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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid.

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Review of Impedance-Reshaping-Based Power

Sharing Strategies in Islanded AC Microgrids
Fei Deng, Member, IEEE, Wenli Yao, Member, IEEE, Xiaobin Zhang, Yi Tang, Senior Member, IEEE
Paolo Mattavelli, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—In islanded AC microgrids, loads are supplied by it is connected to the utility grid [4], [5]. In an islanded
parallel inverters-based distributed generation (DG) units. Ac- AC microgrid, parallel-connected distributed generation (DG)
curate power sharing, which is always degraded by the mis- units maintain bus voltage and supply loads [6], [7]. Accurate
matched line impedances of DG units, is an essential mission.
Reshaping the output impedance of DG units is an effective power sharing among DG units is a vital issue for the stable
method to improve power sharing performance via eliminating and efficient operation of such a power system [8].
the impedance mismatch. This paper classifies and summarizes Generally, each DG unit can be equivalent to the series of
various impedance-reshaping-based power sharing strategies. a voltage source and an impedance [9]. If the voltages of
Firstly, the comprehensive evaluation criteria of the power DG units are different or the impedances are mismatched,
sharing methods are illustrated in terms of power sharing
accuracy, unbalanced and harmonic power sharing, influence on the power distribution among them will be inaccurate [10],
voltage regulation, dependence on communication and feasibility [11]. Meanwhile, the voltage reference and output impedance
in practical applications. According to the operating principles, of DG units can be regarded as two degrees of freedom to
the existing impedance reshaping methods are categorized into improve power sharing performance. Based on this, the power
four groups: fixed virtual impedance, adaptive virtual impedance sharing strategies in islanded AC microgrids are classified
regulation, impedance droops, and reconfiguration of inner loops.
Then the advantages and disadvantages of the four groups into two groups, i.e. voltage-compensation-based strategies
of impedance reshaping techniques are discussed respectively. and impedance-reshaping-based strategies.
Finally, the characteristics of different impedance-reshaping- Voltage-compensation-based strategies directly introduce
based power sharing methods are summed up and future research voltage reference compensation from the outer loops. This
trends of impedance reshaping strategies for power sharing group of methods mainly include: 1) active current sharing
improvement in islanded AC microgrids are predicted.
control (e.g. average current sharing [12]–[14], master-slave
Index Terms—islanded AC microgrid, distributed generation control [15]–[17] and circular chain control [18]); and 2)
unit, power sharing, virtual impedance, impedance reshaping power droop control [19]–[22] and its variations [23]–[27].
This group of methods have been reviewed in some recent
I. I NTRODUCTION literature [28]–[32]. In [28], the control strategies of grid-
forming DG units in islanded AC microgrids are classified

I N the past decades, depleting fossil resources and tradi-

tional power systems are struggling to satisfy the growing
electrical power demand. Besides, the consequent environmen-
based on whether the communication network is introduced
or not. The communication-based active control and the droop
characteristic-based techniques are summarized and their po-
tal issues and climate change also are worldwide problems. tential advantages and disadvantages are analyzed. The active
In this case, renewable energy sources (e.g., solar energy and reactive power sharing strategies in the hierarchically
and wind power) have attracted more and more attention, controlled AC microgrids are compared and summarized in
and the concept of microgrid has been proposed to integrate [29]. The power sharing strategies at the primary and sec-
various distributed energy resources (DERs) [1]–[3]. Inverters ondary control layers in the droop-based hierarchical control
are always used as the interfaces to connect various DERs to are summed up in [30], [31], and in [30] the communication-
the common bus in AC microgrids. A microgrid can operate less approaches are mainly considered. In [32], AC microgrid
in grid-connected or islanded mode, depending on whether control and management strategies are reviewed and the power
sharing methods mentioned are classified into droop-based and
Manuscript received May 06, 2022; revised August 06 2022; accepted
September 14, 2022. This work was supported in part by the National Natural nodroop-based techniques.
Science Foundation of China under Grant 52007154 and in part by the The power sharing performance in islanded AC microgrids
Central University Basic Research Fund of China under Grant G2021KY0606. also can be also improved by reshaping the impedances of
(Corresponding author: Wenli Yao.)
F. Deng is with the Energy Research Institute, Nanyang Technological DG units [9], [33], [34]. According to the operating principles,
University, Singapore 639798 (e-mail: there are four existing available techniques in this group: 1)
W. Yao and X. Zhang are with the School of Automation, Northwestern directly introducing a fixed virtual impedance [35]–[44]; 2)
Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710072, China (e-mail:; adaptive virtual impedance regulation [45]–[66]; 3) impedance
Y. Tang is with the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineer- droop control [67]–[78]; and 4) the reconfiguration of inner
ing, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 639798 (e-mail: yi- loops [79]–[88]. Since the inaccurate power sharing is mainly
Paolo Mattavelli is with the Department of Management, Engineering, Uni- caused by the mismatched line impedances [89], [90], this
versity of Padova, 36100 Vicenza, Italy (e-mail: group of strategies are effective techniques for all the balanced,

© 2022 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Tsinghua University. Downloaded on March 21,2023 at 04:19:01 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2022.3208752


unbalanced and harmonic power sharing issues, and have been

more and more popular to improve power sharing accuracy in Z+1;1 it;+1 Z+1;2

inverter-based microgrids in recent years [33], [34], [61].

io;+1;1 ZL io;+1;2
As abovementioned illustration, the existing review articles v+1;1 v+1;2
on power sharing issues in inverter-based islanded microgrids
mainly focus on power-droop-based methods [28]–[32]. In
[28], [29], virtual impedances are regarded as a supplement DG 1 DG 2
for power droops, and unbalanced and harmonic power sharing Fig. 1. Equivalent circuit of an islanded microgrid at fundamental-positive frequency.
issues are hardly mentioned. Virtual impedances are equivalent
to V − I droops in [30] and [32], and are used to decouple
active and reactive powers in [31], merely are mentioned Z−1;1 Z−1;2
in a small amount of literature. To the authors’ knowledge,
there is no article to systematically summarize the impedance- io;−1;1 io;−1;2
reshaping-based power sharing strategies in islanded AC mi- it;−1
crogrids. Therefore, it is quite necessary to review this group
of power sharing methods. DG 1 DG 2
This paper focuses on impedance reshaping strategies of (a)
DG units for power sharing issue in islanded AC microgrids
and the following research is finished: 1) proposal of the Zh;1 Zh;2
comprehensive criteria for the evaluation of power sharing
strategies in islanded AC microgrids; 2) systematic analysis, io;h;1 io;h;2
summary and comparison of the advantages and disadvantages it;h
of different impedance-reshaping-based power sharing meth-
ods; and 3) predictions of the future trends in impedance- DG 1 DG 2
reshaping-based power sharing strategies. (b)
The rest part of this paper is organized as follows. In
Section II, the comprehensive evaluation criteria for power Fig. 2. Equivalent circuit of an islanded microgrid at (a) fundamental-negative frequency
and (b) h-th harmonic frequency (h ̸= ±1).
sharing strategies are illustrated. Then the influence of vir-
tual impedances on power sharing performance is explained
and the classification of existing impedance-reshaping-based and impedances of j-th DG units respectively (j = 1, 2), it,+1
power sharing strategies is presented in Section III. After- is the load current. In this circuit, the two output currents are
wards, the controller structures and characteristics of all four
(v+1,1 − v+1,2 ) + Z+1,2 it,+1

