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Lesson 10: Audio Media and


Imagine you are inside the cinema to watch your favorite movie. In the middle of a scene, the
audio is suddenly gone. All you can see are moving images. How can you understand the
words uttered by the actors? To understand what they are saying, you may depend on their
actions, expressions, or lip reading. Hence, audio media is important to have the maximized
viewing experience.

You can hear background music playing while watching a romantic scene, the sound effects
that add suspense and thrill in a horror flick, or the laugh track played while a comic skit is
shown. Audio is a major contributor to the entertainment value of what you are watching. In this
unit, we will learn how audio media and information plays a vital role in communication.

In this unit, you should be able to:

● Describe the different dimensions of audio information and media;
● Comprehend how audio information and media is/are formally and informally produced,
organized, and disseminated;
● Evaluate the reliability and validity of audio information and media and its/their sources using
selection criteria; and
● Produce and evaluate a creative audio-based presentation using design principles and

Ethical Use of
Media Information

Dimensions of Audio Information and Media

We use our ears to listen and to hear sounds around us. Without music, how can you dance to
the beat? Without your phone’s ringtone, how will you know that you have a message? Without
the sound of the fire alarm, how will you know that you need to evacuate? Sound is a stimulus
and people respond to it. Sound is something that we cannot see but its impact to our lives is

Jump Start
Listen and identify the different audio information and media played by your teacher. Share to
the class where and when do you usually hear these.

Suggested audio media and information to identify are the following:

1. Driver Gives Way to Ambulance During
Emergency on EDSA
2. Philippine Graduation March (a.k.a.
"Martsang Pandangal")
3. MTRCB SPG Rating Filipino Version
"Strong Parental Guidance"
4. Lupang Hinirang (The Philippine National
Anthem) and Philippine Flag
5. Cebu City Church Bells Ringing
GDJPFTi_ Sample Order Taking | Customer Support Philippines
7. Don't Know What To Say - Ric Segreto
8. iPhone 6 Plus Original Ringtone
10. Waze in Tagalog language - C5 and Slex
route If the teacher decides to use the suggested Youtube videos, no need to flash the videos to
the class. Just play the audio with good speakers. Make sure that they are audible for everyone.

Learn about It!

We use our eyes to find visual information while our ears for audio information.
Listening and hearing are two concepts often confused by many as the same. Hearing is an
involuntary action of perceiving sound through the ears while listening requires you to pay
attention to find meaning out of what you heard. For example, you “hear” the noise outside the
classroom but you opt to “listen” to your teacher. Active listening requires full concentration on
what is being said with the aid of all your senses.

Audio media refers to the tools and materials used to record, transmit, and reproduce sound for
communication, educational, and entertainment purposes. Audio information reach the wider
audience through broadcasts, recordings, or podcasts.

History of Audio Media and Information

During the Acoustics Era in 1857, French inventor Edouard-Leon Scott de Martinville
created the phonautograph, a precursor to Thomas Edison’s phonograph. It is the earliest
device known to record sounds. Then, Scottish-born American scientist and teacher of the deaf
Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876 and refined the phonograph in 1886.
Thomas Edison, dubbed as America’s greatest inventor, is credited for a colossal number of
patents including the phonograph, and carbon microphone.

During the Electrical Era from 1925 to 1945, American electrical engineering and
manufacturing company Western Electric introduced electronic signal amplifiers. Also, ring-
and-spring microphones and electro-acoustic transducers became common in this time.

The years 1945 to 1975 marked the Magnetic Era. The magnetic tape recording was used in
the radio and music industries. Also, cassettes and cassette players were developed to reduce
noise and hiss in audio production.

The Digital Era is the fourth and current phase, starting from 1975 to the present. The
digital Compact Discs (CD) had become the standard because of its size, portability, durability,
and storage capacity. Formats such as .mp3 and .wav were used for digital audio recording.
Streaming services such as Pandora, Spotify, and Apple Music now distributes audio media and
information to its consumers. However, due to virtual sharing and the internet, unlicensed
distribution of digital audio files have been rampant.

