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Planning the event Assessment

Group Name: Aulia Yasmin, Azhra Layyira, Dwi Wahyu

Class: 2A

Table 1

Describe the Explain: Event name:

event that you ● The name and type of
AECP (Annual English Competition Polban) 5.0
are planning event that you are Metamorama
● When the event will
take place
Type of event:
● Where the event will Competition, Exhibition, Bazaar, Performance
place – the location –
Event Venue:
- Zoom meeting for the opening of the event and
- Official website for the registration,
announcement, and promotion.
- Pendopo Tonny Soewandito Polban, for main
event (exhibition, bazaar, and performance).
- Pasca Sarjana Building Polban, for gather the
participants and the final round.

- Second week on November for online event (12
November 2022)
- First week on December for offline event (3
December 2022)
The reason is trying to avoid the student academic
activities like UTS and/or UAS.

Table 2

The business Explain: The story behind the event:

● The mission of your
plan for the event
Last year, AECP had the theme In Restriction (relating to
event ● The aims/objective for the current situation) because it adapted to the
your event conditions at that time which were being affected by
● How the budget of
RP.50.000.000 will be
COVID 19. For this year COVID 19 has subsided.
allocated Therefore this year's event, we used the theme of
● The administrative metamorphosis with the name "Metamorama".
structure for your
● The marketing strategy Mission:.
for your event 1. There are 5 competitions.
● The sustainable 2. There must be at least 200 participants,
practice at your event
consisting of various provinces in Indonesia (in
Pay careful attention to: Java, Sumatera, Bali, Kalimantan, Sulawesi
● How many islands)
participants to attract
to your event given 3. This event should at least receive a profits
the Rp.50.000.000
budget. 4. The event must get as many sponsors
● The type of event to
be planned –
remember this is a
business event Aims:
● Writing 2 or 3 SMART 1. As a platform of introduction to the English
objectives department at the Politeknik Negeri Bandung
● Differentiating
between fixed cost
2. As a means for participants to learn more about
and variable expenses English competitions
in the financial budget 3. As a forum to develop participants' interest in
● The target market for
your event and the
the field of English language
marketing 4. Become an event for participants to increase
communication their knowledge and experience in this national-
strategies to be used
to persuade the target scale competitions
market to attend your 5. As a medium for participants to get a national
level champions

1. The 5 competitions are story writing, speech,
debate, story telling, news casting. The
elimination round will be held by zoom meeting
as a online media. Then, the final round will be
held in Pendopo Tonny Soewandito Polban after
the perfomances of UKM Polban.
2. Participants from 23 provinces in Indonesia
(Aceh, North Sumatra, West Sumatra, South
Sumatra, Lampung, Riau, Jambi, Banten, West
Java, Jakarta, Central Java, Yogyakarta, East Java,
Bali, West Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, East
Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, West Sulawesi,
Central Sulawesi, South Sulawesi, South East
Sulawesi) invited online by sending an invitation
email to their respective schools.
3. From the collected funds will be divided as
follows: 70% for operational costs and 30% for
committee profits.
4. Sponsors and media partners are companies and
small businesses engaged in food, furniture,
clothing, beauty, health in the areas of Jakarta
and West Java.
5. Funds collected are at least IDK 70,000,000
obtained from sponsorship funds and media
partners, also fines from the committee who do
not carry out the main tasks.

The Tagline:
"Become Better for The Future"
Table 3

The critical Explain the key

stages/activities in planning
path for an the event and the
event sequencing of these stages/

Pay careful attention to:

● Giving sufficient time
to plan and implement
your event – a
minimum of 3 months
● Sequencing in the
correct order the
tasks/activities that
have to be completed
in order of your event
to be staged
● Identifying which
member(s) of the
event planning team
will be responsible for
implementing each
task/activity in the
critical path

Table 4

The venue for Describe: The place that we plan for the venue is Pendopo Tonny
The venue that you have
the event chosen for your event Soewandito Polban.
(insert image if available)


What you think the

strengths of the venue are
for your event

The cost in staging your

event at the venue

Pay careful attention to:

● Explaining/justifying
how the venue you
have chosen will
enable the objectives
you have set for the
event to be attained
The reason why we are choose this venue because it
location is strategic. It located next to the main gate at
Polban campus. We can find it fristly when we are
entering Polban. The Pendopo has spacious area with
magnificent design. The spacious area can be used for
baazar, exhibition, perfomance stage, and audience
point. We are planning to use area between Pendopo
and P2T building for parking area.