kinds of methods included are reviewed in Section IV to
io,1 =

Section VII, respectively. The existing impedance reshaping Z+1,1 + Z+1,2
strategies for power sharing are summed up and the future  (v +1,2 − v+1,1 ) + Z+1,1 it,+1
io,2 =
 .
trends in this field are predicted in Section VIII. Finally, the Z+1,1 + Z+1,2
conclusions are given in Section IX.
When the power sharing result is accurate between the two
DG units, io,1 = io,2 , the following equation is valid
S HARING S TRATEGIES IN I SLANDED AC M ICROGRIDS 2(v+1,1 − v+1,2 ) = (Z+1,1 − Z+1,2 )it,+1 . (2)
To achieve excellent power sharing performance in islanded
AC microgrids, disparate factors need to be considered. There- If the impedances of DG units are mismatched, the power
fore, to evaluate the power sharing strategies in islanded AC sharing will be inaccurate. Meanwhile, since the load current is
microgrids comprehensively, the corresponding criteria are uncontrollable, it can be seen that the balanced power sharing
proposed and their meticulous explanation is as follows. accuracy can be improved by adjusting the output voltage
and the impedance at the fundamental-positive-sequence fre-
A. Active and Reactive Powers Sharing
Active and reactive power sharing is the most basic aspect of
the power sharing issue in islanded AC microgrids. Generally, B. Unbalanced and Harmonic Powers Sharing
the original reference voltage for inner loops is the rated value When unbalanced and nonlinear loads are supplied in is-
that only contains the balanced component. The equivalent landed microgrids, not only the balanced component but also
model of the DG units at the fundamental-positive-sequence the unbalanced and harmonic components are included in
frequency can be regarded as the series connection of a voltage the load current. In this case the unbalanced and harmonic
source and an impedance [61]. The simplified model of an power sharing issues also should be considered. The equivalent
islanded microgrid including two DG units with the same circuit of an islanded microgrid at the fundamental-negative-
power rating at this frequency is presented in Fig. 1, where sequence and harmonic frequencies merely is an impedance,
v+1,j , i+1,j and Z+1,j are the output voltage, output current and the load at these frequencies can be regarded as a

© 2022 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Tsinghua University. Downloaded on March 21,2023 at 04:19:01 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2022.3208752


v ∗ ; ∆v ∗ Inner Voltage and PWM DG 1 DG 2 DG 3

Zv Current Regulation
Sharing Power

Line 1

Line 2

Line 3

AC Bus A B C
Fig. 3. Complete structure of a DG units with power sharing loops.
Line 4 Line 5

Load 1

Load 2
current source [61], as shown in Fig. 2. The h-th (h ̸= +1)
components in the two output currents are
Fig. 4. Structure of a distributed microgrid.

io,h,1 = it,h

Zh,1 + Zh,2
(3) distributed control and decentralized control [30]. In central-
 Zh,1
io,h,2 =
 it,h ized control, a microgrid central controller (MGCC) is used
Zh,1 + Zh,2
to generate reference currents and sends the reference signals
where it,h is the load current component at h-th frequency, to local controllers of all DG units via communication [52]–
Zh,1 and Zh,2 are the equivalent impedance of the two DG [56], in this method single-point failures may lead to poor
units at h-th frequency respectively. fault-tolerance [28]. In distributed control, MGCC is removed
Apparently, unbalanced and harmonic power sharing ac- and the communication network is adopted for information
curacy is determined by the relationship between the two exchange among different DG units [83]. To simplify the
equivalent impedances and it can be improved by reshaping communication network structure, based on the consensus
impedance at the corresponding frequencies [91], [92]. Be- algorithm, DG units can merely exchange information with
sides, accurate power sharing also can be achieved by inserting their two neighbours [96], [97], which reduces the amount
a voltage source, such as the extended power droop in [25]– of data in communication network especially when a large
[27]. number of DG units are involved in the microgrid. Besides,
event-triggered control methods further reduce the dependence
C. Influence on Voltage Regulation on communication [62]. Decentralized control is independent
The complete structure of a DG unit with power sharing of communication, there is no information exchange in mi-
loops (e.g. droop loops and virtual impedance loops) is in crogrids and all control functions are implemented in local
Fig. 3, the power sharing loops provide the reference voltage controllers of DG units [30]. Typical examples are power
(compensation), or virtual impedance to inner loops. The droop control in [19]–[22] and adaptive virtual impedance
controller generates PWM signals to drive the switches in regulation in [65], [66]. With these methods, high system
power stage and achieves control targets based on the feedback reliability is guaranteed.
signals measured in power stage. With appropriate design of
inner loops, output voltage regulation error can be eliminated E. Feasibility in Practical Application
[93]–[95]. Therefore, when power sharing loops are disabled,
Some power sharing methods can theoretically ensure ac-
the reference voltage is at its rated value, output voltage is pure
curate power sharing, but the assumed conditions may be
sinusoidal at the fundamental-positive-sequence frequency.
impractical, which hinders the applications of these methods.
However, with the outer power loops, the reference voltage
In a distributed microgrid shown in Fig. 4, the relative
is always modified, which degrades voltage quality: a voltage
locations of DG units and loads are uncertain when different
drop and frequency deviation are introduced by the power
loads (e.g., load 1 at node A and Load 2 at node C) are
droop loops in [19]–[27], the large virtual impedances in [35]–
supplied. In such a power system, the measurements of line
[44] generate apparent voltage drop and distortion. On the
impedances are difficult to implement and common bus does
contrary, when the introduced virtual impedance is limited,
not exist, so bus voltage and load current are unavailable.
the influence of power sharing loops on voltage quality is also
To improve voltage quality in microgrids, the negative
restrained [45]–[66].
impedances are introduced in [42], [43], [75], [76]. Since
the line impedances are unknown, values of the introduced
D. Dependence on Communication negative virtual impedances might be larger than that of the
Communication is convenient for information exchange in original line impedance, which makes the total impedance of
microgrids, with which the control targets can be achieved DG units negative. The system stability is seriously threatened.
more effectively. However, the cost is also increased and the Besides, in virtual-impedance-based power sharing strate-
long-distance signal transmission is susceptible to interference, gies, line impedance characteristics also should be considered.
the system reliability and expansibility are reduced [28]. The line impedances are dominantly resistive in low-voltage
Achieving accurate power sharing with minimized dependency microgrids [39], [40] and mainly inductive in high-voltage
on communication still is a topic worthy of study. microgrids or when LCL filters is in the output side of DG
According to the usage of communication, the existing units [98]. For accurate power sharing, only the regulation of
power sharing strategies can be sorted into centralized control, virtual resistance or virtual inductance is sufficient. However,

© 2022 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Tsinghua University. Downloaded on March 21,2023 at 04:19:01 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2022.3208752


v∗ vC vb ~ ∗)
Re(V ~ ∗)
Gcv (s) h h

Zv Zo Zw
Im(I~h ) Re(I~h )

Fig. 5. Block diagram of a DG unit with the virtual impedance. Fig. 7. Illustration of the control law in [37] at h-th frequency.

Impedance-Reshaping-Based Power Sharing Strategies

In impedance droops, the virtual impedance is generated with
the impedance−power (or current) loops, which is similar with
Impedance Reconfiguration the power droop but the impedance is regulated, the functions
Droops of Inner Loops
can be linear and nonlinear; The inner-loop-reconfiguration-
based power sharing strategies modify the control structure

Control Strucure Modification

(e.g. introducing output current feedforward) or adjust the
Linear Impedance Droops
Reduced Communication
Periodic Communication

Regulator Parameters
Nonlinear Functions
regulator parameters (e.g. manipulating the cut-off frequency
Negative VI

of the resonator in voltage regulator).
Positive VI

The detailed summary of the controller structures and

features of the abovementioned four kinds of strategies are
explained respectively below.


