BEED 1A - Pielago, Irene - Asynchronous Class Activity Lesson Planning

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Name: Irene L.

Section: BEED-1A



At the end of the lesson students are expected to:
● The learners should be able to identify the solution/s to a specific problem
● The learners should be able to distinguish the correct solution/s of the
● The learners should be able to determine the characters of the story (APPLYING)

II-Subject Matter:
A. Topic: English: Problem and Solution
B. Reference:
● 1st Reference
○ Title of the book: English Activity Sheets 1
○ Author: Lea D. Estuye, EdD, Leah Bautista, Ivy Romano and Rose
Ann Pamintuan
○ Page number:57-59
● 2nd Reference
○ Title of the book: Ma-Me-Mi-Mumu!
○ Author: Jomike Tejido
○ Page number: 2-13
C. Materials Used:
● Visual aids will be used during lesson proper
● The book “Ma-Me-Mi-Mumu!” for class reading
● Speaker will be used during motivation
● Laptop can be used to present the lesson
● Projector or TV screen can be used to make the presentation more visual
III-Procedure/Development of the Lesson
A. Preliminary Activities
● Opening prayer
○ “Okay class let us bow down our heads, for those catholics make
the sign of the cross, in the name of the father, of the son, and of
the holy spirit, Amen. Angel of God, my guardian dead, to whom
God’s love, commits me here, ever this day, be at my side, to light
and guard, rule and guide, Amen. In the name of father, of the son,
and of the holy spirit, Amen.”
B. Motivation
● Sing a song
○ “Okay class, let us sing the song “Sit down, Sit down, You’re
rocking the boat” (Teacher plays music). Everyone let us sing and
dance.. Sit down, sit down, you're rocking the boat.Sit down, sit
down, you're rocking the boat.Sit down, sit down, you're rocking the
boat.Sit down, sit down, you're rocking the boat”.
● Review of the previous lesson
○ “Okay class, let us sit down so we will not rock the boat. What have
we learned from our previous topic?... Very good! Now let us
proceed to the next topic, we will read a book titled
“Ma-Me-Mi-Mumu”. What are the things that you are afraid of?
Because I am afraid of the dark and it scares me to sleep in
C. Lesson Proper
a. Presentation of the lesson
● The teacher and the students then start to read the story
b. Discussion (use discussion questions and identify what instructional materials
will be used for the discussion)
● The teacher then discusses the story with facial expression and hand
gestures “Maybe there is a mumu in our house, what is a mumu again?...
Very good…They say monsters live in the dark. What if one night, I see
one? Oh nooo maybe there is a monster in the kitchen, a monster in the
bathroom and monsters everywhere AAAAAAAAAHHHH! Don’t be
frightened, Lolo said It’s all just in your head. Lolo sat on his chair and
answered in a poem. If a tikbalang knocks on your door, be not afraid he is
your guest, offer him tea and hay to freshen his breath. A tikbalang is a
monster who has the head and feet of a horse with a human body. Hay is
what a horse eats.” The teacher shows pictures of horses eating hay. ”If a
tiyanak comes crawling , dont cry from fright, just teach him to speak and
bring him delight. If a tiktik lands on your roof, there’s no need to hide,
borrow her tongue and paraglide” The teacher shows a picture of a
paraglide…The teacher and the students continue reading while the
teacher discusses the words being used.
c. Application
● The teacher discusses the application of the topic towards the day-to-day
lives of the students. “Okay class, identifying the solutions to a problem
will help us to have better decision skills. For example (the teacher shows
a problem) what is the problem in the picture?... Very good as you can see
the boy is sick, now let us see the solutions (Teacher shows pictures of
possible solutions and discusses each one) Does eating junk food a
solution to the boy’s sickness? Raise your hand if you want to answer,
(picks a random student), Yes you are right, this cannot help the boy’s
sickness. Is drinking soft drinks good for the boy who is sick? (picks a
random student), NO, soft drinks , such as coke could not make the boy
better. Lastly, is eating fruits good for the boy? YES! Eating fruits could
help the boy with his problem.
d. Generalization
● The teacher then asks the class what they have learned. Questions that
will be asked are enumerated below.
○ Who is the main character in our story?
○ Where can monsters be?
○ Who told the little girl not to be frightened?
○ What would the little girl do if a “tikbalang” visits her
e. Evaluation (Give 5 item quiz and identify what level of the revised Bloom’s
Taxonomy each questions belong)
● Provide students with answer sheets
○ Test I. Look at the picture of the problem. Color the picture of the
solution on the right (ANALYZING,UNDERSTANDING)
○ Based on the story, “Ma-Me-Mi-Mumu”, what will the little girl do
when the monsters visit her? Cut the pictures and paste them in the

IV. Assignment:
● Teacher asks pupils to draw the picture of a monster in the story they like best on
a piece of bond paper.
○ “Okay class, when you go home later, I want you to draw a monster in the
story we just read. You may use crayons to draw and be creative, okay
class?... Tomorrow we will present to the class your creative drawings.”
1. Learning Strategy/Method to be used and how the concept will be used in the
implementation of the lesson.
● In the lesson plan presented, the learning strategies that I will use
will be Active learning and problem based learning. Active learning,
because in the case of elementary such as grade 1 students, we
should be active in teaching and make sure the students will not be
bored of our topic. Especially in this case, which is a
problem-solving topic, which tends to be boring, we should make
students listen to us in order for them to understand the topic more.
Problem-based because the topic is all about problem-solutions,
therefore it is expected there are many problems in the topic.
2. Learning Theory utilized in the lesson and why you think this is suitable and
appropriate to your lesson. (e.g Behaviorism, Cognitivism, Constructivism,
Humanism or Experiential).
● Cognitivism is the most suitable to my lesson, because students such as
grade 1 students should be more engaged in discussion, real world
problems and problem solving

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