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Republic of the Philippines

Isabela State University

Echague, Isabela
College of Education

A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 9

Grade 9
November 2021

I. Objectives
At the end of the 60 minutes discussion, the students should be able to:
a. EN9LC-IVf-13.3: Differentiate biases from prejudices.
b. Analyze information given to them.
c. Demonstrate sensitivity to others;
d. Assess information to make decisions; and
e. Construct correct answers to given exercises.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Biases and Prejudices
Baguinaon (2018). Bias and Prejudices. Retrieve from:
Morillo (2021). Grade 9 biases and prejudice. Retrieve from:
Session 2: Reading: 3.1 Prejudice and bias - OpenLearn - Open University - FSE_SSH_2
Materials: PowerPoint Presentation

II. Procedure

Teacher’s Hint Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Greetings Good morning, students! Good morning, Ma’am

Before we start our lesson for

today, let us bow our heads and
feel the presence of God.
2. Prayer
Our most gracious kind
heavenly father, thank you for
this day. Thank you for the
good health and protection you
gave us. Help us to focus our
hearts and minds on what we
are about to discuss. Inspire us
by Your Holy Spirit and guide
us by Your eternal light. Amen.

I would like to request everyone to

sit properly and bring your pen
and notes out.

3. Classroom

Class secretary, who is absent


4. Checking of
attendance I’m so glad that everyone
understands the reasons of
coming to school regularly.

Ma’am, everyone is present.

B. Developmental

of the Past Lesson

So class, what did we discussed yesterday?

(Answer may vary)
Yes Pink?

Very good!

So what have you learned about the (last

(Answer may vary)
Yes Orange?

(Answer may vary)

Excellent! What else?
Yes Blue?

Correct! So I belive that you are now

knowledgeable about the (topic). So, do
you have still questions?
“No Ma’am!”
Okay, before we start our lesson, we are
going to play a game. “ 4 Pictures, One
Word”, so I have here four pictures to
show you and all you have to do is to think
and analyze the relationship of those four
pictures to discover the secret or hidden

Unfair (answer may vary)

Okay, so what do you think is the
hidden word?
Discrimination (answer may vary)

Any other guess? Yes Navy? “Bias Ma’am”

Correct! Bias is the hidden word.

Let us now have the second set of

4 pics one word.
What do you think is the hidden
word within this pictures?
“Ma’am, Bullying” (answer may
Any other guess?

Excellent! Prejudice is the correct

answer. “Ma’am, Prejudice”

Let us proceed with another




What do you see students?

Gender Bias Expected answer:

This is a form of being
Bias in Gender
Yes, very good! This shows the
bias on females, or we call it
gender bias.

Next we have this picture.

Religion Prejudice

Expected answer:
This is a form of
Prejudice among

Nice! Correct this is a form of

Prejudice, just because she is a
Muslim they isolate her from

May I know what your thoughts

are about these issues?

I would say that we

should respect and never
ever judge other people
because of those things.
(Students answer may vary)

Very Good Ms. X. It’s good to

know that your humanity is still
there with you.

Based on the pictures shown to

you a while ago, can you guess
what is the interesting topic that
we are about to discuss for

I guess our topic for
today is Bias and
Very good! You have guessed
the right answer. We are to
discuss bias and prejudice.

Ever in your life, do you

experience being biased? Please
type your answers in the chat

Yes Ms. X can you share the Students answer:

times when you experience or Yes ma’am.
when you are being biased
about certain events.

Thank you. Very good. Yes we

all have experience being When choosing the color of a
biased about certain things, may shirt. I often choose black
it be in choosing shirts like Ms. because it is my favorite color.
X said or just in choosing a (Students answer may vary)
movie because you want the
genre so you choose it instead
of other genres.

How about the second one?

Have you experienced prejudice
in your life? Again use the chat
box for the answers so we are
organized. Thank you.
Yes, Ms. X. Can you share with
us your experience in

Yes Ma’am

Very good. I hope that you guys

will not be like this who
discriminates against other I am a member of Iglesia
people just because they are a ni Cristo. When the issue
member of that group and a about a certain leader in
member of that group has Iglesia popped up in the
issues. media and people are
pointing out that leader, I
was being bullied
because my religion is

C. Presentation of the

Today we are going to discuss the

“Bias vs. Prejudice” And the
importance of demonstrating

D. Unlocking of
Before we start with our proper Based from the given definition,
discussion, let us first enrich our arrange the scrabbled letters to
vocabulary with this game called, “The unlock new vocabularies.
Unscramble Game.”

