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obtain an over-ah desirable transfer func­

Discrete Compensation of Sampled-Data tion. This procediu-e is, at best, apphca-

ble to systems whose time constants are
greater than the samphng period and
and Continuous Control Systems whose effective damping ratio is relatively
large. B y so restricting the original sys­
tems, the authors assume that the re­
ELIAHU I. JURY W I L L I A M SCHROEDER sponse between samphng instants will be
well behaved. Once the design is com­
pleted, however, the system must be ana­
lyzed by some altogether different method
to determine the vahdity of this assump­
Synopsis: T h i s paper presents a m e t h o d of the control system designer and should be
compensation t o b e applied t o c o n t i n u o u s tion. Should the response between sam­
recognized as very useful also to the
as well as t o s a m p l e d - d a t a s y s t e m s w h i c h phng instants be unacceptable, then no
reduces t o zero a n y o v e r s h o o t or error after
designer of any other particular type of
method is outlined for the improvement
a prescribed finite t i m e . T h i s prescribed "system."
of the system. The interesting contribu­
response is applicable t o step or ramp inputs The hterature contains a wealth of in­
tion of Bergen and Ragazzini is that an
and could b e e x t e n d e d t o acceleration or formation for the compensation of con­
higher order inputs. I t is s h o w n t h a t this over-all desirable transfer function is se­
tinuous hnear systems b y the use of hnear
response c a n be accomplished using t h e lected as the objective, rather than any
modified z-transform^ which yields t h e networks or devices. Nonhnear com­
set of frequency response characteristics,
system response for all i n s t a n t s of t i m e . pensation is presently undergoing inten­
which is essentially synthesis in the time
The procedure, illustrated in e x a m p l e s , is sive research. Synthesis of inherent
applicable t o general linear physical s y s t e m s domain.
sampled-data systems and synthesis of
with no inherent delays. T h e c o m p e n s a t e d A second method of compensation using
system m a y be designed s o t h a t shifts in continuous hnear systems using digital
or delay elements is relatively new. This a digital computer as the compensating
gain or other d y n a m i c a l disturbances h a v e
a small effect on t h e prescribed response. paper is concerned with only the last two element has been presented by Salzer.^
In conclusion, t h e m e t h o d presented is types of synthesis and is fiu-ther restricted However, it appears that the problem has
powerful in synthesizing control s y s t e m s t o been unnecessarily complicated by an at­
taUy w i t h a prescribed response a n d further­ to a new method of determining how pre­
viously suggested components may be tempt to apply conventional continuous
more is straightforward in i t s application.
used to greater advantage. system techniques and frequency response
characteristics to sampled-data systems.
Considering the previous work done on
The result of this appears to be that no

T H E over-ah objective of the paper is

to present a useful and straightfor­
ward procediu-e for the synthesis of dis­
sampled-data systems, the most promis­
ing method of analysis appears to be the
modified 2-transform. Modification of
better response can be obtained using the
computer than could have been obtained
by conventional continuous methods. A
crete compensation of fixed linear systems. the 2-transform in order to include in­
second hmitation of Salzer's method is
The term "discrete" is chosen in order to formation at all times was first presented
that experimental trial and error is re­
include the use of either sampling com­ by Barker2 and has been extended b y one
quired to determine the actual compen­
pensators or continuous compensators of the authors.^ The desirable features
sation to be used and to determine the
consisting of a number of pure delay of the modified z-transform as extended
response between sampling instants.
elements. are that the response is defined at ah
The problem of compensating a fixed times, and that the transient response can Considering previous work done on
system so that the step or ramp response be expressed in the form of a contoiu- compensation of continuous systems b y
meets predetermined specifications, integral in the 2-pIane. The evaluation employing delay lines or other elements
namely rise time, overshoot, and settling of this integral can readily be predicted of pure delay, certain procedures and ap­
time, is a familiar one. Transient re­ or obtained and the effects of certain al­ proaches have been presented by several
sponse specifications are chosen, since the terations of the integrand can readily be different authors. However, as in sam­
time response can be readily predicted seen without the evaluation of the inte­ pled-data systems, ah methods seem to
and determined with the aid of modified gral. Thus a powerful tool has been made have rather serious limitations. Recently
2-transforms. ^ Fortunately, these speci­ available for the synthesis of sampled- Sze* has evaluated methods presented b y
fications are common requirements of data and continuous systems. These fea­ other authors and has presented a graph­
control systems. The importance of a tures are not found in any other method ical method of his own. Sze's objec­
straightforward and practical solution of and are the tools to be used in the pro­ tive is to obtain a close approximation of
such a problem needs no elaboration for cedure presented in this paper. e—^* as the over-ah transfer function
Analysis b y the impulse response since this is probably the next best thing
method,3 or b y other methods, may be to the normally physically impossible
P a p e r 5 6 - 6 4 4 , r e c o m m e n d e d by t h e A I E E F e e d b a c k more or less laborious, depending upon transfer function of one. Earlier authors
Control Systems C o m m i t t e e and approved by t h e
A I E E C o m m i t t e e o n T e c h n i c a l O p e r a t i o n s for the particular system. However, they aU in this field also selected this same objec­
p r e s e n t a t i o n a t t h e A I E E S u m m e r a n d Pacific tive, which, incidentally, is closely related
G e n e r a l M e e t i n g , S a n F r a n c i s c o , Calif., J u n e 2 5 - 2 9 , have the disadvantage of being difl&cult
1956. Manuscript submitted J a n u a r y 3, 1956; to apply to synthesis. Analysis and syn­ with Bergen and Ragazzini's approach
m a d e a v a i l a b l e for p r i n t i n g April 17, 1956.
thesis with the 2-transform, unmodified, since the z-transform of ^* is 2 ~ ^ The
E L I A H U I . J U R Y is w i t h t h e U n i v e r s i t y of California, hmitations of methods studied by Sze
B e r k e l e y . Calif., a n d W I L L I A M S C H R O E D E R , for­
is practical for some systems, but has the
m e r l y w i t h t h e U n i v e r s i t y of C a l i f o r n i a , is n o w w i t h undesirable limitation of yielding the re­ are relatively high gains required for fast
t h e R a m o - W o o l d r i d g e C o r p o r a t i o n , L o s Angeles,
Calif. sponse at the samphng instants only. responses, laborious analytical work for
This research was supported b y t h e United S t a t e s Bergen and Ragazzini^ have jointly pre­ higher order systems, and the severe ef­
Air F o r c e , t h r o u g h t h e Air F o r c e Office of Scientific sented an interesting compensating pro­ fect on the response of very small shifts in
R e s e a r c h , Air R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t C o m ­
mand, under Contract AF18{600)-1521. cedure using a digital processing unit to gain.