Fig. 6. Classification of impedance-reshaping-based power sharing strategies.
In impedance-reshaping-based power sharing strategies,
v+1,1 = v+1,1 = v ∗ in (1) to (2). Without loss of generality,
generally, both resistive and inductive parts might be contained assume that Zh,1 > Zh,2 . Therefore, according to (1) and (3),
in line impedances, in this case only if the mismatches in both the uniform expression of the circulating current at the h-th
parts are eliminated accurate power sharing can be ensured frequency is
[44], [58], [59]. io,h,1 − io,h,2 Zh,1 − Zh,2
ic,h = = it,h (4)
2 Zh,1 + Zh,2
P OWER S HARING S TRATEGIES When a positive fixed virtual impedance Zv,f,h is introduced
at the h-th frequency in the DG unit, the corresponding
The reason for power sharing inaccuracy in islanded AC circulating current component is
microgrids mainly is that the line impedance Zw of each
DG unit mismatches with its power rating SN . Reshaping ih,1,f − ih,2,f Zh,1 − Zh,2
ic,h,f = = it,h (5)
the output impedances of DG units is an effective solution 2 2(Zh,1 + Zh,2 + 2Zv,f,h )
to this issue [9], [33], [34]. The final effect of all impedance It is obvious that i′c,h in (5) is smaller than ic,h in (4), the
reshaping methods for improving power sharing accuracy is circulating current is suppressed. The bigger Zv,f,h , the more
to modify the output impedances, which can be equivalent to accurate power sharing. When the negative virtual impedances
inserting virtual impedance Zv series with the original output are introduced, they should be different for each DG unit and
impedance Zo and line impedance Zw [33], a seen in Fig. the line impedances need to be measured to ensure system
5. With a reasonable design of the virtual impedance, the stability.
impedance mismatch can be reduced and eliminated, the load In [35], [36], the FVIs at fundamental-positive-sequence
power demand can be distributed more accurately. frequency are used. In [35], virtual resistances at d and q axis
The classification of the impedance reshaping strate- are introduced in synchronous reference frame respectively,
gies is implemented in terms of their operating principle, and in [36] a complex virtual impedance Zv = Rv + jωs Lv is
that is how the output impedance of the DG unit is reg- implemented in the stationary reference frame. The balanced
ulated and changed. Therefore, as presented in Fig. 6, the power sharing accuracy is improved, but other power sharing
existing impedance-reshaping-based power sharing methods issues are not considered and the FVIs generate extra voltage
can be categorized into four kinds: fixed-virtual-impedance drop.
(FVI)-based strategies, adaptive-virtual-impedance-regulation To improve harmonic current sharing performance, a fixed
(AVIR)-based strategies, impedance-droop-based strategies virtual resistance is introduced at harmonic frequencies in [38].
and inner-loop-reconfiguration-based strategies. In the fixed- The V − I droop in [37] can be regarded as a fixed virtual
virtual-impedance-based methods, the fixed virtual impedance inductance at the harmonic frequency. As illustrated in Fig.
is directly introduced to series with the original impedance, 7, the control law in [37] is divided into real and imaginary
it can be positive or negative; In adaptive virtual impedance components as
regulation, the virtual impedance is regulated according to (
the power (or current) error, and a reference signal is always Re(V ⃗ ∗ ) = −kh · Im(I⃗L,h )
required, besides, the dependency on communication varies; Im(V ⃗ ∗ ) = kh · Re(I⃗L,h )

© 2022 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Tsinghua University. Downloaded on March 21,2023 at 04:19:01 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2022.3208752


Rv io;a io;αβ VPI Loop

∗ io;α;+1 +
θ = !t + − vc;a Rv;+1
sine − ∆vα;+1

Sequence !s Lv;+1
Rv io;b Decomposition
∗ io;β;+1
! + + − vc;b !s Lv;+1
sine + + ∆vβ;+1

s Rv;+1
− io;αβ;+1 io;αβ;−1 io;αβ;h
Rv io;c

+ + −
sine VNI Loop VVHI Loop
+ io;α;−1 + io;α;h +
Rv;−1 Rv;h
FVI Loops − ∆vα;−1
∗ − ∆vα;h

120◦ E∗ !s Lv;−1 h!s Lv;h
Fig. 8. Reference generation for the output voltage controller with virtual output io;β;−1 io;β;h
impedance loop in [41]. !s Lv;−1 h!s Lv;h
+ ∆vβ;−1 + ∆vβ;h
∗ ∗
+ +
Rv;−1 Rv;h

where V ⃗ ∗ and I⃗L,h are the vector of the h-th harmonic com- Fig. 9. Block diagram of the selective virtual impedance loops in [42], [43].
ponent in reference voltage and inductor current respectively,
Re(x) and Im(x) are the real and imaginary components of Voltage vref + Voltage UPS
variable x respectively, kh is the droop coefficient. Reference Current Inverter
Generation − Controller
In [38],the feedback-based impedance is designed to be a
resistance and its value is proportional to the rated power Rv
of the DG unit. However, for better harmonic power sharing !v dio
performance, the FVI should be much larger than the line s+!v dt

impedance . Virtual Complex Impedance Module

The large kh in [37] and virtual resistance in [38] improve Fig. 10. Block diagram of the virtual complex impedance controller in [44].
harmonic power sharing performance, but generate voltage
distortion and vice versa. The conflict between power sharing
and voltage quality is irreconcilable. With the FVI in (8), the balanced and high-order circulating
In [39], [40], fixed virtual resistances are used for balanced current components are reduced by the inductive and resistive
and harmonic power sharing and are selected separately at parts respectively, but the unbalanced circulating current dis-
different frequencies, the inductors in line impedances are tribution is not included.
not included and unbalanced power sharing is not considered. In summary, FVI-based methods improve power sharing
In [41]–[44] the FVIs are introduced for all the balanced, accuracy to some extent, it is the simplest way to insert a
unbalanced and harmonic powers sharing. In [41], a fixed virtual impedance, communication or extra measurement is
virtual resistance is added to compensate reference voltage also unnecessary. However, to obtain the relatively accurate
in abc reference frame as presented in Fig. 8. Since the power sharing performance, the introduced FVI must be much
resistance value is same at different frequencies, the impedance larger than the original line impedance of the DG unit [35],
mismatches at all frequency ranges are reduced. As depicted [36], which generates a large voltage drop, and injects voltage
in Fig. 9, in [42], [43], the fixed virtual positive-sequence unbalance and distortion, thus bus voltage quality is degraded
impedance (VPI), virtual negative-sequence impedance (VNI) severely [43]. Besides, because of the distributed nature of the
and virtual variable harmonic impedance (VVHI) are intro- microgrid, the measurement of line impedances is impractical,
duced in the stationary reference frames in different control it is a difficult mission to select a reasonable value of the FVI
loops. With these FVIs, the voltage drop across the virtual in such a power system.
impedance loop at h-th frequency in αβ reference frame is
∆vα,h Rv,h hωs Lv,h io,α,h
∗ = (7)
∆vβ,h hωs Lv,h Rv,h io,β,h When the virtual impedance is introduced with AVIR, the
where Rv,h and Lv,h are the virtual resistance and inductance sum of all the virtual impedances is zero, that is Zv,h,2 =
at h-order frequency, ωs is the fundamental frequency. −Zv,h,1 = Zv,h,a > 0 and the circulating current from (1)
In [42], [43], the virtual impedances are selected separately and (3) is
at different frequencies, which is unnecessary and complicates ih,1,a − ih,2,a Zh,1 − Zh,2 − 2Zv,h,a
the design process of controllers. Besides, negative induc- ic,h,a = = it,h (9)
2 2(Zh,1 + Zh,2 )
tances are set as VVHIs, which threatens system stability.
In [44], a fixed virtual complex impedance method as As shown in (9), Zv,h,a is used to reduce the impedance
shown in Fig. 10 is proposed as mismatch. If Zh,1 − Zh,2 = 2Zv,h,a holds, the impedance
mismatch can be eliminated effectively, accurate power sharing
Zv = Rv + sLv (8) can be achieved consequently.
s + ωv This kind of strategy always requires information exchange
where ωv is the cut-off frequency of the low-pass filter to of control variable X (active, reactive, unbalanced and har-
avoid high-frequency noise. monic powers or current components) among DG units or

