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Does anyone in this room, procrastinate a lot?

Procrastination, a really hard habit to break. It’s a self-made problem. Our teacher tasked us to
make this informative speech, 2 weeks ago. It’s ironic how I’m talking about overcoming procrastination,
when I also do it. I made this yesterday and memorized it 1 in the morning. Yikes… 2 weeks that’s a lot of
time. I’m pretty sure no one’s making a speech in those 2 weeks, because some of you will cram it the
day before or an hour before the deadline. I’m not just talking about this speech matter, no. This applies
to everything when we are given tasks. From chores or to homework.

When we do procrastinate, there’s that feeling of anxiety throughout. But any time you think
about it, you often thought “I should do this, but I’ll have time later”. Every time you think about that
thought it always creeps in, and adds more stress. If you have dealt with completing the task
immediately you wouldn’t be suffering.

Now I would like to breakdown in at least overcoming procrastination:

1. Analyze:
Identify your strengths and your weaknesses. Ask your teacher, your friends, your family, or
anyone you know. Find anything. Have a heart to heart about yourself in overcoming this
hill and write it down.

- When you already analyze yourself next you

2. Plan:
Write down a strategy that would help you overcome these things. But don’t overanalyze to
the point where you won’t even start. You will be wasting precious time on coming up of a
perfect strategy than ever going about doing it.

- A perfect example is to mute chats, enable the “Do not disturb button”. Chat your crush
later and DO your job first. It’s not the end of the world when you don’t interact with
3. Execute:
Just Do it. No excuses, no delays just do it. Once you start doing the task, you won’t notice
that you already finished your work.

Now I’m probably just wasting my breath to tell you this because I can tell, you won’t even budge on
starting to overcome procrastination.

Always REMEMBER: No medicine can cure one’s procrastination, the only way to overcome it is with

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