is still good or not

4. Create Proof of Acceptance and Submission of Equipment

If there is a new tool that comes brought by the customer, part the service

secretariat makes proof of receipt of the tool. Fill in the company name, address,

complete with the name of the tool, brand and type as well as the serial number. Not

forgetting either ask the customer about it. After that, the reception part is colored

yellow is given to the customer and the rest is made into one in the offer (PO) that fits
the tool.

Conversely, if a tool that has been calibrated will be sent to the customer via

delivery or expedition must make proof of delivery in advance formerly. The yellow

part is given to the customer as a sign when the tool it has not yet been billed or the

yellow and white portions are rendered as sign when the tool has been billed.

5. Tool output from a laboratory that has been calibrated

In the Laboratory there are many tools that have not been used or have been used

calibration. If there is a tool that has been calibrated, then the part the service secretariat

usually takes these tools and move it to a special place tools that have been completed.

This is done so that the Lab room is not full so that other tools are not available the


In addition, the secretariat made the decision so that makes it easy to immediately

send these tools to customers and collect payment (request invoice) to the Accounting.

6. Create an SPPD (Office Travel Assignment Letter)

Making an SPPD (Office Travel Assignment Letter) is done if there is an on site

schedule (work on tools at the customer's company) or if any interstate schedule.

Whether it's between tools, certificates, pick up tools, between invoices, fetch the

certificate revision, or something else. Making this SPPD must also be in accordance

with the list of companies that will aim. Careful and careful attitude is needed so that

you don't make mistakes Enter the address of the intended company. In addition to the

company name and address, it must also be noted who will depart. Need

communication by the technician or marketing party.

To make SPPD on site, don't forget to stamp and mark it Hands must be

photographed and then sent to superiors or to the in-situ group. So also with SPPD
between. After that, the secretariat of services prepare the on site equipment. What is

needed is, SPPD, letter offer (PO), proof of receipt/delivery of tools and questionnaires.

Meanwhile, for inter-departmental SPPD, it is necessary to prepare tools, invoices,

certificates or which documents to deliver.

7. Preparing Expedition

If there is a tool that will be sent to the customer via an expedition, then the service

secretariat must pack the device until it is safe. Usually wrapped in bubble wrap first

then wrapped in cardboard or cardboard. Don't forget the proof of submission must be

included. For expeditions, certificates and invoices are usually packaged with a brown

folder belonging to PT Anametri Metrology Indonesia. For certificates, proof of

delivery must also be signed and the pink section is for the service secretariat, the other

is for the customer. However, if invoice, must be attached to the offer (PO) in the form

photocopy and attachment of proof of receipt or delivery. If After packing, the next step

is to make the appropriate address purpose. At this stage, do not let anything go wrong

or wrong address, therefore must be more thorough and careful again.

8. Request Invoice (Billing) to the Accounting Part

After the tool has been calibrated and the certificate has been made, step The next

step is to ask for billing or an invoice from the accounting party. Thing This is so that

the customer immediately pays for calibration services to PT Anametri Metrology

Indonesian. Invoices usually contain invoice receipts, invoices, receipts and tax

invoices. If one of the above items less, then it will not be billed in advance to the

customer, unless there is a serious pressing problem.

9. Document Archives

In order to archive documents, the completeness must be seen first. What tools

have been sent or have not been sent, what tools which have been calibrated or not
calibrated, certificates that have or not done yet, and others. If the completeness is still

there less, then the document cannot be archived.



There is a conclusion that the author can give after completing Field Work Practice at

PT Anametri Metrology Indonesia and compiling report, as follows:

1. On The Job Training held by SMK Negeri 2 Semarang increase the author's insight

and knowledge about the world of work

2. Able to provide new knowledge that is not given in school on the author

3. Establish good cooperation between schools and related companies, either in business

and industry

4. The author gets more knowledge about archiving document and get to know Lab tools

5. The author gets to know the breadth of the world of work.


Based on the results after carrying out street vendor activities, the authors are few

provide advice especially to the company that has received authors to be able to carry out

PKL activities (On The Job Training) smoothly and well. The author suggests no longer need

to hesitate to order or give assignments to each child street vendors who practice in the


The author also has hopes for the company to be able to give assignments by giving

guidance first to each student. Especially before the task is carried out. This is done so later

every child who does street vendors can get far-reaching results better.
The author also realizes that in the implementation of this street vendors there are

many flaws. However, still trying to give the best. moreover, This report is also quite far

from perfect. Therefore, the author accepts also constructive suggestions so that it can be

better and more optimal.


PT Anametri Metrology Indonesia which is located on Jl. Durian Raya No.49A,

Banyumanik, Semarang is a limited company engaged in calibration services. The calibration

service itself is the process of checking and adjusting the accuracy of measuring instruments

by comparing them with standards/benchmarks.

PT Anametri Metrology Indonesia as a calibration laboratory has consistently

implemented SNI ISO/IEC 17025: 2017. PT Anametri Metrology Indonesia has received

accreditation recognition from KAN (National Accreditation Committee) on 21 February

2018 with the accreditation number LK-251-IDN as well as widespread recognition at the

Asia Pacific level by ILAC-MRA (International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation-

Mutual Recognition Arrangement).

PT Anametri Metrology Indonesia is a trusted lab in the city, outside the city, outside

the province or outside the island. Therefore, many customers perform calibration services at

PT Anametri Metrology Indonesia. In addition to providing calibration services, PT Anametri

Metrology Indonesia also offers calibration training. Calibration training is training that is

usually carried out online or offline by explaining how to calibrate a particular lab tool, for

example a thermometer.

PT Anametri Metrology Indonesia also procures measuring instruments. In addition,

PT Anametri Metrology Indonesia performs maintenance and repair of measuring

instruments that have errors or are damaged. PT Anametri Metrology Indonesia has many

official certificates and technicians who have passed the calibration trials.

Lestari, Rita. 2013. On The Job Training Report,
Langit, Indra. 2017. Bagaimanakah Sebaiknya Menuliskan Daftar Pustaka dalam Bahasa
Inggris?, Langit Biru.
Arinada Septyara. 2022. Laporan Praktik Kerja Lapangan (PKL) di Divisi Sekretariat

Pelayanan PT Anametri Metrology Indonesia. Semarang.



Location of PT Anametri Metrology Indonesia

PT Anametri Metrology Indonesia

PT Anametri Metrology Indonesia logo meaning

Organizational Structure of PT Anametri Metrology Indonesia


Open calibration progress

Input Purchase Order (PO)

Lab tools just out of the laboratory

Preparation of documents that will be on the expedition

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