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Career Planning (Homeroom Guidance)

Career preparation continues for you as a grade 8 student. You need to be consistent in developing your skills and
knowledge with your preferred career path.

This means that it is not easy to focus on a profession immediately. Steps need to be made to come up with potential
priorities that are well-chosen and well-decided, which also contain the considerations to be weighed.

Here is the Career Decision-Making Model adapted from Rutgers University which may serve as your guide in choosing
your future career.
1. Be clear about what you need to decide on. It would be helpful if you have certain clarity on your preferred
occupation or even work in the future. You may ask yourself the subjects where you perform well, and your interest,
talents, hobbies, and skills relevant to your preferred future occupation.
2. Understand yourself deeper. Though you’re still in the process of self-discovery, it is highly advisable for you to be
mindful of your strengths and weaknesses. Be particular on the things that you are really good at and the skills that you
still need to develop.
3. Try to enumerate your preferred occupations. Imagine yourself 10 years from now. What would then keep you busy
during weekdays? Narrow down your list of preferred occupations into three.
4. Understand the listed occupations. better Enough information and facts about your preferred occupations would
help in your decision-making. Aside from reading information in different respectable sources, you may seek the help of
your guidance counselor, career guidance advocate or Homeroom Guidance teacher to share whatever information they
have about your preferences. You may also consider consulting your trusted adults about it.
5. Analyze your preferred occupations. Try to consider the different factors in each occupation like its pros and cons,
your personal attributes, family context, values, resources, culture, challenges, health, and many more.
6. Rank your options according to your preferences. You don’t need to decide right now but at least be mindful of your
ranking of preferences. It would help you to plan and explore other relevant activities that can enrich your knowledge
and affirm your decision on your future occupation.

Fill-out the table below:

Ask your family members/guardians about the information needed to complete the table below.

Family member Current Job Dream Job Reasons for taking their







Your own dream job

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