The second place that we plan for is Pasca Sarjana

Building Polban.

The Pasca Sarjana Building has many room in it. We can

use one room for gather the participants or to be a rest
room. This building suitable for it because has spacious
and have adequate facilities to accommodate
participants such as auditorium room use to brief the
participants and resting room.

Table 5

Select Identify and explain: We need decorations for the event at the Pendopo
The contractors and
contractors suppliers you will need to Building for the main event. We will rent the decorations
and supplier hire for your event from "Sewa Alat Pesta Bandung".
for an event (
Pay careful attention to:
● Identifying specific We choose "Sewa Alat Pesta Bandung" because of it
contractors/suppliers b
providing company workplace location is at Dipatiukur No. 96 Bandung,
names and their which is quite near to the event location.
contact details, for
example website url
● Explaining why your The equipments and decorations from "Sewa Alat Pesta
chosen Bandung" that we need for the event are :
contractors/suppliers 1. Covered Stacking Chair (450 x IDR 15.000)
are the best possible
ones for supporting 2. Sarnafil Tent 3x3 (3 x IDR 150.000)
your event 3. Carpet Stage (IDR 50.000)
● Explaining the actual 4. Moving Beam Lamp (6 x IDR 200.000)
costs that each
contractor/supplier 5. Blower Fan (3 x IDR 100.000)
will charge for 6. Full Set Square Table (4 x IDR 40.000)
providing their services
7. IBM Table (10 x IDR 50.000)
8. Sound System per 1000watt (IDR 1.000.000)
9. Partition (18 x IDR 50.000)
10. LED screen indoor (2 x IDR 500.000)
11. HT (10 x IDR 35.000)

Besides, we also need a seller and food area for the

participants who are hungry and want to buy some
merchandise. Therefore, we will invite 10 food vendors
to sell their foods at the event. They are:
1. Ayam Bejek Ciwa
2. Kantin Bu Lek
3. Ayam Geprek 71
4. Mie Baso Spesial Abimanyu
5. Labaik
6. Seblak Mama Salma
7. Batagor AA
8. Martabak
9. Bakso Sultan
10. Ba Ba Ba Ba Banana

The event will be held hybrid, it means online and

offline. For the offline one, we need several hotels to
accommodate the participants who came from other
cities. The hotels that feels right and compatible are:
- Park View Hotel (5/Sukajadi/550.000)
- Banana Inn (4/Setiabudhi/275.000)
- V Hotel & Residence (3/Sukajadi/250.000)
- Sany Rosa Hotel (3/Setiabudhi/250.000)

Those hotels are chosen because of their rates,

locations, accessible, and prices.
Table 6

Manage Explain the legally binding The event will not run smoothly without the approval of
contracts you will need for
contracts for the running/operation of the parties involved. Several parties have to be involved
an event your event to give permission and their availability helps to keep the
event going. The parties involved will be described
Pay careful attention to:
● Deciding which event below.
stakeholders will need
to have a legally
1. The Polban Management. We will rent Pendopo
binding contract to
provide goods or and PascaSarjana Building, so we should have
services for your event the legal right to use them.
● Specifying for each
contract what will be
2. The Security of Polban. We need them to
the key clauses for maintain safety for all participants on the day of
each of those the event.
● Provide example of at
3. The Cleaning Service of Polban. We need them
least two contract to maintain cleanliness of the place and make all
participants feel comfortable.
4. The Sponsors and Media Partners. We need
them to cooperate with us and promote our
event widely.
5. The Contractors and Suppliers. We will make a
contract with them for all of the equipment that
is needed in the event.
6. The Competition Adjudicator. They will help us
in assessing the participants for running the
Table 7