© 2022 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Tsinghua University. Downloaded on March 21,2023 at 04:19:01 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2022.3208752


Q∗i ki;xv

kp;xv +
Qi Q∗i s


Zv Q ki;rv
X∗ Reference kp;rv +
Gvi (s) From P s
Pi Generation Pi∗ Pi∗ Rv
AVIR in Local Controller
MGCC AVIR in Local Controller
Fig. 11. Structure of a typical AVIR loop based on communication.
Fig. 12. Coordinated virtual impedance controller in [54].

between DG units and MGCC via (low-bandwidth) commu- balanced power sharing issue. In [50], [51], reactive power
nication, to generate reference signal X ∗ . Then the error mismatches are calculated based on the consensus algorithm
between X and X ∗ is regulated with a proportional-integral in local controllers. In [52], [53], reactive power references
(PI) controller (or an integrator) to generate the desired virtual are generated in MGCC.
impedance Zv in local controllers of DG units. A typical As presented in Fig. 12, both the active and reactive power
communication-based AVIR loop is shown in Fig. 11, the references (Q∗i and Pi∗ ) are provided with MGCC in [54],
virtual impedance can be expressed as the virtual resistance and virtual reactance in this method are
Zv = Gvi (s)(X − X ∗ ) (10) adaptively regulated according to active and reactive power
errors as
where Gvi (s) is the PI regulator for AVIR. 
k k
According to whether the communication is required all the Rv = (Pi∗ − Pi ) i,rd − (Q∗i − Qi )(kp,rv + i,rv )

s s (13)
time, the AVIR can be sorted into the methods with periodic ki,xv
X = (Q∗ − Q )(k

+ )
communication and with reduced communication. v i i p,xv
1) AVIR with Periodic Communication: Periodic bidirec-
where kp,rv and kp,xv are the proportional gains, ki,rv , ki,xv
tional communication among DG units and between DG units
and ki,rd are the integral gains.
and MGCC is a common technique to generate the reference
Although the applicability to general line impedance char-
signal X ∗ and is a common tool for AVIR.
acteristic is improved, the unbalanced and harmonic power
The virtual resistances are regulated adaptively in [45]–
sharing still is not mentioned.
[48]. The AVIR in [45], [46] is realized according to the error
In [55], [56], the harmonic power references are calculated
between the local active power of i-th DG units Pi and the
in MGCC and sent to the local controller of each DG unit, then
average active power of all DG units as
the virtual inductances at harmonic frequencies are generated
1X according to harmonic power errors at corresponding harmonic
Rv,i = Gvi (s)(Pi − Pj ) (11) frequencies respectively. In [57], besides the virtual induc-
n j=1
tance introduced in [50] for reactive power sharing, virtual
where Gvi (s) is an integrator in [45] and a PI controller in inductances at fundamental-negative-sequence and harmonic
[46], n is the number of DG units included in the microgrid. frequencies are regulated based on unbalanced power error
In those two methods, any two DG units exchange infor- and corresponding harmonic power error respectively.
mation with each other, so the communication burden is quite To eliminate line impedance mismatch when both resistive
heavy. In [47]–[49], communication between the adjacent DG and inductive parts exist at the same time, two-dimensional
units is only required. In [47], the d-axis and q-axis virtual impedance-shaping control methods are proposed in [58], [59].
resistances are introduced based on active power error and In [58], the virtual resistance Rv and virtual inductance Lv are
reactive power error respectively in the synchronous reference regulated based on third-order harmonic power error and total
frame, and a similar method is proposed in [48] with the harmonic power error respectively, and the virtual impedance
regulation of current component errors at d-axis and q-axis can be obtained as
respectively. In [49], the effect of power droop loops is equiv- X kh2 ωs2
alent to a virtual impedance Xe,i d
(named droop equivalent Zv (s) = Rv + Lv · hωs · 2 (14)
s + khωs · s + h2 ωs2
impedance), to improve reactive power sharing accuracy, the h=1,3,5···

extra virtual reactance Xv,i is regulated according to droop In [59], the virtual resistance Rv and virtual reactance at
equivalent impedance errors as fundamental positive frequency Xv,s (= ωs Lv,s ) are adjusted
based on balanced current magnitude error and phase an-
κi X d d
Xv,i = − aij (Xe,i − Xe,j ) (12) gle error respectively, the virtual impedance at fundamental-
s positive-sequence frequency is extended to other frequencies
where κi is the coefficient defined in [49].
Zv,h = Rv + jhXv,s (15)
It should be noticed that only the balanced power sharing is
considered in [45]–[49]. Besides, only the line resistance mis- From (14) and (15), it can be seen that only one virtual
match is compensated in [45]–[48] and only line inductance impedance value is generated with virtual impedance loops,
mismatch is considered in [49] respectively. but all the balanced, unbalanced and harmonic power sharing
In [50]–[53], both virtual resistance and reactance are accuracy is improved, which simplifies the structure of con-
tuned according to the reactive power sharing error for the troller and corresponding parameter design process.

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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2022.3208752


Pi Stage I Q−! Reactive power regulator L∗v;f

E ∗ Droop PN Lv;f

Communication Network
Pmax + − ∆Ei + kq a [n Q (tqj )−ni Qi (tqi )] PI

Triggering Condition
PI j=1 ij j j k k
+ + Inner PWM
E6 δ Loops
max(x1 ; x2 )

− Unbalanced power regulator

Stage II PN qj
Uj (t )
Ui (t ) Lv;u
ku a [ k
−U k ] PI
− j=1 ij Urate;j rate;i
io;dq +
Harmonic power regulator
+ +
MAF Pave − ki;av PN qj
Hj (t )
Hi (t ) Lv;h
kh a [ k
−H k ] PI
s j=1 ij Hrate;j rate;i