Types and Categories of Audio Media and Information

The first type of audio media and information is radio broadcast. It refers to the distribution of
live or recorded audio by transmitting radio waves to cater the mass audience. A transmitter
sends radio waves until it reaches a receiver. In the Philippines, the Kapisanan ng mga
Brodkaster ng Pilipinas (KBP) is a broadcast media organization that promotes independent
and free broadcast media, innovations,
and responsible broadcasting.

The second type is music. It refers to sounds produced by instruments or human voice that
conveys creative expression. Common elements of music include pitch, rhythm, dynamics, and
sonic qualities of timbre and texture. When you watch a movie or a television show, you enjoy
the scene with the addition of a background music. Symphonies, tunes, and songs are all
considered music.

The third type is sound recording. It refers to the reproduction of sound waves from a specific
environment. For example, a reporter performs a sound recording of his interview so that he will
not miss any important information for his news report. Also, it makes it possible for him to get a
direct quotation of what his interviewee said.

The fourth type is sound clip or sound effect. It refers to any sound aside from music or
speech that is artificially reproduced to make a creative point. Examples of sound effects are
weapons firing, forest sounds, and a thunder sound. A professional sound editor selects and
assembles sound recordings for a specific media production.

The last type is an audio podcast. It is a portmanteau of the words “iPod” and “broadcast.” It
refers to an audio broadcasting done over the internet. Usually, a podcast has episodes that you
can download in your computer. Some podcast apps that are available to download are
Overcast, Pocket Casts, and Podbean.

With the internet, the youth are exposed to sharing and creating audio media and information.
Vodcasts (video and broadcast) are shown online and often presented by “social media
influencers.” As a viewer, you must discern what you watch and listen. Be smart with the
information you are getting.

Ethical Use of
Media Information

Production of Creative Audio-Based Presentations

If you plan to present an audio file to your audience, it pays to know the format you are using.
Sometimes, the audio format you download may not be compatible to another device. Also, you
need to be mindful of where you store your audio file.

Learn about It!

When you record a sound or edited through a sound mixing app, you often save your audio file
with a filename that ends with .mp3, .aac, .ogg, .m4a, .wma, .flac, or .wav. These “suffixes,” or
file extensions after the filename is called an audio coding (or compression) format. It is a
content representation format for storing and transmitting digital audio. There is a spectrum of
audio file formats available. However, the two major audio compression formats are MP3 and
WAV. Although, they may seem similar but they have major observable differences.

The acronym WAV means Waveform Audio File Format. It was developed by Microsoft and
IBM (International Business Machines) in 1991 for Windows 3.1. It is a lossless format, which
means that the audio quality does not suffer. However, WAV files require a large file size. Also,
it may be not compatible to some portable devices and for streaming purposes. It is often used
for flash animations, studio recordings, mastering, and pro-audio applications.
The acronym MP3 means MPEG-2 Audio Layer III. It was developed by Moving Picture
Experts Group. If WAV is a lossless format, MP3 uses lossy compression. It means that audio
encoding to MP3 entails reducing the audio quality and its file size. Its small file size makes an
MP3 file easy to distribute, upload, and convert over the internet. It remains to be the most
popular audio format because of its compatibility. It is recommended for web pages and web

Different Ways of Storing Audio Media

If you are tasked to make an audio file project, how will you save your work? Will you save it
through a flash drive or upload it in a video streaming website? There are numerous ways of
storing audio media.
The first method is through a cassette tape. It is based on a magnetic recording made of long,
narrow strips of plastic film. Items like cassette and VHS tapes provide home entertainment
especially during the 1980s because it is small in size and cheap. It is also, used in archiving.
Editing involves physically cutting the tape then attaching the portions together with adhesives.

The second is the compact disc (CD). It is a circular object used to record and playback audio
files, and store computer data. Like a cassette, a CD is small and portable. The drawback of
using CDs is that it is difficulty to change data. ou must be careful when handling CDs because
they easily get scratches that affect the quality of data stored. You must store a CD in a special
case to protect it from dust, dirt, and scratches.