JANUARY 1957 Jury, Schroeder—Discrete Compensation of Systems 317

Fig. 1 . Sampled- It should be noted that the quantity
data system with G c * ( z ) / l + G c * ( z ) G * ( z ) corresponds to sim­
- G*(Z,nn )
series compensator ply <^«c*(2) in equation 5. Thus the de­
a n d fictitious d e l a y
termination of the feedback compensator
G c * ( z ) yields as a by-product the series
r(t) ^ C(n,m)T
G* (z) HOLD G(s) A T = (l-m) Τ compensator G s c * ( z ) . For this reason,
both a feedback and series system are
designed at the same time, both of which
Mathematical Background will have the same response for a step
6 and the use of tables. Fiu-thermore,
input. This may be convenient if the
m is independent of the variable of in­
It is generally known that the z-trans­ series system merits consideration.
tegration, and can be treated as a con­
form method offers a useful tool for the A straightforward approach then to
stant in evaluating the integral. Thus
analysis of sampled-data systems, with synthesis with the configurations imder
the integral may be evaluated with tables,'
the limitations of yielding information consideration is first to determine the
long division,^ or by the sum of the res­
only at the sampling instants. As men­ quantity Gn*{z). Such a procedure is
idue. Since w is a continuous variable
tioned previously, the z-transforms can be presented in this section, first for a step
within the range 0 ^ w ^ 1 , the usual laws
modified^ so as to yield the complete re­ input and then for a ramp. The proce­
of differentiation may be applied. Thus
sponse of a sampled system by inserting dure could also be generalized to include
if desired, the maximum response can be
a fictitious delay Δ in the forward path acceleration and higher order inputs.
obtained either by equating hClhm to
and, if feedback is used, a negative delay zero first and then evaluating the integral
in the feedback path of the same amount. or the order of the operations may be
B y employing operational calculus tech­ reversed. Although evaluation of the Assume that a fixed hnear system,
niques, both the z-^ and the modified z- integral is not generally a difficult task, either open or closed loop, is available
transforms^ have been extended and the other valuable information is obtainable for some apphcation but its step response
fohowing expressions for the modified z- from the integrand. For instance it must be improved in order to meet re-
transform have been developed. Refer­ can be shown that if all the terms of the quired transient specifications, Assume
ring to Figs. 1 ^ and reviewing the integrand in Equation 4 which contain also that the input is available in either
modified z-transform,^ one can write the m have singularities at the origin only, a continuous or periodicahy sampled
modified transfer function in the form then for all values of η above an obvious form and the system's transfer function.
integer, the value of the integral is inde­ Figs. 1-4, is of the form:
pendent of m. This is a most useful
>e+ico . featiwe. Also, the reader can determine G{s)^ (8)
l-g"z-i the initial and final value of the response.'
(1) Finahy, since 0 ^ w ^ 1 and since η where A and Β are constants, (p+l) ^
may take on an integer value, the com­ ( 5 + 1 ) , ί is the Laplacian variable, and
or let w = 1 — Δ, then
plete response at any and all times can all poles are in the left half of the 5-plane,
G*(z,m) = e-'''£lgit+mT)8T{t)] (2) be found by evaluating equation 4 and the or at the origin (i.e., stable systems).
relation The required step response is specified
G*(z,m)=z G{s)^ ds b y ( 1 ) zero steady-state error, (2) max­
1 - Λ - / = ( « - l - f m ) r (7)
imum ahowable rise time (3) maximum
(3) For these reasons the modified z- ahowable overshoot Mp, and (4) maxi­
B y real inversion^ transform appears to be superior to any miun allowable settling time U. These
other tool for the synthesis of systems quantities are illustrated in Fig. 5 .
employing discrete compensators. The general approach for synthesizing
C{n,m)T=—\ C*(z,m)z''-'dz (4)
Λ ^ G*{z,n such a system will be to manipulate the
integrand of the inverse transformation,
Where Γ is a contour which encloses ah
Development of Theory
equation 4, so that for all η larger than
singularities of the integrand. For the a fixed integer, the value of the contour
A procedure for the compensation of
series configuration shown in Fig. 1 , the integral is a constant, independent of
sampled-data systems wih be presented
output-input relation is η and m. This requires that ah the terms
first. This same procedure is also ap­
phcable to continuous systems to be com­ of the integrand which contain m must
C*{z,m) = R*{z)Gsc*(z)G*{z,m) (5)
pensated with pure delay elements, as have no contribution to the contour
and for the over-all feedback system of shown in a later section. The general integration. The effect of this require­
Fig. 3, configurations shown in Figs. 1 through ment is to cause the output to be flat
4 wih be considered in this paper. It is or independent of time for all time greater
C*(z,m) = R*(z)—^^^^^^ (6) reahzed that only the over-all feedback than a fixed period.
l + Gc*{z)G*{z) A detailed procedure follows.
systems of Figs. 3 and 4 are of primary
where G*(s) is G*{z,m) with m equal to interest to the control system designer, Step L If it is feasible to reduce the
unity. however, examination of equations 5 and effective order of the original system
Equations 5 and 6 are also applicable to 6 reveals that they are of the same form. by conventional methods, this will gen­
Figs. 2 and 4 respectively, b y replacing Determination of the feedback compen­ erahy be desirable because it wih result
G*(z,w) with Go*(z,w). sator b y equation 6 requires first a in a simpler compensator. This is not
Equation 4 can be employed as a most determination of the quantity G c * ( z ) / 1 a necessary requirement and merely
useful tool. C*(z,m) can readily be ob­ + G c * ( z ) G * ( z ) from which G*(z) may offers the designer additional freedom
tained by substitution of equations 5 and be determined. in obtaining the desired response.

