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Palajoren, Sophia Hervi Mae, A.



Directions: Fill in the blanks.

1. Art. II, Sec. 27: The state shall maintain _honesty_ and _integrity_ in the public
service and take positive and effective measures against _graft and corruption.
2. _Graft_ is the acquisition of money, position, etc. by dishonest or questionable
means while _corruption_ refers to illegal use of government powers by the officials for
their personal purposes.

Activity 1

Directions: Identify the type of corruption being described below. Write your answers in the first column.


Person A gives a customs officer $100. The customs officer allows person
A to take illegal drugs into the country
A construction company boss wants to win a construction contract. He uses
threats and violence against a local politician to get the contract.
A head of department in a company wants to help his friend get a good job. He
Favoritism(nepotism) chooses his unqualified and inexperienced friend for an available job instead
of highly experienced and qualified people.
The United Nations gives emergency aid money to country X. The leader
Embezzlement(stealing) of country X puts a lot of money in his personal bank account.

A top politician who is on the board of directors of an oil company. He uses his
Conflict of interest
power to win the oil company a major contract.
A drug company executive lies to a newspaper reporter about an impending
Fraud(cheating) outbreak of a virus. That information increases the price and sales of the drug.

Illegal “gifts” of money to A tobacco company executive gives an illegal $100,000 to a political party.
political parties The political party has suggested it might cut taxes on cigarettes.
Activity 2
Directions: Identify and explain the type of corruption depicted in each of the cartoons below.

Type: Bribery

Why: The image shows vote buying. Bribery in the form of vote buying is a type of bribery. Vote buying in the
context of elections entails offering money or other incentives to voters in exchange for their vote for a specific
candidate or party. This is considered bribery since the person or entity providing the money or other benefits is
attempting to influence the recipient's vote and may be seeking an unfair advantage in the election.

Vote buying undermines the political process's integrity and can jeopardize the democrati c foundations of free
and fair elections. It is prohibited in many countries, including the Philippines, and can result in legal
Type: Graft, and Bribery
Why: The photo portrays the usage of money (protection money) to potentially bribe the labor adjudicator in
order to support the employer who is involved in a potential dispute or troubles with his employment as an
The photo can also illustrate a different perspective, in which the labor arbitrator may ask for bribe money in
order to abuse and utilize his power as a labor arbitrator to protect or assist the employer in his conflicts.

Activity 3
Direction: Using your own dialect, compose a slogan about graft and corruption

Explore (Optional) Answer

the following:

Is the use of funds to other projects other than the purpose on which the same is intended a form of
The use of funds for purposes other than those for which they were intended can potentially be a form of
corruption, depending on the specific circumstances.

Corruption refers to the abuse of power or position for personal or financial gain. It can take many forms,
including the misappropriation of funds, the misuse of public resources, and the abuse of authority.

If funds are allocated for a specific purpose, such as a particular project or program, and they are instead used for
other purposes, this could potentially be considered a form of corruption if it is done for the purpose of personal
or financial gain. This is because the funds are not being used for their intended purpose, and the person or entity
responsible for the misappropriation of the funds is potentially benefiting from the misuse of public resources.
However, it is important to note that the mere act of using funds for purposes other than those for which they
were intended does not necessarily constitute corruption. There may be le gitimate reasons for reallocating funds,
such as a change in circumstances or the need to prioritize certain projects or programs. It is only when the
reallocation of funds is done for the purpose of personal or financial gain that it can be considered a f orm of

1. I learned relevant and important lessons from today’s session.
( ) Agree
( ) Somewhat Agree
( ) Disagree

2. I enjoyed doing today’s learning activities.

( ) Agree
( ) Somewhat Agree
( ) Disagree
3. My learning from this session have empowered me as a Filipino citizen.
( ) Agree
( ) Somewhat Agree
( ) Disagree

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