Qu;i io;dq2 +
Rv;u Fig. 15. Event-triggered time generation mechanism in [62].
+ +
Qu;max −


io;dq6 1 conventional droop control is applied, once the flag signal

Qh;i Rv;h
is received, the active power Pave is recorded and the control
Qh;max − + ki;h
mode switches to steps 2 and 3. As presented in Fig. 14, in
step 2, a transient disturbance term associated with reactive,
Fig. 13. Schematic diagram of the AVIR control scheme in [60].
unbalanced or harmonic power is slowly deducted from the
frequency in P − f droop; in step 3, the error between real-
P P −f droop time active power P and saved Pave in step 1 is employed to
Q FQ adjust virtual inductance at the fundamental positive, negative
or harmonic frequency as
Qneg FN G
t kh
Qhar D
Lv,h = L∗v,h − (P − Pave ) (16)
FQ Step 2 in Local Controller s
FN FQ kQ ∆Lv;f where kh is the integral coefficient. When the reactive, un-
balanced or harmonic power compensation flag is received, h
FH P Pave FN kN
s equals +1, −1 or harmonic orders respectively.
MGCC FH kH Lv;h All the balanced, unbalanced and harmonic power sharing
Step 3 in Local Controller s
is improved with the method in [61]. However, these process
Fig. 14. Real power disturbance injection (step 2) and virtual impedance adjustment are finished one by one and the active power fluctuation will
(step 3) during the compensation process in [61].
interrupt the normal virtual impedance regulation.
To reduce the amount of communication data with minor
The methods in [45]–[59] rely on periodic communication power sharing performance degradation [99], an AVIR method
to exchange power or current information, once communica- based on event-triggered communication (ETC) is proposed in
tion faults occur, the normal virtual impedance regulation and [62], the virtual inductors at fundamental-positive-sequence,
even the stable system will be influenced. fundamental-negative-sequence and harmonic frequencies are
2) AVIR With Reduced Communication: Actually, commu- regulated according to reactive, unbalanced and harmonic
nication is not required all the time during the AVIR process power errors respectively. Only when the triggering condition
[62], and the communication burden can be reduced [60]–[64]. is satisfied, the DG units transmit information to their neigh-
In [60], a two-stage AVIR strategy in Fig. 13 is proposed. bours. In this method, the triggering condition is evaluated
During Stage I, a PI controller is applied to regulate the mag- based on a function fx,i (t) which is related to the state
nitude of the output voltage based on the error between local measurement error ex,i (t). In i-th DG unit
active power Pi and maximum proportional active power Pmax ex,i (t) = ∥Xi (tx,i x,i x,i
k ) − Xi (t)∥, t ∈ [tk , tk+1 ) (17)
obtained from the synchronous maximum power bus (SMPB),
with this process the active power accuracy is improved. where Xi is the state variable related to reactive (x = +1),
When active power error is smaller than its threshold and Pi unbalanced (x = −1) or harmonic power (x ̸= ±1), tx,i k is the
maintains a stable value over a period of time, the value of Pi k-th event-triggered instant.
in the first stage is saved as Pave and DG units switch into As illustrated in Fig. 15, only when the event is triggered,
Stage II to remove the dependence on communication. In this the power regulators in the local controller operate to regulate
stage, the voltage magnitude PI controller is replaced by the virtual inductors. During the event time interval, no commu-
P − E droop, the virtual resistances at fundamental positive, nication is required [100]. With this method, all the balanced,
negative and harmonic frequency are introduced according unbalanced and harmonic powers can be distributed accurately
to the active power error (Pi − Pave ), unbalanced power among DG units with reduced communication, but the power
error (Qu,i − Qu,max ) and harmonic error (Qh,i − Qh,max ), information still is exchanged among DG units.
respectively. To generate reference signal X ∗ merely with local infor-
In [61], MGCC is used to send (reactive, unbalanced or mation, virtual impedances are regulated iteratively in [63],
harmonic power) compensation flag signals to DG units and [64]. The iterative virtual impedance regulation process in
the power sharing scheme is composed of three steps: in step [63] is decomposed into several sequential iterations. In each

© 2022 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Tsinghua University. Downloaded on March 21,2023 at 04:19:01 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2022.3208752


vC;1 z−1
Vcom − − + kR
S1 = F (vC;1 ; iL;1 ) ∆Z1 PI
iL;1 b1 + + +
Communication Network
∆Z1 Zv;1 kR;0 V∗
Controller # 1 − + Inner PWM

Communication network
∆Z2 j∆Zv;1 ∆Z v;2 j > δ Rv
Rv Loops
∆Z1 Vritual resistance control
j∆Zv;1 ∆Z v;2 j > δ Controller # 2 du
∆Z2 dt LPF
vC;2 z−1
I θ
iL;2 S2 = F (vC;2 ; iL;2 ) b2 FFT
∆Z2 new
Zv;2 + + Lv
Fig. 16. Virtual impedance determination algorithm in [67]. Icom −
FFT θ Lv;0
Vritual inductance control

iteration, the fixed virtual impedance and adaptive virtual Fig. 17. Schematic diagram of the strategy in [68].

impedance regulation are combined to generate a virtual

resistance increment and uniform virtual reactance increment where Zv,o is the preset virtual impedance value, X is the
according to the uniform output current magnitude error selected control variable (e.g., apparent power, active power,
and phase angle error respectively. The virtual impedance at reactive power, unbalanced power, harmonic power or current
fundamental-negative-sequence and harmonic frequencies also components), kx is the droop coefficient.
are modified. With the proposed strategy, all the accurate bal- The droop relationship between equivalent impedance Ze
anced, unbalanced and harmonic current sharing is guaranteed. (sum of line impedance and virtual impedance) and apparent
In [64], the reactive power sharing scheme of each DG unit power Si is built in [67] to regulate virtual resistances. As
is transferred periodically between Q − V droop mode and shown in Fig. 16, a pulse train is used to determine the period
AVIR mode for a few cycles. In each cycle, the reactive power at which the proposed impedance droop is applied, and in this
reference of the AVIR is updated by the latest estimate from method the virtual impedance increment ∆Zv,i is sent to other
the Q − V droop control. The virtual impedance of each DG DG units via LBC. Besides, another constraint is required
unit will be tuned successively to an appropriate value to to show the stopping of the droop algorithm and reaching a
achieve accurate power sharing among DG units based on local steady state, that is
information. The triggering signal to start the internal time
sequence of each DG unit is from MGCC. In this method, only |ks,1 · S1 − ks,2 · S2 | ≤ δ ⇒ |∆Zv,1 − ∆Zv,2 | ≤ δ (19)
the regulation of virtual inductance for reactive power sharing where ks,i is the droop coefficient in the i-th DG unit, δ is
is considered. In [63], [64], communication only is required the preset threshold.
for the generation of triggering signals, the dependence on If the condition in (19) is true, the VIR process is done
communication is minimized. with desired power sharing accuracy and it is no longer
The virtual impedance regulation process in [65] consists of necessary to activate the impedance droop. Although power
two steps: the steady-state reactive power from Q − f droop sharing performance is improved, its feasibility is limited by
is restored as the reference signal firstly, and then the virtual the dependency on communication and the constraint will be
resistance is generated based on the reactive power regulation. more complicated when the number of DG units is large.
With this process, all the balanced, unbalanced and harmonic The virtual resistance in [68] is introduced via Rv − P
power sharing is achieved independent of communication droop and the selected bus voltage is regulated by the adaptive
simultaneously. However, the inductive part in line impedances adjustment of droop coefficient, as presented in Fig. 17.
is not considered. Besides, the virtual inductance is regulated to eliminate the
difference between phase angles of the selected bus and that
VI. I MPEDANCE -D ROOP -BASED P OWER S HARING of the output current of DG units with a PI controller. Both
S TRATEGIES accurate active and reactive power sharing is achieved with
Impedance droop is a kind of impedance reshaping strategy this method, but the selected bus voltage and corresponding
similar to conventional droop in [19]–[22], the difference load current are measured and communication is required to
is that not voltage magnitude or frequency but the virtual send this information to each DG unit.
impedance is adjusted based on the output powers or currents In [69], the virtual reactance is fixed and virtual resistance
of DG units. Based on the functions between impedances and is adjusted via a droop characteristic according to active power.
powers, there are two kinds of impedance droops: linear and The parameters are designed with an optimization method. In
nonlinear. [70], this method is extended to harmonic power sharing, and
the virtual resistance is regulated with a linear function of
both active and reactive powers. Although the power sharing
A. Linear Virtual Impdedance Droops performance is improved with the strategies in [69], [70], the
The generalized expression of the linear impedance droops power sharing error still exists, and the network information
is (e.g. network topology, line impedances, and the load range
Zv = Zv,o − kx · X (18) of each node) is required before this method is implemented,

© 2022 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Tsinghua University. Downloaded on March 21,2023 at 04:19:01 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2022.3208752


Rv Xv Rv Xv
QUH Lv Lw io

!ss vb
Io;q Io;d Io;q Io;d
High X/R Network Low X/R Network

Fig. 19. Impedance droops for different line impedances in [72].