318 Jury, Schroeder—Discrete Compensation of Systems JANUARY 1957

- G (Z.m )

-G (S)

r (t) HOLD G(S) ΔΤ
C(n,nn)T C*(z,m)
- l l l l A j G ; (Z) HOLD G(S) ΔΤ


Fig. 2 . S a m p l e d - d a t a system w i t h series c o m p e n s a t o r a n d fictitious d e l a y Fig. 3 . S a m p l e d - d a t a c o n t r o l system w i t h c o m p e n s a t o r Gc*(z) a n d ficti­

tious d e l a y s

Step 2. Choose the period of the sam­ The constant multiplier and the de­ overshoot, depending upon the pole-
pler to satisfy the relation nominator are chosen so that the product zero location. If the overshoot is un­
of equations 10 and 11 is unity for ζ equal acceptable, then it can be reduced by re­
T = to unity. This satisfies the condition that ducing the imaginary part of the most
the steady-state error is zero by the final effective complex roots.
where tr is the specified rise time and value theorem.^ (If evaluation of the
Step 6. After determining a Gsc*(z)
ip+L) is as defined by equation 8. The inverse transformation by long division^
which yields a satisfactory response,
justification for this choice is contained in rather than by contour integration is
evaluate Gc*(z) from equation 12. This
equation 4 and will be further clarified in preferred, it can be seen that the coeffi­
completes the procedure for determining
step 4. cient of terms beyond wih be
the pulsed transfer function of the feed­
Step 3, With the use of t a b l e s / find independent of m.) It is important to
back compensator. The response of a
G*(z,m), Fig. 1 or 3; the modified z- note that the poles of G*(z,m) are inde­
series system with a compensator Gsc*(z)
transform of [G(s) (l-e~''')/s]. For pendent of m and can therefore be
will be identical to the response of the
systems whose G(s) is of the form of cancelled by Gsc*(2). Equahy important
feedback system, and vice versa, by equa­
equation 8, G*(z,m) wih be of the form is the fact that the zeros are functions
tion 4.
of m and any attempt to cancel them wih
z-1 1 ΦΡΜ
Illustrative Example: T o illustrate
G*(z,m)- only result in the addition of undesirable
the simphcity and accuracy of the fore­
ζ i(z-ir^''^(z-ir^ poles. This is a hmitation of the ap­
going procedure a simple example wih be
φι(ηι) ψ(ηΐ,ζ) proach of Bergen and Ragazzini* which
z-1 + (z-ri). . .(z-rL)J
cannot be seen unless applying the modi­
considered. The compensation of higher
order systems can be performed in the
fied 2-transform, Condition 4 requires
where p and L are as in equation 8, same manner, once G(s) is expressed in a
that the order of the numerator in ζ
c is a constant, φ (m) and ψ(ιη,ζ) are partial fraction expansion.
be no larger than the order of the denom­
functions of m, and τχ. .r^ are necessarily Assume the initial system is defined
inator, which requires the introduction
in the unit circle of the 2-plane since b y a linear differential equation of second
of poles at the origin.
G(s) is stable.7 order, the transfer function of which is
By equations 5 and 6, G(s) = ca/s(s+2a) where c and a are both
Step 4. Choose Gsc*{z) so that: (1)
Gsc*(z) > 0 , and the desired step response is speci­
ah poles of terms of G*(z,m) which con­ Gc*{z)- (12)
l-Gsc*(z)G*{z) fied b y / , = 1, Μ ρ = 0, and the steady-state
tain m are cancelled; (2) no new poles
error equal to zero. In general, tr is
other than at the origin in the 2-plane from which Gc*(z) is realizable if Gse*(z) arbitrary except tr>0.
are introduced; (3) the steady-state is realizable. The desired response can be obtained
error is zero; and (4) Gsc'^iz) is physically
Step 5. Obtain the complete step by either leaving the poles of G(s) as
reahzable. If conditions 1 and 2 are
response b y evaluating equation 4, as they are, or by shifting them prior to
met, then it can be seen from equation 4
the following applying this method. If the poles
that for ah (p-\-L-{-1) the response wih
are unchanged, then by employing step
be independent of both η and m (flat). [l/2Trj frz/z-lGsc*(z)G*(z,m)z''-'dz] 2, Τ is chosen to be one half. From
This must be true since for ah η ^ (/>-h
which wih be very simple to do by the sum tables, 1 the modified 2-transform is the
L + 1 ) , ah terms containing m wih have
of the residues, by long division, or with equation
no singularities and the residue of
z ' ' - V ( 2 - l ) 2 ^ + ^ is unity. This is the tables since poles exist at the origin and c 2—1 1 m—a
essential feature of the procedure and at unity only. From the complete re­
4 ζ \_{ζ—ΐγ 2—1
is also the justification of step 2. The sponse the maximiun can readily be de­
effect of conditions 1 and 2 may be more termined and compared with the allow­ (13)
readily seen if the following general able Mp. An unacceptable overshoot
expression of Gsc*{z), which satisfies presents the only possibihty of the speci­
fications being unsatisfied, since tr and and employing step 4, the transfer func­
all four conditions, is examined in re­
lation with equations 4 and 10. ts wih be satisfied. If the poles of G(s) tion Gsc*{z) is
are all real and if the order of the denom­ 4 ( 2 - l ) ( 2 - 0
Gsc*{z) = inator is at least two larger than the Gsc\z)=- (14)
c (I-O22
1 (z-mz-ri)(z-r2)...(z-rL) order of the numerator then the overshoot
c ( l - r O ( l - r 2 ) ( l - r 3 ) . . .(1-ri)^^^-^^^ will be zero. If G(s) contains complex The step response is given by real inver­
(11) poles, then there may or may not be an sion^

