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Name : Danilo S. Glaban Jr.

Section: BSHM2-NARRA


By: Paz Marquez Benitez


Alfredo Salazar - son of Don Julian, a more than 30 year's old man and a bachelor. He is engaged to
Esperanza but him still fleeting to Julia Salas.

✓ Esperanza - wife of Alfredo Salazar. She is a homely woman, literal minded and intensely acquisitive. She
is one of those fortunate women who have the gift of
uniformly beauty,

✓ Julia Salas - sister-in-law of Judge Del Valle. She is the other girl of Alfredo Salazar that remains single in
her entire life.

Don Julian - an old man, a father of Alfredo Salazar and Carmen.

Carmen-sister of Alfredo Salas.

✓Judge Del Valle - brother in law of Julia Salas.

✓ Donna Adella - sister of Julia Salas. She is small and plump, a pretty woman with a complexion of a baby
with an expression of a likeable cow

✓ Calixta-note-carrier of Alfredo Salazar and Esperanza

Dionisio husband of Donna Adella.

✓ Vicente - husband of Carmen.

✓ Brigida Samuy - She is the illusive woman whose Alfredo is looking for.


1.ALFREDO SALAZAR-(Protagonist and dynamic character)

-He is the main character, He represent as a lawyer and a man who is afflicted with the love of two
women, his wife Esperanza and another woman Julia Salas

2.ESPERANZA- (Round character)

- She is (Anti-Hero )she also a main character of the story which she also revealed herself slowly to show
that they do have a good side even though she feels like rejected by Alfredo but it wasn't. She's a woman
of exquisite beauty, charm and wit. She takes care of her house and family. However, she suffers from the
lust for material wealth and reputation. She is married to Alfredo after he woos her aggressively.

3.Julia Salas -(Consistent Character)

She is Antagonist because She is the other woman in Alfredo Salazar's life. Throughout the narrative, she
goes through a personality transformation. This
was evident at her initial encounter with Alfredo, when she maintained a formal approach toward him, but
as their visits continued she became closer to Alfredo and began to regard him as a friend. even though
They went to the beach together after inviting her. when she learned of Alfredo's upcoming nuptials. even
though she had a formal approach toward him.

4. Don Julian - (Static Character/Flat)

Don Julian, his aging father, is among them. He warns Alfredo about the risks of continuing a relationship
and engagement without a legal marriage because he is a wise guy. Carmen, Alfredo's sister, is a kind and
kind woman who lives with her husband Vicente.

5. CARMEN and Vicente - ( Static Character )

because there roles was not change from the start at the beginning which they maintain their
personality's as a character of the story . she is the only one sister of Don Juian and she's only role is only
to advise and guide same as do by Don Juian. She is a caring and compassionate woman and her husband,

6.Judge Del Valle- (Static Character) consider as man vs. Circumstances because his role does not undergo
important change in the course of the story, remaining essentially the same at the end.

7.Dionosio, Calixta and Donna Adella - is Considered as Tertiary character which to reveal important
information about the main characters, and to help depict a fully realized story world. A character's
backstory comprises all the data of his/her history, revealing how he became who he is, and why he acts
as he does and thinks as he thinks.

8.Brigada Samuy - (Background character)

Because her role is she just an illusive woman whose Alfredo is looking for.

9.( Stock character )

The set of people appear in a procession when Julia congratulate Alfredo about his incoming wedding.
10.(Symbolic Character )
The dead stars stand for things that are real yet unspoken of. The love between Alfredo and Julia looked to
be true but, as time goes by the love they had lost and fades like a dead star such disillusioned, reminding
of the past that doesn't exist anymore.

T Esperanza's love is sacrifice while Julia's love for Alfredo is only an infatuation. Esperanza's moral
fortitude is also exemplified by her devotion to her husband even after discovering his liaison with Julia.
Even if she might never fully love Alfredo, she has a strong belief in the value of loyalty and marriage and
upholds her devotion to both.
the futility of dreaming. Society views Alfredo and Esperanza as the ideal couple because they are
engaged. The shining star of Alfredo's fantasy, Julia is his "dream girl," but despite this, he can't help but
be drawn to her. In the story, Alfredo and Julia's attraction is a forbidden and taboo occurrence.
The story's central theme is love regret. Although Alfredo had the thought of choosing Julia over his
fiancée Esperanza, he was forced to give up his engagement to Esperanza despite his belief that he and
Julia were in love. Now, Alfredo has come to the realization that he never fully comprehended his love for
Julia; rather, it was his need for something unique and unattainable that led him to fall for Julia. The entire
narrative demonstrates how people make errors and misinterpret their feelings of passion and longing for

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