1. The act of gulping

something down in haste
or in a greedy fashion.
2. A drop of mucus at the
nose, whether produced
by cold or otherwise.
3. A little insignificant
lover or a pretender to
affection. (Amatorculist)
4. Admiration of a
particular part of
someone’s body.
5. Loudness and clarity of
6. Two dozen sheets of
paper. (Quire)
Let’s have a volunteer from the group
to use any of the unlocked words in a

E. Comprehension

Okay class, the activities that

you did has something to do
1. What is bias?
with our lesson for today and
that is all about Bias and 2. What is prejudice?
prejudices. But before we
proceed to our topic, will you 3. What is the
read the guide question first? difference between
bias and prejudice?
4. How can we say if
the statement is bias
or prejudice?
5. Is it okay to be bias
or to prejudice?

E. Discussion of the
*Intently watch the video*
*Present a video to watch*
Bias means a tendency to favor one
person, group, thing or point of view
over another, often in an unfair way.

Joining exclusive clubs where certain
people are not allowed.

Some companies hire only women

because they feel they make better
employees for some gender-related
reason or vice-versa.
• If someone is biased toward his own
religion, he will think his beliefs and
practices are superior to any other form
of religion.
• If someone is biased toward a
political affiliation, they will tend to
speak more positively of politicians
belonging to the same party. If the
same person is biased against a
different political affiliation, he or she
might show his/her bias by quickly
dismissing or disagreeing with anyone
who aligns with the opposing political

Prejudice is an unfavorable opinion or

feeling formed beforehand or without
knowledge, thought or reason. It simply
means to pre-judge others.

a. Some landlords will not rent to
a gay couple.
b. It is sometimes assumed that
someone who is physically
disabled is also mentally
c. A person may hold prejudiced
views towards a certain race or
gender etc. (e.g. sexist).
d. Bullying is often caused by a
prejudice against people who
are different.
e. Some parents will not approve
of their children marrying
anyone of a different race or
Typically, these parents believe
their ethnic or cultural
background is superior to
others. Or they want to preserve
the purity of their bloodline
without any other nationalities
mixed in. Or an irrational fear
that someone different or
foreign is inferior or bad.
f. Prejudice occurs when someone
is hired, fired, paid, promoted,
laid off, or is impacted by other
work related action, based
solely on his/her age.

(Students may ask or may agree

that they don’t have any

Any questions?

If there are no questions or after

questions have been answered let us
now proceed to its importance.

Because if we are biased

Why do we need to be sensitive to against the person or if
having our biases and prejudice? we display our prejudices
towards a group we are
not considering their
feelings that can cause
(Students answer may vary)

Yes, very good! we should be

Yes ma’am
respecting people because as we all
know if you respect others, others will
respect you.

It is proper for us to show our

sensitivity among groups or people we
Like for example.
No Ma’am
In school we are familiar with school
contests and ranking in grades right?

And way back in old times, Teachers

had their biases and used that bias to
make the student number one in class,
or if in a contest, they would just make
the contestant they like win.

You see people, in that example, do

you think the students who are more Why Ma’am
capable than the one that the teacher
wants will feel good?

Of course, that student will feel


In prejudice. For example you

discriminate the person and told him
that he is gay, just because of his
actions being modest.

I will feel cheated and

But the truth is he is not gay. will feel down.

Being prejudiced is not good, people if

you have prejudices, especially those
negative ones.
Don’t voice it out. You know why?

Because people in the group you are

discriminating against will feel bad.

Yes ma’am

Just put yourself into their shoes, and

have an empathy towards them.
I will ask you. If you are being a victim
of bias and prejudices, how would you
Students from the group would like to
share what you feel?

Very good, so you see? Just like

Yes ma’am
(Student) we will feel that way if we
are in those situations.

Now that we have defined the meaning

of Bias and Prejudice let us practice the
knowledge that just entered your brain.
As usual, use the chat box to
answer the practice questions
presented on your screen.

Are we clear?