JANUARY 1957 Jury, Schroeder—Discrete Compensation of Systems 319

G; (Z.m) tained for all signals. This is character­
istic of linear systems. The settling time
can, however, be made as smah as de­
-Go(S) sired for a system of any order, provided
that the system can withstand the re­
quired signal amphtude.
r (t) C(n,m)T
Second, compensation of higher order
Κ Χ > — ^ 1 G* (Z) L HOLD G(S) ΔΤ
C*(z.m) system may resuh in undesirable over­
shoots. This will necessitate shifting
the roots of the original system by con­
ventional methods and this may be
difficult. This same problem would gen­
Fi3. 4 . M u l t i l o o p s a m p l e d - d a t a system w i t h c o m p e n s a t o r Gc*(z) a n d fictitious d e l a y s
erally arise, however, if any other method
of feedback compensation were used.

C(n.m)r=—X Cn...^ll-e-\l-a-^-e-^-a-^]
27Γ7 1-e-^ Assume the problem to be the same

X = 1.0 (23) as for a step input except that the speci­

fied zero steady-state error, maximum
Thus Mp equals zero for all positive values allowable overshoot Mp, maximum allow­
j _ Γ Γ ( ζ - ΐ ) ( 2 - θ Ί of a. The desired response can there­ able rise time /r, and maximum settling
2'r;JRL (l-e-')z^ fore be obtained with a compensator time ts are ah with respect to a ramp
given by equations 12 and 14. Solving input. These quantities are illustrated
Iz""-' dz for Gc*(2),
L(z-l)* z-l z-e-"" J in Fig. 8.
(15) 4 In general, either series or feedback
compensation m a y be used. The ap­
c (1-θ2+(α-ΐ-6-''-α-ΐβ-'')
Evaluating' equation 15 for integer proach wih be to manipulate the inte-
values of «, (24)
grade of equation 4 so that for all η
« = 0, C = 0 (16) The compensated system is shown in larger than a fixed integer, the value of
Fig. 6 and the step response of the com­ the integral wih be T(n—l+m) for a
n = \, C = ( m - a - i + a - i g - « ' ^ ) pensated and uncompensated system is unit ramp input. This requires in part
-a (17)
1-e shown in Fig. 7. From equation 24, that ah the terms of the integrand which
it is noticed that the compensator must contain m, except the term mT/z— 1, must
n = 2, C=l-e-%m-a-^-
store only one previous input and one have no contribution to the contour inte­
(18) previous output. As mentioned earlier gration. Such a procedure is outlined
1-e - a
in this part, the procedure also yields a in the fohowing.
n>S, C=1.0 (19) series system with the same response, Step 1. Choose a first-order hold*
should this system be of interest. The circuit if the system does not have a pole
Note that for ah w>2, (/> 1, b y equation 7,
series compensator is given by equation at the origin in the 5-plane. If the system
since the period is one half), the error is
14 and requires the storage of two previ­ does have a simple or multiple pole at
zero as specified. T o determine the
ous inputs and no previous outputs. the origin, then the designer is free to
maximum response during the first and
The fohowing merits and limitations use either a zero order hold or remove the
second periods, equate the partial de­
of the procedure are recognized. First a poles and use a first-order hold. The
rivatives of equations 17 and 18 to zero
flat response of zero overshoot after a best choice will depend on the number of
prescribed finite time is obtainable. factors other than desired response.
dC This cannot be done using linear compen­
« = 1, — = 0 = 1-^-'^'^ (20) Step 2. Choose the period of the
Om sation of similar systems and is physically
sampler so that
difficult using nonlinear compensation.
Solving for m from equation 20 yields a A second advantage is that the de­ tr
value of m equal to zero. For this value signer has a large degree of freedom in (25)
of w, the response is a minimum. The P+L+1
obtaining the desired response. Only
maximum response occurs at m equal two basic configurations have been con­ where tr is the specified rise time and
unity, that is, sidered in this paper but there is no (p+L) is the order of Gis).
1 1 reason w h y the modified z-transform
Step 5. With tables, find G*(z,m),
(21) cannot be used equally well for more
the modified z-transform of G(s) X
comphcated configurations."
From equation 21, Cm«x is less than unity l-e-'^'/s or G{s) X [(l-e-*^)2-
Third, the response to any other input
for ah a larger than zero. Simharly, (A/s+l/Ts^)], depending upon the order
can be determined exactly, and it is
during the second period. of the hold circuit.
possible to obtain a ramp response
which has no ripple but has a constant Step 4. Choose Gsc*(z) so that: (1)
n = 2, ^ = 0 = - ^ - " + ^ - ' " " (22) steady-state error, as shown in Fig. 7. ah poles of terms of G*(z,m) that contain
The method also has limitations. m are cancelled if a zero order hold is
Solving for m from equation 22 yields a First, since the rise time and settling used and all except a first-order pole at
value of m equal to unity. This value time are independent of single amplitude, unity are cancelled if a first order hold
of m yields the maximum response, the fastest possible response is not ob- is used; (2) no new poles other than at

