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JANUARY 15, 2023


Grace: To be humble disciples of Jesus entrusting

ourselves to God’s care and providence

 Isaiah 9:1-6 “For a child is born to us, a son is given us; upon his shoulder dominion rests. They name
him Wonder-Counselor, God-Hero, Father-Forever, Prince of Peace.”
 Psalm 97:1-6 “The Lord is king; let the many isles be glad.”
 Ephesians 1:3-6,15-18 “In love he destined us for adoption to himself through Jesus Christ.”
 Matthew 18:1-5,10 “… unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of

Some suggested texts to reflect on:

Today the Philippine Church celebrates the Feast of the Santo Niño. Our devotion to the Child Jesus is so
widespread that the Holy Father has given Filipinos special permission to celebrate every third Sunday of
January this feast.

While this devotion is pleasing to our Lord, just like all other devotions, it needs purification, it needs to mature;
for God is pleased with the child-like, but not with the childish. We can manipulate and command a child into
doing what we want but with the mature Christ, we cannot.

As an adult, Christ confronts us in our wrongdoings, as He rebuked the hypocrites of His time. The Lord as an
adult commanded His apostles to proclaim the Good News to the entire world. His thinking was big. Our
ancestors in faith did the same. Our iconic cathedrals, basilicas, old churches are huge. They built them hundreds
of years ago when the population was small, but they thought of us. We must also therefore think big for the
generations yet to come. We must think big for the common good. We must think big for others’ welfare.

Why is it that children are pleasing to our Lord? Is it because they are sinless? No. It is because when they reach
the age of reason, we guide them to confession. We know from our experience that at that age, we already had
quarrels, and that we had told small lies. Children are pleasing to our Lord not because they are innocent; but
because of their complete dependence on their parents.

This is what we adults lack. We depend on ourselves, on our intelligence and strength, on our resources and
connections, so much that we fail to trust in God’s providence.

I am inviting you, my dear brothers and sisters, not to be afraid when we are in need, not to be afraid of poverty
or anything that would diminish us, for it is a divine call for humility. (excerpts from homily of Cardinal Advincula- Jan. 16,
Becoming like a child is a daily call to conversion to Jesus, a going back to the story of Christmas, of being
humble and small. I like that word used by Jesus today – turn – when he declared, “Amen, I say to you, unless
you turn and become like children…”

To be able to carry our cross and follow Jesus, we have to turn first, that is, be transformed from world-wise,
self-sufficient, all-knowing adults of the world into abiding children of the Father of Jesus Christ by the grace of
the Holy Spirit.

Children always have that glow within them that can disarm us of our insecurities and fears.
Being like a child is letting go of our fears and insecurities to entrust ourselves to God’s care and providence.
And to others dependability and reliability too!

Maybe that is why as we get older, we mellow: we realize after all that we remain children of God and of
somebody else in the end. There is always somebody out there who would look after us especially when we are
already old and weak. There is always somebody whose heart would always be moved to come to our rescue or
simply to warm our hearts or make us smile.

If each of us can become like a child daily, simply loving and trusting others, then we can bring light into this
world deeply plunged in the darkness of sin and pride, of rat race without any winner, or arms race without any
war at all.

If we can become like the child, we can become like Jesus Christ, the great light in the land of gloom bringing
joy and great rejoicing (Is.9:1-2) with his life of love flowing from the great sacrifice at the Cross. (From Fr. Nicanor
F. Lalog II- The Lord is my Chef)

*Constitution # 21. 'Love and the practice of the virtue of poverty lived in all its dimensions' allows us to act
with humility, simplicity, transparency and freedom. ‘With the spirit of faith, may we obtain a true and sincere
humility without which there cannot be true disciples of Jesus Christ. May this virtue, root of all the virtues,
become the characteristic of our Congregation, and may it put us in possession of the Love of God.'

1. Feel free to choose from the suggested biblical texts and reflections and allow the Spirit to guide you.

2. What were my feelings, thoughts, inspiration and reflections after every moment of prayer? What was the
most meaningful text for me?

3. We’ll meet at 4:00 pm in the chapel and share our short reflections and prayers. You can also make use of
creative arts, symbols, drawings, music, poem or etc. to summarize your experience of the day for sharing.

Have a fruitful and peaceful time with the Lord!

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