The third is the thumb drive. It has flash memory that can be connected to a computer or a
device with a USB port. USB stands for Universal Serial Bus. Most computer peripherals like
keyboards, printers, and network adapters are designed with a USB interface to connect to
personal computers. A thumb drive is lightweight, easy to rewrite on and remove data. It is very
durable, and can withstand pressure, extreme temperature, and accidental drops. The usual
storage capacity of most thumb drives available in the market are 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256,
with up to 512 GB (gigabytes).

The fourth is the memory card. It is a cartridge used to store digital information for portable
devices like digital cameras, cellphones, and alike. The trend for memory cards is
miniaturization. Hence, some memory cards come with adapters. Most memory cards have the
same storage capacity as thumb drives.
The fifth is the hard drive. It is a magnetic storage device that contain moving parts like a
spinning plate and an enclosure. A hard drive has a slower read and write speed than a flash
drive but it has a storage capacity that can hold up to a terabyte or more of data. Also, it is
heavy on power consumption than most storage devices.

The last method is online storage. It is an increasingly popular way to store data via the
internet or the cloud. It serves as a good back up and commonly used for file sharing. You can
easily upload and download your files. However, extra security and protection must be done
since files saved through the cloud may be accessed by computer hackers.

Media preservation is the practice of collecting, organizing, maintaining, and archiving

important content and records to its best state. An archivist is someone who performs media
preservation. Now, Web 2.0 tools like blogs, wikis, and podcasts are used by archivists.

Ethical Use of
Media Information

Reliability of Audio Information and Media

Audio information and media are not only limited to sound specialists. Teachers use audio-
visual materials in the classroom. For example, an English teacher uses songs for a listening
test. A call center agent listens to the client’s requests through a phone call. An archivist collects
audio files for storage and restoration. Can you name people who use audio information and

Jump Start
Find a pair. Try saying the following lines to your partner:
1. Mabuhay, thank you for flying ___________.
2. Arriving at North Avenue Station. Paparating na sa North Avenue Station.
3. The subscriber cannot be reached, please try again later.
4. This program is Rated G. Ang susunod na programa ay Rated G.
5. In 200 meters, turn left. 6. The views and opinions expressed by the hosts do not state or
reflect those of the company and its management.
7. Mahalagang Paalala: Ang __________ ay hindi gamot at hindi dapat gamiting panggamot sa
anumang uri ng sakit.
8. That time check is brought to you by __________.
9. Please leave a message after the beep.
10.The telephone number you have dialed is not yet in service. Identify the importance of the
lines mentioned. Where do you hear them? What makes these lines remarkable?

Learn About It
Sound refers to a vibrations that reaches our ears. It is a term associated to Physics and
Communication Arts. In junior high school, you probably learned from your teacher about the
prosodic features of speech- pitch, stress, intonation, projection, volume, and juncture.

Sound only has four characteristics. They are volume, tone, pitch, and loudness. Volume refers
to the loudness based from the sound wave’s intensity. Tone refers to the vibration, modulation,
and intonation of sound. Pitch refers to the highness or lowness of sound. Loudness refers to
how one perceives sound pressure.
An audio console is the primary piece of equipment in an audio studio. Usually, a "board"
denotes the console in an on-air studio of a broadcast studio. The term "mixer" may mean a
smaller console. The three primary functions of a control board is to mix, amplify, and route

Purposes of Using Sound or Audio Media and Information

For Information and Communication

Sound is used for public and electronic communication. Assume that you are riding an MRT,
you will hear, “Arriving at North Avenue Station.” Through the voice over, it helps the
passengers know the station they are at. Another example is when intercoms serve as a
messaging platform in shopping malls, grocery stores, or hospitals.