Good, so here is the direction. Prejudice

Examine the given images

closely. Identify which image
shows bias or prejudice. Write

Are you ready?

Okay number one


Yes the answer is prejudice.

Because the man was
discriminating by laughing at
the man with a disability.
Next we have


Yes very good, the picture

shows bias. Specifically gender
The picture shows that males
are given more superiority than

Next picture is

Okay Ma’am
Perfect! This is prejudice. The
two men are judging the other
man by his status. People, we
shouldn’t be like this, we need
to live in peace and harmony, so
don’t judge people because we
don’t know their stories. Okay?
Next is


Yes, this is prejudice again.

Both of them judge the other by
their race and color.
And last one is

This is a form of bias. The 6

and 9 numbers are being biased
based on the angle they are
looking at.

All of you guys got the correct

answer in every item that was
presented. Seems like you
understand the difference
between bias and prejudice.

F. Answering the

At this point, let us answer the

comprehension questions.
1. What is bias?

(Answer may vary)

Bias it is a tendency to lean in a
certain direction, either in favor
of or against a particular thing.

2. What is prejudice?
(Answer may vary)
Prejudice is a preconceived
opinion or feeling toward a
person based solely on their
affiliation with a group.

3. What is the difference between

bias and prejudice?
(Answer may vary)
it is very similar but they differ
from each other. For the fact that
Bias is being unfair, while
prejudice is a preconceived
opinion to others.

4. How can we say if the

statement is bias or prejudice?
(Answer may vary)
to be truly biased means to be
lack a neutral viewpoint on a
particular topic. On the other
hand, an individual may be
prejudice against others based on
factors such as race, age, gender
and many more.

5. Is it okay to be bias or to (Answer may vary)

prejudice? Why? It's never ok to be biased or to
prejudiced because we need to
be fair and square always or else
it will bring chaos.

G. Application

Activity 1

I hope the difference between

Bias and Prejudice as well as
their meanings are very clear or
at least clear to you guys.

Before we proceed in the first

activity, we may have two
students coming from the class
to give as a brief example, one
student to give an example of
Bias and one is for Prejudice.

Okay, may we call on Ms. X to

give an example of Bias.
Yes, very good Ms. X.

So in the example given by Ms. Example of Bias is

X said that in choosing a choosing a female
caregiver they prefer a female caregiver over a male
one rather than a male. It is caregiver.
Biased because they choose
from what they want rather than
the skill the caregiver has.

Next, We have Mr. X. May you

please give an example of

Very good Mr. X. Bullying and

discriminating against other
people because they are a
member of people with
disability is an example of

Example: Bullying and

discriminating against
Now, I am sure you guys are someone with a
clear with this bias and disability.

We now proceed to Activity 1.

So with the given example react
in the chat box in this google
meet angry emoji if the
statement is Bias and devil
emoji if the statement is

Are you guys ready?

Now we start with the item
number one

1. In other Christian sects, the

preacher position is only given
to males and not to females

Let me see your answer in the

chat box.

Yes very good people, the

answer is angry emoji, we have
here that the role of the
preachers are given to males
and not females, because other
sects prefer male preachers then Yes ma’am.
female. And that is their bias.

Next, number 2.

2. Some Muslims are assumed

to be terrorists and eventually
being discriminated against.

Yes, very good the answer is

Just because they are Muslims
people are being prejudice
against Muslim people even if
others don’t engage in terrorist. (angry emoji)

Like what happened in the

previous year when the Chinese
were also a victim of this
prejudice. People are blaming
Chinese for spreading the
COVID- 19 in the world.
It’s good that we have these
biases and prejudices to balance
the world, but we should not be
crossing the line. People, we
need to respect each other to
have a harmonious world.
Isn't it great to have peace than
a chaotic one?

Okay, let’s proceed to number (devil emoji)


3. Jews during the period of

Hitler were sentenced to death
because Hitler himself despised
Jewish people.

The answer is?

Very nice! The answer is Angry


This statement is biased,

because Hitler hates Jewish
people so He sentenced Jewish
to death.