Develop and Explain the policies and The rules that will be used during the event are:
procedures you will need for
write policies your event
and 1. Participants in aged 15 - 18 years
Pay careful attention to:
procedures for 2. Participants are required to fill in the registration
● Identifying the policies
an event that will be needed for form
staging your event 3. All participants should read the rules and must
● Specifying for each follow it through the whole event
policy the procedures
that will be needed for 4. All of the committee and participants should
each policy to be have been vaccinated at least 2 times
5. All of the committee and participants should
● Provide example of at
least three policies follow the health protocol that applied in the
with its own set of event
6. Participants must present on time and obey all
of the rules
7. Participants are prohibited to bring sharp
objects, cigarettes, and drugs
8. If the participants commits an act of cheating,
they will be disqualified
Table 8

The concept Explain

● The structure of the
for the event event and the content
AECP 5.0 METAMORAMA has a metamorphosis theme.
of the event That theme has taken from the transition era after the
● The creative aspects of Covid-19 pandemic to the New Normal era.
the event
● The story(ies) that is
METAMORAMA itself has a concept that is focused on
being told at the event every change from pre-process, process, and post-
● How the event process such as the process of metamorphosis from a
participants will be
immersed in the event
caterpillar to a butterfly.
● The design of the This year, the event will be held hybrid. The elimination
event – color scheme,
room layout, food and
of the competition will be done by online method using
beverages, etc zoom and official website, and the final round will be
done by offline method at the Polban campus. The
Pay careful attention to:
● Ensuring that the
online event contains registration, adjudicator training,
concept for your event opening, technical meeting, and submission. The offline
will enable the event contains UKM POLBAN's performances, final
objectives set for the
event to be attained selection to be the winner of the competition.
● Providing an event
where the participants For the design of the event, we choose this color
are fully immersed as
active participant in scheme:
the event
● Provide digital image
of your
design/branding for
the event

This color scheme contains green to yellow gradients.

This represents the process of “metamorphosis” as if the
transformation from larva to butterfly.
For the furniture, we choose green in the use to highlight
a registration center, food tent, and tables. For the
lightning, we choose a warm yellow-orange to lend a
cozy, warm and brighten up mood that can be
experienced by all participants.
For the layout of the event, we will point out the venue
when the final ceremony was held. In the inside venue
(pendopo), all chairs for participants and visitors are set
up in straight rows and facing a central point (main
stage). On the outside, tents are placed all the way to
the entrance of the venue.
Table 9

Use technology Explain how technology will

be used in the event
in an event The theme of this year's AECP event is metamorphosis.
Pay careful attention to: Therefore, it has a concept that is focused on every
● Being strategic – change from pre-process, process, and post-process such
specify the pre event
technology, the during as the process of metamorphosis from a caterpillar to a
the event technology butterfly. For their own designs, participants can see
and the post event
them from AECP's instagram account and the banners
● Being specific when will be installed at the venue.
explaining the
technology to be used
– don’t just says an
The guide on how the event will be held and the
event website but competition systems are available in the digital guide
explain what the book. The guide book will be sent to the participants and
purpose of the event
website is and how it
will be put on the AECP's bio instagram, so that the
will be used participants will understand how the events will work.
● Specify the actual
software that you will
be use for staging the
In order for the event to run smoothly, supporting
event equipment and technologies are needed. In this case,
● Give examples of some the equipment and technologies to be used must vary
of the production
technology you will
according to their needs. There are several things that
use for the event will we used:


- Google Docs, it is easy to use and we can

brainstorm ideas and put it or edit it into that.
- Canva and Adobe Illustrator, used to design our
banner, promotion poster, and instagram feeds.
- As a promotional media, we use Tiktok,
Instagram, and Youtube.
- WhatsApp and Line, They will be used for
contacting committee and participants.
- Google Forms, it will be used as a media for
participants to register for the competition.
- Zoom, we use this application for meetings
because it is easier to use for the online platform
more than any meeting applications.
- Google Spreadsheet, this will be used to create a
work timeline so that all committees can see it.
- Google Drive, this will be used to store the data
needed to carry out the event.
- Google Slides, this will be used to design and
compile content that will be published to the
Instagram account.