320 Jury, Schroeder—Discrete Compensation of Systems JANUARY 1 9 5 7

the origin are introduced; ( 3 ) one ad­ A less serious limitation might be the
justable constant exists or is introduced difficulty in realizing the first-order hold,
so that the steady-state error can be should it be required. Although not as
made zero for all ramps; Gse*iz) is simple as the zero order hold, it is certainly
physically reahzable. Condition 1 and physicahy realizable and should not
2 will cause the response to have the same present any serious problem.
steady-state rate as the input but with
a constant lag, depending on the system.
As with the step input this can be seen Compensation of Continuous
by examining equation 4 . In order to Systems with Pure Delay Elements
make the error be zero, some arbitrary
T h e step and ramp procedures pre­
constant must be introduced either in the
sented in the preceding sections are ap-
compensator or the hold circuit. If a TIME — -
phcable to sampled-data systems. This
zero order hold is used, then the constant Fig. 5. S t e p response quantities
section of the paper whl be concerned with
may be introduced as an additional zero
the use of these same procedures (with
in Gsc*(z) and if a first-order hold is
limitations) to the synthesis of con­ ihustrate the step response synthesis,
used it may be introduced in the hold
tinuous systems compensated with pure except that the input is available con­
delay elements. tinuously. Since only series compensa­
Step 5 . Obtain the complete response First consider Figs. 9 and 1. The two tion is to be considered, the original sys­
and evaluate the arbitrary constant for systems will have exactly the same re­ tem will first be made a closed loop sys­
zero error. Determine the maximum sponse to a step input if the period of the tem. If the gain is adjusted so that the
overshoot, and if unacceptable, again it sampler is Δι, Gsc*{z) is the 2-transform imaginary part of the complex roots is
can systematically be reduced (to zero of the pure delay compensator, and if the π / Γ ( Γ = 1 ) , a sampled system whose
if necessary) by decreasing the imagi­ hold circuit is a zero order. This must
nary part of the effective complex roots. be true since the input t o G(s) wih be
Gsc^z)^ (26)
exactly the same for both systems. Like­
Step 6. Solve for Gc*{z) from equation
wise the responses of the two systems to
12. wih yield the desired response. T o obtain
a ramp input will be identical if the hold
An ihustrative example is given in the the desired equivalent continuous sys­
circuit accurately converts a sampled
Appendix. tem, simply remove the hold circuit and
ramp into a continuous ramp. The
The procedure for obtaining a specified sampler and replace Gsc*{z) with G(e'^).
transfer function of such a circuit is e*^
ramp response has the same merits as the Therefore,
{l — e~^^y/Ts^ which can easily be de­
step response procedure with the addition
duced from the Laplace transform of a
of being able to obtain zero error, zero sampled ramp^ Te-"''/(l-e"'y, The (27)
overshoot, and finite settling time for a fact that such a hold circuit may not be
ramp input. physically realizable is of no consequence, This continuous system, shown in Fig.
However, the procedure also has ad­ since the sampled system shown in Fig. 1 1 0 , wih have the same step response as a
ditional limitations. is to be used only as a mathematical sampled system with a Gsc*(z) given b y
The first is that a system without an equivalence of the continuous system. equation 2 6 and a zero order hold. The
integrator must receive an unhmited I t should be noted that the sampled sys­ ramp response can be obtained by deter­
signal if it is to fohow a ramp indefinitely. tem is equivalent for a particular input mining the ramp response of a sampled
This may be acceptable if the ramp inputs only, once the hold circuit has been speci­ system with the same Gsc*(z), but with a
are restricted in time and amplitude so fied. For any other output, a different hold chcuit whose transfer function is
that the system wih not reach saturation hold must be considered in order for the e'^(l-e'''^)/Ts\ Such an equivalent
or if the original system is itself a closed systems to be equivalent. system is shown in Fig. 1 1 . T o obtain
loop system and the forward transfer Therefore, if the problem is to com­ the ramp response, first obtain G*{z,m)
function has a pole at the origin. This pensate a fixed system so that the step as follows:
limitation is also true of any other or ramp response will meet prescribed
method of compensation and it should be specifications, as assumed in the previous 2a
noted that only a first-order integrator is sections, then the designer can use the (2-1)^ 1 π«+α*,
required to avoid this difficulty. procedures presented for determining G^z.m)-
L(2-l)« z-1
The second hmitation is that both zero Gsc*{z)y with two exceptions. First, a
error and zero overshoot cannot be ob­ zero order hold must be used for a pre­ cos mir —
tained simultaneously for step and ramp scribed step response and a hold circuit 2a 2a7> (28)
iliputs. The ramp procedure automati- whose transfer function is e*''(l—e~*^)V
cahy insures that the system will have Ts^ must be used if a specified ramp re­
Then b y equation 4 ,
zero steady-state error and the same set­ sponse is desired. Second, only series
tling time for both step and ramp inputs. compensation can be used, since a hold
C(w,m)r = —
However, the transient overshoot to a circuit which reproduces the sampled ^TCJ
step input may be as much as 1 0 0 per error exactly is difficult to find.
cent for a system which has zero ramp After Gs*{z) has been determined, the R*{z)Gsc*{z)G^*Mz''-Hz (29)
overshoot. T h e step overshoot can be configuration of delay elements can be
made as small as desired (but not zero) obtained simply by substituting e*^ for z, Evaluating for integer values for η
by decreasing the period and adding addi­ IUustrative Example: Consider the
tional zeros to the compensator.' same problem and system as used to n=0, C=0 (30)

JANUARY 1 9 5 7 Jury, Schroeder—Discrete Compensation of Systems 321

Fig. 6 . C o m p e n s a t e d s e c o n d - o r d e r system

2a 2a moved. An approximate method for the

= 1,C= ;+- synthesis of continuous over-all feedback
systems has been devised and wih be pre­

sin rnir
)] (31) sented in a later report.
If the series procedure is compared with
Fig. 8 . R a m p response quantities