We end the reacting by emoji

activity and let’s try another
one, so you guys will master
what we mean by Bias and

The direction is, write in the

chat box, TRUE if the statement
is true, and FALSE if the
statement about Bias and
Prejudice is false.
Are you guys ready?
1. Prejudice is the opinion or viewpoint
while discrimination is the action (T)
2. If someone is thinking poorly of
another person for his belonging to a
certain race, or for having a different
religious belief then he has prejudice.
3. Bias and discrimination are alike. (F)
4. Prejudice is taking action based on
the discrimination (F)
5. The tendency to favour one person,
group, thing or point of view over
another, often in an unfair way is called (Angry emoji)
bias. (T)

● Did you guys get all the correct


● Very good if that’s the case. So

now let’s proceed to another
activity to master the topic

Activity 2

Okay dear students to deepen

your understanding, here is
another activity for you to
Before we begin the activity I
want you to prepare 3 sheets of
paper. Draw a HAPPY FACE
if your answer is letter A SAD
FACE if B and if C is your
answer draw a HEART
To show your answer please
open your cameras
Are you ready, dear students?
Yes ma’am

Okay for question number 1 we


1. Which of the following is an

example of bias?
A. All victims of typhoon
Ulysses were given assistance and food
because the government values its
B. Handicapped persons
are considered impotent. They are
incapacitated to accomplish the
things assigned to them,
especially in physical activity.
C. It is believed that Ana
won the contest because of her close
attachment to the judges.

Yes ma’am
● Oh right! Your answer is
● The answer is letter C.
● Because Ana has a close
attachment to the judges that
grant her the advantage to win
the contest. Though someone is
more deserving than her.

● Let’s proceed to the next

2. People may become biased
because __________________.
A. they are influenced by
the environment
B. they have a similar
C. they tend to avoid being

● You have answered the

question correctly.

● People are being influenced by

the environment because they
observe that some people are
doing it so.

Yes, Maam!
● For the 3 question.

3. Which of the following is an

example of prejudice?
A. Only his nearest
neighbor shared a substantial volume of
B. A person with a mental
condition should be prohibited from
schooling. They may not have
the learning potential.
C. I found out that the
goods here are cheaper than the other C
stores, so I chose to buy here without

● Is your answer letter B?

● If it’s your answer, you are

● This person is being

discriminated against because
of his/her mental condition.
And they use it as a reason to
not accept the student attending

● And for the last question we


4. One of the similarities

between bias and prejudice is
A. negative thought
B. negative treatment
C. negative action
positive communication

● Time's up! What is your

answer, students?

● You got the correct answer!

● A biased and prejudiced person

demonstrates a negative
treatment. They are not treating
a person in a good way.

● You are all very good students!

Thank you for your
● Watch out for the next activity
and answer it correctly.
Yes ma’am


And we are down to activity.

And after this activity we will
have an evaluation of your
knowledge and understanding
about the topic.

Let’s start with the activity 3

We defined the meaning of bias

and prejudice a while ago, yes?
Now in the chat box give at
least three examples of bias and
Did you get the activity?
Okay in 2 minutes max show
your answer in the chat box.
And I will choose two of the
students in the group to present
their answer.
Are you guys ready? If you’re
ready we should start.
Yes ma’am

Yes ma’am

H. Generalization

Before we end this discussion.

Let us recall our lesson. Can
anyone in the class give their
own definition of what is bias
and prejudices?

(Students will give their

Very Good! answers)
Can you give examples?

That’s Right!
(Students will give their
Lastly, can anyone in the class
explain why do we have to be
sensitive on our judgements to
other people, races, culture,
beliefs, traditions and many

*Support or reject the idea*

Thank you class, I believe. You (Students will give their

have now understood our answers)

IV. Evaluation

● In the chat box you guys will compose your prayers regarding bias and prejudice. What
you will be praying to God about this topic Bias and Prejudice. And when it’s done I will
choose one or two in the group to present their prayers.
● For grading your outputs Here's The Criteria for grading the content will be 40 %,
Grammar - 20%, Presentation - 20 %, Originality and Creativity - 20% 
● Do you have any questions regarding the activity? Okay, if not then you guys can start
the activity and after 5- 10 minutes we should be able to end the activity.
● If you’re ready let’s start the activity.

V. Assignment

Watch the short video about

Unconscious Bias and for prejudice in
Youtube and reflect on it. Minimum of 50 words No maximum. Submit it in Edmodo in
Doc. format. The deadline will be the day after tomorrow at 12 am.

Assistant Leader:

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