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science Shortest (1) Grade (5)

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Question One: Choose the correct answer [3marks: Each item carries 1 mark]

A :- ………………is Force that attracts all objects towards the earth

(I) Normal force

(II) Gravity force
(III) Friction force
(IV) Viscosity force
B :- Look to image well ,then choose the correct answer
A book is affected by ………………..force to up direction :-

I) Friction
II) Gravity
III) Normal
IV) magnetic
c) static object can not move till force affects to ,also dynamic object can only stop when
………..force affect to.

I) Friction

II) motion

III) Gravity
IV ) impulse

Question 2 :- answer the following questions (12 Marks )

A) I) compare between motion force and friction force :-

Motion force Friction force
Direction ………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………….
. .
examples ………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………….

ii) Look to this image well , then complete :

1)Force that arrow refere is………………………………….

2) parachute motion to ………………………………………..

III) Explain why bats expand their wings during fall down to surface of the



B) I) Compare between magnetic and non magnetic material :-

Magnetic material Non magnetic material
definition …………………………………………… ………………………………………………
example …………………………………………. ……………………………………………..

II) you have bair of magnets , what is the type of magnetic force?
III) what will happen if we put iron nail and piece of rubber around them?


C:- I) Define alloys then give examples?


II) study figure well then answer the question :-

1) This figure is…………………………

2) Has function as……………………..

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