Sze's method^ of series compensation, the

« ^ 2 , C= — - f w —- ,-fn-2 (32)
outstanding advantage of the foregoing As pointed out in references 11 and 12,
procedure is that the compensated system imperfect cancehation of a pole either
This response, with the step response, is
can be made much less critical to shifts in outside, on, or near the unit circle in the z-
shown in Fig. 12.
the dynamics of the original system or plane can result in an unstable system.
Compensation of continuous systems
shifts in gain. Sze obtains a fast rise time Therefore the compensator should never
with real delay elements b y the above
and a flat response thereafter b y applying be required exactly to cancel a pole in
procedure has several desirable features,
large positive signals followed b y com­ this region of the z-plane. If the original
in addition to the advantages of the pro­
parable negative signals. The response system is stable, as assumed in the sec­
cedures for sampled systems. One of
of such a system will, in general, be more tion on development of theory, then the
these is simphcity of realization. N o
sensitive t o shifts in roots than wih a sys­ modified z-transform can have no poles
hold or sampler is required and the com­
tem whose input is always positive. This outside the unit circle. However, if the
pensation should not be difficult for elec­
is discussed in the fohowing section. original system has a multiple pole at the
tromechanical systems. Tape recorders
origin in the 5-plane, G*(z,m) wih have
or other types of magnetic storage are
multiple poles at 1 in the z-plane. If
possible and advantage could be taken Discussion of Asstunptions the procedure of the afore-mentioned sec­
of the current research for real delay ele­
tion for a step input is apphed directly,
ments. A second advantage is that step The transfer function of the compensa­
at least one of these poles wih require
response of a system which has been S3m- tor is chosen so that certain undesirable
cancellation. Cancehation should not be
thesized for a zero error ramp response is poles of the original system are cancehed.
attempted however, since imperfect can­
superior to the step response of a sampled In any physical system, it is reahzed that
cellation can result in an unstable system.
system. these poles wih never be cancehed
This difficulty can be circumvented in
T h e main disadvantage of the pro­ exactly, and therefore an investigation of
either of the fohowing ways and possibly
cedure is that it is not apphcable to the the effect of imperfect cancellation should
synthesis of over-aU feedback systems. be made for each compensated system
Series compensation requires that the under consideration. Again, the modified 1. The order of integration of the original
compensator must be as precise as the de­ z-transform is a usefid tool since the com­ system may be reduced to one or zero with a
continuous feedback loop. The resulting
sired response, and that any integration plete response can be found for any pole-
system must be stable, otherwise there will
in the original system must first be re- zero configuration. be a pole outside the unit circle requiring
cancellation. A single order of integration
gives no difficulty for a zero error step
response, as noticed from the first example
and equation 25.

2. The multiple integration can be retained
and the system compensated for zero error

I 2 for a ramp or higher order input so that the
multiple integration is utilized. This will
result in an overshoot for step inputs. The
r / step overshoot can be reduced by adding

additional zeros to the compensator but this

Μ >
increases the complexity of the compen­
^ 0 6
Imperfect cancellation of poles inside
^ 0 4
the unit circle in the z-plane can cause
undesirable responses even though the

0 2

/ 1 1
system remains stable. This is particu­
larly true of series compensation, where
imperfect cancehation results in both a
0810 0 6 10 0 4 1.0 Q 2 10 0810 0.6 ω transient and steady-state error. The
- n = 2 - -n=3 - n ^ 5 - -n = 6 - error or effect of the noncancellation wih
Fis. 7. Response of compensated be considerably less if the output of the
0 5 1 0 15 20 2 5 3 0
T I M E s e c o n d - o r d e r system s h o w n i n F i g . 6 compensator is a series of positive steps or

322 Jury, Schroeder—Discrete Compensation of Systems JANUARY 1 9 5 7

PURE DELAY COMPENSATOR Fig. 9 . Continuous Cc*(z)
system c o m p e n s a t e d
with pure delay ele­
' bo+biZ-^+b2Z~^+bzZ-^-\-b4Z-*

— - f - 2 - 2 - 2 + - 2 - 3 - 1 - - 2 - *
ki ki k\ ki ki ki

bo bl b2 . . bz 64 .
Oo OQ bo Oo


where ki is the largest of the aj. Solvmg

for Cc*{z) yields

impulses,^ rather than both positive and With the exception of converting the
negative, for a step input. This would be transfer function into a continuous con­
expected for a system of any order, since figuration of pure delay elements, no men­ ^3 , , ^4 Λ ^ 2 / b l b2 _