If you remember Ivan Pavlov’s theory of

classical conditioning in your Psychology class , he presented a stimulus through the sound of a
metronome and gave the dog food. After repeating the same action, the dog salivates as a
response to the sound. Hence, sound is a form of a stimulus that creates a certain response.
For example, when you are inside a vehicle and you hear the sound of an ambulance, as the
driver must, you must give way to the ambulance because it is often an emergency. Another
example is when you hear the telephone ring, and your immediate response is to pick up the
phone and attend to the caller.

For Entertainment

People have different tastes in music. It is considered as an art form. When you listen to your
favorite music, you may feel relaxed. Sound may either be pleasurable or not. Exposure to
sounds that are not pleasing may bring stress to the listener. For example, hearing beep sounds
from different vehicles while you are stuck in traffic may cause anxiety.
Also, if you continuously hear an off-tune singer, you may get irritated. Also, sound effects can
add realistic value in a recording, but it must be perfectly synced. Radio broadcasters use sound
effects as prompts. In movies and television shows, sound effects aid in telling their story.

For Education

Teacher use audio media to aid the teaching-learning process. For visual learners, graphic
organizers or infographics are a big help. However, auditory learners benefit through
incorporation of music or listening to songs. A kindergarten teacher may use a downloaded
audio file of the A-B-C song to help young learners memorize the letters of the alphabet.
A suggested study strategy is seeking permission from your teacher to record him/her while
he/she delivers a lecture. When you miss a certain part of the lesson or you find something
confusing, you can just listen to the recording again.

If you want to familiarize yourself to a certain reading selection in your Literature class, you can
search for an audio version of an e-book that you can listen to anytime. Also, you can look for
podcasts available in the internet depending on your interests and subject area.

INPUT 4Ethical
Use of Media

Evaluation of Creative Audio-Based Presentations

The Academy Awards is an annual award giving body for movies. It is also known as the
Oscars. Besides acknowledging the best actors, directors, and movies, categories like Best
Sound Mixing and Best Sound Editing recognizes the aesthetic value of audio media in motion
pictures. Imagine watching a movie without sounds. How will you fully appreciate the movie?
Learn About It
Sound editing and sound mixing are two terms that is often confused by most people. Sound
editing happens when a supervisor (1) approves the sound effects and their specific placement
in the film, (2) coordinates the creation of newly designed sound and Foley effects, and the
editing of dialogue and automated dialogue replacement (ADR). The sound editor oversees
the recording of the pre-dubs and must be present at the final mix. Sound mixing occurs when
a sound mixer points out what music or sound needs to be used to give emphasis on certain
scenes for the audience to fully understand the message.

Hence, a sound editor is responsible for the sound elements like dialogue, sound effects,
automated dialogue replacement, among others while a sound mixer is like a conductor who
brings all these elements together.

Both sound editors and sound mixers work with the elements of sound design which are the
dialogues, sound effects, music, and even silence.

Principles of Sound Design

An audio console is used to mix two or more sound elements together. Principles of sound
design include mixing, pace, transition, and stereo imaging.

First principle of sound design is mixing. It refers to combining multiple sounds and blending
them together. Volume, frequency, and other elements are enhanced and manipulated in this
The second principle is pace. It refers to controlling the time to either speed up or slow down
the sound produced.

The third principle is transition. It refers to the change from one segment or clip to another.
Sound transitions that are frequently used frequently in audio production work are fade-in, fade-
out, cross-fade, and segue. Fade is the gradual increase or decrease in volume, and mixing one
element with silence. A fade-in refers to a slow increase of volume from silence to the desired
level, while fade-out happens as a shift from full volume to silence. A cross-fade happens
when one element is faded down as another sound is faded up. A segue is the transition from
one element to another without overlap or gap.

The last element is stereo imaging. It refers to how sound is perceived in spatial areas of the
source for depth. To achieve good stereo imaging, you must create balance and contrast. Use
small delay times. Filters help widen your sounds. Also, you can use chorus, unison, and stereo
detune for modulation effects.

After sound editing and mixing the same audio media repeatedly, you may experience
listening fatigue. It is a phenomenon that happens after long exposures to the same sound.
Take a break and return to your activity once you are fine.

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