Scan 8 Aug 2021 PDF

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~bnb ei-i
4 . Wnte. a.. ~ c n -lhe lesson >it'l<oncli~ a.. herof

Affi1illJ1e. 6ea~ of the_ si"orq, kondiba. Gw\(Luodfcw~

a..)~~~QC lJ ~
h~al b~qi129~But in Mahafll5htni.CL amine
in i ~73 ctoYe. hjro 11cm hiB home. inArrurqo.bad to b·"'-
- Mu.rob. He_ kmake. .mon~-~_selhe:,~broomg _ l.ij
- - . _k_an4t--eo.crel oJrl-tle ~ sel~~ ~his:',qogrls. Kondt ba, hrul
Uved withYelenbru and.hru- husb!U)J~olibar; 0- b\um.
___ Tbe__slwn _had_a.. we\\ inJhe m~_of rt_a.ncl tl UJas
UGQful for .all~ P_B'.)P.le. wlia_\hled ,n ibQ. Vil\°8e b_ eco1i£,Q,
, the. onlu io.p ln ~gm, e._1uo..sn1- .eno't36-for hll the. _.
-,pet?p ~LheMJ)Q d en ~ndfbo., e.cclt~ his m~1
-· ~eo.rtRd \Joices td-i~9, he. kept UBide. bis roeul ~
_ _±old_ YelQ{)Wc JeaJ him '"ta. th~-UJQl\ o.ntl wb en -\:b ~ _
__ .sot·-tbere.. l<-onc.hba h~_tbat ~o~ 19~_nu med fuvlnl
.b~Sol\en cf a., tree. trunk while B'e.lllOS draw,~ w.crl-ec
_ __ .Kcnrl.tbo.. ~'led into +be. _weH to find Ao.rlnd, tiQ.. wo.s ~ood
SUJimrn'2f but hts mu.des UJ.ere.. w ~ bui b.e...didnf qi'le
-- - ~,whe n_h<?-llXlS ahou± (~ ue_tcthe_surf'oce wben h1s
_£~~em felt so~,;:-.soft clothJ1e.-1·ouclbl AN\Gd's l~s-
-aoo diecovertd. the.._~?L}-in.Jhe.. _mud Jll\d._U,Geds kndiba.._
pulkJ Arvind ou± of the. 'he1'' he__uios_jn anJ__ hro~ht him
tru::k._tc .the. HJiface. S.ome Mle. Jiel ~\ 11:'rvird u.p
_ to -the. sufare,.Af'/inJ .1.UO£,-cJi'le"1uuiitieol ~oC \. cmJ
. wo.s fll.ShQd -m_hcsrjuLAffer some-bme..., konJlk..u.ns told
~ n J wauld beflne..kcndibo.Econ te
_ in'-'- ~-4_o.fternoon lf? W£tS enihe_ hlree-\s of
M · wflh_ his~~ ~K.ho onJne 1U9 nf_b1s en~
and dario~ ~ UlllS -r~el and rub\i<2he.J in the. \DcnL
ond nciliono.l neuJg ~ers, he. was ~e! Rs.12.J/~Q
ond 1,e.J e. home, 1-1 t\ie. hGme. for -the. bund,I.n -\be_
erJ, ~ndibCL otlJned o.., 91)~\ busine2i_s ood marnerl a, \ c 0
3irl in o.. moeket town dose ta his vil:~a.nd thut isthQ.
QOd of 1tiQ. s+or~ of '-'-kon\1ba,e1.hefe.

'-It:t~t ~iif@1fi?F1:fi5irltm~~s

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