Fig. 18. Basic principle of the adaptive virtual impedance control scheme in [71].

which is difficult to implement in a distributed power system. and harmonic currents. With this method, the power sharing
An extra small AC signal (SACS) is injected into the output error can not be eliminated and the unbalanced power issue is
voltage in [71] to regulate virtual impedance. The frequency of not mentioned. The negative virtual inductance and resistance
the SACS ωss droops with unbalanced and harmonic power are introduced in [75], [76] by the impedance droop in
QU H , and the active power produced by this signal Pss is (18) respectively, to improve power sharing performance and
detected to tune the virtual impedance at the fundamental- maintain voltage quality simultaneously. However, the line
negative-sequence and selected harmonic frequencies. The impedances are measured to determine droop coefficient and
expression is maximum virtual impedance, which is a formidable task.
ωss = ωss,0 + kss · QU H
(20) B. Nonlinear Virtual Impdedance Droops
Lv = Lv,0 + kL · Pss
In some literature, the proportional gain in (18) is replaced
where kss and kL are droop coefficients. by a nonlinear function, for better power sharing performance.
As illustrated in Fig. 18 and equation (20), the rela- The method in [67] is extended into microgrids with
tionships between ωss and Pss and between Lv and QU H inductive-resistive line impedances in [77]. In this paper, the
form a negative-feedback closed loop, with which the virtual equivalent resistance and inductance are defined as nonlinear
impedance is regulated adaptively to eliminate line impedance functions of active and reactive powers and are updated as
mismatch, and realize accurate unbalanced and harmonic (
power sharing. Communication is unnecessary and no extra Rv,i = Rv,i − (fr,i (Pi (br,i ), Qi (br,i )) − fr,i (Pi , Qi ))
measurement is required. However, injection of the SACS new
Xv,i = Xv,i − (fx,i (Pi (bx,i ), Qi (br,i )) − fx,i (Pi , Qi ))
makes bus voltage more distorted. (23)
The virtual impedances in [72] are varied as linear functions where Rv,i and Xv,i are the virtual resistance and virtual
of output currents in the synchronous reference frame accord- inductance respectively, br,i and bx,i are the droop coefficients,
ing to different line impedance characteristics, as shown in fr,i and fx,i are two nonlinear functions defined in [77].
Fig. 19. In high X/R microgrids, the virtual impedances are With (23), the virtual impedance is managed adaptively,
( both active and reactive power are shared optimally. However,
Rv = Rv,0 − x · io,q
(21) similar to [67], the active and reactive powers are exchanged
Xv = Xv,0 + y · io,d among DG units with LBC, the period is up to a pulse train.
where Rv,0 and Xv,0 are the nominal virtual resistance and The concept of equivalent impedance is proposed in [78]
reactance, x and y are the droop gains, respectively. for the control of DG units with LCL filters, which fully
In the low X/R microgrid, the virtual impedances are takes external inductances, line impedances and local loads
( into account. The equivalent resistance Req,i and reactance
Rv = Rv,0 + x · io,q Xeq,i are calculated in real time as
Xv = Xv,0 − y · io,d 
 PG,i Aw,1 + QG,i Bw,i
Req,i =

In [73], the strategy in [72] is extended to negative-sequence 2 + Q2

PG,i G,i
virtual impedance regulation, the unbalanced power sharing (24)
 PG,i Bw,1 − QG,i Aw,1
performance is improved. Xeq,i =

2 + Q2

PG,i G,i
No communication or extra measurement is required in [72],
[73]. However, the expressions should be selected according to where Aw,1 = Pw,i Rw,i + Qw,i Xw,i , Bw,1 = Pw,i Xw,i −
the line impedance characteristic, the applicability is limited. Qw,i Rw,i , Pw,i and Qw,i are the active and reactive powers
Besides, the balanced and unbalanced power sharing error flow to public loads, PG,i and QG,i are the active and reactive
still is apparent, the harmonic power sharing issue is also not powers at external inductor, Rw,i and Xw,i are the line
solved, and voltage quality is degraded with the relatively large resistance and reactance, respectively.
virtual impedance. Based on (24), a resistive-inductive virtual impedance
In [74]–[76], the impedance droop is used to improve Zv,i (s) = −Rv,i + sLv,i is evaluated in the i-th DG unit
harmonic power sharing performance. The output impedance as 
of the DG unit is designed with L − Q droop in [74] and Rv,i = Req,i
then multiplied by output current followed with a high-pass X (25)
filter to compensate voltage reference, then to share balanced Lv,i = Lv,ref,i − eq,i

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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2022.3208752


kih ii
V ∗ f∗ i1 in

io = i1 +ih Zv(s)

Sender · · ·
F (s)
i1 G−1 Sine Wav.

v∗ i∗ Gi(s)
vref 1 1
Gv kpc Gd Vdc sL sC vpcc i∗ v∗

Voltage Loop in MGCC Local Current Loop

Fig. 22. MGCC and the local controller of the i-th DG unit in [84].
Fig. 20. Impedance control scheme at harmonic frequency in [79].

Io;h;1 1 Harmonic Voltage Control Loop The impedance of the DG unit is eliminated with the methods
in [79], [80], but the influence of mismatched line impedance

