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Technical Committee on Control Education

got the call at 5:30 a.m. that an essen- to learn, one of the most important materials to enrich course plans. Uni-
tial member of the team tested posi- skills that an engineer develops is the versity students need introductory ma-
tive for COVID-19. We were ready confidence and ability to learn new terials to supplement learning in the
to deploy, but without this skilled skills. The availability of online learn- classroom. Most university programs
technician, the project was in peril. ing modules gave him confidence to go have one course on dynamics and con-
The team had assembled in Louisiana ahead with the project (Figure 1). trol that is focused on teaching the ba-
for a helicopter flight to a deep-water The mission of the IEEE Control sic principles. A map of control theory
offshore platform in the Gulf of Mex- Systems Society (CSS) TC on Control (see Figure 2) is a high-level overview
ico. As a member of a team of consul- Education is to introduce control and of the many other topics that can be
tants, technicians, and managers, we support lifelong learning. The TC used to analyze, plan, and implement
had double-checked the people and promotes control as a field that spans automation strategies.
equipment needed to install a first-of- science, technology, engineering, and The IEEE CSS TC on Control Edu-
a-kind monitoring system. This was mathematics. It provides students at cation is focused on three current ob-
the culmination of years of planning all levels (including precollege, under- jectives for 2022–2023:
and months of work to prepare for the graduate, graduate, and postgraduate) »» curate online learning resources
limited time window when we could the opportunity to explore the world » » promote hands-on laboratory
travel into a ballast tank confined of control engineering. experiences
space and perform the delicate sen- Programming jobs are expected to »» support and develop the control
sor installation. During the height of grow three times faster than other oc- education community.
­COVID-19, we were required to quar- cupations (+22% growth) over the next Each of these three areas is described
antine for five long days of isolation in decade, according to the U.S. Bureau of in the following sections, with TC
a hotel before the travel. Labor. Process control, instrumentation, activities. Readers with an interest in
Everything was going as planned— and systems engineering are careers control education are encouraged to
until we received the call that the as- that use programming to measure, contribute by attending TC meetings,
ymptomatic technician had tested communicate, automate, and regulate. sharing resources, organizing educa-
positive. It was a substantial mobili- To support those in the workforce, ac- tion-focused conference sessions, and
zation effort, and delaying the project cessible resources are needed on topics providing survey feedback.
would be a significant setback. The of relevance. There is a strong need for
project manager did not want to delay education resources to support uni- CURATE ONLINE RESOURCES
the project and immediately went to versity instructors and students in the The IEEE CSS TC on Control Educa-
work to find online training resources. introduction of process control. Univer- tion collaborates with the IFAC TC on
Within a day, this project manager had sity instructors need drop-in modular Control Education (led by Antonio
acquired enough knowledge to fill the
role of the missing team member. Re-
flecting on the success of the project,
the outcome depended on a critical
point when it appeared that it couldn’t
go forward because of a skill gap. The
combination of resourcefulness, con-
fidence, and online training resources
enabled the project success. Like the
project manager who took the initiative

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MCS.2022.3209054

Date of current version: 4 November 2022 FIGURE 1 An imperiled project turned into a success because of online learning resources.


Visioli) and the American Automatic compendium that is hosted by Brian bringing academia and industry
Control Council TC on Control Edu- Douglas (Figure 3). Resourcium is a together to facilitate learning experi-
cation (led by Daniel Abramovitch). collection of automation and control ences to attract students to control engi-
The TCs seek to curate information on resources, such as videos, websites, neering. In addition to her service as the
freely available learning and teaching control hardware, and simulators. general chair for the 2022 American Con-
resources for the first course in con- The website has a concept of journeys, trol Conference (ACC), Bonnie Ferri
trol. The aim is to provide a website which are ordered lists of resourc- organized a special session to high-
where instructors can get an over- es on a particular topic that can be light small portable experiments that
view of free and modular resources shared among instructors or given conference participants built for educa-
to adopt with their own students. to learners on a guided path. A full tion or research purposes. A curated
The resources are freely accessible, search of the resources and journeys list is archived as an open resource for
with many available for download in the database is available by clicking other instructors searching for experi-
via a URL. Additional links can be the search button in a blank search mental labs. Each contribution describes
added to field. The topics can be explored in fundamental concepts being demon-
resources as an ongoing collection of the navigation menu. strated or explored and sample experi-
resources. Reports of the survey are ments or projects that are done with the
available from Rossiter et al. [1] and HANDS-ON LABORATORY experiment. Bonnie developed hands-
Serbezov et al. [2]. EXPERIENCES on learning and portable experiments
Another initiative is https://­ The committee organizes workshops in electrical and computer engineering, an education resource and special sessions on education, courses and was awarded the 2022

FIGURE 2 A map of control theory segmented by control methods, planning, state estimation, modeling and simulation, and system
stability. (Source: Brian Douglas, Engineering Media,; used with permission.)


John R. Ragazzini Education Award
for contributions to control education.
Another contribution from the com-
mittee to hands-on laboratory experi-
ences is the temperature control lab
with an Arduino, LED, two heaters, and
two temperature sensors (Figure 4). The
heater power output is adjusted to main-
tain a desired temperature setpoint.
This pocket-sized lab has interfaces
with Python, Matlab, and Simulink for
teaching control theory for university
students and professionals. This open
source community lab has been repli-
cated 10,000 times and is used at 70 uni-
versities to teach dynamics and control.


FIGURE 3 The collection of automation and control resources, organized
by topic and journeys.
The IEEE CSS TC on Control Educa-
tion meets twice per year with the
ACC and IEEE Conference on Deci-
sion and Control (Figure 5). The com-
mittee organizes the semiannual
meetings as a platform to promote the
control field. Visit the group page for
more information and to join the TC

There is a new
LinkedIn group
for the IEEE CSS
TC on Cont rol
FIGURE 4 The TC is expanding the use of portable, inexpensive control labs, such as the Edu c a t i o n a t
temperature control lab. ht t p s://w w w.
l i n ked i
groups/14058224/ with 312 members.
Join the online group to receive an-
nouncements, share content, and lead
important initiatives for the control
education community.
John Hedengren

[1] J. A. Rossiter, A. Visioli, A. Serbezov, J. D.
Hedengren, B. Douglas, and K. Zakova, “Open
access resources to support learning of control
engineering,” in Proc. Eur. Control Conf. (ECC),
London, U.K., Jul. 11–14, 2022, pp. 1–6, doi:
[2] A. Serbezov, K. Zakova, A. Visioli, J. A. Ros-
siter, B. Douglas, and J. D. Hedengren, “Open
access resources to support the first course in
feedback, dynamics and control,” in Proc. Adv.
Control Educ., Hamburg, Germany, Jul. 24–27,
FIGURE 5 Join the IEEE Control Systems Society TC on Control Education. 2022, pp. 1–6.


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