Reviewer Orgman

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STAFFING – pertains to determining the number of CAREER DEVELOPMENT – is a continuing process of

people with the right skills for specific units in the developing the career of the personnel within a company.
SUCCESSION PLANNING – is the process of identifying
HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING – strategic because and developing the potentials of internal staff to fill
it is done to achieve the organization’s mission, vision, leadership positions in the company.
overall directions.
COMPENSATION POLICY – is a set of general
JOB ANALYSIS – refers to the collection and analysis of guidelines established by the top management of a
all relevant information and facets about a job that is company in paying and rewarding employees for the
done in a systematic and orderly manner. work they rendered.

JOB DESCRIPTION – is a formal statement of the INTERNAL EQUITY – is when employee perceives
relevant task, duties, and responsibilities that a job fairness in pay differentials among the different jobs
entails. within their organization.

JOB SPECIFICATION – which list the qualification EXTERNAL EQUITY – is when an employee perceives
meeded for the job. fairness in his or her compensation relative to others
holding the same or comparable jobs outside the
RECRUITMENT – process of getting and attracting a organization.
pool of qualified applicants to fill vacant job position.
INDIVIDUAL EQUITY – is when an employee perceives
- Hiring regular employees fairness in pay differentials among coworkers holding
- Hiring full-time or part-time employees identical jobs within their organization.
- Hiring through an independent contractor or an
employment agencies DIRECT COMPENSATION – is a type of compensation
given by the company to employees based on the extent
INTERNAL RECRUITMENT – giving priority to of work actually rendered by the employee. (base pay)
applicants from current personnel of the organization.
INDIRECT COMPENSATION – refers to the other type
EXTERNAL RECRUITMENT – means opening the job of compensation given by the company to its employees
position to applicants from outside the company. either in compliance with the law or as optional benefits.
SELECTION – defined as the process of choosing the
individual to hire from a pool or short-list og job EXTRINSIC REWARD – are nonmonetary rewards given
applicants. to employees who performed well.

BEHAVIORAL INTERVIEWS – are those that ask the PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL – refers to the evaluation
applicant about his or her past behavior in work. of an employee’s performance to provide meaningful
information to assess individual needs for improvement.
SITUATIONAL INTERVIEWS – ask the applicant how he
or she would react in a specific work situation. PERFORMANCE FEEDBACK – an aspect of
performance appraisal, emphasizes that performance
ORIENTATION PROGRAMS – aims to introduce the
management systems should be well understood and
new employee to the job setting.
accepted by organizational employees.
COACHING – is a form of a one-on-one training wherein
EMPLOYEE RELATIONS – pertain to company efforts
an experienced person provides professional advice to
to enhance and maintain harmonious, peaceful, and
another person to improve the latter’s work performance.
productive relations between the management and its
MENTORING – is another form of coaching wherein a employees.
more experienced staff or manager gives regular training
LABOR UNIONS – are formal associations formed by
or learning advice to a younger or less experienced staff.
workers within an organization as a vehicle for promoting
and protecting employee’s interest.
COLLECTIVE BARGAINING – is a process in which the
workers who are members of the union meet with
representatives of management to discuss and negotiate
the specific issues andproposals raised by the union
concerning their compensation and work conditions.

PROMOTION – refers to upward or vertical movement of

employees in the organization from lower level jobs to
higher level jobs.

SEPERATION – may be involuntary or voluntary.

VOLUNTARY SEPERATION – pertains to the voluntary

job resignation by the employee.

LEADERSHIP – can be defined as both the ability and

the process of influencing others to make them
understand what needs to be done and to work at their

POWER – is the ability to influence other people to do

something that you want them to do.

AMBITION – a clear sense of what one wants to achieve

in one’s life.

MOTIVATION – an inner drive and energy to accomplish

an objective.

HONESTY – a high sense of truth, transparency, and


SELF-CONFIDENCE – a strong belief in one’s inner

strengths and capabilities to get a job done or to achieve
a target goal.


excel or to reach a worthy goal.

LEADERSHIP STYLES – pertain to those recurring or

relatively consistent patterns of behavior shown by leader
when they go about doing their work.

MOTIVATION – pertains to internal needs and drives of

a person that gives direction to his o her behavior.

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