Io;h;i mh
is ignored and this issue is solved in [81], [82]. In [81],
··· vb
K Gn(s) Gr(s) the feedforward gain is calculated according to the inductor
Current Balance Controller vc current to eliminate the sum of the output impedance line
vref m+1 m impedance of DG units. In [82] with an output current feed-
Gv(s) Gi(s)
forward similar to that in [79] that is used to adjust the current
vc iL
Balanced Voltage Control Loop (VCM)
reference signal and the gain k is determined with integral of
reactive power sharing error, thus the accurate power sharing
Fig. 21. Harmonic impedance reshaping strategy in [83].
can be achieved in microgrids with complex feeder networks.
The output impedance can be reshaped with the feedforward
where Lv,ref,i is the preset reference virtual inductance. in [79]–[82] to improve power sharing accuracy. However,
With Zv,i (s) in (25), the total impedance of the i-th DG the design of feedforward gain in these methods is highly
unit is regulated as a pure inductance Lv,ref,i , if Lv,ref,i is sensitive to the filter inductor or capacitor parameters, which
set reasonable, the accurate power sharing can be achieved limits the application of these strategies. Besides, in [82]
in a decentralized way. However, to implement (24) in the the communication network is required to exchange reactive
controllers, the measurement of line impedances is required, power among DG units.
which is impractical in a distributed power system. As shown in Fig. 21, the harmonic bus voltage is extracted
Actually, as a droop method, when a positive impedance by a band-pass filter Gn (s) and is scaled with gain K to
is generated, the trade-off between power sharing accuracy generate harmonic voltage reference in [83]. The gain K is
and voltage quality still exists in the impedance-droop-based regulated adaptively with a PI controller based on the error
power sharing strategies. With a negative impedance, the between h-th harmonic component of output current magni-
power system stability is threatened. How to achieve excellent tude in DG units and its reference value which is the average
power sharing performance with this kind of method, still is value calculated based on LBC among DG units. Then the
challenging. harmonic output voltage is regulated with a resonator Gr (s)
to follow its reference, consequently generating corresponding
modulation signal mh . With this method, the harmonic power
sharing accuracy is improved. Nevertheless, the bus voltage is
measured and the LBC among DG units is required to calculate
The inner loops here mean the inductor (or capacitor) the current magnitude reference.
current loops and capacitor voltage loops. With the reconfig- In [84], only L filter is adopted in the output side of the
uration of the inner loops, e.g. modifying the control loop DG unit and a common capacitor bank is placed at PCC. As
structure or adjusting regulator parameters, the power sharing shown in Fig. 22, in this method, the voltage regulation is
accuracy also can be improved. finished in MGCC and the generated voltage reference and
current reference are sent to the local controller of DG units
A. Inner-loop Control Structure Modification via the communication network. In the local controller, a
The output current feedforward is used in [79]–[82] to mod- virtual impedance Zv (s) is introduced at selected frequencies
ify the inner-loop control structure and consequently adjust and the proportional gain Gi (s) can be regarded as a revised
the impedance of the DG unit at harmonic frequencies. The virtual impedance [98], with which equivalent impedance of
control scheme in [79] is presented in Fig. 20, where i1 and ih the DG unit is modified as Ze (s) = Gi (s) + Zv (s). With
are the balanced and h-th harmonic component of the output this method, both accurate power sharing and excellent bus
current io , k is the compensation factor and G−1 voltage regulation are realized. However, in this method, PCC
F = sL/Vdc
is the feedforward term. With this feedforward path, the voltage measurement, communication between each DG units
output impedance at the h-th harmonic frequency is modified and MGCC are required.
as (1 − k)Zo and is controlled by varying k in proportion
with harmonic power. In [80], both the output current and B. Inner-Loop Regulator Parameters Adjustment
capacitor voltage in the DG unit with LCL filter are fed The controller for the unbalanced or harmonic current ref-
forward, the output impedance is designed as inductive around erence compensation is designed to reshaping the impedance
power frequency and resistive around high order frequency. of the DG units in [85]–[87]. The conductance command G

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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2022.3208752


H∗ kg;i i-th DG unit can inject, Ih,nonloc is the effective value of the
vh;i harmonic current of the feeder supplying the nonlocal loads.
Hi Gi;0
G-X Droop Gi With this technique, the harmonic power sharing accuracy
i∗h;i is improved. Meanwhile, it should be noticed that the value
v∗ i∗i of ωc also is related to resonator gain at harmonic frequen-
cies, the improper modification of ωc will influence voltage
Voltage Controller
regulation performance and even threatens system stability.
Besides, the calculation of reference harmonic current requires
Fig. 23. Harmonic filtering strategy in [86]. load currents measurement, and communication to send these
currents to local controllers of DG units, which is unrealistic
to implement, especially in a distributed power system.


Inonloc Ih∗ !c

Ih !c;0
Harmonic Current Control Unit
From the previous illustration, it can be seen that the
Fig. 24. Harmonic current control unit with Cut-off frequency manipulation in [88]. operating principles and characteristics of various kinds of
strategies are disparate. Introducing FVI is the most direct and
easiest way for impedance reshaping, power sharing accuracy
is introduced at the fundamental-negative-sequence frequency
is improved without communication or extra measurements,
in [85] and at harmonic frequencies in [86], [87] respectively
but impedance mismatch can not be eliminated and bus
via G − X droop in the i-th DG unit as
voltage quality is degraded with large virtual impedances.
Gi = Gi,0 − kg,i · (X ∗ − X) (26) With AVIR, relatively accurate power sharing can be realized
with smaller virtual impedances, and excellent voltage quality
where Gi,0 is the rated conductance, kg,i is the droop coeffi-
maintains. However, communication is always required to
cient, X is unbalanced power in [85], harmonic power in [86]
generate reference signals in virtual impedance loops, which
and harmonic current in [87], X ∗ is the rated value of X.
makes power system less reliable. Impedance droop is another
Then, the unbalanced or harmonic current component is
technique to reshape the output impedance of the DG unit,
generated as
with which impedance mismatch can be reduced to improve
i∗ub,i = Gi · vub,i (or i∗h,i = Gi · vh,i ) (27) power sharing performance in a decentralized way. Although
where vub,i (or vh,i ) is unbalanced (or h-th harmonic) output the frequency can keep at its rated value, the trade-off between
voltage of the i-th DG unit. power sharing accuracy and voltage quality similar to P − V
The harmonic filtering strategy in [86] is illustrated in Fig. in [19]–[21] or Q − V in [22] still exists. To improve the
23. From (27) and Fig. 23, it can be seen that Gi in [85]–[87] performances, the communication is introduced in [67], [68],
can be regarded as a compensation of the proportional gain [77], the extra measurements are required in [68]–[70], [75],
for voltage regulation at corresponding frequency. Therefore, [76], [78]. Besides, the reconfiguration of inner loop structure
although a droop in (26) is introduced here, its influence is is also effective for impedance reshaping to improve power
different from that of impedance droops in Section VI. sharing performance, but its influence on the output impedance
With reconfiguring voltage controllers in [85]–[87], the of the DG unit is always limited. This method is difficult to
output impedance of the DG unit is reshaped. Besides, with eliminate line impedances mismatch, or other solutions (such
the droop characteristic in (26), the unbalanced power (Qub ) as communication among DG units [82], [83], measurement
sharing accuracy in [85] and harmonic power sharing accuracy of line impedances [87] or the bus voltage [83], [85], [86]) are
in [86], [87] can be improved. However, the introduced con- required to further improve power sharing accuracy. Besides,
ductance only modifies the output impedance of the DG unit reshaping the output impedance of the DG unit also influences
and its influence is limited when the line impedance mismatch the system stability [9], the reasonable parameter range should
is apparent. Besides, the bus voltage is measured in [85], [86] be determined prudently.
and the knowledge of line impedance is required in [87]. The characteristics of all the impedance-reshaping-based
In [88], three different techniques are adopted for balanced, power sharing strategies in this paper are evaluated in terms
unbalanced and harmonic power sharing. Thereinto, the output of the comprehensive criteria proposed in Section II, and they
impedance at certain harmonic frequencies is reshaped by are summarized in Table. I.
manipulating the cut-off frequency ωc of the resonator in the As illustrated in Table. I, it is difficult to solve all problems
voltage controller. As shown in Fig. 24, the regulation of ωc is merely with a single existing power sharing strategy. Achiev-
achieved by a PI controller according to the harmonic output ing the power sharing performance in islanded AC microgrids
current error. The harmonic current reference is calculated as with excellent performances still is quite necessary to be
studied. Based on the control targets and the implementation,
Ih∗ = Ih,loc + P · Ih,nonloc (28) the future trends in this field can be illustrated as follows:
Ih,max,i 1) Reduction and Elimination of Dependency on Com-
where Ih,loc is the effective value of the local-load harmonic munication: The information exchange via communication
current, Ih,max,i is the maximum harmonic current that the in microgrids requires transmission wires, which increases