to support the running of the event on the D-day, the

following equipment is needed:
- Audio Visual and Sound System
- Lighting
- Projectors
- YouTube streamer
- Handy Talkie
- Cameras
- Wifi
- Laptops
- Guiding block
- Toilets for disabled


- Google Drive, as a storage medium for

participant and committee certificates and then
- Instagram, as a place for the publication of
winners and the end of the activity timeline.
- WhatsApp and Line, as a means of distributing
certificate-related information and follow-up
Table 10

Provide an Explain how the event will

enable all participants to
event that attend irrespective of their Make sure the event is accessible to all participants.
enable all additional needs regardless of their special requirements. Describe how
participants to everyone will be able to attend the event, regardless of
Pay careful attention to:
attend ● The physical their special requirements.
irrespective of accessibility of the
their additional In order to improve access and reduce crowding, the
● The sensory
needs accessibility of the entrance will be split into two. In the event that any
event participants become ill and require urgent care, the
● The concept of the committee is prepared to help by offering first aid and
common medications. Participants who are ill and
require wheelchairs will be provided with them by the
committee, if at all possible. In addition, the table will
not be too high at the event, making it easier for
participants who use wheelchairs to reach it and
allowing attendees to see the event clearly without
being obstructed by a table that is too high.

Additionally, we will provide special committees to help

them, as well as signs along the route to the venue to
ensure their easy arrival. In order to better
accommodate their needs and increase their comfort
while at the event, this year's AECP will also provide
restrooms for participants with disabilities.
Table 11

Develop event Explain how the event will

develop the concept of
sustainability sustainability and specific - Making a background decoration out of recycled
policies and practices of sustainability cardboard
Pay careful attention to: - Printing participant and committee name tags
● The concept of on the back of a used HVS.
sustainability consists
of three area:
environment, socio- - Covering the pavilion's glass with an old black
culture, economic cloth
● The sustainability
practices - Work with local SMEs to sell food.

- Uses the ventilation in the pavilion for air

circulation, eliminating the need for a fan.

- Making use of solar panels to save electricity

Table 12

Identify and Explain what kind of risk the

event will predict and how
manage risk of to manage the event risks. 1. An accident occurred to the participants and the
the event committee
Pay careful attention to:
● Identify the risk of the - Collaborate with the nearest polyclinic
event - Prepare the medical team as well as health posts
● Manage the risk of the - Ensuring all property and other equipment is
securely and firmly installer
- Collaborate with technicians so that installation
is more secure
- The entire committee rushed to respond to help

2. There was a natural disaster

- Prepare evacuation routes

- Prepare disaster posts
- Prepare important numbers such as fire, police,
and ambulance
- All committees must understand K3

3. Heavy Rain at the event

- All committees prepare umbrellas for participant

- Prepare a raincoat

4. There is a power outage

- Provide a generator as a source of electricity

5. There are participants who get lost in the Polban


- Give directions to participants

- Provide LO to each participant

6. There was chaos during the performance

- Make an agreement with the performers to

perform songs that do not make the participants
- Setting up a security team
- Make rules so that performers do not invite
participants to approach the stage

Complete the following section

My strengths in planning an event are (include a reflection of your personal skills and your expertise

as an event planner: I can work as well in a team in planning an event. I can cooperate well and do
effective communicate with my team.

The expertise I need to develop further in planning an event are (include a reflection of your own

personal skills and your expertise as an event planner): I need to develop my own critical thinking
and problem solving in planning an event. I realize that I am lacking in these two.

The methods I can use to improve my expertise further are: I need to surrounded myself with a good
teammate and observes how they were solving a problem. I also need to know about the way they
thinking of planning an event. For myself, I need to read a lot and seek more knowledge as an event

Complete the assessment document with the 3 minutes video pitch regarding the event that you are

planning. Put the video link below. Make sure the video can be access without permission.

Link video:


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