the algebraic sum of both positive and tion has been made of the physical realiza­
negative quantities will be more affected tion of the compensator. This problem
Cc*(z) (34)
by a shift in one of the quantities than can be examined in detail only when a
would the simi of only positive quantities. specific system is under consideration,
A series system can therefore be made therefore only broad general considera­ where is the largest of the bt. B y
less sensitive t o shifts in the system b y tions wih be discussed in this paper. factoring out the largest coeflidents ki
using a compensator whose output is al­ The reahzation of the required pulse and kt, aU others are less than unity and
ways positive for a step input. transfer function offers considerable free­ therefore only t w o amplifiers wiU be re­
Over-aU feedback systems have the ad­ dom, even if only electric systems are con­ quired. One configuration is then as
vantage of being far less sensitive to i m ­ sidered. There appears t o be a t least shown in Fig. 13. T h e sampler m a y be
perfect canceUation than open-loop sys­ three different approaches t o the problem placed on either end. If it is in the input,
tems. So long as the imperfect canceUa­ and each approach offers a large degree of the delay must be nearly exact integers
tion does not cause instability, the steady- freedom. of the samphng period Τ since the pulses
state error for step input will be unaf­ First, a n y transfer function whose nu­ must be synchronized upon arrival at the
fected. If t h e system as originaUy de­ merator and denominator is a rational summing devices. Likewise the amph­
signed is found t o be too sensitive t o polinomial in z, with the denominator of fiers m a y be altered in position, depending
shifts or drifts resulting in imperfect can­ equal or higher order than the numerator, upon the desired summing level. The ap­
ceUation, it can generally be made less can be realized with pure delay elements, proach is not restricted t o electric sys­
sensitive b y the addition of zeros in the voltage dividers, t w o algebraic summing tems, and the delays may, of course, be
transfer function of the compensating devices, and t w o amplifiers. (If the reahzed in either a digital or analogue
device and an increase in the sampling sampler and hold are considered as a part method or combination of both.
rate. 9 of the compensator, then these elements A second approach is to consider the
In both the step and ramp response wiU also be required. If the system is realization as a computing problem since
synthesis, it was tacitly assumed that the originaUy a sampled one, then these ele­ the 2-transfer function can be considered
period of the sampler could be varied. ments wiU be required or present even if a computing program. A digital com­
If the period cannot be changed and the the system is not compensated.) The ar­ puter with a set program could therefore
desired response cannot be obtained with rangement of configuration and the value be used, but this m a y or m a y not be
the fixed period, it m a y be possible to of the elements is apparent if the output economicaUy feasible. An alternate solu­
reduce the effective order of the system of the compensator is equated to the al­ tion would be the design of a computer,
by adding a minor feedback loop and con­ gebraic sum of previous outputs and i n ­ either digital or analogue, which has the
sidering only the dominant poles. puts. A s an example, consider the fol­ desired fixed program. The essential fea­
It has also been assumed that the sys­ lowing: ture of such a compensator is that it must
tem is linear. Reduction of the rise
time b y reducing the sampling period will
require higher gains and therefore satura­
tion wih result with smaller signals. T h e
effect of saturation has n o t been inves­
tigated but saturation and the maximum
forcing functions which the system com­
ponents can withstand wih limit the rise
times obtainable. Fig. 1 0 . C o m p e n s a t e d continuous system

Realization of the Discrete

Compensator T=l
The preceding sections have been con­ Τ

cerned primarily with the determination

of the transfer function of the compensa­
tor in order to obtain a desirable response. Fig. 1 1 . S a m p l e d - d a t a e q u i v a l e n t o i F i g . 1 0 for a ramp I n p u t

JANUARY 1957 Jury, Schroeder—Discrete Compensation of Systems 323

/ Fis. 1 2 . Response o i c o n t i n u o u s prescribing the response for sampled-
system s h o w n i n Fis. ^ 0 data systems for all times and are not
restricted to the samphng instants as has
been attempted before in the literature.
^ 2 . 0 y A few examples on the apphcation of

the method have been presented which
ihustrate clearly the procedure steps out­
ο 1.6
lined. Furthermore, methods of decreas­
- ing the sensitivity to shifts have been out­
- 1 . 2
/ /
lined* and the effect of these shifts should
not be overlooked.
Ό.8 r A method of the physical implementa­

0 4
// r
tion of the compensators is presented which
indicates the ease with which these com­
pensators can be actually constructed.
1 1 1 1
The same procedure can be extended to
-n=2- n =3 - include the compensation of systems with
inherent delays in the forward or feed­
2 0 3 0
TIME back paths which are not necessarily an
integer value of the samphng period,
furthermore, as mentioned in the section
contain some facility for the memory of transfer function can generally be reahzed on compensation of continuous systems,
storage of previous quantities and must b y more than one network, again this ap­ an approximate method can be devised
be able to handle or process this informa­ proach offers considerable freedom. In whereby continuous systems may be com­
tion so that the output is the sum of fact, Sklansky^ has presented a detailed pensated with pure delays in the forward
properly weighted quantities. Since the method whereby any physically realiza­ path of closed loop systems.
computing field is rapidly expanding, ble ζ transfer function m a y be realized by The problems which have yet to be
^vith an increasing nimiber of devices for a combination of resistance-capacitance explored are a compromise between rise
storing and handhng information, the networks, zero order holds, summing or time and overshoot by cancelhng only
designer enjoys wide freedom in actual subtracting devices, constant gain ampli­ part of the poles, the effect of noise in the
physical realization of the compensator. fiers, and possibly pure delay elements. input, compensation of nonhnear systems,
A third approach to the reahzation is to compensation by employing a variable
make use of the existing tables of 2-trans- Conclusions pulse width, approximate realization of
Forms and thereby obtain a corresponding the compensator with continuous net­
Laplace transfer function. B y synthesiz­ The method of compensation presented
works, and apphcation of this method to
ing a network which has the desired La­ in this report is a powerful tool in synthe­
the effective broadbanding of communica­
place transfer function, the desired z- sizing continuous systems, or sampled-
tion networks and systems without serious
transfer function can be realized by data feedback systems to yield a pre­
loss of gain.
samphng both the input and the output of scribed response. The prescribed re­
the network with synchronized switches. sponse of zero overshoot and finite set­
It m a y or m a y not be possible to obtain tling time is of much importance in the ap­ Appendix
a corresponding Laplace transform which pHcation of feedback systems. The pro­
cedures discussed in this report are To illustrate the procedure for obtaining a
is physically realizable with a passive
desired ramp response, consider the same
network. Since a large niunber of La­ straightforward and easy to apply for com­ system as used to ihustrate the step response
place transforms can be found which have pensating control systems to yield such procedure: G{s)=^cals{s-\-2a), tr is unity,
the same z-transform and since Laplace responses. They have the advantage of c, a, and tr are arbitrary except greater than
zero. Since the system has a pole at the
origin, a zero order hold and a period of one
third are chosen (steps 1 and 2 ) . By tables/

m — --

1(ζ-ιη· z-l
Τ *
^ Cc(z)
3e -2am/Z
From step 4,

_b3.g3Ts The ramp response is given by equation 4,

b4 g-4Ts
C(n,m)T=J-, f R*{z)Gsc%z)G*iz,m)z''-'dz

_ 1 Γ {z-e-'^^'Xz+A) ^
Fis. 1 3 * R e a l i z a t i o n o f discrete c o m p e n s a t o r w i t h p u r e d e l a y s 2 r 7 J r ( l - e - « « ' ' ) ( l + ^ ) 3