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Impedance Power Unbalanced Harmonic

Voltage Dependence on Line Impedance Sensitivity to Extra
Reshaping References Sharing Power Power
Regulation Communication Characteristic Inverter Parameters Measurements
Strategies Accuracy Sharing Sharing
[35] Fair No No Fair No R No No
[36] Fair No No Fair No RL No No
[37] Fair No Yes Fair No L No No
[38] Fair Yes Yes Fair No R No No
[39], [40] Fair No Yes Fair No R No No
[41] Fair Yes Yes Fair No R No No
[42], [43] Fair Yes Yes Fair No RL No Zw
[44] Fair No Yes Fair No RL No No

[45]–[48] High No No Good LBC R No No

[49] High No No Good LBC L No No
[50], [51] High No No Good LBC RL No No
[52]–[54] High No No Good MGCC, LBC RL No No
[55], [56] High No Yes Good MGCC, LBC L No No
[57] High Yes Yes Good LBC L No No
AVIR [58] High No Yes Good LBC RL No No
[59] High Yes Yes Good LBC RL No No
[60] High Yes Yes Good Reduced LBC R No No
[61] High No No Good MGCC, Minimized L No No
[62] High Yes Yes Good ETC L No No
[63] High Yes Yes Good Minimized RL No No
[64] High Yes Yes Good MGCC, Minimized L No No
[65], [66] High Yes Yes Good No R No No

[67] Fair No No Fair LBC R No No

[68] High No No Good LBC R No vb , iload
[69] Fair No No Fair No RL No Zw
[70] Fair Yes Yes Fair No RL No Zw
[71] High Yes Yes Fair No L No No
Impedance [72] Fair No No Fair No RL No No
Droops [73] Fair Yes No Fair No RL No No
[74] Fair No Yes Fair No L No No
[75] High No Yes Good No L No Zw
[76] High No Yes Good No R No Zw
[77] High No No Good LBC RL No No
[78] High No No Good No RL No Zw

[79]–[81] Limited No Yes Good No - Yes No

[82] High No No Good LBC - Yes No
[83] High No Yes Good LBC R No vb
Inner Loop [84] Fair No Yes Good MGCC R No vb
Reconfiguration [85] Limited Yes No Good No - No vb
[86] Limited No Yes Good No R No vb
[87] Fair No Yes Good No R No Zw
[88] Limited Yes Yes Fair LBC - No iload

operation costs and will introduce a time delay. Besides, the 2) Feasibility for Different line Impedances and Loads:
communication failure might influence the effectiveness of In practical applications, line impedance characteristics and
the proposed control strategies and even make the system mismatches among them are unknown, the feasibility of
unstable. Design of control method for power sharing in impedance reshaping strategies for different line impedances
microgrids with reduced communication is necessary [101]– is essential to eliminate line impedance mismatches effectively
[104]. Achieving accurate power sharing based on impedance under each operating condition. Besides, when different loads,
reshaping with minimized communication or even independent such as constant power load, induction motor and electric
of communication still needs to be further investigated. vehicles, are supplied, more complicated current components

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content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2022.3208752


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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2022.3208752


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microgrid with interconnected subgrids,” Int. J. Electr. Power Energy Yi Tang (Senior Member, IEEE) received the B.Eng.
Syst., vol. 131, p. 107032, 2021. degree in electrical engineering from Wuhan Uni-
versity, Wuhan, China, in 2007, and the M.Sc.
and Ph.D. degrees from the School of Electrical
and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological
University, Singapore, in 2008 and 2011, respec-
From 2011 to 2013, he was a Senior Application
Engineer with Infineon Technologies Asia Pacific,
Singapore. From 2013 to 2015, he was a Postdoc-
toral Research Fellow with Aalborg University, Aal-
borg, Denmark. Since March 2015, he has been with Nanyang Technological
University, where he is currently an Associate Professor. His research interests
include power electronics and its applications in smart grid and e-mobility
Fei Deng (S’18–M’22) received the B.E. and Ph.D. Dr. Tang was a recipient of the Infineon Top Inventor Award in 2012, the
degree in electrical engineering from Northwestern Early Career Teaching Excellence Award in 2017, the Best Associate Editor
Polytechnical University, Xi’an, China, in 2015 and Award for IEEE JOUNRAL OF EMERGING AND SELECTED TOPICS IN
in 2021, respectively. From 2018 to 2020, he was POWER ELECTRONICS, in 2018, the Outstanding Reviewer for the IEEE
a visiting student in the University of Padova, Vi- TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, in 2019, and six IEEE Prize
cenza, Italy. Since 2022, he has been a Research Paper Awards. He is an Associate Editor for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON
Fellow with the Energy Research Institute, Nanyang POWER ELECTRONICS and the IEEE JOURNAL OF EMERGING AND
Technological University, Singapore. SELECTED TOPICS IN POWER ELECTRONICS.
His research interests include analysis, modeling
and control of power converters, power sharing in

Paolo Mattavelli (S’95, A’96, M’00, SM’10, F’14)

Wenli Yao (S’14–M’17) received the B.S., M.S., and received the MS degree (with honors) and the Ph. D.
Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from North- degree in electrical engineering from the University
western Polytechnical University, Xi’an, China, in of Padova (Italy) in 1992 and in 1995, respectively.
2009, 2012, and 2017, respectively. From 2013 to From 1995 to 2001, he was a researcher at the
2015, he was a Visiting Scholar at Aalborg Uni- University of Padova. From 2001 to 2005 he was an
versity, Aalborg, Denmark. From 2017 to 2019, he associate professor the University of Udine, where
was a Research Fellow with the Rolls-Royce@NTU he led the Power Electronics Laboratory. In 2005
Corporate Lab, School of Electrical and Electronics he joined the University of Padova in Vicenza with
Engineering, Nanayang Technological University, the same duties. From 2010 to 2012 he was with
Singapore. Since May 2019, he has been with North- the Center for Power Electronics Systems (CPES)
western Polytechnical University, Xi’an, China, as at Virginia Tech. He is currently a professor with the University of Padova.
an Associate Professor. His major field of interest includes analysis, modeling and analog and digital
His research interests include current control, grid-connected inverter, control of power converters, grid-connected converters for renewable energy
multipulse converter, and power decoupling. systems and micro-grids, high-temperature and high-power density power
electronics. In these research fields, he has been leading several industrial
and government projects. His current google scholar h-index is 81.
From 2003 to 2012 he served as an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions
on Power Electronics. From 2005 to 2010 he was the IPCC (Industrial Power
Converter Committee) Technical Review Chair for the IEEE Transactions
on Industry Applications. For terms 2003-2006, 2006-2009 and 2013-2015
he has been a member-at-large of the IEEE Power Electronics Society’s
Administrative Committee. He also received in 2005, 2006, 2011 and 2012 the
Prize Paper Award in the IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics and in 2007,
the 2nd Prize Paper Award at the IEEE Industry Application Annual Meeting.
He is an IEEE Fellow and Co-Editor in Chief for the IEEE Transactions on
Power Electronics.
Xiaobin Zhang received the B.S. and M.S de-
grees in electrical engineering from the School of
Automation, Northwestern Polytechnical University,
Xi’an, China, in 1983 and 1986, respectively. Since
1986, he has been with the School of Automation,
Northwestern Polytechnical University, where he is
currently a Professor.
His research interests include power electronic
control, aircraft power system, multi-pulse converter,
and power decoupling.

© 2022 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Tsinghua University. Downloaded on March 21,2023 at 04:19:01 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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