Reflection Paper On Jerusalem and Three Religions

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Diversity is present in the city of Jerusalem, where people of different religions, live together

because of necessity and desire. Muslim, Jewish, and Christian families make up the population of the
city. Relating with each other and having interactions between people who can be one’s brothers and
sisters or enemies are inevitable. The three families that believe in three respective religions have
differences that sets them apart; political dimension, beliefs, and culture which results to having a
different view or perception of another that leads to feelings and behavior for or against others based on
their perspective of them.

Muslims lives in Jerusalem because it has the holiest site of Islam and they live according to the
messages of the Quran. Jews believe that Jerusalem is God’s gift to them and it is their prophecy to live
there. Christians see Jerusalem as the city where Jesus was crucified and rose from the dead and they
live in Jerusalem even if other people with different religions live there because they believe that
enemies should be loved like their neighbors—their enemies are their neighbors. Each religion has their
unique core beliefs and ways of living. However, if I look at the bigger picture, they all have the same
value and that is goodness. Being good to people is one way to put this value into life, which is why
despite the diversity, people live together with respect to each other while honoring their religions.

The role of families and schools is to teach us all about life and the world. The world is a ball of
diversity where life is sustained. Appreciating the various religions and promoting diversity in Israel, or
everywhere, is a lesson that must be taught at home and at school with the aid of today’s technology
where wisdom is at the tip of our fingers, and goodness from our hearts can be delivered to the people
around us, no matter how different their religions are.

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