324 Jury, Schroeder—Discrete Compensation of Systems JANUARY 1957

Γ ST C ( m) Τ
r(t) l-e CO
1 Se-*"' < g ) - X — G*(z) G(s) =
k'-'dz (37) s{s+2a)

Evaluating the output for integer values of η

yields for

w = 0 , 1; C = 0 (38)

n = 2; C X
G* (Z) = -2ατ - 2 α τ
(39) 2a(l-e^°"^)(l+A)z2 ^ 2a(A-e-2''"-Ae'°^)'' z + A ( 3 - 3 e -2ae )
3 ~2o 2a

X -2ατ
(l-e-^'*)(l-f^) I -e
( 3 2a)
A 2om/8
(40) 2 4
2a Fig. 1 4 . Compensated second-order ST Ε ρ RESPONSE

^ (2+^-^.-'^^^) 2 0


- 1.6


For zero error, the output must equal the
input, that is c ο8

C=-r(n--14-w) (42) 0.4

Equations 41 and 42 yield ^ 11 yi- 1

Ο.ΘΙΟ 0 . 6 1 0 0.4 100.2 08 10 06 10

- η •· 2 - H * n 3
(43) Fig. 1 5 . Response o f c o m p e n s a t e d
3(l-i~"")(l+^) 2a s e c o n d - o r d e r system shown i n F i g . 1 4 0.333 0667 10 1333 1667 2 0

and solving for A from equation 43 gives

- -1 (44) 1 S Y S T E M S , G l a d w y n V . Lago, J o h n G. Truxal.
- ( m + 2 ) (48) AIEE Transactions, vol. 7 3 , p t . I I , N o v . 1954, p p .
3(1-«-*"') 1 247-53.
and solving for the maximum overshoot. 4. SAMPLBD-DATA PROCESSING T E C H N I Q U E S FOR
It is noticed from equation 44 that for ah a J o h n R. Ragazzini. Ibid., p p . 2 3 6 - 4 7 .
greater than zero. = 0 (49) 5. SYSTEM COMPENSATION WITH A DIGITAL COM­
PUTER, J. M. Salzer. IRE Convention Record.
I n s t i t u t e of R a d i o Engineers, N e w York, N . Y . .
(45) yields m equal unity for which ilfp is zero. pt. 5 . p p . 1 7 9 - 8 6 .
Thus the desired response can be obtained
with a Gsc*{z) given by equations 36 and 44. CLOSED LOOP SYSTEMS, T , W , Sze. Ph.D. Dis­
To determine the overshoot Μ during the The transfer function of the compensator sertation, N o r t h w e s t e r n University, E v a n s t o n , III.,
second and third periods, respectively. can be obtained with equation 12, Aug. 1954.
«=2, Jlf=C—-(1-fm) 12a CONTROL SYSTBMS, Eliahu I. Jury. AIEE Transac­
3 iz-e-^^^^Xz+A) tions, v o l . 7 3 . p t . I , Sept. 1954, p p . 3 3 2 - 4 6 .
(50) 8. A D D I T I O N S T O Z - T R A N S F O R M A T I O N T H E O R Y FOR
2a(l-e"^'^)(l+^)z2+ SAMPLED-DATA SYSTEMS, Gladwyn V. Lago.
2^ 2a 1^^_^^^ ^^^^ Ibid., pt. I I , p p . 4 0 3 - 0 8 .
W . S c h r o e d e r . Report No. 154, Electronics
To obtain the maximum overshoot, equate which requires storage of two previous Research Laboratory, U n i v e r s i t y of California,
dM inputs and two previous outputs. The Berkeley, Calif., Series 6 0 . 1955.
=0 (47) completed system is shown in Fig. 14 and 10. TABLE OF Z-TRANSFORM AND MODIFIED Z-
dm the step and ramp response are shown in TRANSFORM OF VARIOUS SAMPLBD-DATA SYSTEMS
CONFIGURATIONS, E. I. Jury, G. Farmanfarma.
Fig. 15. iUport No. 136A, Ibid.
which yields A f m a x less than zero for the
second period. Simharly, during the third 11. FACTORS IN THE DESIGN OF DIGITAL CON­


J o h n E . Bertram. AIEE Transactions, vol. 7 5 . p t .
References 11. July 1956, p p . 1 5 1 - 5 9 .
w = 3, Μ

+ DATA CONTROL SYSTEMS, Eliahu I. Jury. AIEE P . E . Sarachik. Ibid., M a y 1956, p p . 1 0 7 - 1 6 .

Transactions, v o l . 7 5 , p t . I I , July 1956, p p . 1 4 1 - 5 1 . 13. NETWORK COMPENSATION OF ERROR SAMPLBD
Technical Report T-7fB, D e p a r t m e n t of Electrical
Engineering, Columbia University, N e w York,
Barker. Proceedings, I n s t i t u t i o n of Electrical
Engineers, L o n d o n , E n g l a n d , v o l . 9 9 , pt. I V . 1 9 5 2 . Ν . Y . , April 1, 1955.

Jury, Schroeder—Discrete Compensation of Systems 325

JANUARY 1 9 5 7

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